12538 THE LONDON GAZETTE, STH OCTOBER 1979 2842 at point A, then runs north-westerly over field O.S. WEST YORKSHIRE METROPOLITAN COUNTY 2842 to the eastern boundary of Catch Water plantation at COUNCIL point B just south of Willerby Lodge, The path follows the eastern boundaries of fields O.S. 2757, 2380 and 1800 HIGHWAYS ACT 1959 northerly for approximately 630 metres to point C. The Proposed Stopping-Up of Park Avenue (Part) Kirkthorpe, new path commences from the northern end of the un- Wakefield classified county road known as Ings Lane at point D and Notice is hereby given that the West Yorkshire Metropolitan leading northerly along the eastern boundaries of fields County Council, being the highway authority for the high- O.S. Nos. 2757, 2380 and 1800 for a distance of approxi- way hereinafter mentioned, intend to apply to the Magi- mately 610 metres to point E, then westerly across field strates' Court for the Petty Sessional Division of Wakefield O.S. 1800 for approximately 270 metres to point C on the sitting at the Magistrates Court, Court House, Cliff Parade, eastern boundary of Catch Water Plantation from point E off Wood Street, Wakefield on Friday, 9th November at on the eastern boundary of field O.S. 1800 a new link path 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for an Order Under section 108 will lead northerly for approximately 70 metres to point F, of the Highways Act 1959, authorising the said Council then runs easterly along the southern boundary of field to stop up for the purposes of all traffic, the following O.S. 3841 to point G a distance of 250 metres, where the highway, namely, all mat part of the original estate footpath new path joins Staxton Carr Lane, an unclassified county of Park Avenue, Kirkthorpe, Wakefield extending from a rgad. point outside No. 91 Park Avenue in a southerly direction A copy of the Order as confirmed and of the map con- for 36 metres to a point outside No. 99 Park Avenue more tained in it has been deposited at North Yorkshire County particularly delineated on the map which has been deposited Council Office, Garth End Road, West Ayton, Scarborough and may be inspected free of charge at all reasonable hours and may be inspected free of charge during office hours. at the Reception Desk, Main Entrance, County Hall, Wake- The Order becomes operative from 6th October 1979, but field and at the County Council's Traffic Unit, Bishop- if a person aggrieved by the Order desires to question the garth, Wakefield Road, Wakefield. validity thereof, or of any provisions contained therein, on the ground that any requirement of the Act, as amended, R. G. Brooke, Director of Administration or of any regulation made thereunder has not been complied County Hall, with in relation to the Order he may under paragraph 2 Wakefield WF1 2QW. of Schedule 2 of the Act as applied by paragraph 5 of 21st September 1979. (502) Schedule 7 to the Act, within 6 weeks from 6th October 1979, make an application for the purpose to the High Court. MISCELLANEOUS W. A. Harrison, County Solicitor County Hall, PUBLIC NOTICES Northallerton. PETROLEUM AND SUBMARINE PIPE-LINE ACT 6th October 1979. (806) 1975 Notice of Application for a Submarine Pipeline Works Authorisation ' ' NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that Hamilton Brothers Oil and Gas Limited hereby gives notice on behalf of Hamilton Brothers NOTICE OF PUBLIC PATHS ORDER Oil Company (Great Britain) Limited, Hamilton Brothers HIGHWAYS ACT 1959 Petroleum (UK) Limited, RTZ Oil and Gas Limited, Texaco North Sea UK Limited, Blaickfriars Oil Company COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1968 Limited and the Trans-European Company Limited in North Yorkshire County Council Footpath No. 34 Askrigg accordance with the provisions of Part I of Schedule 4 Public Path Diversion Order 1979 to the Petroleum and Submarine Pipe-lines Act 1975 that Notice is hereby given that the above-named Order, made it has made an application to the Secretary of State for on 24th September 1979 is about to be submitted to the Energy for the grant of an authorisation for the construc- Secretary of State for the Environment for confirmation, or tion and use of the following submarine pipeline: to be confirmed, as an unopposed Order, by the North Yorkshire County Council. Argyll Field Development Infield Flowline The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifica- Maps delineating the route of the proposed pipe-line and tions, will be to divert the public right of way known as providing certain further information may be inspected at footpath No. 34 in the parish of Askrigg which runs from a the places listed in the Schedule hereto from 10 a.m. to point SD 984894 on the north bank of the River Ure 4 p.m. on each weekday from the date that this notice is south-east of Woodhall Park and runs in an east-south- published until the date in the next paragraph of this easterly direction parallel to the former Hawes Leyburn notice. railway line for a distance of 650 metres or thereabouts to Pursuant to a direction of the Secretary of State, repre- a point SD 989893 to a line commencing from point SD sentations with respect to the application may be made in 984894 and running in a south-easterly direction alongside writing and addressed to the Secretary of State for Energy the river for 110 metres or thereabouts before continuing at Thames House South, Millbank, London SW1P 4QJ, not eastwards along the riverside for 560 metres or thereabouts later than 2nd November 1979 and should bear the to rejoin the original line of the path at point SD 989893. reference PET 462/1258/18 and state the grounds upon A copy of the Order and the map contained in it has which the representations are made. been deposited and may be inspected free of charge at the T. N. Wedgezuorth, Secretary Yorkshire Dales National Park Office, Yorebridge House, 1st October 1979. Bainbridge, Askrigg, Leyburn, North Yorkshire during SCHEDULE office hours. List of places where map or maps may be inspected: Any representations or objections with respect to the Order may be sent in writing to the Chief Executive, North Hamilton Brothers Oil and Gas Limited, Cleveland Yorkshire County Council, County Hall, Northallerton DL7 House, 19 St. James's Square, London S.W.I. SAD (quoting reference 7D.23/A/53 JH) before 5th Hamilton Brothers Oil and Gas Limited, Wood Offshore November 1979 and should state the grounds on which it Centre, Greenbank Crescent, East Tullos, Aberdeen. is made. Department of Energy, Room 1020 Thames House South If no representations or objections are duly made, or if Library, Thames House South, Millbank, London any so made are withdrawn, the North Yorkshire County S.W.I. Council may instead of submitting the Order to the Secre- District Inspectors of Fisheries: tary of State for the Environment, themselves confirm the Order. If the Order is submitted to the Secretary of State North Eastern District, 12-ISA Union Quay, North any representations and objections which have been duly Shields, Tyne and Wear NE30 1HN. made and not withdrawn will be transmitted with the Order. Hull District, St. Andrew's Dock Chambers, St. Andrew's Dock, Hull HU3 4SJ. W. A. Harrison, County Solicitor Grimsby District, 141 Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby, South County Hall, Humberside. Northailerton, DL7 SAD. Eastern District "Sea View," Battery Green Road, 5th October 1979. (814) Lowestoft, Suffolk..
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