Lamiales – Synoptical classification vers. 2.0 (in prog.) Updated: 13 December, 2005 A Synoptical Classification of the Lamiales Version 2.0 (in progress) Compiled by Richard Olmstead With the help of: D. Albach, B. Bremer, P. Cantino, C. dePamphilis, P. Garnock-Jones, R. Harley, L. McDade, E. Norman, B. Oxelman, J. Reveal, R. Scotland, J. Smith, E. Wallander, A. Weber, A. Wolfe, N. Young, M. Zjhra, and others [estimated # species in Lamiales = 22,000] The goal of this project is to produce a working infraordinal classification of the Lamiales to genus with information on distribution and species richness. All recognized taxa will be clades; adherence to Linnaean ranks is optional. Synonymy is very incomplete (comprehensive synonymy is not a goal of the project, but could be incorporated). Although I anticipate producing a publishable version of this classification at a future date, my near-term goal is to produce a web-accessible version, which will be available to the public and which will be updated regularly through input from systematists familiar with taxa within the Lamiales. For further information on the project and to provide information for future versions, please contact R. Olmstead via email at [email protected], or by regular mail at: Department of Biology, Box 355325, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195, USA. Lamiales – Synoptical classification vers. 2.0 (in prog.) Updated: 13 December, 2005 Acanthaceae (~201/3510) Durande, Notions Elém. Bot.: 265. 1782, nom. cons. – Synopsis compiled by R. Scotland & K. Vollesen (Kew Bull. 55: 513-589. 2000); probably should include Avicenniaceae. Nelsonioideae (7/ ) Lindl. ex Pfeiff., Nomencl. Bot. 1(1): 10. 8 Dec Hygrophila R. Br. (25) trop. OW & NW 1871 Ionacanthus Beniost (1) Madag. Anisosepalum E. Hossain (3) C. Africa Kosmosiphon Lindau (1) trop. W. Africa Elytraria Michx. (17) warm & trop. NW & OW Leptosiphonium F. Muell. (10) Papauasia Gynocraterium Bremek. (1) trop. S. Amer. Louteridium S. Watson (6) Mex. & C. Amer. Nelsonia R. Br. (1) trop. OW Lychniothyrsus Lindau (5) Brazil Ophiorrhiziphyllon Kurz (5) SE Asia Mellera S. Moore (5) warm Africa Saintpauliopsis Staner (1) trop. Africa Mimulopsis Schweinf. (3) trop. Africa, Madag. Staurogyne Wall. (140) trop. OW & NW Pararuellia Bremek. (5) Malaysia Thunbergioideae (including Mendoncia) (5/ ) Kostel., Allg. Med.- Petalidium Nees (35) trop. & S. Africa, Himal., India Pharm. Fl. 3: 923. Apr-Dec 1834 Phaulopsis Willd. (20) Afra. Mascarenes, India Anomacanthus R.D. Good (1) Zaire, Angola Physacanthus Benth. (5) trop. Africa Mendoncia Vell ex Vand. (60) trop. Amer. & Africa, Madag. Polylychnis Bremek. (2) NE S. Amer. Meyenia Nees (1) India, Sri Lanka Pseudoruellia Benoist (1) Madag. Pseudocalyx Radlk. (4) trop. Africa, Madag. Ruellia L. (150) temp. & warm to trop. Amer. Thunbergia Retz. (90) trop. OW Ruelliospis C.B. Clarke (3) trop. & S. Africa Acanthoideae (189/ ) Link, Handbuch 1:500. Jan-Aug 1829 Sanchezia Ruiz & Pav.(20) trop. Amer. Acantheae (21/ ) Dunmort., Anal. Fam. Pl.: 23 1829 Satanocrater Schweinf. (4) trop. Africa Acanthopsis Harv. (7) S. Africa Sautiera Decne. (1) Timor Acanthus L. (30) warm & trop. OW Spirostigma Nees (1) Brazil Achyrocalyx Benoist (4) Madag. Stenosiphonium Nees (3) India, Sri Lanka Aphelandra R. Br. (175) Trop. Amer. Stenothyrsus C.B. Clarke (1) Malaya Blepharis Juss. (8) OW trop., Medit., S. Africa Strobilanthes Blume (250) trop. Asia Crossandra Salisb. (50) trop. Africa & Asia, Madag., Arabian Strobilanthopsis S. Moore (5) trop. Africa Penin. Suessenguthia Merm. (1) Bolivia Crossandrella C.B. Clarke (2) trop. Africa Trichanthera Kunth (2) N. S. Amer. Cynarospermum Vollesen Trichosanchezia Mildbr. (1) trop. Peru Cyphacanthus Leonard (1) Columbia Zygoruellia Baill. (1) Madag. Encephalosphaera Lindau (2) trop. S. Amer. Andrographinae (8/ ) Geissomeria Lindl. (15) Mex., C. Amer., trop. S. Amer. Andrographis Wall. ex Nees (20) trop. Asia Holographis Nees (10) Arid Mexico Cystacanthus T. Anderson (10) SE Asia Neriacanthus Benth. (4) trop. Amer. Diotacanthus Benth. (2) Indomal. Orophochilus Lindau (1) Peru Graphandra J.B. Imlay (1) Thailand Rhombochlamys Lindau (2) Columbia Gymnostachyum Nees (30) India to C Malaysia. Salpixantha Hook. (1) Jamaica Haplanthodes Kuntze (4) India Sclerochiton Harv. 12) trop. & S. Africa Indoneesiella Sreem. (2) India Stenandrium Nees (25) warm S. Amer. Phlogacanthus Nees (15) Indomal. Streptosiphon Mildbr.(1) trop. E. Africa Justiciinae (103/ ) Strobilacanthus Griseb. (1) Panama Afrofittonia Lindau (1) trop. W. Africa Xantheranthemum Lindau (1) Peru Ambongia Beniost (1) Madag. Ruellieae Ancistranthus Lindau (1) Cuba Ruelliinae (48/ ) Angkalanthus Balf.f. (2) Socotra, Transvaal Acanthopale C.B. Clarke (150) OW trop. Anisacanthus Nees (8) SW US, Mex. Aechmanthera Nees(3) Himal. Anisotes Nees (19) trop. Africa, Madag. Apassalus Kobuski (3) SE US, W.I. Anthacanthus Nees (?) Unknown Beniocanthus Heine & A. Raynal (2) Madag. Aphanosperma T.F. Daniel (1) NW Mex. Blechum P. Brown (6) trop. Amer. Ascotheca Heine (1) trop. W. Africa Bravaisia DC. (3) trop. Amer. Asystasia Blume (70) OW trop. Brillantaisia P. Beauv. (9) trop. Africa, Madag. Ballochia Balf.f. (3) Socotra Brunoniella Bremek.(6) New Guinea, Australia Brachystephanus Nees (10) trop. Africa, Madag. Calacanthus T. Anderson ex Benth. (1) Indomal. Calycacanthus K. Schum. (1) New Guinea Clarkeasia J.R.I. Wood Carlowrightia A.Gray (23) SW US, Mex, C. Amer. Dischistocalyx T.Anderson ex Benth. (20) Africa Celerina Benoist (1) Madag. Duosperma Dayton(12) trop. & S. Africa Centrilla Lindau (?) Unknown Dyschoriste Nees (65) warm & trop. NW & OW Cephalacanthus Lindau (1) Peru Echinacanthus Nees(4) Himal., China Chalarothyrsus Lindau (1) Mex. Epiclastopelma Lindau (2) trop. Africa Chamaeranthemum Nees(4) trop. Amer. Eranthemum L. (30 trop. Asia Chileranthemum Oerst. (2) Mex. Eremomastax Lindau Chlamydocardia Lindau (4) trop. W. Africa Eusiphon Benoist (3) Madag. Chlamydostachya Mildbr. (1) trop. E. Africa Hemigraphis Nees (90) Asia to New Caledonia Chorisochroa Vollese Heteradelphia Lindau (1) W. Africa Clinacanthus Nees (2) S. China to Malaysia Lamiales – Synoptical classification vers. 2.0 (in prog.) Updated: 13 December, 2005 Clistax Mart. (2) Brazil Ptyssiglottis T. Anderson (60) Indomal. Codonacanthus Nees (2) NE India, S. China, Japan Pulchranthus V.M. Baum, Reveal and Nowicke (4) trop. S. Conocalyx Benoist (1) Madag. Amer. Cosmianthemum Bremek. (8) W. Borneo Razisea Oerst. (3) C. Amer. Cyclacanthus S. Moore (2) SE. Asia Rhinacanthus Nees (15) trop. OW Cylindrosolenium Lindau (1) Peru Ritonia Benoist (3) Madag. Danguya Beniost (1) Madag. Rungia Nees (50) trop. OW Dasytropis Urb. (1) E. Cuba Ruspolia Lindau (4) trop. Africa Dichazothece Lindau (1) E. Brasil Ruttya Harv. (3) trop. & S. Africa, Arabian Penin. Dicladanthera F. Muell. (2) W. Australia Samuelessonia Urb. & Ekman (1) Hispaniola Dicliptera Juss. (150) warm & trop. NW & OW Sapphoa Urb. (2) Cuba Ecbolium Kurz (19) trop. & S. Africa, Madag., Socotra, India Schaueria Nees (8) Brazil Filetia Miq. (8) Sumatra, Indomal. Sebastiano-Schaueria Nees (1) Brazil Fittonia Coem. (2) Peru Spathacanthus Baill. (5) C. Amer. Forcipella Baill. (5) Madag. Sphinctacanthus Benth. (1) NE India to Burma Glossochilus Nees (2) S. Africa Stenostephanus Nees (6) S. Amer. Graptophyllum Nees (10) Australia, SW Parcific Isl. Streblacanthus Kuntze (6) C. Amer. Gypsacanthus Lott, Jarmillo & Rzed. (1) Mex. Tessmanniacanthus Mildbr. (1) trop. Peru Harpochilus Nees (3) Brasil Tetramerium Nees (28) C. Amer. Henrya Nees (2) C. Amer. Thysanostigma J.B. Imlay (2) Thailand, Malayan Penin. Herpetacanthus Nees (10) Panama to Brasil Trichaulax Vollesen Hoverdenia Nees (1) Mex. Trichocalyx Balf.f. (2) Socotra Hypoestes Sol. Ex R.Br. (40) OW trop. Xerothamnella C.T. White (2) E. Australia Ichtyostoma Hedren and Vollesen Yeatesia Small (3) SE US, NE Mex. Isoglossa Oerst. (50) OW trop. & Arabian Penin. Barleriinae (9/ ) Isotheca Turrill (1) Trinidad Barleria L. (250) OW & NW trop. Jadunia Lindau (1) New Guinea Barleriola Oerst. (6) W. I. Juruasia Lindau (2) Brazil Borneacanthus Bremek. (6) Borneo Justicia L. (600) trop. & warm temp. NW Boutonia DC. (1) Madag. Kalbreyeriella Lindau (3) Panama, Columbia Chroesthes Beniost (3) China, SE Asia Linariantha B.L. Burtt & Ros.M.Sm. (1) Borneo Crabbea Harv. (12) trop. & S. Africa Mackaya Harv. (15) Africa Hulemacanthus S. Moore (1) New Guinea Marcania J.B. Imlay (1) Thailand Lepidagathis Willd. (100) warm & trop. NW & OW Megalochlamys Lindau (3) SW Africa Lophostachys Pohl. (15) trop. Amer. Megalostoma Leonard (1) C. Amer. Unplaced within Acanthoideae (20/ ) Megaskepasma Lindau (1) Venezula Acanthostelma Bidgood and Brummitt (1) Somalia Mellitacanthus S. Moore (1) Madag. Acanthura Lindau (1) Brazil Metarungia Baden (3) trop. & S. Africa Aphelandrella Mildbr. (1) Peru Mexacanthus T.F. Daniel (1) Mex. Camarotea Scott Elliot (1) Madag. Mirandea Rzed. (2) Mex. Chlamydacanthus Lindau (4) trop. E. Africa, Madag. Monechma Hochst. (60) Africa, India Dolichostachys Benoist (1) Madag. Monothecium Hochst. (3) trop. Africa, S. India Golaea Chiov. (1) Somalia Odontonema Nees 936) Mex., C. & S. Amer., W. I. Idiacanthus Leonard Oplonia Raf. (19) trop. Amer., Africa (extinct?), Madag. Kudoacanthus Hosok. (1) taiwan Oreacanthus Benth. (4) C. Africa Lankesteria Lindl. (7) trop. Africa, Madag. Pachystachys Nees (12) trop. Amer. Lasiocladus Bojer ex Nees (5) Madag. Pelecostemon Leonard (1) Columbia Leandriella Benoist (1) Madag. Peristrophe Nees (15) trop. OW Morsacanthus
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