Mummers Names -Leads For 'Skin Of Our Teeth' RECO'R Vol. XLVII, No.7 Beat Miami' al v. ane Scheduled Friday - "Be cool! Be there!" is the slogan f9r the first all-campus «Beat Miami" student rally, which 'begins at" 7 'p.m, tomorrow at 'Memorial Dorm. .' _.J . ' The parade, leading the students to the' site. of the actual rally, Student Lot One, will assemble in front of the dorm on GymJtoad. Some twirlers Irom the. band, a volunteer student. band, the cheer- leaders, and the girls from )Iem- erial, bearing torches, will begin ' the procession. Various partieipat- ing groups will join the parade from assigned _waiting positions along its route. The ralliers will march up Gym . Road and between the Law chnol and the Library to the Baurd ' Shack at the front gate. They viU turn down Clifton to University, .- ,. and march down University until they reach the lot. The program of the ral y will include new cheers, which will Publicity Campaign uncfe.rway for Rally Friday. Jadeen Barbor and Marvin Vawte.r have been named lelids in be used at the Miami game atur- the Mummer's production of "The Skin of Our Teeth," by Thorton day. Mimeographed copies will be Wilder. The play is to be given Dec. 1-9, See page 5 for further distributed among the participants details. \ at the rally. Miller Named Vice-Pre iden uarter Syste Decision Final In RegionaL TKA ELections .. Janet Miller, N&H '63, was ment will be held at Indiana elected Vice president of the re- State in April. gienal Tau Kappa Alpha Chapter, Other participating schools in .rogram Begins In '6 national forensic honorary, at the two day foresenic contest their annual tournament here last were Ohio University, Case, :In- by Colleen Ryan one day of regi tration (no earlier sessed on the quarter ba is. Th week-end. ami, Bel1armine, Western Ken- On 'Nov. 7, 1961, the Board of than January 3) and continues for proportion has aot been deter- In varsity debate the Univer- tucky, Witt nburg, Xavier, and ]1 weeks. This quarter end. \ ith 'mined. - • r K t k t I 11 t - Berea. t>irec~ors formally adopted the sity 0... en uc y oppec earns Th' k I one week of scheduled examina- - 4) Section I and II will each . 1 wee t varsity team and Quarter System. Instructions were for the championship. Muskegum coach Rudolph rdeber will fly 1tiven by President Langsam, to tion'. In March there will be one have the same amount of instruc- complete a manual (Program of week of spring holidays: Then the tion on carnpu . Also, each sec- College was runner up lor the ~ to Pittsburzh to debate in the Instructions). The manual will con- "Spring Quarter" will' begin in tion will have an equal amount second' year in succession. Duquesne "'Tournament. Mem- tain the planned work .of the Uni- tire latter part of :\larch and con- of industry in a year. UC debaters captured second bel'S of the team are: alfirmat- Ver3ity·conv~rting the - semester tinue for' 11 weeks. This quarter, 5) The Christmas holiday will be place in the novic division. jve-Pat Boyles, &H '63, and programs 10.the Quarter Syctem. ends in one week of scheduled divided between Section I and Muskegum and the University of Janet Miller, N&II '63; negative- The academic year of '6]-'62 exams followed by a Memorial speeches by t re president of jhe Kentucky tied for top honors in Mark Greenburger, A&S '62, and wjll be' used for working out vari- Holiday. (Continued on Page 9) this group. The national tourna- Linda Schaffner, A&S '63. ous plans; in addition to publish- June 1, there will be one ing several college bulletin to be "break" week then the sum- distributed in the spring of 1961- mer quarter will begin on 'June "'62. .The new program will begin 20th, and last for ro weeks. It at the opening Qf the school year ends on thet 3rd week in Au~. Gun' in Hl63. Each school, college, in- ust. (t-foliday·July 4th and tnde- Igma S gma's Final dependent and service department pendence Day.) Summer school-' will have a chairman and al 0 a and the summer quarter of the committee 'to work on calendar ce-ep co[leges will begin on the conversion. same elate. A new feature in . What is the new calendar this prqgram is that the summer Ci axe c- lik~? _ Jhe instructional year school and summer quarter witl opens-with freshmen orientation end on the' same date, (some- The annual Sigma igma Final !Week which starts the last full time in late August.) The' sum- Gun Dance will be held Saturday, week in September. All new in· mer quarter ends, wit" one . ov. 18, at 8:30 p. m. at Castle coming freshmen will be given week of scheduled examina- Farms. Tickets are $2.50 a the usual program of oriel1ta- tions, The first quarter on the couple and they are being ol'd ifln planned by the orientation Quarter System will be in 1963. commit1ee or board. The fresh- The university will' continue to daily in front of the Grill. men will meet their academic hold June and August commence- Will Hauser's Band and the advisors and have completed ments at thc end of the spring Bearkittens will provide enter- registration for "autumn of first quarter and summer quarter re- quarter (Septembe r·March). spectively. tainment. Other - students will register Other. feat ures of the Quarter Bob Hartmann, president of Thursday or Friday and start their System are as follows: instructional program the follow- Sigma Sigma, hopes that everyone, ing Monday (the first week in 1) All academic credits in all will try to come. "There will be October). This is called the the schools and college will be plenty of room to dance and have "Autumn Quarter" and will con- expressed in terms of quarter a good time. Many ~Iiami tu- credits. tinue for 10 weeks. with 2~2 dent .are planning to attend the school days off for the Thanks- 2) Pre-med and the college of giving holiday. The quarter will law will maintain the instruction- affair, and also the newly tapped end with scheduled examinations al year of a mirnium of 34 calen- igma Sigma pledges will be in- \ on the 10th week. The "Autumn dar weeks. The clinical year in troduced," he noted. Quarter" ends during the first half medicine will continue an all Picture at right w taken at f December (at the end of the year round program of profession- week-s-Sat.). al nd practical training. la t year' dance. /""'c ne i 'Castle This was the scene at last year's Gala at Sastle Farms. The winter quarter begins with 3) Fce and tuition will be as- Farm .. '\.:;", ."Sk,y Divin:g (Iu~b New Craze ,A,I 'UC Sport Parachuting or Sky Div- wi~~ a, .static line. This is a cord Ing is one of the most recently WhIChIS attached, at one-end, to , .. ' the parachute ripcord and at the founded sports .ex~stmg today. other, to the .airplane. ThIS cord The sport began in 1956 and was pulls the chute open automatic- started by Jacques Istel, consid- ally, after so many feet. l ered the father of sport parachut- During free, fall the. chutist ing in the U. S. Is'tel was trained controls and nianuevers himself in France, and started the United by changing the position of his States' ..first sky divin-g center in 'body,' arms and legs. After his Orange, Massachusetts.' In 1957, parachute opens, he guides him- The Cincinnati Sport Parachuting self by pulling qn the cords of Club, Inc., was founded. There the' parachute, which are known are now About 24 active members as rlsqrs. After fhe chute has plus several trainees or begin- opened; the jumper aims for a ners. Although the club is .not predetermined target. He can I "packed by the University; about control his r--ateof fall and dirac- two-thirds of the. members are tion 'by manipulating his para:' Be students. , .... ,..' '- chute whh the risors. .M~ny .; The basic object of the club is jumpers try to make a stand- thefurtherence-of sport parachut- ing I'anding, that is,~'remain on ing technique-s through weekly and ' their feet after touching down. competitive jumping. -This is the This ",is . a very difficult thing objective of the 'club in general, " --J < \ , and. ,very,:, few ar~' able to but the main rreasorl the mem- Jumper can perform or execute dues. '\ from "what altitude he # jumped, do It. I > lJet~ jump is ~or the pure enjoy- figure eights, bac~ loops, spins The club, meets every Sunday, the chu~ist ma~Jlave 10 -~o12 sec- M~rk Baron La~1 '63, 1?ast ment of the sport. and a variety of 'other movements. conditions permitting, and on spe-: onds, give or take a few s~conds, p~esld,e.nt/of,,t~~ club and credited Very few people 'knew iust Baton passing in mid air during cial occasions such as meets and of free fall. The parachutist falls 'wIth over 2~0 Jumps says that as 4!xacfly what s'port parachuting free fall, between two or more competitions. at. abo~t 176 feet a second. In far as h.e IS. concerned, "Sport or sky diving', is. It is the art . men takes quite a degree of skill . Th pil t 'T ' G '63 this time, before the jumper Parachuting IS the hardest.
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