Wheaton College 2002-2003 Catalog CollegeSource Visit Career Guidance Foundation at http://www.collegesource.org Copyright & Disclaimer You may: Information l print copies of the information for your own personal use, © Copyright 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998, 1999 l store the files on your own computer for per- 2000, 2001, 2002 Career Guidance Foundation sonal use only, or l reference this material from your own docu- CollegeSource digital catalogs are derivative ments. works owned and copyrighted by Career Guid- ance Foundation. Catalog content is owned The Career Guidance Foundation reserves the and copyrighted by the appropriate school. right to revoke such authorization at any time, and any such use shall be discontinued immedi- While the Career Guidance Foundation pro- ately upon written notice from the Career Guid- vides information as a service to the public, ance Foundation. copyright is retained on all digital catalogs. Disclaimer This means you may NOT: CollegeSource digital catalogs are converted from either the original printed catalog or elec- l distribute the digital catalog files to others, tronic media supplied by each school. Although every attempt is made to ensure accurate con- l “mirror” or include this material on an version of data, the Career Guidance Founda- Internet (or Intranet) server, or tion and the schools which provide the data do not guarantee that this information is accurate l modify or re-use digital files or correct. The information provided should be without the express written consent of the used only as reference and planning tools. Final Career Guidance Foundation and the appropri- decisions should be based and confirmed on ate school. data received directly from each school. 73958 Wheaton Catalog.2002.qxd 5/8/02 12:01 PM Page 1 WH E ATO N BULLETIN OF WHEATON COLLEGE 2002-03 Contents: Wheaton in Profile 3 Undergraduate Student Life 13 Undergraduate Admissions 23 Undergraduate Academic Policies and Information 31 Arts and Sciences Programs 53 Conservatory of Music 115 Graduate Programs 139 Financial Information 179 Directory 193 Calendar 207 Index 210 May 2002 © Vol.5 No. 3 - Wheaton (USPS 078440) is published in January, April, May, July, and October by Wheaton College, 501 College Ave., Wheaton, Illinois 60187-5593, and mailed free of charge. Periodicals postage paid at Wheaton, IL. Postmaster: Send address changes to Wheaton, 501 College Ave., Wheaton, IL 60187-5593. This Bulletin is for informational purposes and does not constitute a contract.Wheaton College complies with federal and state requirements for non-discrimination on the basis of handicap, sex, race, color, national or ethnic origin in admission and access to its programs and activities. 73958 Wheaton Catalog.2002.qxd 5/8/02 12:01 PM Page 3 Wheaton in prof i l e You get an immediate sense that something exciting is taking place here. At times, it is quiet and peace- ful; at other times it is bustling and alive with students and teachers hurrying along. You begin to sense a purpose, a confidence, a spirit of enthusiasm on the part of those walking past you talking animatedly with their companions. As you take your first walk around Wheaton’s 80 acres, your attention is drawn to the buildings that dot its campus. Some of them, more than 100 years old, silently speak of tradition and stability. Some of them are so new that you can almost feel the future and its promise as you walk through their shiny glass doors. You get the feeling that this is more than a little bit of what a college is supposed to look and feel like. You begin to feel the potential, the excitement, and the purpose one associates with people who are growing— as students, as people, and as Christians. Wheaton College. A college where the exciting process called “higher education” is alive and well. And flourishing. 73958 Wheaton Catalog.2002.qxd 5/8/02 12:01 PM Page 4 4 Wheaton College 2002-2003 College The institutional mission statement expresses Wheaton College exists to help build the the stable and enduring identity of Wheaton College church and improve society worldwide by promot- Mission in terms of our reason for existence and our role in ing the development of whole and effective society and the church. All the purposes, goals, and Christians through excellence in programs of activities of the College are guided by this mission. Christian higher education. This mission expresses our commitment to do all things “For Christ and His Kingdom.” Educational Committed to the principle that truth is spective needed to relate Christian experience to the revealed by God through Christ “in Whom are hid demands of those needs. Purpose all the tre a s u res of wisdom and know l e d g e , ” The founders of the College and their succes- Wheaton College seeks to relate Christian liberal sors have consistently maintained that academic arts education to the needs of contemporary society. excellence and evangelical Christian faith and prac- The curricular approach is designed to combine tice are essential to that purpose. faith and learning in order to produce a biblical per- Educational Undergraduate Program Objectives The undergraduate program at Wheaton is pre p a r e students and alumni to engage the world intended: red e m p t i v ely for Christ and His Kingdom. Th i s •To enable students to apprehend truth in their red e m p t i v e engagement will take many forms. It study of Scripture, of nature, and of humanity; to in vo l v es proclaiming the Gospel to a world that does appreciate beauty and order in God’s creation and not know or acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior and human creativity in the arts and sciences, and to Lo r d. It also includes learning from, critiquing, and apply those insights to the pursuit of righteous- challenging the major traditions of human learning. ness in the life of both the individual and society. Wheaton College does not exist to shelter stu- •To provide a liberal arts education that acquaints dents from a world hostile to faith in Jesus Christ. students with the organized fields of learning in On the contrary, the goal is to prepare students to the context of a Christian view of nature, of think and behave redemptively as Christians within humanity, and of culture through the study of that world. Thus, the faculty of Wheaton College both biblical and general revelation. aspire to be faithful mentors and guides to students •To assist students to respect, understand, and as they engage together the full breadth of human evaluate the thoughts of others, to express their thought, including those topics and areas which thoughts clearly and effectively, and to cultivate challenge their faith. The goal in this process is the lifelong habit of learning. always to help students think as Christians about •To make available opportunity for concentration what they are studying. and research in one field of learning and to lay The College endeavors to maintain high academic foundations for career, graduate, and professional st a n d a r ds by encouraging faculty excellence both in training. teaching and in other scholarly activity, and by encour- • To help students understand the meaning of life aging students in independent study, analytic thinking, and their service to society, family, and the church , and the quest for exce l l e n c e . and to prep a r e them for the responsible use of their Although primarily a liberal arts college, Wh e a t o n fr eedom and ability by virtue of their commitment pr ovides pre- p r ofessional study in education, liberal to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. a rts-engineering, and liberal arts-nursing. T h e •To encourage students to develop priorities and Co n s e r vat o r y of Music offers both a liberal arts degree practices that will contribute to their well-being and several professional degrees (see The Conservat o r y and effectiveness physically, psyc h o l o g i c a l l y, of Music section). socially, and spiritually. Both secular and religious leaders recognize the These objectives are implemented through care- importance of a Christian liberal arts education as a fully planned programs and activities. Because the preparation for careers in such fields as business and Scriptures are the integrating core for a Christian lib- government. When integrated with a committed eral arts education, all students take courses in bibli- Christian faith, the broadly-based knowledge and cal studies, so that they may understand more fully the training in analysis and in communication skills the bearing of Christian faith on life and thought. of such an undergraduate education prepare the But that objective of a fully Christian understand- individual for lifelong learning and service, as well as ing of all of life and thought is not limited to course for a variety of careers. wo r k in biblical studies. Christian perspectives are br ought to bear in all subjects and disciplines. Ind e e d , the ver y purpose of a Wheaton College education is to 73958 Wheaton Catalog.2002.qxd 5/8/02 12:01 PM Page 5 Wheaton College 2002-2003 5 Graduate Program The graduate program seeks to relate Christian a vailable in Biblical Arc h a e o l o g y, Biblical and education to the needs of contemporary society. The Theological Studies, Clinical Psyc h o l o g y , Edu c a t i o n , curricular approach is designed to combine faith and Educational Ministries, Evangelism, Int e rd i s c i p l i n a r y learning in order to produce a biblical perspective Studies, and Missions and Int e r cultural Studies.
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