The Diocese of Lake Charles lcdiocese.org Vol. 38, No. 23 Companions of Honor deceased remembered LAKE CHARLES – The Most Reverend chre of Jerusalem; The Pontifical Order of Glen John Provost, Bishop of Lake Charles, St. Gregory the Great; The Pontifical Order was the celebrant and homilist of the annual of Pope St. Sylvester; The Military and Hos- Memorial Mass for deceased members of the pitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem; Companions of Honor, held Saturday, Oct. 27, The Most Venerable Order of St. John of Je- in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Concep- rusalem; The Sacred Military Constantinian tion. Order of St. George; Order of the Fleur de Lis; In the sanctuary were Rev. Archimandrite Bearers of The Pontifical Cross Pro Ecclesia Herbert May and Msgr. Ronald Groth. Dea- et Pontifice; Bearers of The Pontifical Medal con Wayne Chapman and Deacon Fred Reed Benemerenti; Members, Officers, and Com- served Bishop Provost. panions of The Order of St. Charles of the Dio- Fifteen members of the Companions who cese of Lake Charles; Bearers of The Devoted died in the previous year and were remem- Service Medal of the Diocese of Lake Charles; bered during the Mass along with all other and Bearers of The Bishop’s Medal of the Dio- Companions who have previously gone to cese of Lafayette. their rest. Those honored were: Sir Eddie The purposes of the Companions of Honor, Salassi + November 26, 2011; Lady Madge as outlined in its constitution and bylaws, are Niel Cardone + November 26, 2011; Maximil- to uphold and to encourage the support of Pa- lian Degeyter + January 7, 2012; Charles L. pal teachings, documents, and directives as Shreve, Sr. + January 17, 2012; Blanca A. Car- well as those of the Diocese of Lake Charles Officers for the Companions of Honor, who will serve for the next two years, were dona de Garcia + March 15, 2012; James Cole- and its Bishop; to make an annual voluntary elected at the group’s recent business luncheon held in Ave Maria Hall of the Cathe- man, Sr. + February 17, 2012; Zoe Barbe Lass- offering to the Evangelization Program of the dral of the Immaculate Conception office complex. Bishop Glen John Provost was man + March 16, 2012; Eloise Boulet + April Diocese of Lake Charles; and to pray for and 13, 2012; Matthew Lee, Sr. + May 21, 2012; to promote vocations to the ministerial priest- the celebrant of the Memorial Mass in the Cathedral, remembering those members Dorestan Broussard + June 17, 2012; Douglas hood and the religious life. of the organization who have died. Officers pictured, from left, are Paul Reed, secre- Daigle + June 18, 2012; Lena Mae Oustalet + Nearly $400,000 has been contributed by tary; David Marcantel, vice president/president-elect; John Halloran, president; and July 10, 2012; Rene Broussard + July 18, 2012; the Companions of Honor during its 28-year Gayle Marshall, treasurer. Lois Doherty + July 29, 2012; Lucille Smith history and members donated $15,045.00 dur- Sievert + September 17, 2012. ing the 2011-2012 fiscal year. The organization, established by Bishop Following the Mass, the group met for Jude Speyrer in December 1982, is composed lunch in Ave Maria Hall of the Cathedral, lo- of clergy, religious and laity honored by the cated at the corner of Kirby and Bilbo streets. Diocese or the Holy See or who are members During the business portion of the lun- of recognized orders of chivalry residing in cheon meeting, officers for the next two years Catholic presence in the Diocese. These include members of The were elected. Serving will be Sir John Hal- Sovereign Military Order of Hospitallers of loran, president; David Marcantel, vice presi- St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Mal- dent/president-elect, Gayle Marshall, trea- ta; The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepul- surer; and Paul Reed, secretary. Mall during Advent LAKE CHARLES – For said. “Volunteers from many local Catholic Church in all the third year there will be ages and demographics of the its different varieties,” she a Catholic presence in the Diocese will staff the space.” continued. “We also want Prien Lake Mall during the Ezell noted that anyone to make sure that Catholics Season of Advent, accord- interested in volunteering remember that through our ing to Bernell Ezell, Director for a block of time or to serve Baptism, we are all called of the Office of Evangeliza- as a captain for a day, should to evangelize. It also de- tion for the Diocese of Lake call 337-439-7400 and ask for fines evangelization as we Charles. Dates are Saturday Bernell or Marina or e-mail: Catholics see it, particularly and Sunday, Dec. 1-2, Dec. [email protected] through the mission state- 8-9, Dec. 15-16, and Dec. 22- or marina.ardoin@lcdiocese. ment of the Secretariat for 23 during the times the Mall org. the Ministry of Christian For- is open. “The free information will mation – ‘Spreading the Gos- Tickets are still available “We have reserved tables include church parish bro- pel message by Teaching and in the Center Court of the chures, brochures from the Living as Christ’s disciples.’” LAKE CHARLES – Enjoy click the “Support the Dio- edo. mall, near the theater en- Catholic schools in the Dio- In this Year of Faith, pro- the Tommy Dorsey Orches- cese” button and follow the Doors open at 6 p.m. and trance and the customer cese, more than 20 titles of claimed by Pope Benedict tra and a night of socializing simple instructions. music by the 12-member service kiosk, where free informative brochures about XVI, which runs until Nov. 24, and dancing at the Inaugural Special levels of giving Tommy Dorsey Orchestra materials on the Church and different aspects of the Faith, 2013, “we want to remind all Bishop’s Gala on Saturday, come with purchases of Plati- starts at 8 p.m. and contin- the many ministries and pro- free spiritual CD’s, and free Christians that their relation- Dec. 8, in the Exhibition Hall num tables, $15,000; Gold ta- ues until midnight. Proceeds grams of the Diocese of Lake handmade rosaries ” Ezell ship with the Lord and Sav- Charles will available for all ior, Jesus Christ, is the reason of the Lake Charles Civic bles, $10,000.00; Silver tables, will benefit the efforts of the said. “With this event we who are interested,” Ezell hope to show the face of the for this season.” Center. $5,000; and Crystal tables, Office of Communications to Tickets, $125 each or ta- $2,500. Purchasers at all of evangelize the Catholic faith bles of 10 for $1,100, for the these levels, in addition to 10 through print (Catholic Cal- black tie formal social and tickets, great food, the won- endar), television (Glad Tid- dance can be purchased at derful music and ambience ings), radio (airing of the 9:30 St. Henry Catholic Church to the Chancery of the Dio- of the evening, will receive a cese (337-439-7400), 414 Iris photo with the Bishop. Buy- a.m. Sunday Mass from the Street; Crossroads Bookstore ers of Platinum and Gold Cathedral); and the Diocesan (337-474-7100), 601 West Prien Level tables will be addition- website. Lake Road; and in the parish ally recognized the night of Numerous silent auction have Christ the King walk items will be available for bid churches of the Diocese as the Gala. LAKE CHARLES – The possession; 3) Christ is Head kingdom is: 1) supreme, ex- and the successful bidders well as with a credit card at Though a black tie event, Feast of Christ the King will of the Church, “holding in all tending not only to all people lcdiocese.org. men may opt to wear black or can use their credit cards to be celebrated on Sunday, Nov. things the primacy”; 4) God but also to their princes and Website visitors should dark suits rather than a tux- pay for the items on site. 25, with a 2 p.m. procession bestowed upon Christ the kings; 2) universal, extending through the neighborhood of nations of the world as His to all nations and to all plac- St. Henry Catholic Church, special possession and do- es; 3) eternal, for “The Lord according to Msgr. Daniel minion. shall sit a King forever”; 4) Torres, V.G., pastor. It also describes the quali- spiritual, Christ’s “kingdom “We will be going through- Lie named National Merit ties of Christ’s kingdom. This is not of this world”. out the neighborhood of St. Henry where we will be seek- ing the King of Kings to rule our lives and heal our fami- Scholarship semifinalist lies,” Msgr. Torres said. It is also the last Sunday of the liturgical year and precedes Pope Benedict XVI LAKE CHARLES – Marga- trict and state piano rally and the beginning of the Season General Intention: That migrants throughout the ret Lie, a senior at St. Louis the Louisiana Music Teach- of Advent. Msgr. Torres in- world may be welcomed with generosity and authen- Catholic High School, is a ers’ Association Piano Festi- vites all to take part in this tic love, especially by Christian communities. semifinalist in the 2013 Na- val, the latter for 14 straight very important tradition of Missionary Intention: Christ, light for all human- tional Merit Scholarship com- years. the Church. ity. That Christ may reveal himself to all humanity petition. She studies ballet with the The Feast of Christ the with the light that shines forth from Bethlehem and Lie, who plans to major Lady Leah Lafargue School King was established by Pope is reflected in the face of his Church.
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