"Pr SERVING SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1934 SPARTAN DAILY misomemmemiwis WWW.THESPARTANDAILY.COM VOLUME 122, NUMBER 1 r. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2004 Police avert jump threat Eating Disorders spur discussions Awareness Week starts today, features survivor's tale By Erik Lacayo "There are a lot of people interested in Eating disorders can also be a prob- learning more, becoming educated and lem for female athletes, said Catherine Daily Staff Write, aware of eating issues, either for them- English, who works in SJSU's athletic selves or friends or family members." training education program. She was Eating disorders such as anorexia, Today at noon, Styles and Platt will scheduled to talk today about eating bulimia and binge eating don't just be leading a disorders and female athletes but had to affect Caucasian panel discussion in the females, according to Montalvo room cancel for personal reasons. campus health officials. of the Student Union titled "Body Image Forum: What does Eating disorders can especially be a Today is the kickoff of the third an- Your Mirror Say?" problem for gymnasts, divers and cross- nual Eating Disorders Awareness Week county athletes. The athletes in these at San Jose State University, and one of On Tuesday, anorexia survivor Alistair Grant will be speaking in the sports are considered lean sport athletes the main messages of the week is eating because aesthetics are important, disorders can and do affect a wide range Memorial Chapel at noon. His speech is titled "A Time to Talk: Breaking the English said. of people, including males, minorities At another institution, a female ath- and athletes, organizers said. Silence that Surrounds Men & Eating Disorders." lete starved herself for two days before a "Men, women, all different races, weigh-in and body-fat test. The athlete shapes and sizes, everyone can be af- "I will be speaking about my own experience with eating disorders and passed out in the shower and injured fected," campus nutritionist Jennifer her head as a result, English said. Styles said. "The stereotypes don't hold about my experience as a counselor," said Grant, who is an admissions coun- According to information from the true anymore that it is the middle- to Student Health Center and Counseling upper-middle-class Caucasian female." selor at Santa Clara University. Esteban will be speaking about eat- Services, the three recognized eating The Eating Disorders Task Force is disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia coordinating the week's events, which ing disorders from a Latina's perspective in "Adios Barbie: Discussing Latinas nervosa and binge eating. are running today through Wednesday. The National Association of The task force consists of Styles, SJSU and Body Image" on Wednesday at noon in the Montalvo room. Anorexia Nervosa and Associated psychologist and nurse practitioner Disorders' Web site (anad.org) "More recent studies are showing says that Genevieve Platt and SJSU psychologist seven million women and ,,ne million Carina Esteban. that more ethnic women are experienc- "We've had some pretty phenom- ing body-image problems and eating enal turnouts (in the past)," Styles said. disorders," Esteban said. see DISORDERS, page 3 'The Battle of Algiers' film used as educational tool the rebellion and the occupying French military. By Zakk Jones Methods used by both sides are shown in det.,d. The Daily Stiff Writer French use machine guns and firebomb villages, while the insurgents plant explosive-filled purses iii cafes Students, locals, activists and those perhaps on the teeming with young partygoers. lookout for a learning experience were treated to a show- Reaction to the film has been varied. John 1 lartl of ing of Gillo Pontecorvo's enlightening and thought- the Seattle Times wrote that it has been used by both the provoking 1965 film, "The Battle of Algiers." Pentagon and the Black Panthers as an education d tool. The showing at the First Unitarian Church at 160 According to the Village Voice, an e-mail mem, adver- North Third St. was organized as a joint effort between tising the Pentagon's private screening read: "Hos to win South Bay Mobilization, a local anti-war activist group, a battle against terrorism and lose the war of ide,,, ." and the First Unitarian Church of San Jose. Legendary movie critic Pauline ICael called it Andrea ',Lott / Role Staff Shot in a documentary style but, according to the "probably the only film that has ever made middle-class opening title card, containing "not one foot" of docu- audiences believe in the necessity of bombing it rocent An unidentified man looks down from a floor on the south side of the unfinished Civic Center mentary or newsreel footage, the film deals with events in the 1950s surrounding the French occupation of Algeria. tower on Santa Clara Street between Fourth and Sixth streets. Authorities said the man had been see BATTLE, page 3 poised to jump since 1 p.m. Sunday and, nearly four-and-a-half hours later, was taken safely from It approaches the subject matter from the sides of both the building. Students, counselor weigh in on same-sex marriages to the Mercury News. the law but did not order a halt to the homosexuals. By Zakk Jones "I really see that as a very sad thing that marriages. "I definitely think that ... all of the Daily Staff Writer people feel that strongly to deny people Sivertscn said that this kind of resistance privileges that arc associated with mar- rights like that," said Ryan Kelley, a senior was a necessary obstacle. riages should be extended to homosexuals," Students and faculty members across design studies major and co-chair of the "Like most social movements, there's he said. "But I do believe that marriage is campus are reacting to the events concern- SJSU Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgen- always got to be sonic kind of civil definitely between a man and a woman." ing the thousands of same-sex marriages dered Alliance. "It's all up in the air. It's disobedience ... in order to move the bar," Vassar responded to those who might that have taken place in San Francisco since kind of exciting to see Sivertsen said. "If accuse him of being homophobic by saying, the city began issuing marriage licenses to what's going to happen." anybody drove "I have members of my family who are gay and lesbian couples 11 days ago. Legal opposition to "I would he OK with by San Francisco gay. I don't consider myself homophobic. I Wiggsy Sivertsen, director of San Jose the unions had come if people last weekend and understand their lifestyle." State University counseling services and as early as last Monday, polygamy, looked at who Sivertsen said opposition to gay mar- co-founder of the Bay Area Municipal when a group called the want to do it, as long as the people were riage stems from religious and historical Elections Committee, a gay, lesbian, Proposition 22 Legal standing in line, traditions that exclude gay couples. bisexual, and transgendered political action Defense and Education (homosexuals) get to do it they look just "The problem ... is that when people group, said San Francisco Mayor Gavin Fund asked San Fran as much as (heterosexuals) like everybody's look at the issue of gay marriage, they Newsom's allowance of the marriages was cisco Superior Court neighbor. It was really look at it through the notion of a courageous. Judge James Warren to get to do it." a reflection of religious process," she said. "It is a legal "It struck me as an act of somebody order the city to stop the American document that an individual signs with who had a deep sense of commitment and issuing the marriage population. There the state in which they live that commits integrity about something that he believed licenses or explain why - Wiggsy Sivertsen, was nothing these two individuals to certain rights and in," she said. not, the Associated Press to define them responsibilities based on property. Marriage The San Jose Mercury News reported reported. director of SJSU differently from has always been about property." Saturday that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger They argued that San anybody else." Sivertsen said opponents to gay marriage had on Friday begun to take action to stop Francisco was in viola- counseling services Alex Vassar, need to understand what same-sex couples the issuing of the marriage licenses to tion of Proposition 22, a president of the are seeking with the issue. same-sex couples. state measure that passed SJSU College Re- "There are 1,049 benefits that hetero- time for the city to stop traveling a senior in political science, sexual couples get the minute they sign that "It's in 2000, stating that only heterosexual mar- publicans and Ni.luilas R. ’right / I ,rily Staff this dangerous path of ignoring the rule of riages are valid. said that while he does believe marriage contract with the state. That's all we want," law," Schwarzeneggcr later said at the state Judge Warren on Tuesday agreed that is defined as a union between a man and Mark Quinn, left, and Josh McAnarney wait in line in front of San Francisco City Hall on Feb. 17. The couple GOP convention in Burlingame, according of a woman, he is not opposed to rights for see REACTION, page 3 the city appeared to he in violation of 16 years said they drove from their home in Santa Barbara to get married. A&E I page 6 IlVSID_E SPORTS I pages 4. 5 `Osama' Spartans Gymnastics unveils win series places second in Taliban against BYU weekend meet PAGE 2 THE SPARTAN I) A 1 I Y .
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