CO in the pAcino TUB PAOiriO 4 Cammcrrial bkrfiscr Commcrrial bkriiscr IS PUBLISHED rrBLnuxD at Kvery Saturday IVrorning, Honolulu. Hawaiian Island. BY H. L. SHELDON. Tlntoas srr ActvortlsslnSi f pace aseaasrel ia Ntj arU Trps. lw'laailMtiai. City ana Island Snnaeriatlens. aB.OO 1 ear. I I.OO far Ms Manias. Fcrrija Saaeerlallaaa, T.JO lo a Line (t Ill) I Mi I no 4 tlO Tear. 1 J I irvra (I Inrt). ... I i M Ikmi to T oo 9 The eabec riptioa price fjc papers e t Lm (t loch.)... f i' la fer-l- I to my part of M Liars (3 a a f II BS Amer.ca $7 AO p-- r which inch).,. loo l ii annan. inclulra the Hawaiian 17, 11 H H m n a n a a H .11 H 11 1 44 I U0 14 "1 only. All r '1 lit '.IV r H fl Vjl ,B fl II M II Lines loc lira;... IM II 0i paper European poru v 1 oa:a:! fr will be charged J Qart.-- Cttlaoia (k) 1 Kl It M poets; poct-oSc- h dsminled at tb which vanes froen 4 - TYty T 1 Colas a eu I oo to uo OS o S eeote on each paper. T W bird I t t ainle ir T Half rXsas IS OO 19 AO tj AO as so XT Scwciimoji ParaaLB i Aiwiri Adtkci. Tws Third I cluaa... II 00 Jt WO M 10 40 OS XT Communications fruca all pan of the Pacific wtit 00 00 44 way be very acceptable. WbolsCvlsasa... It M Peraooa any XT rtsidina; io part of the L'nibH States, can CT A i rvniaen rastdiag la the Ksatara t"euU"4 Ftates, ess Bit ths amoaat sf sobeenptioa dues Ijt thi paper In pay Itw t-- (irawbseka Mistss Amertcao stamps. thsir earsa esctustsg lsli4 potttfe Pata iaaps A each asMsnl aa tW wah Is ray aad Uwr earsa will ta Isaaria as prv sbevs UhM, fwr las Uat si PLAIN AND FANCY IT Bbs.mss Cards, as voa a tsaa, are atlusad a dtaeoant frvas Uss raua,rrisvhlrh are lu( trasats BOOK AND adTvrtmsiiBts whaa raid or rbargvd asarlrrly. JOB PRINTING el lbs Asvsavisaa. Crsis I whsa ehargvd BILL-HIUD- ", oM rrtMs Ts rr Tismsd. BUSINESS A5D ADDRESS XXI-N- O. FEBKUATtY 17. IS77. NO. 10S2 FitVas Csaut by las daara. Owe IMlar. CAH.fi 9 printed la ths highest style of the art. VOL. 34. HONOLULU. HAWAIIANISLANDS. WHOLE Women and Wine. gnsinfss Caris. gusiiifss Carts. V MABT DALLAS. THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN ITLt & CO., A'OSTER, CECIL BKOWN, F. A. SCHAEFER MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, EIO.OIsUI,IJ HOW IVOR IiS ! FADDY 18 RICE. Pop ! went the eork flying , A XI) AT LAW, 'M PORTERS ASD COMMISSIO.V.MEB- - AM PLASTERER. rT 4 TTORNEl' COIXSKLOR CHANTS. iRICKLiU to. Residence. o. (LIMITED,) Xj SHIPPERS OF PA V. IN IMPRK-- E "park led champagne, NOTARY PUBLIC aod Agent rr tikiug Acknowledg- Plan Cation workiotlr attended flMl ll Paddy, tovease the fay l Ilonolala, Hawaiian Isiamii. ia27 ly 28 Wunantt j13 6m A oloo. stoa is prevail la tas laiaase Uat of for Island of Oahu. Street. CCEPTS RISKS AT THE LOWEST J. RAWLINS. MAN I' FACT I' k ments Instruments the aV w HER irai la e l By the l:gtt of diy that was dying. S felO X RATES. The classes la the Policies of this Company ar T a OF ot not betns salad la Trity. No. Kaahamaou Street, liooolala, Ii. I. ly W duty. Tba U wraama I'asdy .tkl bal SUr, Be filled up their ablets agaio. specially adrantageoua THKO. a. DAVIKS. l4s alii A II f A. W. PEIRCE & CO., PLEWIS, Agent. th Islrodsruoa 4 lbs wtwd woald bavs Lei the Uat, beat toast be woman, ALL KINDS OF slaw pr..ulalM C. to C. L. liicluirds Co.) SOAPS! lh pAly Ibal has arrived al this atst las " Woman, dear woman," ial.l he, S.BAETOW, Successors BLACKSMITH, and Buyer of Serf, Multoo aad Uoat Tallow, aad ad sf Iba Trvst baa bera adaalllad frss simsuos. GENER THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMFY hind of Iteap Oreaas. tlltl sra Baasras ON AND GEXERALCOM - , aj) (ly antra ol abii PaAJy U l.ia auaikH " Empty your glaas my darling, tCTIOXEER, SALESROOM Qt'EEN HIP CHANDLERS IWtht-t- Imimu ins fe3 street, foot of Kaabumanu. ly MlsION MERCHANTS. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. King St near Honolulu. o Issars Fire and Life rallrltf thai It wlU bs edBtilfd Iras ol 4tJ. bb4 hBlld and 4rwd la When you drink to your sea with ime." s (Jal3 ly) X ALL Ihs best possttl snaoner and sa favsralila teraas by PARTICL"LATTENTION PAID TO THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. R..IP..RIT1 PLANTATION SUGAR Uat the caught hla strong brown flogera, APONG & ACHUCK, XJ Claims .or Leases arttied with promptitude. WM. M. OHIIM WOOD. Horse-Shoeg- nolS ly TUKO. 11. DAY1E3, Agent. Proprietor mi Kles - AND M. McINERNY, & NOW COMING IN, Osaeral CoasanlaalM Mavrhaat sad tsdla .- And fce!d them l.ght as la fcar. W M PORTERS, XV HOL.ESA LB RETAIL Carriage Work Naaa-jafl- Cat. Pire-pro-of Btore, ly MO I.V aiills.esB Francises, And through the gathering twilight X Dealers In Ueneral Merchandise AND DEALER IV FOR SALE LOTS TO SCIT na Streets. IMPORTER Hats, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery, NEW ZEALAND COMPANY ! fell on ear : INS., Iler food voice his Pocket Cutlery, and erery description of Gent's Superior PCBCI1ASEKA, BT ' Nay, ere you driak, I implore you. famishing floods. XT Benkert's Pine Calf Dress Boots, J. W1CKE. FOR AFONG A ACntCK. EDWARD T. O'HALLORAN, . , liooolulu, dans 1st, 1874. By all that you hold divine, always on hand. C3 lo x Malx-or- JaST ly IIAIDIA RICE MILL! IS AU- N. B. Coaasa or Msbchast Stbiits. ja!3 ly as;t 91 Pledge m woman in tear drops, TTOREV AND SOLICITOR. Fobt asd 91 Street, MARIXE IXSU11AXCE, COKNta OF THORIZED to lend from $200 to (10,000 cn Mortgage of Betweeut and Brsbcl Streets. FIRE t Musi,, Rather by far than in win Freeholds, lowest rates of Interest. Agents in London, furniture of all desdoostoade and repaired at reason pio.i:i:k i.aiiaiaa at IT ESTABLISHED, lSi. SlUl-StO- , and in all parts of E. P. ADAMS, able rates. Good workship guaranteed. pjr ty flAMPBCLL A Tl'RTOX, Prearlelers. 1SSI03T I REMOXT STS., SIX I CiL. Australia. CtVD Off BUMmf Of BUberiinT attAVHt now steaUitiAV tarn sasaa k " By the woes of the drunkard's mother. OFPICK Tort (opposite Mr. Ira Richardson's 9. cn Street, a MER- - va mm'W aIAb4a.sr VU By beg etorej I'L TiovuDn Ann commission - - ta fUll VJ A I'KPU-- Jl the children that ki bread, Ilonolala. XM. C11AST. LACK, Capital, 55,000,000, no tuiy U. U ACKFKLP A CO. F1HIE INDIA RICK MILL II Vl. THOAS luprvvtmenia, ts BwW la IVrlwl iViodlUua By the fate of her whose loved one Queen Street, Honolulu, 11. 1. jal3 ly (With uolimited Liability of Shareholders.) sooe Itaierlal M. WHITNEY, M. D.. D. D. S. 3VE for Ihs Looks on the wine when tis red. J. CITY MARKET, ACI INISTORT STREET, "SKK TO'T WELL, PROTECT TOCRSELF." Shakespeare. ; By the kisies changed le corses, TVEXTA L OFFICE. FORT STREET. CHAS. S. KITTREDGE, M. D. NO. t i, corner Hotel, orcr Mr. btrehx's Irug Store. ly A I'LDi PROPRIETOR, HEAD OF ! dJ W 11 DRESSKG OF PADDY By the tears more hitler than brine, TsEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE II AS will ud to all orders in the INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, Wv L A r LAIN LAN K. IIlItlXG m By many a food heart broken, returned from California, and intends to settle in Hono F. HORN, desiriDg services X C LI VE 1Z 1 A 12 11 12 1 I Pledge no woman in wine. lulu for the practice of his profession. All his LOCK. S i:F.RAL REPAIR of every description of property may bs effected with this 3IEATH I I AMD NO. 49 HOTEL ST., will find him at his residence on Nuuanu Avenue, next door vompany at moderate rates. all All Orders Promptly Attended to. ly CONFECTIONER, above the lower bridge. ja!3 1 ne win gire special allon to cleaning, repairing and 1 Honolulu. Sewing kinds of Light Machinery " What has wine brought to woman All fancy and Machines! all other UMCLCANCD RICE! Bread delivered to aDy part of the city. ana Metal Work of erercription, c Merchandise, Goods and Freight Insured I'IjAIYTATIOIY ! Nothing but tears and pain. foreign made to order. de23 lilnrkauallbluK, lVAIKAl'U The Pries Hulling and breads H. L. CHASE, FOR STALK by sailing Losses can be made la the IWt Possible Manas. M has torn from heart her lover ALSO. ON nAIAND CHEAP, steamers and Teasels. II. Csrsjwrll, Proprietor. bees, It her payable In Honolulu. Pressing PadJy lias lied a rest 0 I'er Cent. And proven her prayers In Tain ; E. B. FRIEL, AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOG- Machines, 'HOAR AND MOLASSES FROM PORTRAIT RAPHER. A Variety oSewing CASTLE ft COOKE, 7 Plantation for sals ia lots lo suit purchasers. A pplyTllllto And her household gods ail scattered. AND PROVISION DEALER, Cosmopolitan Fhotcgraph Gallery, 64 and 63 Fort Street, Guns, Pistt Shot, Ammunition, jaO ly Agents foe Honolulu. oT ly UKO. C. McLKAN, Agent. Ooualguiuoutti of Lie tangled np in the vine : VJTriROCERFamily Grocery and Feed Store, Honolulu. d 2 13ms de23 RICE I Oh ! I prithee pledge no woman 52 Fort Street.
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