V o l . x x v . ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, PR1DAY, JUNE 15, 1900. OT FOR . rr.: examiner pager. ,T# A Law and Order League Society Ma> be The C asffe of the First National Bank Formed iu Asbury Park < '■ Has g pM Appointed to a Lucra- This Summer. State Position. A now form of antagonism to Sunday Mortis - Ooger, cashier of the .First trains threatens to £-TBe. Natl 5 ’ K> W1M this we?k Sever his It' Is no less than a law and order ( i;' ’ .with that Institution to accept Commencement Exercises of the Asbury Park Grammar Local Jehus Appeared Before Common CounciL Monday society., ■' tb ap p jlf^ p wf.state bank examiner, Mr. Evening and Spoke Their Little Piece— Seeking to It bearing, on the Sunday train ques­ Dafjer /s® .be connected In his official School Held Yesterday— The High School Graduates tion is perhaps Indirect, but those who capacItyM th the office of tbe State Bank­ Abate the Flood Nuisance in the Hotel Dis •will be responsible for Ste organization, in g and fflflrance Commission, of which Celebrate Class Day— The Township High School claim that the society will be 8 powerful William !a of Camden la tha head, trict—Routine Business Transacted, factor in settling the present dispute. Mr. D & i’s departure from local bank­ Cfass Graduated Last Night. While the society's formal existence Is ing clioljB- has already caused much re­ “Tbere are not enough lawyers In Happy school d^ys are over, for a time. mencement; will take place. This will Broeck said the late storm so flooded, the purely hypothetical, ft is potentially gret In iota community, on account of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York crossings there that the water rose to the Thursday afeerncah this pupils in the high- be followed by tha alumni banquet. alive. At least this IB the assurance his excell|i)t business qualifications and to.solvs this license problem,” said Wil­ eflt grade of Ashhry'Park grammar school Last evening the beginning of a steps of his hotel, the West End, ahd cov. given the Jotonal representative by a devotion f «’ the Interests of those who liam L, Meeks In Common Council Mor. held their commencement exercises In the broader education entered, Into the lives ered much of the lawn of the Coleman gentleman of prominence, who exacted have had Ifiallnga„______ with him as cashier of day sight. He and Conncllmui Tuttlo Bchool. Those who have graduated into of tha class of ’00 of the Neptune town house, opposite. The mayor declared the the strictest confidence In return for the the First jfsjtlonal Bank. are a committee to recommend neces­ tho high school are the following: Mabel ship high school. * force of the water to be at times so great Information volunteered Accordingly, The "ii. i and directors of this bank sary revisions in the Beale of taxes as Burt, Ida Brant, Ethel Bates, Herman The class commencement exercises as to be ft menace tb life; that a child no names will be mentlotaed until devel­ part w ltl$their efficient co-worker with ■ they now exist. could readily be carried through the sur­ Berlnger, Bertie Beecroft, Stanley Byram, were held at 8 o’clock In the assembly opments make a revelation necessary. great rol , but they realize that this face drain to the lake and be drowned. Gertrude Cobb, Sadie Clayton, Carabel hall , of the school and eloquent words Their report was received and the copi- ThlB law and order society will, It Is high advancement 1s a reward of merit, mlttee requested to confer with City So­ In the discussion that followed the Cole, Ora Conklin, Edmund Coyte, were spoken. lor the graduates’ encour­ declared, spring Into active being In 6 Mr. Dager’a new. position ls a lucrative licitor John F; Hawkins, mayor's remarks various plans for Im­ Ardella Duffleld, Elliott Gifford, agement in the'days to come by Senator sensational way, If the hotel keepers’ as­ one and ; ■ him In touch with every This license question was discussed at provements. were suggested, "one being Sadie Goldstein, Elnora Hulling, Boy J. B. McClellan and Postmaster James L, sociation makes any move to have a Btate banlfflln New Jersey. He will have length by. a delegation of hackmen, who, Havens, Harold Hoilbian, Samuel Hamp­ Hsye of Newark. Mr, McClellan was the that the water from the avenues running Sunday train service established here. ; several suBordlnates In his office. through Attorney Charles E. Cook, made east and west be carried to the ocean. den, Oliver Humes, George Kroehl, Paul­ orator of tbe • evening. Mr. Hays had The society will wield as on axe a The chinge will take effect Monday, ine Kendall, Edith Parsells, Waiter Loses, assigned to him the happy task pf pre­ a plea for a reduction in the license fee as This Mr. Bradley said would be impracti­ threat that is designed and expected to when the Snow state bank examiner will it applies to them. The hackmen want to cable, since the piles that would be needed Ethel MacMulIen, Ella Mehegan, James senting the diplomas. The program was Effectually place a check upon the hotel be at hlsijdeak in Trenton. While this pay $5 for a single team and $7.50 for a to support the pipes and the mud that Pine, Beatrice Pike, William Bicketts, oa follows: . 1 keepers’ association. removes Mr. Dager from the business double team. They now pay $10 and 815. would be carried out would make the Herbert Smith, Arthur Smock, Ira Smock, Overture, “College Lays," high school Its slogan seems to be: “Let them come world In aibary Park It does not remove Mr. Cook, to stating the hnckmen’S de- beach unsightly. No action was taken Carroll Svog, Essie Slocum, Irm a Stein­ orchestra; Lord’s prayer, responsive; on if tirey dare, but if they do let them him from ilia social world, and society is desires,.said the men are willing to com­ John Hubbard asked by latter that bach, Florence Stoat, Joseph Turner, “Welcome,^ Miss Ida Harris, of the grad­ beware I” - glad to knbw that Mrs. Dager, so closely bine not only for mutual protection but to Bond street be improved. He complain­ Nellie Treat,-Ella VanAken, Lulu West uating class; orchestra,'*DIvi8lonf’ chorus In making these revelations to the identified with every function of a social aid the city ia collecting the licenses ed'that the residents of tbat thoroughfare and Robert Wilson. of members of graduating class and other J ournal the geotlems;n referred to said: nature, will still be here and continue to from those who fail to pay the same. bad requested thlB two and one-half years The exercises ware aa follows: Over­ pupils, “ Woodland Echoes;” address, Ex- “The hotel men are not ths only ones. lend her assistance and, Influence in these tore, orchestra; prayer; cantata, Senator J. B. McClellan; orchestra, "Toy Mr. Bradley opposed the reduction. ago and yet Bewail and Munroe avenues ■who can play at this game of Sunday affairs. i “Strange Visitors;’’ reading, “The Amer­ Symphony;” presentation of diplomas, He addressed the backmen Individually, have taken precedence. E^ B Wakelj trains. They will find that there are pow­ M. H. dcott, now assistant cashier of presented a grievance. He deplored the ican Flag," Arthur Smock; three-part Postmaster James L. Hays; chorus, "Ves­ asked them questions and permitted them erful Influences at work and these influ­ the First National Bank, will be advanced fact that surface water runs from Munroe song, “Ring on, ye bells,” chorus; read­ per H y«in}” “ Goodbye,” address by Jout to'sak him questions. “ Now," said be, ences will shape themselves as I bave In­ to the qffieb Mr. Dager has, resigned.- avenue into Emory street and down to ing, “Aunt Peggy and high art,” Mary Crawford, of the graduating class; or- “ as your councllmanlo dad J want you to dicated. It will bo best-for the .hotel Summerfleld avenue. William Brnm- K. Dallas; class song, "Let our voices be -cjaestra selection, finale from the Fifth tellrae squarely what your reasons are for keepers to keep hands off. maker asked tbat something be done to CHILDREN’S DAY. glad ;" presentation of diplomas, David symphony. { wanting this reduction and then I’ll an­ ‘‘This Is not a jest, nor Is it a mere prevent the gathering of much water In Harvey, Jr. ; overture, orchestra. Those who received sheepskins are swer you,” Tbe men then spoke for threat. We will organize a law and order Services in the Methodist and Presbyte- thenJselyes. 'Hackman Grant said tbe front of his premises, 3X8 Cookman ave­ On WeiJrieBdsy afternoon the graduat- the following: Regular course—Maude society If the hotel men take any action ' rlon Churches, Sunday, Were Devoted nue- All these complaints ware referred. Ing class of the Asbury Park high school Adele Clayton, Madge MacDonald Con­ present license rate is too heavy for the to bring about a Sunday train service.’! Tbe commltttee appointed to confer to the Sabbath School Scholars, beld In the school laboratory tbe class over, Agnes Hurd Bussell, Sara Ida m m , •* Wlggy” Jones declared the back- And thus does this Sunday train war with Cookman avenue property holders Children's day was observed Sunday In day exercise. Miss Mabel Brazer read Harris, Andrew H, Richardson. Kathryn, men have no protection in return for tbe become merrier day by day, license they pay; if they are cheated by reported progress. the various churches. Decorations were the class history, In which Bhe traced the Watson, Marlon P.
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