Areraffe Daily Net Press Run For the tVeek Endlnic The Weather January- 10th. 1959 ForecMt of U. S. tAeather Bureau ,. : '-'•■vi ! 12,864 Fair and not an mild< tonight. Member of the Audit !»«• in lower 20s. Tuesday partly eioudv and mild. High S5 to 49. '» ? Bureau of Cirrulation Manchester— A City of Village Charm - m f i VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 8« (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 19.=)9 (('iaKSlfled Afixertining on I’nge 12) PRICE FIVE CENTS ' 3 Judge Gryk Resigns Orders ^ ^ T ^ i Space Capsule oench Alter Local For Passemrer Stolen Baby Found Alive, W'a.sliington. .laii. 12 i/P)— Man ‘Bombs’ Home McDonnpll Aiicrafl Cnrp. of O St. Louis was selected today to design and liuild a space O 411 Judge W'esley C. Gryk re-ftoday, out of sympathy for hia capsule to carry the passengei' Unhurt; Mother of HeldT signed his town court position and m view in the nation's first manned thisiiT* morning followingr 11 *1the ar- hi.H tenii does not have much satellite. son attempt against his home,,i„ne so. ".My family come.s final, The Nationa! .\eionaul ir.«» and early yesterday morning. | Gryk aaid. Space Adninislralion said ncgoti- Thi.a Burpriso development fol­ Gryk wa.s replaced on the heruh f'”', " '"''I'"' ' Jud^e Defies i*nit,cr v%\‘ TV/»r\iii\' NlcOonnell \\ ill begin inimediatelv. F ootprints lowed the disclo.sure that the man , thi.s morning; by Deputy .Indge arre.^ted for the im ident had al- Jules Karp. Twelve flrri.s submiMe^i hid.s In legedly been attempting to black-1 In connection with the blackmail NASA on the of specilica- ILS, Order on mail 'Orvk for the past two ; charge filed, tions Net .forth . al . a meeting with Prove Girl month.s. | County De.tective John K. fteardon manufactuiing and leseaich or However, none of the offlciala aaid Kamin.«ky i.s being arcnsed of ganiralion.s last November. Voter Reeords connected with the case would dis- "tlireatening.” on .several ocra.*don.s NASA said single satellite Cliionchios’ Ihjer delail.s other than to ....................................... Clay I (III, .■\1h .. Jan . 12 i/Pi— say that .Joseph Jr.. 27. | "of oririies with the intent thereby' men! is expected to over .»l.i dcliant .Mahama .iiidgf' oh 113 X, School St., who was 1 to extort money ' . and to' million. i i> ,i . r ’ . • , pidiftd np in connection with the j "compel" Gryk to "do an act' N.\S.\ said the si'ace capsule, to t tl I It P (I Ivai 1)0111 t. I'Ullt.S s .New Viri'k. Jail. 12 (yP)—A case yesterday threatened to ac- ; against hi.s will." ; ke sliot into spai'e bv a irowei'ful x'otPi*rf*gist rat ion r P c o r d S innllicr of oighl childrftn was Gryk "of crimes." i Reardon did not elaborate. booster, will he designed to car r y o y m ' ^ count V grailtl jtll'V liuokod loflay on a kidnap Gryk. judge since .July i Police previously .\lerled a human passenger through '1 face of a federal chill go. a few hoiir.i after 10- stunned court officials and others: It wa.s leainetl that Gi-vk had in- at mosplieie into orbital flight and _ ■ ,,, i ... , i f . 1 >.■! I with hi.s announcement, in which formed .State and local police some , return him .safely to Kai th ( I (It I to let Itittia i (l:i\'-old Chionchio was he said he wa.s acting out of sym- time ago of Kaminsky's allogeil "The satellite system will pro- agl'llt.s see th em , fniinil iinharnipd and well in a pathy for the feeling.s of his threat.s against him. Slate'.s .Mly. vide a means of studying tb.e Ciiruit .ludge Geiiige C W'al- I’.i-ooklvn apart iDPtil, famtiy. The resignation is effective AItrei t .S. Bill said Gryk had marie ' chological and physiological ef- * lac e li'ft it up to the gi-arnl jure The woiiictrf irlcnlificd as Mrs. today. a formal complaint with the .State fects of .space flight on men. ' t'- delei iiime whether agents of .IciiM lavarnnc -t3 was booked at Ivocal police say, a Police, and that the matter' had .N'A.SA s annoiiiicement sard lire ('ivil Rights Gommrs.sion will Bi'ookivii R2il I’l'Cimet Police Sta- Pratt A Whitney Air-craft electii- peen under investigation "'I'he reseai-ch will include ins|)ecl the r'ecoi-ils in eoiinccti.ori ; tioir im Bntlci- Rl,, affer Btllb- clan, tossed a burning flare type as a result. Patrolman Kenneth i.ian's reaction to weiglyl lessrte.s.s wit h Ihi- I'ommi.s.siori'.s invc.siiga- Irninlv cliilming her innocence bomb through a window of the ; Barker was able to pick 11)1 Ka- during oi'hital flight, high accel- i lion of .Negro voting oomplainls. t III ring liout lire night. Gryk home at 423 E. Center .St., j ______ ■ . - . Wall.n e is expected to call an­ "Tlierc ra no rloiibt, on the basis al about 12:30 am . Sunday, Gryk, ((Mntlniied nn Page Seven) (('ontimied on Page Seven) jollier grand jury into session in ! of .'icii'iii ific cviilciicc, (hat she took his wife and their 11-year-old .son, | HiillocU County Tre.sdax to turn 'lire I liild." Halil Ghief Asst. Dist. Wesley Jr., fled the house but were ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cuslodv of Ural county a records lAllv .1 Kenneth MeCabe. uninjured. The flate did liltle’dam-I 0 -m -m m - Livc>i to the juinrs He Hiilil the infant, anatched B 1 ' ^ ,^-v .m m 0 ,^-k IW/M .rf-k -B He IS under feder al Mill ortl<*f fi'oin SI I’eter'H Hospital nursery Held In .V20.000 Rond to rnnk^* the ruKislrntion files slini'lly lifter she was born Jan. 2, Kaminsky, ar rested by State j Eisenhower Meets avHilnhle to Lommissir*n invest i- liait appai'enlly been kept In Mrs. Police on a bench warrant, has ; between 10 h m. hih1 1 p m. lava r one s fiirnisherl flat in BrOok- been r harged with ai.son and | lod,4\ find 'r\ie.s(lrt\ in Imtli coun­ I lyn ever .since. blackmail and is being held under , ties "So far- as we know she never $20,000 bond. He wa.s to be a r­ Mikoyan Saturday \N'all;H‘e toM the ^rantl jurv I left- the himsp with the Child," Mc- raigned in Hartford County Sii)re- , her«* ihflt be is ••\viihnR''1o face Ihr ! Gahe said. rior Court this afternoon.|iiencc.s ■ if hi.s at t'on lirinc-s Tlie woman ()iiil her $46-a-week Gryk made his announcement | H ' itatmn coMle.iipt of federal job as a credit department clerk this morning Just before a corii t Wa.slimglrmWa.slimglon .Ian. 12 uT' Presi-• fought Nazi forr e.s in Wor ld War 11 eoiirt. in a Brooklyn department store recess at 9:3.1. He said he would. , r dent Eisenhower will meet with the Soviet gnveinmeiu pi opn.sed a submit hi.s resignation Civil Hijihls agents who had - on the day the baby disappeared, effective Deputy Pieiiiiei Mikoyan at 2!<-iiHlion (onfeience to meet at eome heie to look at the records Mils. Fi anU Cliionehlo i.s kissed by her mother. Mr.s. .lohn h'umo, Jiftei jinlice Haul Mr.s. (’hioiu hio's ; finlice .said. - I ttip White House Saturday. Warsaw or Prague in two nionlhs wero in the couitioom when the baby was found alive ami healtliy. Al left is Mrs. (.'liiondilo s f'ttliei .lolin, and at right her Insists Baby Is Hers Tire While announced the to write a German peace treat)', Alabama judge gave the giand jury brother. John .li' In’ photo lu‘h>w. Mis. .lean la\arom*. t:*.. \\«‘i'ps a.s she lt‘a\es I^.moidyn 1‘olice ' Officials said the woman claims confeience will take plar e in the The 12-page Russian note was ac- cu.sloffy t)f llie legisliation file.s. Station. police Hai<l lhe\’ found the kidnaped baby in her apartmiuit lAP IMiolofax', sire gave hirlh to the child herself 3-Alarm Blaze Pi'psidcnfs offire at 9 Press cornpanied by a 2.1-page detained They lefused to discuss the maltei that night alone in her second floor secietai'v James C. Hagertv .said outline foi a lieaty, inr liiding pro­ with newsmen apartment at 99 St. Mark's Ave. (iiits Hartford time limit has been .set for the vision for withdrawal of we.stern Wallace explained to the juiois "Sire in.sisls tlie baby is hers," m eeiing............. •'" " J " ’' " Hum he Irrul impoiiiule,l IIu- , c, .,, ,1a Mother Relates McCabe .said. Secr-elary of Rtalr^ Dutlc.s and and a bari on (.er'mar, mernbe, atrrp week.a ago on r omplamta of ii. egu- However', he added, footprints Business Sites perhaps some other officials will an> m ilitai) iilliance^ test .er- |a,.jties in i egisi i a lion anil I'lat he of the kidnaped girl, horn to Mr. he prkenl. Hagertv said. » nrembe, of NATO. Faith in God, and Mrs. Frank I). Chionchio, and No further detail.s were given 2., In a secorrrt rroie .katrurlay leaves office next Mondav.
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