The Inventory of the Michael Avallone Collection #305 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center ' Avallone, Michael I . Printed M:l.terial Box 1 a . The Sear (reprint from Mike Shayne MY5tery Magazine 1964) b . Trouble at Travers Pharmacy (reprint from Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine ) 1964 c. The Devil M3.y Care (from the Oneota Revi ew 1966) d . Send~ M:i.n From Intrex (from Saint .Magazine Jan 1967) e . Seven Miles From Intrex (from Saint M:i.gazine M:l.y 1967) f. Power The Ball Plateward ( from Super Sports 1957) g . The Thing in Evening Dress (from Mike Shayne Mystery M:l.g . M:l.y 1965) h . Case of the Amorous Nudes (from Stag Migazine Dec . 1963) II. Misc. items a . News clipping; profile of Avallmne with his holo. comnrent b . photograph of Avallone c . list of officers of Mystery Writers of America (Avallone is on Board of Dirertors) d . typed carbon profile of Avallone 2 p . signed by Avallone e . clipping from LA Times 1/8/67 (letter to editor from Avallone) f . assorted promotional sheets g. typed lists of books and assorted information (ie publishing, date, type) with Avallone's holo. comments 10 p . h. Cardboard with 1964 and 1965 writing activity. III. 'lbe Thrush and the Eagles Affair a . TIS from Avallone to whom it ma.y concern 3/ 11/ 67 l p . b . typescript 64 p. Box 3 N. Violence and Velvet original typescript carbon 207 p. autographed inscription to Estelle Fox V/ short stories and novelettes a. Corpses Are For Killing typescript carbon 11 p. Box 1 b. Seven Miles From Intrex typescript carbon 32 p. c . ! Question of' Love typescrlpt carbon 10 p. d. Some People Kill People typescript carbon 17 p. Box 4 :VI. The M:l.n From Avon typescript carbon ( signed by Avallone) 175 p. VII. Swingin' in the Rain typescript carbon 140 p. VIII. Above ! Whisper typescript carbon 229 p. with holograph corr. Box 2 IX. Young Dillinger typescript carbon 152 p. signed by Avallone X. The M:l.n From Uncle# 1 typescript carbon 170 p. signed by Avallone XI. misc. writings a. Remember the Alamo ( Noble recorgp narrated by Claude Rains) typescript 32 p. with holo. corr. and cozmnents b . Gary Cooper, ! :temoir typescript 58 p. with connnents c. two insert chapters (typescript carbon f'or The Second Secret) 14 p. d. Death Boat typescript 5 p. e. Sweet Violets typescript 6 p. f. Connie -----Get Your Gun typescript carbon 4 p. XII Daughter of Darkness typescript carbon 237 p. / Box 3 XIII. Seven of Intrex a. typescript carbon 3 5 p. b. typescript carbon 34 p. XIV. Girl From Uncle # l (Birds of ! Feather Attair) typescript carbon 177 p. xv. Station Six Sahara typescript carbon 153 p. XVI. Girl From Uncle~ (The Blazing Attair) typescript carbon 175 p. Box 4 XVII 90 Gramercy Park a. typescript carbon plot outline 5 p. b. typescript carbon 196 p. XVIII Mistress of Farrondale a. tn,escript carbon plot outline 6 p. with halo. marks b. typescript carbon signed by Avallone 164 p. XIX. Dark Cypress a. typescript carbon plot outline 2 p. b. typescript carbon 184 p. Box 5 xx. Corridor of Whispers a. typescript carbon plot outline 8 p. b. typescript carbon 167 p. XXI Silent Silken Shadows a. typescript carbon plot outline 7 p. b. typescript carbon 201 p. XXII Darkening Willows a. typescript plot outline 5 p. b. typescript carbon signed by Avallone p 195 p. XXIII. Heirloom of Tragedy a. typescript carbon plot outline 6 p. b. typescript carbon 180 p. Box 6 XXIV. Kaleidoscope a. original screenplay by R. B. and J. H. H. ca.rrington. Printed. b. typescript carbon of Avallone's novel based on screenplay 187 p. XXV. The Evil Men Do a. typescript carbon plot outline 11 p. b. typescript carbon signed by Avallone 172 p. XXVI. Terror at Deepcliff a. typescript carbon plot outline 6 p. b. typescript carbon 165 p. XXVII The Victorian Crown a. typescript carbon plot outline 5 p. b. typescript carbon signed by Avallone 165 p. Avallone, Michael Addenda, April, 1967 Box 7 THE BLUE-EIED MJNSTER Debut Novel in 11The Felony Squad" Series• Carbon typescript. 176 pp. Author's signature. Printed material "Corpses Are For Killingn in MIKE SHAINE MYSTERY MAGAZ 1NE March, 1967 P• 118 . < Avallone, Michael Addenda., June., 1967 Box 7 THE FEBRUARY OOLL MURDERS , An Ed Noon Novel of Suspense 1. Title page. Typescripto Contains "Kriting History" and "Note". Author's autograph signature and date. 2. Layout for chapter heading with printer's marks. 3o Carbon typescript with editor's holograph corrections. 175 PPo Avallone, Michael Addenda September, 1967 Box 7 I. Small photograph of Avallone. II. is OFF-COIDR CORPSE ( CADA.VER, CAD) A. Typescript. 8 pp. (A halo. note explains that the 18th Ed Noon novel: THE HORRIBLE MA.N grew out of this short story). III. SAY GOODBYE TO INTREX (published in The Saint M:i.gazine, October, 1967, as ADDREDD-Ilfl!REX, SAIGON). A. Typescript carbon. 40 pp. Iv. "The Third Degree" (mystery published by Writers of America, Inc.) February, 1967 issue. (NOTE: Avallone mentioned on page 8.) Avallone, Michael AcidenGla, 1968 Manuscripts Box 7 "flalter Egon (Short monologue written in 1949) Typescript carhon, 4 PP• MANNIX {Based on TV Series) Typescript carbon, 164 pp. Box 8 THE SEOOND SECRET Outline. Carhon typescript, 5 PP• ant Avallone, Michael AtS Nov. 27, 1967 re outline. IS THERE A TEEN-AGE DRIVER IN YOUR HJUSE?" Caraon typescript, 61 PP• {Revision b7 M.A. of "A Guide For Parents" by Dr. Lawrence E. Schlesinger) and "A Guide For Parents 11 , Xerox, ,o pp. by LS • THE INCIDENT (Novelization of screenplay) Typescript carbon, 170 pp. SEACLIFFE lay Ecrina Noone ( pseud. ) a) Sett:lng copy. Typescript with editor's bolo. corro, 205 PPo D) Title page with note: To Whom It May Concern, Signed. ay M. Avallone, Feb. 13, 1968 c) Outline. Carlron typescript, 8 pp. ani title page, typescript with holo. notes. Box 9 3 rubber stamps with ad.vertisements for Avallone hooks. Aciienda, April, 1968 Manuscript,ss Each has typescript note signed lay' Mr. Avallone. DARK CIPRESS hy Eciwina Noone (pseud.) 1st draft. Carmon typescript with some bolo. corr., 178 PPo "Evelyn B. Grippo 1s notes on DARK CYPRFSS" Typescript with Mrs. Orippo's bolo. corr., 29 PP• 90 GRAMERCY PARK by- Priscilla Dalton (pseud..) 3r• copy. Carbon typescript, 180 PPc CORRIOOR OF WHISPERS by Emrina Noone (psewi.) 3r• oo-,y. Carbon typescript, 177 PPc THE SIIDT SIUCEN SHAOONS by Priscilla Dalton (pseu.a.) 3rd copy. Carbon typescript., 200 'PPo Avallone, Michael Page 2 Aa.cienda, April, 1968 Manuscripts cont. Box_ 10 THE BROKEN SNUFFOOX by Dorothea Nile (pseua..) )rd copy. Carbon typescript, 163 PPo THE MARBIE STAmcASE ey Dorothea Nile {pseud.) )ra copy. Carbon typescript, 166 ,,. SEACLIFFE my- Edwina Noone (pseua.) Car'bon typescript, 209 pp. THE HORRIBLE MAN Caroon typescript with some holoo corr., 168 l'P• Add.encia, Spring, 1968 Manuscripts Box 11 THE Gm.L FROM U.N .c.L.E.: The Devil-Down-Under Affair "Secona carbon" Carbon typescript, 18S ,,~ A~'!;hor' s signature. THE COFFIN THINGS (Ealier title t SWEET VIOLETS ) a) noutline for novel" Carbon typescript., 4 11h b) Chapter One. Two versions: Typescript with holo. corr., 11 PPo Carbon tY,escript, 11 pp. Signed. c) Careon typescript, 172 pp. Box 12 THE VAMPL1m CAMEO Two versionst careon tn,escript, 146 pp. eacho Printed: Material relating to Edgar Allan Poe Awards Dinner, 1968 l. Program ro the Mystery Writers Annual Dinner. Signed twice by Avallone. References to him on pp. 12, 17, 19, and 230 2o 2 tickets to the dinner. ). Invitation to the dinnero Avallone, Michael Page 3 Aaaenca, Ji.me, 1968 Box l:2 ONLY ONE MORE MEIDDI Typescript, 211 PP• Signed. author's note:: " I 'built" the book around Arlen ant\ Mercer's ™ 2!! Black Magic" SWEET VIOLETS Later entitledt THE COFFIN THINGS Carbon tyy,escript, 254 PP• Box 13 Printed items. Envelope: a) Cover or !h!_ Saint MY:stery Magazine British Ed.itiono Advertises story 91' MA in this issue. b) Photocopy of printed letter from MA to the Etitors of !!!! Spokesman, June 12, 1968 with signed holo. note to Dr. Gotlieb on same pageo c) Poem by MA about death of Martin J~_uthe.r~.Killg• Printed in -- - -----··------· . -- -·-~· . - • - -• -· ·--' -·------· --· ·-- ------·· ~ Spokesman May, 1968 with s im}ed holograph note to HID. d) Carel preserved in plastic with names of executives of Mystery­ Writers of Ameri~, Inc. Cartoons 2 pen and ink cartoons by MA 4 x 6n For Mystery Vagazine, 1963. Preservea in plastico Addenda, July, 1968 Printed !h!_ Third Degree. Publication of They Mystery- Writers of America. "A sample of sheets from old issues of TTD" 46 PPo Holograph note from YA to Dr. Gotlie'b on first pageo Issues cover 1953 - 1963. Each page has an article Dy or mentions MA. 1 1 __________Avallone, Michael L-:i. _ UOID_,___ .. ____DELL _ UNCLE in Segretissillo Arnoldo Mondadori, c 1968. Avallone, .Michael Page 4 Add.entia, September, 1968 Box 13 Printed items Ad.rian, Kelly "Mike Avallone One of the Un-Angry Young Men" !!!!, Mystery Lover's Newsletter Vo l. noo 5, June, 1968. Po 3. Holo. note "by Avallone on cover. Avallone, Michael "Movie Memory Test l!,011 p. 459. Films in Review Aug. Sept. 1968 Holo. note by Avallone on cover. "Avallone •s Credo When the 'Game' Gets Tough" 3 x 5" signo Holographo - --- - -• -- · - - -c-_-~ Addenda October 1968 1) THE KILLING STAR. Novel. Pub. by Robert Hale, December, 1968. Carbon typescript. Inscribed on title page.
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