THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 25, 1888. 7.375- In the High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. and in the Bristol Times and Mirror newspaper shall be- FIRST Dividend of 2s. 3£d. in the pound has been deemed to be service of the petition upon you; and A declared in the matter of John Andrew Ferris, of further take notice, that the said petition will be heard •26, Buckingham Palace-road, Pimlico, and of lA, at this Court on the 2nd day of January, 1889, at two • Victoria-square, both in the county of Middlesex, of the clock in the afternoon, on which day you are feurgeon and Chemist and Druggist, adjudicated bank- required to appear, and if you do not appear the Court 'rupt on the 23rd day of August, 1881, and will be paid may make a Receiving Order against you in your by me, at the office of Mr. Peter Paget, Official Assignee, absence. The petition can be inspected by you on appli- in Bankruptcy-buildings, 34, Lincoln's-inn-fields, on and cation at this Court.—Dated this 22nd day of December,. after the 31st day of December, 1888.—Dated this 24th 1888. C. E. WRIGHT, Registrar. day of December, 1888. R. P. HARDING, Trustee. The Bankruptcy Act, 1883. Declaration of Dividend under a Petition, dated the 16th In the County Court of Durham, holden.at Stockton-on- day of March, 1864, against James Phillipson, late of Tees and Middlesborough. 52, St. James-street, Liverpool, in the county of Lan- In Bankruptcy. No. 4 of 1887. caster, Licensed Victualler, a Bankrupt. Ke George William" Thompson, of Norton, near Stockton-- NOTICE is hereby given, that the Second and Final on-Tees, in the county of Durham, Millwright and Dividend at the rate of 2s. 6-^d. in the pound is Engineer. now payable, and that drafts for the same may be OTICE is hereby given, that an Order was, on the received by those legally entitled at the offices of the N 21st day of December, 1888, made by the Board of Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, 35, Victoria-street, in Trade, under the powers vested in them by section 86, the city of Liverpool, on Friday,- the 28th day of sub-section 2, of the Bankruptcy Act, 1883, removing- December, 18^8, between the hours of eleven and one George Edmund Pybus, late of Stockton-on-Tees, in the o'clock. No drafts can be delivered, unless the secu- county of Durham, Chartered Accountant, but whose rities exhibited at the proof of debt be produced, with- present address is not known, from the office of Trustee out the special directions of a Registrar. Executors of the estate and effects of the above-named bankrupt.. and administrators of deceased creditors will be re- —Dated this 21st day of December, 1888. quired, to produce the probate of the will or letters of By Order of the Board of Trade, administration. JOHN SMITH, Inspector-General in Bankruptcy. F. GITTINS, Official Receiver in Bankruptcy. The Bankruptcy Act, 1S83. In the County Court of Durham, holden at Sunderland.. In Bankruptcy. No. 11 of 1887. The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. Re Charles Witty, of Lower Re^ d-street, West Hartle- In the High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. pool, in the county of Durham, and formerly trading In the Matter of Shirebnrn Joseph Weld, of Crawley's at Meadowfield-place, Brandon Colliery, near Durham,, Hotel, Albermarle-street, Piccadilly, in the county of with Richard Witty and Christopher Witty, as C. Middlesex, Gentleman, a Bankrupt. Witty and Co., Provision Merchant, formerly Con- 'John Henry Tilly, -of 37, Queen Victoria-street, in tractor, Furniture Remover, and General Carrier. the city of London, Chartered Accountant, has been NOTICE is hereby given, that an Order was, on the appointed Trustee of the property of the bankrupt. The 21st day of December, 1888, made by the Board Court has appointed the Public Examination of the of Trade, under the powers vested in them by section 86, bankrupt to take place at the Court sitting in Bank- sub-section 2, of the Bankruptcy Act, 1883, removing: ruptcy, Lincoln's-inn-fields, London, dn the 21st day of George Edmund Pybus, late of Stockton-on-Tees, in the January, 1889, at half-past eleven o'clock in the forenoon. county of Durham, Chartered Accountant, but whose All persons having in their possession any of the effects present address is not known, from the office of Trustee of the bankrupt must deliver them to the trustee, and all of the estate and effects of the above-named bankrupt. debts due to the bankrupt must be paid to the trustee. —Dated this 21st day of December, 1888. Creditors who have not yet proved their debts must By order of the Board of Trade, forward their proofs of debts to the trustee.—Dated JOHN SMITH, Inspector-General in Bankruptcy. this 17th day of December, 1888. The Bankruptcy Act, 1883. In the County Court of Durham, holden at Stockton-on Tees and Middlesborough. In the High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy. In Bankruptcy. No. 13 of 1887. In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Notice issued the 10th Re Robert Harrison, of Bishopton-road, Stockton-on-- day of November, 1888. Tees, in the county of Durham, Grocer. To Robert Alexander Gray, of 100, Piccadilly, in the NOTICE is hereby given, that an Order was, on the county of Middlesex, Captain. 21st day of December, 1888, made by the Board AKE notice, that a Bankruptcy Notice has been of Trade, under the powers vested in them by sec-- T issued against you by this Court, at the instance tion 86, sub-section 2, of the Bankruptcy Act, 1883, of John Edwards, of 71, Piccadilly, in the county of removing George Edmund Pybus, late of Stockton-on- Middlesex, Jeweller, trading as Percy Edwards and Co., Tees, in the county of Durham, Chartered Accountant, and the Court has ordered that the publication of this but whose present address is not known, from the office • notice in the London Gazette and in the Morning Post of Trustee of the estate and effects of the above-named, newspaper shall be deemed to be service of the bankrupt.—Dated this 21st day of December, 1888. Bankruptcy Notice upon you. The Bankruptcy Notice By Order of the Board of Trade, can be inspected by you on application at this Court.— JOHN SMITH, Inspector-General in Bankruptcy. Dated 21st day of December, 1888. WILLIAM HAZLITT, Registrar. The Bankruptcy Act, 1883. In the County Court of Durham, holden at Stockton- The Bankruptcy Act, 1883. on-Tees and Middlesborough. In the County Court of'Gloucestershire, h olden at Bristol. In Bankruptcy. No. 26 of 1887. In Bankruptcy. No. 91 of 1888. Re Thomas Foster, of Noithgate, Guisborough, in the Re George Barber. county of Yorkshire, Grocer. In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Petition filed the 19th day OTICE is hereby given, that an Order was on the 21st of December, 1888. N day of December, 1888, made by the Board of To George Barber, formerly of 8, Brandon-villas, Char- Trade under the powers vested in them by section 86, lotte-street, Park-street, in the city of Bristol, but of sub-section 2, of the Bankruptcy Act, 1883, removing an address at present unknown, retired Surveyor of George Edmund Pybus, late of Stockton-on-Tees, in the Taxes. county of Durham, Chartered Accountant, but whose ri^AKE notice, that a Bankruptcy Petition has been present address is not known, from the office of Trustee _I_ presented against you to this Court by William of the estate and effects of the above-named bankrupt.— Martin Goldsworthy, of 155, Newfoundland-road, in the Dated this 21st day of December, 1S88. city of Bristol, Mineral Water Manufacturer, and Charles By Order of the Board of Trade, Edward Beavis, of Cathay, in the said city of Bristol, JOHN SMITH, Inspctor-General in Bankruptcy. Mineral Water Manufacturer, and the Court has ordered that' the publication of this notice in the London Gazette.
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