YEARS OF Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs CELEBRATING Government of India THE MAHATMA ƓƑƒƕbঞ;v ѵĺƔƒ-h_"u;o1-ঞomv lr-1ঞm]Ɠƒuou;b;v] ’ World s largest cleanliness survey Years of Celebrating The Mahatma II III IV V Vinod Kumar Jindal Years of Celebrating The Mahatma Message from the Chairman, Karvy First of all, I would like to express my deep gra tude to the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban), Ministry of Housing and Urban Aff airs for entrus ng Karvy Data Management Services Limited with conduc ng the Swachh Survekshan two years in a row. I sincerely hope we have been able to C. Parthasarathy live up to expecta ons. Chairman, Swachh Survekshan 2019 posed a unique challenge in the Karvy Data Management history of survey research in India, requiring us to complete Services Limited on-ground assessment across 4237 Urban Local Bodies and Cantonment Boards in a mere 28 days. The fi nal scoring and ranking was to be completed in a further 15 days. I am extremely proud of the fact that a team of over 4500 assessors on the ground and nearly 500 people at the back end worked relessly to deliver the project without any me overrun or compromise on quality. However, such an eff ort would not have been possible without the constant guidance and support we received from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Aff airs and the spirit of coopera on and support that we received from State Mission Directors and ULB nodal offi cers. We are truly grateful for the me and interest invested by them in helping us achieve such an Swachh Survekshan ambi ous target. 2019 posed a unique Finally, my sincere thanks goes out to the Mission Director, challenge in the history of Deputy Mission Director, and the PMU of SBM (Urban), survey research in India, whose con nuous engagement with the Karvy team always requiring us to complete made us feel as part of a larger partnership. I can proudly say on-ground assessment that every one of us have been enriched by this experience. I can see that Swachh Survekshan has become a signifi cant across 4237 Urban Local catalyst towards galvanising a spirit of mass par cipa on in Bodies and Cantonment ‘cleaning’ India and we at Karvy feel privileged to have been Boards in a mere 28 days a part of it. C. Parthasarathy VI TABLE OF CONTENT Sec on 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 Sec on 2: SWACHH SURVEKSHAN 2019 FACTSHEET 4 Sec on 3: ASSESSMENT AND SCORING METHODOLOGY 8 Sec on 4: THE SURVEY DELIVERY PROCESS 16 Sec on 5: SURVEY RESULTS 36 Ranking Of 100 ULBs On Basis Of Total Score 37 Ranking Of 100 ULBs On Basis Of Total Score 40 Sec on 6: THE LIST OF AWARDEES 43 Naঞ onal Level Awards 44 Zonal Awards 90 North Zone Awards 91 East Zone Awards 108 North East Zone Awards 126 South Zone Awards 138 West Zone Awards 154 India’s Best Performing States 171 Best Cantonment Board Awards 185 Best ciঞ zen-led inঞ aঞ ve 196 Best Ganga Town 200 Sec on 7: SS2019 DASHBOARD 203 VIIVIV I VIII Ye ar s of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Cele br ating Government of India The Ma ha tm a Execu ve Summary he primary goal of all Swachh Survekshans is to encourage large scale ci zen par cipa on and create T awareness amongst all sec ons of society about the importance of working together towards making towns and ci es a be er place to live in. Addi onally, these surveys also intend to foster a spirit of healthy compe on among towns and ci es to improve their service delivery to ci zens, and thus steadily moving towards crea ng cleaner ci es. As a prelude to encouraging ci es to improve urban sanita on, Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Aff airs had conducted ‘Swachh Survekshan-2016’ for the ra ng of 73 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in January 2016. This was scaled up to cover and rank 434 ULBs in the following year. In 2018, in a bid to scale up the coverage of the ranking exercise and encourage towns and ci es to ac vely implement mission ini a ves in a mely and innova ve manner, SBM – U had mandated that Swachh Survekshan 2018 covers all ULBs and cantonment boards in the country. This had elicited par cipa on from 4203 ULBs and CBs, covering all states and UTs in the country (barring Lakshadweep). The current Swachh Survekshan, which spanned from 4th of January to 31st of January 2019, has covered a total of 4237 ULBs and Cantonment Boards from all states and UTs, barring the state of West Bengal who had opted not to par cipate. While in 2018 the ranking of the ULBs was separately done for those with a popula on of one lakh or more (na onal ranking) and those below one lakh (state and zonal rankings) with a total of 55 award categories, in 2019, with a view to recognizing good work done by the smaller ULBs towards realizing the dream of a Swachh India, the popula on categories have been increased to six, viz. greater than 10 lakhs, 3 - 10 lakhs, 1 – 3 lakhs (where a total of 425 ULBs competed for 23 award categories), and 50,000 – 1 lakh, 25,000 – 50,000 and less than 25,000 (where 3750 ULBs competed for 95 zonal awards). In addi on, there are seven awards exclusively meant for the 62 Cantonment Boards, six awards meant to recognize outstanding performances by states as a whole, three special category awards for recognizing outstanding ci zen-led ini a ves towards Swachh Bharat, and three more for the top three Ganga towns. 1 Karvy Data Management Services Limited, who had successfully executed Swachh Survekshan 2018, was once again selected by the Ministry through a compe ve QCBS linked bidding and evalua on process for undertaking the 2019 version as well. Prior to the actual commencement of the survey, concerted eff orts were made by the SBM – U to strengthen the capaci es of the ci es to understand the modali es and spirit of the survey. This was fi rst done through a series of workshops organised by the PMU prior to the survey, to familiarize them with the survey methodology, survey process and output indicators. Therea er, prior to and during the process of the survey, the central helpdesk set up by Karvy also engaged in intensive interac on with individual ULBs, through video conferencing with states, through handholding and follow- up interac on via telephone, emails and chat bots available in the designated web portal www.swachhsurvekshan2019.org. Since ci zen par cipa on was a very crucial component of this survey, social media and other tradi onal media channels were strategically used at both na onal, state and city levels in order to educate ci zens about the objec ves of the survey, as well as to reinforce the importance of their par cipa on in Swachh Survekshan 2019. This eff ort was further reinforced by the extensive use of Twi er, Facebook and Instagram by KARVY to launch and sustain three online campaigns (GarvHai, MyGreenHabit, JholaChallenge) which together have garnered close to 65 lakh social media reach. When the fi rst Swachh Survekshan was started in 2016, it was designed to be a monitoring tool. Subsequent Survekshans have focused on output and then then outcome level indicators. Having achieved most of the outcome targets the focus of the current Survekshan has been on sustainability. Towards this end, the SBM – U had introduced two new cer fi ca on ini a ves, viz. ODF+/ODF++, and Start Ra ng of Garbage Free Ci es. While ODF guidelines focus on construc on of toilets, ODF+ guideline was developed to assess sustainable Community/Public Toilet usage so that ci es are mo vated to improve the standard on O & M. The focus of the ODF++ protocol is on achieving sanita on sustainability by addressing the complete sanita on value chain, ending with safe faecal sludge management. The concept of Star Ra ng of ci es was to introduce a cer fi ca on process which involves assessment of various loca ons in each and every ward within a city, checking for cleanliness of drains and water bodies, plas c waste management, managing of construc on and demoli on waste, etc. through a process of direct observa on and ci zen feedback. The process of cer fi ca on, as was the case with Swachh Survekshan, was done through Third Par es. Quality Council of India, who were already assessing the ODF status of ci es, was further mandated to assess the ODF+/ODF++ declara ons. As on January 31st. 2019, 373 ULBs had achieved ODF+ cer fi ca on while 165 had were ODF++. Another third party agency, Kantar Public, were entrusted to assess the 3 star and 5 star eligibility of applicants. At the closure of the assessment meline, 53 ULBs were cer fi ed to be 3 star while 3 were eligible for 5 star cer fi ca on. 1239 ULBs were self -declared as 1 or 2 star. Apart from the newly introduced Cer fi ca on processes (together worth 1250 marks), the scoring for each ULB under Swachh Survekshan 2019 included components that were carried forward 2 from all previous Survekshans. These included Service Swachh Survekshan. In addi on, a team of 2549 feet on Level Progress (1250 marks), which involved review street were deployed to conduct over 11 lakh face-to- of documentary evidence provided by ULBs against face interviews for ci zen feedback, to supplement the ac vi es they claim to be undertaking; Independent feedbacks gathered through other pla orms, including Valida on, where part-marks were deducted from SLP outbound calling.
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