Tuscola deputies probing Red Hawks fall short The complete area vote: hit and run’accident in district playoff game road patrol cuts coming Page 6 Page 8 k CITY CHRONICLE In Region 5 Micklash named top Thumb school chief by Tom Montgomery Editor ITK,” Bednorek said. “People ask me why I served as Cass City High “He’s very knowledgeable stayed in Cass City - I kind School principal for 18 Achievements ranging from when it comes to all facets of hopped around a lot bc- months, administrative assis- a first-place ranking in thc of education,” he added. fore I came here,” he added. tant/principal with the Huron . county in MEAP scores to a “I’m very proud to bc asso- “It’s a great place to raisc our Intermediate School District flourishing fine arts program ciated with him as a fellow kids, it’s a great school sys- for 6 years, administrator to making the state football superintendent.” tem. It’s been a grcat place with the Tuscola Intermedi- playoffs for the first time Teresa Rabideau, prcsident to live one’s carccr.” ate School District for one ever have Cass City School of the Cass City Board of Micklash has a bachelor’s year, principal of Port Aus- District residents saying it’s Education, said she and her degree in elementary educa- tin Public Schools for one a great time to be a Red fellow board members are tion and earned a master’s year, teacher with the Huron Hawk. “absolutely proud” of degree in special education Intermediate School District Michigan Association of MASA’s recognition of in 1973 at Eastern Michigan for 2 years, and teacher with S c h ool Ad m i n i strati on Mic klash ’s efforts. University. In 1986, he was Alpena Public Schools for 2 (MASA) officials have just “I think throughout the awarded an education spe- years. given the comrriunity anothcr community and school dis- cialist degree in public During his tenure as Cass reason to feel that way. trict we arc fortunate to havc school ad m i n i strati c) n from City superintendcnt, MASA officials recently Ken as our superintendent, Central Michigan IJniversity. Micklash has guided the dis- named Cass City School but certainly the award cm- Prior to his appointment as trict through some major Supt. Ken Micklash thc phasizcs just how special he Cass City superintendent in MASA Region 5 Superinten- is,” she said. January 1988, Micklash Please turn to back page. dent of the Year. Rabideau pointed out that HEATHER HANKIN (left), director of Hills and Dales General Hospital’s Cen- MASA is a statewide orga- Micklash’s first reaction to nization that represents the the news was to share the ter for Rehabilitation and Health and Fitness, talks with Susan Lautner, director superintendents and first-linc honor with thc administrativc of performance improvementkommunity resources, in the room now used for all administrators of Michigan’s staff, Faculty, the board, stu- local and intermediate school dents and community as a rehab services at the Caro facility. The space will be expanded by more than 3 districts. Region S is com- whole. posed of Tuscola, Huron, “He was very quick to point times when a planned renovation project is completed. Sanilac, Lapeer, Genescc and out it wasn’t his efforts St. Clair countics. a I o n c ,” R a h i d c a u said . MASA will honor “That’s .just the kind of guy Micklash March 11 during he is - he doesn’t take the Rehab expansion scheduled the 2005 meeting of Region credit for himself - that’s 5 at Zehnder’s Restaurant in the kind of lcadcr hc is. And, Fran ken mu th . he’s vcry active in the com- munity. Hc has madc Cass Ofticial\ :it 1 Iill\ and Ilalc\ Hca t he r Han k i ti. t ions, i nc I ud i ng dcinol it ion wc’ll be able to better servo “The Regional Superinten- C;cncr,il Ho\pit.tl’\ C‘cntci’ for She said thc project will in- and reconstruction of the cx- the patients here.” dent oftheycar Award is pre- City his home. “We are very fortunate to 1iC.I I rl hi I1 I ;it 1011 ‘I nd tical t h cludt: construction of a sepa- isting locker rooms and Currently, the rehab fwili- sented by each of the 10rc- havc him hcre.” and I~itiic4\(Ior iiicrly [tic rate cntrancc with H patient tlooring, ii ncw suspcndcd ties arc all houd in a single gions in the MASA organi- M IC‘ ti I gii 11 At h I c t I C‘ it lid lie ha- waiting room and registra- wc)c)cI acrohics floor and new rrrom. “We arc seeing hc- zation to an individual who “It’s vcry special to me. I bilitirtion C‘entcr);ire gciiring tion arca, private treatment carpc t i ng throughout the tween 50 and 60 patients a has shown trcmcndous effort was honored and proud to up lor Li malor c’xp;insion rooms, and an expanded oc- gym area. day at this facility for rehab and dedication to enriching rcpresent this region,” said prolcct at Ihu (:a10 fLiclllty. cupational therapy area to The combincd pro-jeots are in 600 square fect,” Hankin the lives of childrcn and the Micklash, who has served in Cass City fur 17 years and “Wc iirc cxp;rnding rchah. c n ha n c c work - c o n d i t i o n i n g expected to cost roughly said. “It’s very crowded community as a whole,” said CASS CITY Supt. Ken Micklash has Wc’rc going Iroin about 600 scrv ices. $360,000, which wi I I covcr down there.” Lisa Rentz, MASA Cornmu- has been active in MASA squ;irc feet to approxitiiately In addition, the Caro construction, new equipment She notcd construction will nications and Mcmher Ser- throughout his career, in- been named MASA Region 5 Superin- 3.600 to 3.XOO squarc: feet,” facility’s health and fitness and rcmodcl iiig . be completed over time, vices manager. cluding serving as Region 5 tendent of the c x pl a i tied fac i I i t y 111 rcc tor area will undergo renova- According to Hankin, the starting in December, when “Mr. Micklash has been an president last year. Year. decision to expand was based the 16-wcek rehab expansion effective, well respected long on several factors. will get underway. Officials serving superintendent in “Thc fitness (portion of the don’t expect that rehabilita- Cass City,” Rentz said. “He County unveils facility) has traditionally op- tion services will be inter- is community service ori- Fundraising effort now erated at a loss, and part of rupted during construction. ented through participation the reason is so much of the Improvements to the health in Rotary, chamber of corn- drug assistance space is dedicated to fitncss and fitness facilities are ex- merce, hospital board and rather than rehab,” shc said. pected to begin in late spring Little League. underwav for memorial ‘I’uscola COLIti ty scn i or ci t i- Pierce, a sales director wirh She added that officials or early summer, with “Mr. Micklash is well re- J ~nsand low-inconic housc- Prescription Relief. “We had want to continue offering the completion at the end of the spectcd by his peers and Richard Little had no prob- holds will no longer havc to ii 92-year old woman who fitness programs, and even summer. Due to the scope when an area superintendent Sheridan have been very sup- morials in other towns, Little lem finding support and ap- choosc hctwcen buying food, joined our program and said take cue of necdcd renova- of the locker room improve- has a question, Mr. Micklash portive of the project. “This came up with a design fea- proval from village officials piiying for huat and lights, she could now take all of thc tions, but at the samc timc ments, customers can expect is usually the first one they is important. When I start turing 3 panels constructed for a planned war memorial. and prcscriptioris bccause of medication she was sup- take advantage of an in- some interruption of ser- call.” something I like to take it to with cultured stone over ce- a ncw progr;im. posed to and have enough creased cfemand for various vices. George Hednorek. superin- Now, he’s shifted his efforts the end.” ment block and limestone r. towards fundraising. I uscola County comrnis- moncy left where she didn’t rehabilitation services. Hankin said she expects the tendent of‘ thc Kingston Although not a veteran him- caps. Thc center panel will It’s going to be a big job, sioncrs arc supporting Pre- have to cat cat food.” “Rehab’s growth potential combined projects will be a Community Schools, agrccd. self, Little feels strongly that feature emblems of all has been halted by space, so boost to all those who have “He’s been vcry supportive but the Cass City native is all of those who served and branches of military service, scription Kclicl‘. an Ohio Thc Prescription Relief pro- bascd non-profit corporation it was the logical thing to do. of me since I came to King- already about halfway there. died for their country should and thc panels on either side gram works with 140 phar- grant from the Pinney that acts as a middleman bc- By expanding the rehab, Please turn to back page.
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