c... 8y Eric Jaye "our nuclear relationahipe and the rest Although it ia too early to tell if the York: US and 'USSR of our relation~." Soviet invasion of Afghaniltan will Failure to make that cIisIinction, derail the negotiationa, both the Soviet York aaid, will not only encour.,e the and US governmenta are being told by Told to Sign Test Ban apread of nuclear weapona but the non-nuclear nationa to ratify the The 58-year-old York, who was Tealing in the atrno..,here was accelerate the nuclear arms r.ce. Cornprehenaive Nuclear Teat Ban Chancellor here from 1961-1964 and prohibited by the Nuclear Test Ban York aaid molt policy maker. have treaty or run the riale of further nuclear Acting Chancellor from 1970-1972, tre.. tf of 1963. their "favorite 1iatJ" of which nalioM proliferation, Herbert York, US waa' appointed amballador by While it ia in the three countries are con.idering buildin. nuclear ambaaaador to the negotiationa and President Jimmy Carter lut February interea.. to approve the treaty weapona. Moat, like I.... , South former UCSD Chancellora aaid here to the tri-Iateral negotiationa with the negotiationa, the final detaila could be Africa, Pakistan, and Taiwan are in yesterday. Sovieta and British in Geneva. York ia held up becauae of deteriorating US- trouble apota in the world. Other .. 1iIce With the five year review of the non currently on leave from his profealOr Soviet relationa. Brazi and Arpntina are attemplint to proliferation treaty coming up in job in the phyaics department. "If both Washington and MOICow achieve great power .latus. Auguat, the US and Sovieta are under Since he took over as chief US put on lOme preHure, we could have H the nelotiationa next month increaaing presaure from the nuclear negotiator, the partiel have agreed on that treaty in a very ahort time," York resume, the current tension wiD have ''have nota" to aign the teat ban treaty. the foundations for a treaty, the said. only an indirect eHect on the Failure to do 10 wiD encourage nationa necessity of on-site inapections and While admitting that US-Soviet ne"otiationa, York laid. in trouble apota around the world to seismic stations on one another's relations will probably woraen, York 'Everything will jUlt take longer, as develop their own I1uclear devices, territory. This would monitor the ban exprelled hope that the two leaders on both sidea weigh each ltep York believes. on all underground nuclear explosions. governments will distinguish between P/l'ClS4! turn 10 pa"ft> 4 The .Dail~ Guardian Volume 39, Number 3 University of Califomia, San Oiego Wednesday, Janu~ 9,1980 UC Not Given $12 Million of Budget From the Associa ted Prell earmarking the tidela nds money for higher SACRAMENTO -Gov. Edmund Brown education, which has a vocal lobby in the Jr. unveiled a $24 billion state budget bill Capitol, and the fund diversion proposed in yesterday which includes $960 million of the Brown's budget cannot be made unless the University of California's requested $972 Legislature approves separate legislation. million in funding. The oil revenue proposal was prompted by The budget as a whole includes a $1.5 billion the federal deregulation of oil prices, which will deficit, wiping out the last of California's mid­ boost revenues from oil produced by private decade huge cash surplus. companies on state-owned tidelands. Despite not getting $12 million requested, Most of that money - about $ 72 million last UC's budget will rise 5.8 percent, or $54 year, and more than twice that amount his year million. - is reserved, by state law, for construction The budget figures are based on estimates by P/t'(/SI' til rn to JlCU~1' I UC officials that enrollment will decline by about 121,000 students. AS Fill Coffee But the university is involved in another budget squabble that some legislators ay could become on of the most important of the 1981 Hut Kitchen. With budget fight. Potentially the most controversial items in eg Restaurant the budget involve relatively small dollar amounts: $32 million for an expected 107,000 By Jeffrey S. Lee Medi·Calif-financed abortions and a proposal Staff Writer to divert $154 million In state oil revenues from An AS appointed task force has been given a college construction fund to the state general $1,000 by the Student Center Board to begin fund and a new energy and resources fund. modifying the old Coffee Hut kitchen and "We are looking forward to declining establish a vegetarian restaurant there. enrollments" on the University of California "It is our hope and desire not to lose what the and the state university and colleges campuses, Coffee Hut stood for," said AS Vice President said Finance Director Mary Ann Graves. "It Nancy Laga. does not seem just or equitable or right to me to All of the work on the building is being done have all that money flow into the higher voluntarily by members of the Food Co-op, said Rot Keeps Vehicles Off education construction fund." volunteer Boh Fuller. She said with rising oil prices, the stal t· Although the task force and most of the expects rna sive increases In its tidelands 011 volunteers are associated with the Food Co.op, Bridge Over Gilman revenues, up from $110 million last year to at that store is not officially sponsoring the new A rotting bridge over Gilman Drive prompted campus least $270 million - and possibly $450 million Ph,w.l' tur'n to I)CI~l' , officials to post a warning sign this quarter prohibiting all - in the 1980-81 fiscal year. vehicles. lbat will allow diversion of the tidelands "Some of the planking suffered a bit of dry rot, but nothing money to energy and other projects without substantial. It's just undesirable to have vehicles on the brid,e cutting the actual number of construction and until it gets repaired. There was no structural damage," Cam~a maintenance dollars available to the University Architect Chuck Powers said. of California and the state universities, Ms. The ail" waa put up by a maintenace crew when pieces of Graves said. 1'/ .. (/", /lItII I.. , .. ,~" , However, there is a long tradition of 2 Wed., Jan. 9, 1980 The Daily Guardian :1 Lener. To The Editor DOONESBURV by Garry Trudeau mATS me /JO'f1{1t/ LJNe, TNIA//( AIJOiIT IT. >tX/, fiVfNlJS. SIMPt.Y PC/T, MR.. s~ya, tal /IaJ., Y!fAIf, As A 7HC aJ'INAU-Y Af1PRt)4Q{ 'ASSOCIATED PRESS MV5T ~ II Pf?EAM. ~a=FIIc7;I the Victims ~70THf3~~ 1{411;. IT t:aKffRNS Women SI.lMC ~vArt Y!fAI?NIN6 7He A~ exeamve, ~ Ai.IiJII>S N£N /illVI/lOI/VEIffAL 7Ht?: Ne6t£CTEP MAN AT Af'.RAI{J 7tJ t:.KI'/It£S5 .. ST/ItIaIlIWS .. \ In Sexual Harassment NEWS BRIEFS "/He 7lP. .......... -........ Editor: the greater .tatus of men Brad Martin, in his letter relative to women and men'. publilhed Nov. 30 in The lOCiai conditioning to aieze the Dailll Guardian, ubcI why I right of aexual initiative, then it "rithteoully JftSUfIPOR that becomes highly unlikely that women are the only victima of the perpetrator. of lexual Political Executions • maI bar_nt' in our bara.ament will be women. Continue in Afghanistan 1Ociety••• " He it correct in To further underatand a consulate under construction 100,000 Russian troop. are that the quealionnaire lent to aexual haraument 81 a fonn KABUL, Afghani.tan (AP) - '{be new Soviet·backed Soviet Consulars in Kiev, capital of Soviet fighting Moslem in urgentl women workers and Iludents of di.crimination again.t Afghan government, which took power with vows to end official Ukraine, and that the aeven who are resilting e new u well u my or~int women, we mUit look to the brutality, is secrety continuing the execution of pOlitical To Be Removed US officials assigned there Soviet· leaning government. efforts and artwork. do focUi long hi.tory of relation. prisoners, Afghan sources and Western diplomats said would be withdrawn. on the problem of .male between the leXCI which hal Tuesday. WASHINGTON - The left women in the workplace in receptionilts, in no polition to university Itudent·teacher privilege of public harassment United States told the Soviet Lance Gets huaument of female IIudenta determine the public image a relationship is a clear case of (publicly scrutinizing and Anti·communist Afghan rebels meanwhile, claimed to have China and US employees. a polition of powerfea.ne.. Union on Tuesday to remove and firm (or university) decides to power and powerleuness. A commenting on a woman's captured a border post just south of the Soviet border after nine Hearing Sexual haruamenl must be and economic inferiority. A. days of bloody fighting with Russian and Afghan government its consular employees from Jill Hoodman poinb out in The present to the world. They are college professor wields appearance indulgently New York as the Carter to Resist NEW ORLEANS - A undentoocI within the context considerable influence over a viewed as a "boys will be troops. federal appeals court ruled ow: IOCiety • a Civi' Liberties Review, the newcome.rs to skilled crafts administration tried to BEIJING - Senior Vice of whole. (and adminiltrative and student's academic success boys" pastime) has been Horse·mounted guerrillas staged hit·run forays against white· today that Bert Lance mUlt be Brie8y, we in a eociety "Women today earn Ie.. than increase pressure on the Premier Den Xiaoping told he faculty politionl), vulnerable and future career. A recent culturally sanctioned for men clad Soviet troops in the snowswept northern hill provinces, given a hearing on hil claim where the IIftI!CIIMI .tatus of men and the earning.
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