- J f A FINAL ■ HS.'SSln. '•«..'* ■ ~m EDITION^ A Reponsl Newapap,, s,„ j ^ ...... 5e^ving \ 1 ------\ XrW V lW FALLS 1-— ^ Nine Irrigatedted Idaho Counties ____________________________ t w i n f a l-LS, l s IDAHO. FRIDAY, .U NF. n.n . IHRR of Axrill n..r..u ClrculM>->. ' Kfttf A..n,ut»d p..m. .nd UohH r»«i PRICE SI CENTSCEI W H , g . t S r ^ e II^^Freed.i o m i o r 1 1L Fedeeral Higgh Dam le r F liers I prorNote l v Autthorizatition Billf W' Ree p o r t e d N ce a r - p . i \ .M .- \N 1 U . .lu nle e :i (U.R)— T h e ri>lt‘a 'ie o f thi> 11 { InAllTefBStS -4 j nirmoti siili imprisoi■isonpd in Red Chiim is •■ypnctpd w Uc]jlayed b the manapinK ilimctDr o( the ii by Solor)n s| I • flip)—Tvpe 1 virus— the mostmo: virulent ^^3 i Imurs. the ^ Tinu'.H d( .said 1 intliioiilial ivASlllNGTON, . f e g ^ S lJ a il the first 21 tc.sutc.st3 completed '", aid tonight. N, .Tune 3 (/I*)—A senate interior•ior siibcom mittee today postponedponed until !l ___ L'iiuJniliiiii In ■.'/iSrho’Bpolio outbreak fo llo wlg in gIts Sink vuc- — g B r n g g m tu r-J-f’,, Jain^yjii) m-rivfil hi^maiy_»ilLltom liy next V'-ciliiesiliiy maction on a hiii auHiorije fedeicderal construction of a high damlam inir Hells i j l j ; H onK ■ ® K atrhealth department repoireported today. 1 his information on the-probableble early re-' canvonTTjralrm ffinnnttmcFftMnJT'yrRT:. toid ncw.srcwsmen the d ctsy w as' pram]5tcd*1jy Ica.-^G o f A m c rii fe2® dlpartnicnt director, said thcthe results of : the lericaii fliers came "from a sourcurce that ia eral tiuestions raiseilised'by the hcariiiK.s and commlttinlttee members.” He said thele question^qui ||| iiaually-rcliahla,il-< 1 pressed-flur- dpjilL.wiLh-Adequacy. BSV testa added empVasIs to-the carlier-roiiten^carl ------- M ln-4V*iihinRlo»^>Kioittlfl-exprei n^holt s e rie B ~ n lll K ^ain e used in Idaho could be a c(contributing _ H ____ prise at .Iain’s forec•recast. Thov “ ■ of papers," Andersorlerson said, ITflH K S of the disease. Departmentit'records re< .show hcTped th e r e p o r t «'H! hat’e been prepared*ed onor these |[ |j |B ^ Drought‘sTT d i there was nothing,";s,s; t 'T ito K e^ 11^ matters by the comcommittee ||IH r * * ^accinnlcd chil- eeps Freedom ■ * ^ dren, 37 "associatociatinn caaes" ' , « that the United St " staff and will be printedprini for I I M A • study by the subcon" ■ C tnrllP n and 18 not connectuecteiiwUhth. IsPlaiuieiICCl to r alerted to rC' ibcommitteft I I W pri.snners al TIong 1 rior commit- IIH ■ SUM UCW inocuJotiona, foror aR lotal of 74 u, top proq^otnte in lys 2 Soviet Ai\11TI S interior c I . f o r the year. munlim. He appeara ilS £ Okay ■tfllCS IO i The otriclal m t wns revised yes^ underatudy lo Chou10U En-lal.1 pre­ Midwestit Al-ea ..S f r s W T, ... -We had the votes hadhad wen want* [ | | ^ l reached Formosa at? ' SI s ™ll; BELGRADE, Yugoslavia,Yu June 3 (/P) — Thele Kremlin1< a ed lo put it out," lapprovs.prove the bill) l ||H terday lo break downown tileI secondary mler.forelrn mlnliUr.mier. (AP wire- DENVER, June 3 WV—AIffV- concerted jasi Tucjdny lenders wound up 28 ca.«s in which pholo. war on droiighi In H mil up their eight-day visit to Presidesidenl Tito he said, "But this commltt«omlttee doesn't I H * ca4C5. 11 shows 28 ca n riong Kotig,-' today. The Yiigosls ■ t ' F r O l C C l S the p a tien t was associatedassoc with a -------------------------- farm area look shape li osIrv marahal apparently managediged to hold operate lh a t way." J family member who/ho wwns vaccinated / S • O~ federal, state and loi ;r"m o“°5“. his indepenpendence but echoed Soviet aentirintiments on At todays aralon were t K ra> June J — A and tfJght cs« j wher H lsltA " 'hree-day mcc Oerman unity andnd RedJ Chinese claima to Formo.sa,io« . “nd Sens. Jackson, D.!‘^W^.‘D.. Ws w d ' Ul tJI.a lC ' detailed long range agrl E T li ttiifi acDtared canic In c o n U ct with.•ir.rj'S iJ-opsinS fttlcuiwre pro- tt, , • „apepared sur- Soviet Communia 0 ^ 1 , - , . TJ-„ R ’. CoJo. Sens.u. O'iiabaoev'.O 'i . ■ 1 0 ol lUWs appc Individual ouUide hl« ^ gram for 10 great plain m ist p arty boas Nikita S. KhruBhclI Watkins[Ins. R.,F U tah, ; I Ifli ! his household, XT 1 ♦ wsmen had not m ier Nicolai A. BuljBulganin and Deputy Premier A. I. I w w • ' “ a u v.cCn. u.«. 1, i#v V -iiii The soulons endedEi xw n"„iu- f;Xd':iU?;;‘,'''T .. I. Mikoyan were.out of the city' bbut u t A/ ndirsoa trH « ■ ncclnttlon programs gj,,ppe<i from theIf cuite?“ubo«-Ci cedingIiS^ O U l l ^ Uon In sight for 1mm "ive-any addi- 'eft^y plane for BuBulgaria this morning. Their aidesides had left had O-Mahoney's proxy}xy hadha a vot* | | U „>T>nt nollQ season uiriea In Berkeley.ly. Calif.,Ca and th b XVT ^ ^ Jrom two yeara of sev.e.ere dto»!ht s, d"«t;ii iSTi^but did aay he carhcr in a sepanparate plane.--------------------------------------------------- been taken. All threeDemocrata Demoi ar* I IW y _______• among sponsors of the t reat pialnj ayrl- -u^m wJwarfr Tifn-drovc Khru8h& IIM ■ .nH the Dls- trlbutlon A pril 37. Th« ei4)ay8 ‘ d convicted by airport in his Ro a anld that "stron? BOISE. Juh* 3 i^i-I(•l J t- , .£ • cultural, conlcrence. lhe Mr^reoraTTiBst^ S n S ^ bers has nol been madeade public.pu I H I " '■ J ' V^; u.^./ .Zi* findings,» ^11 'n '•'<Bl™WXms remained on\ hfhand to see «i ai* tto Ihelr Inocula- preaumpUve evidencelence" leads it to —faced wllh a criticaltlcal ttaler ahon- „p<,rt ‘'to be consldere I •, • Also attending, butt notnot membeni E « S e declJSTten- auapect two loU oot t thUi i C utter-pro- age ooly a tew weeka•ka Rgo-nowas need only, nol aa final actio « e of th. lour l'i» KUCHtl oft. llV in ‘’f ‘he subcommittee,e. werawei Sent. H£‘-!“““‘7r,iiS«,K‘-Ser io,..„d..s. Possibilit; A X i Neuberger. D„ Ore.. andand BlbU,S D , 1 2 'l‘rnoujh vaccine duced vaccine. aunahlne and warmerrmer wealher for Called br SSi.;Bew ■ ■ "‘'™ "" Tu“d"». "UerItter more than ^ a final round of E u omDlete shou In Peterson also reveal.evealed th a t type 1 th e ir crops, the weaiheilaiher bureau said The confererice S c hlnese jails was before boarding hi* plane,pla Kluush- rri ' • ri li comorljed ol *”» »'■"« 1“ dl’l"' chrv spenl more Ume t Anderson u ld thaI, subcomnltteesubcc K ^ tiir » Jaolalwlelated In a monkey Friday, otflclals from land gt n e bidding fare- I flX l O C l” th.t aita •i«t it11 waaw Inoculated Met*orologlit Archer i „jco“egL *Tirf, • release he said ^ U. 8. Ambassibftssador Jam ea I Sen. WaUim Cher B, Carpenter and federal agenclea c if a cltv ordi- ■ sttendance" because U Idea from a vial of vaccineicclne Jurnlshed by reported that . laatlat week’s■ . trosi agricultural problems. : ■ry near future W. niddleberger lhanlan any of the Recent passage of ■ S: IJ'l'Jife.’l'S t—Nwcmber—te J>thfr-dJplomats preseai clly enteri into b<en ^giving U»» . MUilU “iD ta n tlV A ^ ^ H L nr llu N-ti»n.l Uie ;M.no hi.lthh ddn e partoent. caused some dnmftRege loto corn and po- Into session here by i ufiaL.At--a din* lunc* by which the city in MUthweaterieatern Idaho bul Agriculture Benson, wh to 10 years Jn Saturdayday Uir two held « contract wlUi the \ '”..if.",i;^^';.d’! 'S’u''c,r',.'u”‘i;' ‘ a peppery exchangee onor the merlU company. Twin Falls,fl" twfoi **trans^'r- )t th e ^twoTOj; I lf lB 1^11 th a t m m. cropas j-iyere not fur neadav with governorannra and renre« communist prisons. lhe states ; • 'ini! ii airmeiTstlinifrniera'TmmniT of eapJUUsni *eisuiI SWelllU**t. ' Inlluo uf • |iAAwirHci'a~tO be aerlously at- aenUUvca ot 13 o( the i « p ^ " ‘j f m d at the airlcut- H, B.iB aum er LewU- *'nd hLs visitorsU)ra closed th e ir Joslln Held may leadUo^ft to a meeting had been UtUe or no dam - SU les represented a t Stages a n d Uie *d to g ve pubfle powwwer prproponent! liian K ^ . ^ ,“ ku O f th e 21 laboratoryito w ItJ lj W r t t H . tiire hearings were ColColorado. Wyo- ^urg. Pa.; Ahman 1/11/C Steve R parley lasl night with a declara- beiween Sun Valley Stag ntona, Nebraska. ^Iba, Akron. O,; AlrmaIrman 2/C John “°n In general lermama iot principles clly questioning legalityallty of the or- *''*‘1** »dvMt»tet loIn Utbelr n e * j i m the atale. causing Kansas, Monton [ Orange Va • that the wayay bbe paved for dlnance. a galiut potsUile tp pproval ro v tl by the field work but »«>«. OklahomaS’ t «« and W. Thompson, HI. C nf th..
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