GENERAL INFORMATION 1 HARDWARE INSTALLATION 2 USER INTERFACE COMMANDS 3 ADS GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE 4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 5 HOST CARD / COMMAND CONVERTER 6 MOTOROLA OBJECT MODULE FORMAT (OMF) A MOTOROLA OBJECT FILE FORMAT (COFF) B MOTOROLA S-RECORD INFORMATION C C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS D INDEX I 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 2 HARDWARE INSTALLATION 3 USER INTERFACE COMMANDS 4 ADS GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE 5 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 6 HOST CARD / COMMAND CONVERTER A MOTOROLA OBJECT MODULE FORMAT (OMF) B MOTOROLA OBJECT FILE FORMAT (COFF) C MOTOROLA S-RECORD INFORMATION D C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS I INDEX DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR (DSP) Application Development System (ADS) User’s Manual PRELIMINARY Motorola, Incorporated Semiconductor Products Sector Wireless Signal Processing Division 6501 William Cannon Drive West Austin, TX 78735-8598 This document (and other documents) can be viewed on the World Wide Web at http://www.motorola-dsp.com. OnCE is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. MOTOROLA INC., 1989, 1997 Order this document by DSPADSUM/AD Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function, or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not authorized for use as components in life support devices or systems intendedPRELIMINARY for surgical implant into the body or intended to support or sustain life. Buyer agrees to notify Motorola of any such intended end use whereupon Motorola shall determine availability and suitability of its product or products for the use intended. Motorola and are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Employment Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 INTRODUCTION . 1-3 1.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 1-4 1.3 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT. 1-6 1.3.1 PC-Compatible Requirements . 1-6 1.3.2 Hewlett Packard HP7xx Workstation Requirements . 1-7 1.3.3 Sun-4 or Compatible Workstation Requirements . 1-7 1.4 ADS SOFTWARE FEATURES . 1-8 1.5 TEXT-BASED USER INTERFACE . 1-9 1.5.1 General Description . 1-9 1.5.2 Command Entry. 1-9 1.5.3 Display Modes . 1-10 1.6 GETTING STARTED . 1-11 2.1 HOST COMPUTER INTERFACE CARD . 2-3 2.2 PC-COMPATIBLE TO COMMAND CONVERTER INTERFACE 2-3 2.2.1 Installing the PC-Compatible Interface . 2-3 2.3 INSTALLING THE PC-COMPATIBLE SOFTWARE . 2-5 2.3.1 Defining Environment Variables . 2-5 2.3.2 All Versions of User-Interface Program . 2-6 2.3.3 Text-Based User Interface Program Installation . 2-6 2.3.4 Using Default Settings . 2-7 2.3.5 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Program Installation . 2-7 2.4 SUN 4 TO COMMAND CONVERTER INTERFACE . 2-8 2.4.1 Installing the Sun-4 Interface . 2-8 2.4.2 Software Installation . 2-9 2.5 HP7XX TO COMMAND CONVERTER INTERFACE. 2-10 2.5.1 Installing the HP-7xx Interface. 2-10 HP VUE Shutdown . 2-10 HP-UX COMMAND LINE SHELL SHUTDOWN . 2-10 ISA Card Installation . 2-11 2.5.2 Installing the HP-7xx Device Driver . 2-12 2.6 CONFIGURING THE COMMAND CONVERTER . 2-16 2.6.1 Selecting the Command Converter Device Number . 2-16 MOTOROLA DSPADSUM/AD iii 2.6.2 JTAG/OnCE Port Buffer VCC . .2-17 2.6.3 Command Convertor Monitor Firmware Upgrades . .2-17 3.1 INTRODUCTION . .3-3 3.2 COMMAND OVERVIEW . .3-3 3.2.1 Memory/Register Display/Modification Commands . .3-3 3.2.2 File I/O Commands . .3-3 3.2.3 Target Program Execution Commands. .3-4 3.2.4 C Source Code Debug Commands. .3-4 3.2.5 Command Converter Commands . .3-4 3.2.6 Miscellaneous Commands . .3-4 3.3 COMMAND SYNTAX . .3-5 3.4 COMMAND PARAMETERS . .3-7 3.5 COMMAND SUMMARY . .3-8 3.6 DETAILED COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS . .3-12 3.6.1 ASM—Single Line Interactive Assembler . .3-12 3.6.2 BREAK—Set, Modify, or Clear Breakpoint . .3-14 3.6.3 CCHANGE—Change Command Converter Memory . .3-23 3.6.4 CDISPLAY—Display Command Converter Flags and Memory . .3-24 3.6.5 CFORCE—Assert Reset or Break on Command Converter.3-25 3.6.6 CGO—Execute OnCE Sequence . .3-26 3.6.7 CLOAD—Load OnCE Command Sequence. .3-27 3.6.8 CSAVE—Save Command Converter Memory to a File . .3-28 3.6.9 CSTEP—Step through OnCE Sequence . .3-29 3.6.10 CTRACE—Trace through OnCE Sequence . .3-30 3.6.11 CHANGE—Change Register or Memory Value . .3-31 3.6.12 COPY—Copy a Memory Block . .3-33 3.6.13 DEVICE—Select Default target DSP address . .3-34 3.6.14 DISASSEMBLE—Single Line Disassembler. .3-36 3.6.15 DISPLAY—Display Register or Memory. .3-37 3.6.16PRELIMINARY DOWN—Move Down the C Function Call Stack. .3-39 3.6.17 EVALUATE—Evaluate an Expression . .3-40 3.6.18 FINISH—Step Until End of Current Subroutine . .3-41 3.6.19 FORCE—Assert RESET or BREAK on Target. .3-42 3.6.20 FRAME—Select C Function Call Stack Frame. .3-43 3.6.21 GO—Execute DSP Program. .3-44 iv DSPADSUM/AD MOTOROLA 3.6.22 HELP—ADS User Interface Help Text . 3-45 3.6.23 HOST—Change HOST Interface Address . 3-46 3.6.24 INPUT—Assign Input File . 3-47 3.6.25 LIST—List Source File Lines . 3-51 3.6.26 LOAD—Load DSP Program . 3-52 3.6.27 LOG—Log Commands and/or Session . 3-54 3.6.28 MORE—Enable/Disable Session Paging Control . 3-55 3.6.29 NEXT—Step Over Subroutine Calls or Macros . 3-56 3.6.30 OUTPUT—Assign Output File . 3-57 3.6.31 PATH—Define File Directory Path. 3-60 3.6.32 QUIT—Exit ADS Program . 3-61 3.6.33 RADIX—Change Default Number Base . 3-62 3.6.34 REDIRECT—Redirect stdin/stdout/stderr for C Programs . 3-63 3.6.35 SAVE—Save Memory To File . 3-64 3.6.36 STEP—Step Through DSP Program. 3-65 3.6.37 STREAMS—Enable/Disable Handling of I/O for C Programs . 3-66 3.6.38 SYSTEM—Operating System Access . 3-67 3.6.39 TRACE—Trace Through DSP Program . 3-68 3.6.40 TYPE—Display The Result Type of C Expression . 3-69 3.6.41 UNLOCK—Unlock Password Protected Device Type . 3-70 3.6.42 UNTIL—Step Until Address . 3-71 3.6.43 UP- Move Up the C Function Call Stack . 3-72 3.6.44 VIEW- Select Display Mode. 3-73 3.6.45 WAIT—Wait Specified Time . 3-74 3.6.46 WATCH—Set, Modify, View, or Clear Watch Item . 3-75 3.6.47 WASM—GUI Assembly Window . 3-76 3.6.48 WBREAKPOINT—GUI Breakpoint window . 3-77 3.6.49 WCALLS—GUI C Calls Stack Window . 3-78 3.6.50 WCOMMAND—GUI Command Window . 3-79 3.6.51PRELIMINARY WHERE—GUI C Calls Stack Window . 3-80 3.6.52 WINPUT—GUI File Input window . 3-81 3.6.53 WLIST—GUI List Window . 3-82 3.6.54 WMEMORY—GUI Memory Window . 3-83 3.6.55 WOUTPUT—GUI File Output Window . 3-84 3.6.56 WREGISTER—GUI Register Window. 3-85 MOTOROLA DSPADSUM/AD v 3.6.57 WSESSION—GUI Session Window . .3-86 3.6.58 WSOURCE—GUI Source window . .3-87 3.6.59 WSTACK—GUI Stack Window. .3-88 3.6.60 WWATCH—GUI watch window . .3-89 3.7 DEBUGGING C PROGRAMS . .3-90 3.7.1 C Debug Features. .3-90 3.7.2 C Expressions. .3-90 3.7.3 Restrictions . .3-91 3.7.4 Compiling a Program for Debugging. .3-92 3.8 C DEBUGGING COMMANDS. .3-92 3.9 EXAMPLE DEBUGGING SESSIONS . .3-92 3.9.1 Binary Search Example. .3-93 3.9.2 Recursive Binary Tree Traversal Example . .3-96 4.1 INTRODUCTION . .4-3 4.2 HOST SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. .4-3 4.3 PLATFORM SPECIFICS . .4-3 4.4 GENERAL WINDOW BEHAVIOR . .4-4 4.4.1 File Chooser . .4-4 4.4.2 Multiple Operations . .4-5 4.4.3 MULTIPLE SELECTIONS. .4-6 4.5 GRAPHICAL INTERFACE FUNCTIONS OVERVIEW . .4-6 4.5.1 GUI Structure . .4-7 4.5.2 Starting the ADS . .4-7 4.5.3 File Access Paths . .4-8 4.5.4 Loading Object Files . .4-8 4.5.5 Examining and Changing Memory . .4-8 4.5.6 Examining and Changing Registers . .4-9 4.5.7 Program Execution—the Tool Bar . .4-9 4.5.8 Device Selection . ..
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