12/12A Wroxham - Stalham First in Suffolk & Norfolk The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 13th March 2013. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service 12 12A 12 12A 12 12A 12 12 12 12 12 Service Restrictions 1 2 Notes NSch Sch Wroxham, adj Roys Department Store 0921 1031 1131 1231 1331 1431 1531 1711 1811 1811 1841 § Hoveton, adj Tunstead Road 1031 1231 1431 § Hoveton, adj Village Hall 1031 1231 1431 § Hoveton, opp Littlewood Lane 1032 1232 1432 § Hoveton, opp Bus Shelter 1032 1232 1432 § Hoveton, opp Long Lane 1032 1232 1432 § Ashmanhaugh, adj turn 1035 1235 1435 § Beeston St Lawrence, opp Church 1037 1237 1437 § Smallburgh, opp Layby 1039 1239 1439 § Smallburgh, opp Norwich Road 1039 1239 1439 Wayford, adj Woodfarm Inn 1041 1241 1441 § Stalham, adj Tesco 1046 1246 1446 § Hoveton, adj Palmers Lane 0925 1135 1335 1535 1715 1815 1815 1845 § Horning, opp Lower Street 0927 1137 1337 1537 1717 1817 1817 1847 Horning, adj Mill Hill 0928 1138 1338 1538 1718 1818 1818 1848 § Horning, opp Church Lane 0930 1140 1340 1540 1720 1820 1820 1850 § Ludham, adj Phone Box 0932 1142 1342 1542 1722 1822 1822 1852 § Ludham, adj Kings Arms 0935 1145 1345 1545 1725 1825 1825 1855 Catfield, adj village hall 0940 1150 1350 1550 1730 1830 1830 1900 § Catfield, opp Crown 0940 1150 1350 1550 1730 1830 1830 1900 § Catfield, opp New Road 0940 1150 1350 1550 1730 1830 1830 1900 § Catfield, adj turn 0943 1153 1353 1553 1733 1833 1833 1903 § Sutton, opp Elmhurst Avenue 0946 1156 1356 1556 1736 1836 1836 1906 § Sutton, adj Moor Road 0948 1158 1358 1558 1738 1838 1838 1908 § Sutton, adj Neville Road 0948 1158 1358 1558 1738 1838 1838 1908 § Stalham, adj Millside 0952 1202 1402 1602 1742 1842 1842 1912 § Stalham, adj Radio Shop 0952 1047 1202 1247 1402 1447 1602 1742 1842 1842 1912 Stalham, opp Old Railway Station 0954 1049 1204 1249 1404 1449 1604 1744 1844 1844 1914 Saturdays Service 12 12A 12 12A 12 12A 12 12 12 Wroxham, adj Roys Department Store 0921 1031 1131 1231 1331 1431 1531 1711 1811 § Hoveton, adj Tunstead Road 1031 1231 1431 § Hoveton, adj Village Hall 1031 1231 1431 § Hoveton, opp Littlewood Lane 1032 1232 1432 § Hoveton, opp Bus Shelter 1032 1232 1432 § Hoveton, opp Long Lane 1032 1232 1432 § Ashmanhaugh, adj turn 1035 1235 1435 § Beeston St Lawrence, opp Church 1037 1237 1437 § Smallburgh, opp Layby 1039 1239 1439 § Smallburgh, opp Norwich Road 1039 1239 1439 Wayford, adj Woodfarm Inn 1041 1241 1441 § Stalham, adj Tesco 1046 1246 1446 § Hoveton, adj Palmers Lane 0925 1135 1335 1535 1715 1815 § Horning, opp Lower Street 0927 1137 1337 1537 1717 1817 Horning, adj Mill Hill 0928 1138 1338 1538 1718 1818 § Horning, opp Church Lane 0930 1140 1340 1540 1720 1820 § Ludham, adj Phone Box 0932 1142 1342 1542 1722 1822 § Ludham, adj Kings Arms 0935 1145 1345 1545 1725 1825 Catfield, adj village hall 0940 1150 1350 1550 1730 1830 § Catfield, opp Crown 0940 1150 1350 1550 1730 1830 § Catfield, opp New Road 0940 1150 1350 1550 1730 1830 § Catfield, adj turn 0943 1153 1353 1553 1733 1833 § Sutton, opp Elmhurst Avenue 0946 1156 1356 1556 1736 1836 § Sutton, adj Moor Road 0948 1158 1358 1558 1738 1838 § Sutton, adj Neville Road 0948 1158 1358 1558 1738 1838 § Stalham, adj Millside 0952 1202 1402 1602 1742 1842 § Stalham, adj Radio Shop 0952 1047 1202 1247 1402 1447 1602 1742 1842 Stalham, opp Old Railway Station 0954 1049 1204 1249 1404 1449 1604 1744 1844 Sundays no service Service Restrictions: 1 - only 18.2.13 to 22.2., 28.3. to 12.4., 28.5., 29.5. 2 - to 24.5.13, not 18.2.13 to 22.2., 28.3. to 12.4. Notes: NSch - Not Schooldays Sch - Schooldays only § - Time at this stop is indicative. You are advised to be at any stop several minutes before the times shown Norfolk County Council01/02/2013 1255 12/12A Stalham - Wroxham First in Suffolk & Norfolk The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 13th March 2013. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service 12 12 12 12 12 12A 12 12A 12 12A 12 Stalham, opp Old Railway Station 0640 0706 0926 0956 1056 1209 1256 1409 1501 1619 1749 Wayford, opp Woodfarm Inn 1213 1413 1623 § Smallburgh, adj Norwich Road 1214 1414 1624 § Smallburgh, adj Layby 1215 1415 1625 § Beeston St Lawrence, adj Church 1218 1418 1628 § Ashmanhaugh, opp turn 1221 1421 1631 § Hoveton, adj Long Lane 1224 1424 1634 § Hoveton, adj Bus Shelter 1224 1424 1634 § Hoveton, adj Littlewood Lane 1225 1425 1635 § Hoveton, opp Village Hall 1225 1425 1635 § Hoveton, opp Tunstead Road 1226 1426 1636 § Stalham, adj Tesco 0640 0706 0926 0956 1056 1256 1501 1749 § Stalham, opp Millside 0641 0707 0927 0957 1057 1257 1502 1750 § Sutton, opp Neville Road 0644 0710 0930 1000 1100 1300 1505 1753 § Sutton, opp Moor Road 0644 0710 0930 1000 1100 1300 1505 1753 § Sutton, adj Elmhurst Avenue 0645 0711 0931 1001 1101 1301 1506 1754 § Catfield, opp turn 0648 0714 0934 1004 1104 1304 1509 1757 § Catfield, adj New Road 0650 0716 0936 1006 1106 1306 1511 1759 § Catfield, adj Crown 0650 0716 0936 1006 1106 1306 1511 1759 Catfield, opp village hall 0651 0717 0937 1007 1107 1307 1512 1800 § Ludham, opp Kings Arms 0656 0722 0942 1012 1112 1312 1517 1805 § Ludham, adj Church 0657 0723 0943 1013 1113 1313 1518 1806 § Ludham, opp Phone Box 0659 0725 0945 1015 1115 1315 1520 1808 § Horning, adj Church Lane 0701 0727 0947 1017 1117 1317 1522 1810 Horning, adj Mill Hill 0704 0730 0950 1020 1120 1320 1525 1813 § Horning, adj Lower Street 0704 0730 0950 1020 1120 1320 1525 1813 § Hoveton, opp Palmers Lane 0706 0732 0952 1022 1122 1322 1527 1815 § Hoveton, adj Horning Road 0710 0736 0956 1026 1126 1326 1531 1819 Wroxham, opp Roys Department Store 0711 0737 0957 1027 1127 1227 1327 1427 1532 1637 1820 Saturdays Service 12 12 12 12 12 12A 12 12A 12 12A 12 Stalham, opp Old Railway Station 0641 0756 0856 0956 1056 1209 1256 1409 1456 1619 1749 Wayford, opp Woodfarm Inn 1213 1413 1623 § Smallburgh, adj Norwich Road 1214 1414 1624 § Smallburgh, adj Layby 1215 1415 1625 § Beeston St Lawrence, adj Church 1218 1418 1628 § Ashmanhaugh, opp turn 1221 1421 1631 § Hoveton, adj Long Lane 1224 1424 1634 § Hoveton, adj Bus Shelter 1224 1424 1634 § Hoveton, adj Littlewood Lane 1225 1425 1635 § Hoveton, opp Village Hall 1225 1425 1635 § Hoveton, opp Tunstead Road 1226 1426 1636 § Stalham, adj Tesco 0641 0756 0856 0956 1056 1256 1456 1749 § Stalham, opp Millside 0642 0757 0857 0957 1057 1257 1457 1750 § Sutton, opp Neville Road 0645 0800 0900 1000 1100 1300 1500 1753 § Sutton, opp Moor Road 0645 0800 0900 1000 1100 1300 1500 1753 § Sutton, adj Elmhurst Avenue 0646 0801 0901 1001 1101 1301 1501 1754 § Catfield, opp turn 0649 0804 0904 1004 1104 1304 1504 1757 § Catfield, adj New Road 0651 0806 0906 1006 1106 1306 1506 1759 § Catfield, adj Crown 0651 0806 0906 1006 1106 1306 1506 1759 Catfield, opp village hall 0652 0807 0907 1007 1107 1307 1507 1800 § Ludham, opp Kings Arms 0657 0812 0912 1012 1112 1312 1512 1805 § Ludham, adj Church 0658 0813 0913 1013 1113 1313 1513 1806 § Ludham, opp Phone Box 0700 0815 0915 1015 1115 1315 1515 1808 § Horning, adj Church Lane 0702 0817 0917 1017 1117 1317 1517 1810 Horning, adj Mill Hill 0705 0820 0920 1020 1120 1320 1520 1813 § Horning, adj Lower Street 0705 0820 0920 1020 1120 1320 1520 1813 § Hoveton, opp Palmers Lane 0707 0822 0922 1022 1122 1322 1522 1815 § Hoveton, adj Horning Road 0711 0826 0926 1026 1126 1326 1526 1819 Wroxham, opp Roys Department Store 0712 0827 0927 1027 1127 1227 1327 1427 1527 1637 1820 Sundays no service Notes: § - Time at this stop is indicative. You are advised to be at any stop several minutes before the times shown Norfolk County Council01/02/2013 1255 12/12A Wroxham - Stalham First in Suffolk & Norfolk For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code nfodadag Wroxham, adj Roys Department Store Norwich Road 2900H508 nfoawtmt Hoveton, adj Tunstead Road Stalham Road 2900H5016 nfoawtmj Hoveton, adj Village Hall Stalham Road 2900H5014 nfoawtmd Hoveton, opp Littlewood Lane Stalham Road 2900H5012 nfoawtjw Hoveton, opp Bus Shelter Stalham Road 2900H5010 nfoawtpg Hoveton, opp Long Lane Stalham Road 2900H5020 nfoadgtm Ashmanhaugh, adj turn Norwich Road 2900A154 nfoadgtp Beeston St Lawrence, opp Church Norwich Road 2900A155 nfodtjmp Smallburgh, opp Layby Norwich Road 2900S277 nfodtjma Smallburgh, opp Norwich Road Norwich Road 2900S2710 nfodtwaj
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