Shingl ton North rn W t M adow, North rn Shrub Thick t and Poor F n ERA Plan Figur 1. Shingl ton North rn W t M adow, North rn Shrub Thick t and Poor F n ERA plan locator map. Administrativ Information: • Th Shingl ton North rn W t M adow (NWM), North rn Shrub Thick t (NST) and Poor F n ERA Plan contains thr adjac nt ERAs, on of ach of th natural communiti s list d. • Th s ERA’s ar locat d on Stat For st land in th Shingl ton FMU, in Schoolcraft County, in compartm nts 32, 49, 50, 53. • Th Cr ighton Marsh North rn W t M adow, North rn Shrub Thick t and Poor F n ERAs ar within th S n y Manistiqu Swamp Manag m nt Ar a (MA). • Schoolcraft County, Manistiqu Township, T44N R15W s ctions 26-28, and 33-36; T43N R15W s ctions 1-3, 10-12, 13, and 14; and Doyl Township T43N R14W s ction 7. • Primary plan author: Krist n Matson, For st R sourc s Division (FRD) EUP Inv ntory and Planning Sp cialist; contributors and r vi w rs includ Sh rry MacKinnon, Wildlif Division (WLD) Wildlif Ecologist; K ith Kintigh, FRD For st C rtification and Cons rvation Sp cialist; Cody Norton, WLD Wildlif Biologist; Bob Burnham, FRD Unit Manag r; and FRD For st rs Tori Irving and Adam P tr lius. • Stat of Michigan land surrounds th ERAs on th north and south, with privat own rship to th w st, and th S n y National Wildlif R fug to th north ast. • Th r ar no xisting infrastructur /faciliti s within th s ERAs. A snowmobil trail is to th ast. • ERA boundari s ar d riv d from th und rling Natural Community EO boundary which ar mapp d using Natur S rv standards. EO Boundari s ar inform d by v g tation and oth r sit charact ristics including soils, landform, and/or historic a rial imag ry. As a r sult, it is not uncommon for EO/ERA boundari s to diff r from for st inv ntory stand boundari s. If th s diff r nc r sult in pot ntial conflicts with propos d for st activiti s, consult with th For st Cons rvation and C rtification Sp cialist to r qu st a boundary valuation by Michigan Natural F atur s Inv ntory. Figur 2. Shingl ton North rn W t M adow, North rn Shrub Thick t and Poor F n ERA ar a map with EO ID lab ls. (Patt rn d F n ERA is in th Shingl ton Patt rn d F n ERA plan.) 2 Figur 3. Shingl ton North rn W t M adow, North rn Shrub Thick t and Poor F n ERA Imag ry with EO ID lab ls. (Patt rn d F n ERA is in th Shingl ton Patt rn d F n ERA plan.) Cons rvation Valu s Th r ar thr ERAs in thr diff r nt natural communiti s in this ar a: 1. Nort ern Wet Meadow (G4G5 S4): North rn w t m adow is an op n, groundwat r-influ nc d, s dg - and grass- dominat d w tland that occurs in th north rn Low r and Upp r P ninsulas and typically bord rs str ams but is also found on pond and lak margins and abov b av r dams. Soils ar n arly always sapric p at and rang from strongly acid to n utral in pH. Op n conditions ar maintain d by s asonal flooding, b av r-induc d flooding, and fir . North rn w t m adow occurs on glacial lak b ds, in chann ls of glacial outwash, and in d pr ssions on glacial outwash and morain s. Th community fr qu ntly occurs along th margins of lak s, ponds, and str ams wh r s asonal flooding or b av r-induc d flooding is common. North rn w t m adow is r gularly found adjac nt to oth r w tland communiti s, oft n in larg w tland compl x s. Along str ams, north rn w t m adow typically bord rs north rn shrub thick t and swamp for st. On th dg s of 3 inland lak s, north rn w t m adow oft n bord rs m rg nt marsh and l ss fr qu ntly north rn f n. ERA’s for high-quality north rn w t m adows ar b st cons rv d in conjunction with associat d high-quality w tland and upland communiti s and hav a wid vari ty of nativ h rbac ous plant sp ci s. Creig ton Mars Nort ern Wet Meadow, EO_ID: 18150, LASTOBS: 2010-09-01 EO Rank AB, xc ll nt or good stimat d viability, on 191 acr s of stat for st land. Cr ighton Marsh NWM occurs on poorly drain d lak plain within a larg w tland compl x. Th sit is shap d by natural proc ss s and is influ nc d by s asonal flooding and p riodic flooding from b av r activity. S dg (Carex) hummocks throughout th compl x provid micro-topography and fin -scal gradi nts in soil moistur and ch mistry. This north rn w t m adow occurs int rgrading with poor f n and north rn shrub thick t. Cr ighton Marsh NWM is a compl x unfragm nt d landscap on poorly drain d sand lak plain. Th soils ar charact riz d by slightly acidic (pH 6.0-6.8) p ats of variabl d pth (10-70cm) ov rlying w t coars -t xtur d slightly acidic to circumn utral (pH 6.5- 7.0) sands. It contains a div rs array of high-quality communiti s that occur in th surrounding ar a. Ar as of poorly drain d lak plain support high-quality north rn shrub thick t, poor f n, musk g, poor conif r swamp, and north rn w t m adow. Dun ridg s within th lak plain support dry north rn for st and dry-m sic north rn for st, much of which has b n manag d. Th sit occurs within a stat for st manag d for timb r production, r cr ation, and biodiv rsity. No non-nativ plants w r not d during th cours of th surv y. Logging in n arby uplands has lik ly locally influ nc d th hydrology and logging v hicl s hav caus d rutting in portions of north rn w t m adow. 2. Nort ern S rub T icket (G4 S5): A shrub-dominat d w tland locat d north of th climatic t nsion zon , typically occurring along str ams, but also adjac nt to lak s and b av r floodings. Th saturat d, nutri nt-rich, organic soils ar compos d of sapric p at or l ss fr qu ntly min ral soil, typically with m dium acid to n utral pH. Succ ssion to clos d-canopy swamp for st is slow d by fluctuating wat r tabl s, b av r flooding, and windthrow. North rn shrub thick ts ar ov rwh lmingly dominat d by tag ald r (A nus rugosa). G n rally, 4 occurr nc s on poorly drain d, l v l outwash plains and lak plains ar larg r than thos associat d with narrow outwash chann ls and str am corridors. Creig ton Mars Nort ern S rub T icket, EO_ID: 18151, LASTOBS: 2010-09-01 EO Rank AB, xc ll nt or good stimat d viability, on 19 acr s of stat for st land. Cr ighton Marsh north rn shrub thick t occurs on poorly drain d lak plain within a larg w tland compl x. North rn shrub thick t influ nc d by s asonal inundation. S dg (Carex) hummocks throughout th compl x provid micro-topography and fin - scal gradi nts in soil moistur and ch mistry. Th soils ar charact riz d by shallow (10-20cm) acidic (pH 6.0) p ats ov rlying w t, coars -t xtur d slightly acidic sands (pH 6.5). Th sit is shap d by natural proc ss s and is buff r d by xt nsiv w tlands and unfragm nt d for sts. No anthropog nic disturbanc s or non-nativ plants w r not d during th cours of th surv y. Logging in n arby uplands has lik ly locally influ nc d th hydrology and logging v hicl s hav caus d rutting in portions of north rn w t m adow. Compl x unfragm nt d landscap on poorly drain d sand lak plain. Div rs array of high-quality communiti s occur in th surrounding ar a. Ar as of poorly drain d lak plain support high-quality north rn shrub thick t, poor f n, musk g, poor conif r swamp, and north rn w t m adow. Dun ridg s within th lak plain support dry north rn for st and dry-m sic north rn for st, much of which has b n manag d. Th north rn shrub thick t int rgrad s with north rn w t m adow. Bog birch (Betu a pumi a) is locally dominant and th s ar as of shrub thick t t nd to b mor op n than th Sp ckl d ald r (A nus rugosa) dominat d ar as.
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