THE SAINT PAUL SUNDAY GLOBE, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 18*1. Bidwell's addition to Weet St. Paul. Consider- that Warner Millerhad been duly elected, itis lawful to garble quotations and sup- REAL ESTATE. ation ?500. STALWARTS SCOOPED. Gen. Winslow moved that the Senate press words that materially affect the Jobn D.Pollock to Wm. T. Donaldson. The adjourn. Amid cries of "No!" "No!" sense or meaning of the author quoted. IK IN undivided one-half of lot4, block 1, Hopkinw' finish the business to-day!" the This previous- HOLMAN'S PAD BUSK '•ME TOO I*I.ATI'S" SUCCESSOR SE- "Letus is yet worse than allhe has Activityof the Market— LarK« Amount of addition. Consideration, $3,270. roll was called and the motion to adjourn lysaid or done. In the so-called abstract, OF Greve LECTED YE&TERDAY. Purchases for linprovj'mentt.-Trani'fcrs Pauline Beaumette to Herman and carried, the stalwarts and Democrats be itremarked, the cardinal's words are A. Oppenlieim. The south 4o feet of lot 1, CURES ST.PAUL, of thf Week. Beaumette'e, sub-division of block 1, Rondos again locking hands. inserted between quotation marks, withno Simply MIJST3ST. addition. $2,215. Speaker Sharpe vDeserts Conk ling and asterisks where the omitted words occur, The Globe need not repeat to its thou- Consideration lire. Mr.Smith's Misquotation*. impossible for the Adam Gotzian and wife,to Oscar Han6on. Declares That He Feels Bound by the and itwas thus simply ABCTOTIOTt. sands of readers that the country, the To the Editor of the Globe. reader to suppose that he had not a full Without by Lots 20 and 27 of AdamEotzians.. Subdivis- Caucus— An Ettort to Complete the JOHN STEVENS *ION, 99* last Third whole country, is sharing in one of those ion of block 77, of Lyman Dayton's addition. Permit me to say a few words in reply text of the cardinal's words before him. fit $300. Business, But the Stalwarts.-. and Dem- •tap, Paul, Miio. , epochs of prosperity, the out- Consideration to the letter ofRev. S. G. Smith which Mr. Smith is too honest to deceive his Absorption periodical Laura T. Bunnell and husband, to Charles ocrats Adjourn. , '-..' Methodist congregation, but itis allright MEDICINE so far as the Northwest is con- 28, \u0084\>" o appeared in last Sunday's Globe. AJtTHTi' MATERIALS- growth, D. Waterhouse Piece of land iv section for him to lead into error the readers of cerned, of natural causes. This n no township 29, range 22. Considt-ration $1,600. Mr.Smith is evidently a believer inthe the Press,— this is the case as it ifiERWOoA HOU6H, corner Third aad wife, Alois Albany, July Pioneer Only v_ spasmodic boom, but one based upon a Wm. Davidson and to Schmidt. 16.—The joint conven- principle that audacity insures success. now stands. The True Malarial Antidote. WMMhaw. ..r Lot11, block 12, Dawson's addition to West tion chair Dx.Holman's Pad is no guess-work remedy- solid foundation, with everything to show St. Consideration $200. met at noon. The announced Inno other hypothesis can Iaccount for The fact is that Mr. Smith garbles and — STEVENS &ROBERTSON, 15 East Third Paul. no experiment purloined ! steps taken back- Henry Fuller, to that itwould proceed to vote for United mutilates Catholic authorities through feeble imitative no street, Paul. \u25a0' " that there will be no H. Thomas W. Ren. Lot the positive and bold assertions, so con- hodge podge ofsome other idea ;i»is St. this fact 4, block 2, Magoffin ABreck:nridge addition. States senator in place of Roscoe Conk- some natural necessity Inhis letter of inventor's ward. No better evidence of $825. trary to facts, with which he fillsup his . the original and only genuine car* Consideration ling, resigned. Sunday last he makes a new attack upon V!v-':\u25a0\u25a0*•\u25a0\u25a0' ATTOBNEYH. can be adduced than the activity lectures and his letters. If assertions insists that atlve Pad, the only remedy that has an hon- Speaker Thorpe said: Mr. President, Cardinal Manning. He estly-acquired right DAVIDSON, Attorneys, in the real estate market in were arguments Mr. Smith would un- the cardinal does defy history, "and this," to use the title-word "Pad" WILLIAMS A there are a number of gentlemen here in in connection witha treatment forchronic diseases have removed to Davidson's block, corner of this city. The aggregate amount of sales RIVER AND RAIL. joint convention who are aware of the doubtedly be the victor inevery discus- he adds, "is consistent with the trend of of the Stomach, IA/eerand Spleen. fourth and Jackson streets. __ -——\u25a0», far for the first half of July which fact that when my name is reached upon sion. Unfortunately for him the hearer Roman thought." To show the cor- thus Bya recently perfected improvement Dr. Hol- PACKER*. afternoon, will exceed the rollcall Ishall have something to reader the assertion rectness of his position he quotes: "Is IMF TT"^ closed yesterday Jotting* from Saturday's -Notes Among or the weighs before tribunal ofappeal matters Manhas greatly increased the scope ofthe Pad 1* a million of dol- say in explanation of my vote. By cour- there any in of MoINTOSH A Co., B«ef Packers and the sum of a quarter of Men of Locomotion. roll, he accepts it. history, is there no judge? Is usefulness, and appreciably augmented its active Maats, Prwrf- remarkable, tesy myname is at the foot ofthe and or altimate ers «f 30 and 22 Jackson atrett What is more is the 1 Mr.Smith ofmisquoting err, curative power. ~* lars. Yesterday's crop reports from along the ithas been suggested to me both by those had accused history a word where no one can or ~7 * * fact that nearly all this purchase ofprop- line of the St. Paul & Manitoba road who approve everything 1am to say, and and mutilating passages from Catholic is it a wilderness in which wemust wand- This great improvement gives Holman's Pad BOOKS ETATiosjai. erty is made by our own citizens, and moment, by those who do not, that it would be writers. Of course Mr. Smith indignant- er without path or guide? Are we allleft (with its Adjuvants) such complete andunfailing SHERWOOD HOUGH, corner Third presented no new features of alone ? Ifany one control over the most persistent and unyielding • and without exception purchased by those manly to make the statement at the be- denies the charge. "Ihave quoted to private judgment Wabaibaw. Almost the stereotyped report was ginning of the roll call. Ifthere be ly say that there is no judge but right rea- forms of Chronic Disease of the ST. AND CO., intend to improve the same at once. no PAULBOOR STATIONERY who "Weather cloudy and cool; prospects in- objection on the part of any member of Roman Catholic authorities," he says in son and common senae, he is only repro- Stomach and I^lver, as well as Mala- Iflast Thirdstreet. There is no speculative feeling existing, changed.' the joint convention, Iwillproceed to do his letter, "with scrupulous care, and ducing in history what Luther applied rial Blood-Poisoning, as to amply and while a few of the transfers comprise W D. Sanborn, general agent of the C. so now. have examined the declarations of their to the Bible. This theory may be intel- justify the eminent Professor Xootnis' high en- CAESI ft SLEIGHS. morally possible to those comium: "Itisnearer a valuable lots in the business portions of B. and St. Louis road, with head- Mr. President, when the ejection of own theologians, that Imight give their lectually and Universal Panacea A. NIPFOLT, gor. Btventh ASlbley street*. &Q. United States Senator was brought before who are not Catholics ! InCatholics such THAN ANYTHINGINMEDICINEJ" the city,It willbe seen by the list given presentment of the case, believing \u25a0 ' quarters at St. Louis, reached St. Paul the legislature ofthe State of New York, own a theory is simply heresy." Now in the The success of Holman's Pads has inspired im- :\u25a0 COMJttISSIOy, FRUITS kPRODUCE. below of the transactions for the past yesterday on a two week's vacation for most firmlythat the more clearly and ac- cardinal's, there was one course that was pursued to very same paragraph of the itators who offer Pads similar in form and ;FINCK A McCAULEY, Wholesalt Dealers week, that a large proportion is composed rest and recreation, made necessary by curately the Roman Catholic position is sentences, immediately pre- the genuine • Mr. preserve the unity of the. party and to are two one odor to HOUHAUt PAD. Ib Grain, Flour, Ftsd and Provisions, No. 44 of lots in the residence districts, the arduous duties of his office. preserve harmony, and that was a stated, the easily it is seen to be ceding Mr. Smith's quotation, and the Beware of these Bogus and Iml« libley street, itPaul, willoccupy his time between St. that more Minn. and they were purchased by Sanborn consultation named a caucus skould be false." Here is a very positive as- other immediately following it, which tatlon Pads, gotten np to sell on Paul, Minneapolis and the lake resorts. persons throw full light on the card- reputation the those who design to erect called by authorized to call that sertion of candor and innocence on the the of GENVIMB WHOLESALE k RETAIL andparty, ofthe Northern caucus in the regular way. have inal's words, and these two HODMANPAB. a house thereon as soon as possible. The Gen. Villard We part of Mr. Smith, and those who would J. SCHILLO A Co., 106 Wabaahaw street road, whose trip over the road presented a ssenein this legislature which sentences Mr.
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