S13 PI ********»*CAR-RT LOT**C015 •2 WESTFIELD hehorial library 550 E BROAD ST WESTFIELD NJ 07090-2116 llltiilixtlf till itlliiltlll It lltllf IIIII ill Iflltll I! 1,1111II! rss 9 b ftopulos, fjo n Status, $)rrt>rnimus OUR 114th YEAR - ISSUE NO. 20-114 USPS 680020 PublWiol l .m Ttanday Stan UNO (008) 232-4407 Periodical - Postage Paid at Westfield, N J. Thursday, January 22, 2004 www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Police, Civilians Recognized At Town Council Meeting By KIMBERLY A. BROADWELL in a chase to apprehend a suspect. Specialty Written for The WestfieU Leader during a fire on Carlton Road on May Because of Officer Hatala's quick 3, 2003. Almost 45 Westfield Police actions to “assist a brother officer in Others who received Command Awards, along with two civilian distress with no concern for his per­ Citations included Officers James awards, were presented Tuesday be­ sonal safety,” recounted Officer Stivale, Brett Lasseter, Scott Rodger, fore a packed audience at the Weiss, the suspect was arrested on Kevin O’Keefe, Mark Cierpial and Westfield Town Council meeting. many criminal violations. Frank Ricci. Westfield Police Captain Clifford Officer Anthony Vastano was also Officers Harold Caulfield, Todd Auchter thanked the crowd for com­ awarded a Command Citation for his Earl, John Ricerca and Frank Moya ing, and introduced Robert Weiss, arrest of a suspect in Irvington last all received Life Saving Awards for President of Policemen’s Benevo­ March, after an active chase across a successfully administering Cardiop­ lent Association Local No. 90 and four-lane highway. The arrest was ulmonary Resuscitation to two sepa­ the presenter of the awards. subsequently made without incident. rate victims, each of whom had suf­ Officer Weiss told members of the Officer Vastano was part of the fered a seizure, until Emergency audience that these awards were given Essex Joint Task Force and was re­ Medical Technicians arrived on the to police officers in the department sponding to a car jacking that had scene. who have performed acts “that went happened in Maplewood. Certificates of Merit Awards were beyond the call of duty." Sergeant Carmen Brocato, Sr. and given to Officers James Stivale, Ja­ Officer Vincent Hatala received a Officers Leonard Lugo, Frank Moya, son Rodger, Kevin O’Keefe, Frank Command Citation Award. He was Robert Beaton, Jason McErlean, John Moya, Christopher Battiloro, Brett honored for his actions on May 13, Ricerca, Frank Padovano and Jason Lasseter, Frank Ricci, Robert Weiss, 2003. when, while off-duty, he was Carter were also each awarded a Todd Earl, Frank Ricci and David driving through Aberdeen and saw Command Citation for their roles in Wayman. an Aberdeen policeman Certificates of Appreciation (Ci­ vilians) were awarded to Joanne MESS HALL...Last week, Congressman Mike Ferguson (R-NJ) had dinner with theT ^^T ^B a^d^ST lraq.'T he CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 congressman is pictured waiting for a healthy portion of chicken, rice and sweet potatoes. Congressman Ferguson Visits Iraq To Lend Support, Learn of Rebuilding Strategies By HORACE R. CORBIN, to the airport. They don’t really fly barrier. Congressman Ferguson noted He said that since that time, terrorist MICHELLE H. Le POIDEVIN jets in there, as they are too big of a that he did not speak to many Iraqis incidents have steadily declined. He and SUZETTE F. STALKER target for heat-seeking missiles,” he Specially Written for The Westfield Leader during the visit. hopes this is a trend, not just a lull. shared. He added that they took heavily armed Even so, Congressman Ferguson Republican Congressman Mike One of the highlights o f Congress­ vehicles and Humvees in a convoy explained that terrorists have as­ Ferguson of the Seventh Congres­ man Ferguson’s trip came as he dis­ escorted by troops to Camp Victory. sembled bombs using batteries and sional District, which encompasses tributed greeting cards, homemade "What a grotesque place Saddam garage door openers. Westfield, Mountainside, Scotch by fourth apd fifth had built, unbeliev­ Plains and Fanwood, traveled to Iraq “They are getting more ingenious graders from able money spent and diabolical," he said. last week. Ernest J. Finizio- on all those pal­ When asked by The Leader/Times The Congressman had meetings in Aldene School in “There is overwhelming aces,” the con­ what.motivated him to go to Iraq, he Jordan, dinner with the, troops in Banfamm B. Corbin tor ThB WotttiNd Ltodor Roselle Park. The evidence which supports gressman ex­ said, “In November, 1 felt I wanted to Baghdad and traveled loLandstuhl I HAVE A DREAM...Westfield citizens recognized Martin Luther King, Jr. cards were distrib­ plained. "But now, go. You make a request to the Speaker Day on Monday by holding a procession from the Bethel Baptist Church on Regional Medical Center in Germany the need to be in Iraq. We uted to soldiers it’s been converted of the House and he decides. I had Trinity Place to the First United Methodist Church on East Broad Street. to visit injured troops. have first-hand accounts during a dinner of into a major com­ two reasons. First, I wanted to let the Reverend Kelmo Porter, Jr., Pastor of SL John’s Baptist Church of Scotch “What a trip!” he told The Westfield ... chicken, sweet from the Iraqi people all mand post with soldiers know how much we appre­ Plains, was the keynote speaker for the service honoring the late Civil Rights Leader and The Scotch Plains- potatoes and rice, they want is their freedom. ’ many offices." He ciate the sacrifices they are making leader that took place after the procession at 1 p.m. Fanwood Times. “We left Wednes­ which he enjoyed said they were for us. I wanted to look them in the day for Amman, Jordan. I traveled Congressman Mike Ferguson with the troops at briefed by Ambas­ eye and tell them how proud we are with Congressman James Langevin Camp Victory in sador Dick Jones of of them, and that they have support (D) from Rhode Island - a really Two Are Injured in Accident Baghdad, the Kuwait who assists of the American public. Secondly, great guy. In Jordan is the main Iraqi headquarters for the Coalition Joint Paul Bremer in Iraqi and by Major we’re making a large reconstruction Police Training Academy. Overall, Task Force 7. General Miller. effort, it’s a lot of money, the public’s the coalition is training approxi­ Involving Car; UPS Truck After looking at the cards, the sol­ Congressman Ferguson, who money, and I have to vote on it. I mately 100,000 Iraqi police. The diers said that they wanted to corre­ learned the details of Hussein’s cap­ wanted to see first-hand how it was By SUZETTE F. STALKER field Avenue, according to Lieu­ Jordanians have been incredibly help­ Specially Written for The Westfield Leader spond with the students and thank ture — many of which are classified being spent.” tenant John Parizeau of the ful. They have been great allies.” them, a wish that will be granted by — stated that the capture was “un­ He added, "Yes, the news seems to Two Westfield residents were Westfield Police Department. The congressman met with Steve the congressman’s staff. usually helpful, not just the psycho­ focus on the bad things that happen; injured last week when a UPS truck Madeline Fernandez, 82, was a Bennett, U.S. Ambassador to Jor­ When asked about the atmosphere, logical value, but the documents cap­ we’re at war and that’s necessary to collided with their vehicle at the passenger in the Ford. dan, who explained the role Jordan he said, “Well, it’s a war zone. It’s tured.” The capture of Hussein also be told. What you don’t see in the intersection of Broad Street and Mr. and Mrs. Fernandez were played even though they were be­ not like walking around Westfield or provided knowledge about the Baath news is the incredible spirit of our Gallows Hill Road in Westfield. transported to separate area hospi­ tween a “rock and a hard place.” Warren.” Because of the language Party forces and how they operate. The accident occurred at 6:11 tals, said Lieutenant Parizeau. Friday morning, Congressman CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 p.m. on January 13, as Joseph Authorities had no further infor­ Ferguson and the entourage took a Nunziato, 27, of Bound Brook, the mation on their condition. Mrs. C -130 air transport plane to Baghdad. driver of the truck, was making a Fernandez is a lunch aide at Wash­ He was able to sit in the cockpit and Freeholders Tell Preliminary Budget left-hand tum from Gallows Hill ington Elementary School in converse with the pilots. As the plane Road onto Broad Street. Westfield. approached the landing strip, he was The truck collided with a 1994 Mr. Nunziato, who was not in­ told to sit in the back and buckle up. Ford Wagon driven by Joseph jured in the accident, was issued a “I know why now,” he said. “The Plans for 2004; Services to Increase Fernandez, 83, who was traveling ticket for failure to yield at a stop standard landing procedure for By MATT MARINO the tri-state area on multiple levels, Program will be established, apply­ east on Broad Street toward Spring- sign, according to the lieutenant. Baghdad, to avoid attack on the plane, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader including financially. ing to exclusionary employees and involves incredible banks and diving The primary focus of the January Noting that they seek to make this non-essential county personnel. 15 meeting of the Union County year’s budget more fruitful than the According to County Manager Board of Chosen Freeholders was to 2003 spending plan, board members George Devanney.
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