
The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Town Documents Maine Government Documents 2017 Town of Kennebunkport Annual Report 2017 Kennebunkport, Me. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/towndocs Repository Citation Kennebunkport, Me., "Town of Kennebunkport Annual Report 2017" (2017). Maine Town Documents. 7604. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/towndocs/7604 This Report is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Town Documents by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Town of Kennebunkport Annual Report 2017 GRBA 5K Road Race and Walk–2017 TOWN OF KENNEBUNKPORT, MAINE GENERAL INFORMATION ´/RFDWHG VL[WHHQ PLOHV HDVWVRXWKHDVW RI $OIUHG WZHQW\ÀYH PLOHV IURP 3RUWODQG )RUPHUO\NQRZQDV$UXQGHO9LVLWHGGXULQJWKHVXPPHUDVHDUO\DVE\ÀVKHU- PHQ)LUVWSHUPDQHQWVHWWOHPHQWPDGHE\5LFKDUG9LQHVLQ%URXJKWXQGHU WKHFRQWURORI0DVVDFKXVHWWVDQGLQFRUSRUDWHGLQ3ODFHGXQGHUWKHMXULVGLFWLRQ RI6DFRIRUDVKRUWWLPHLQ5H-LQFRUSRUDWHGXQGHUWKHQDPHRI$UXQGHOLQ 1DPHFKDQJHG)HEUXDU\µ -0DLQH5HJLVWHU 7RZQ$UHD VTXDUHPLOHV 5RDGV PLOHV )HGHUDO&HQVXV 2017 School Population as of October 1, 2017 360 +LJK6FKRROVWXGHQWV 0LGGOH6FKRROVWXGHQWV &RQVROLGDWHG6FKRROVWXGHQWV .HQQHEXQN(OHPHQWDU\6FKRROVWXGHQWV 6HD5RDGVWXGHQWV 0LOGUHG/'D\VWXGHQWV 7D[<HDU7RZQ9DOXDWLRQ )LVFDO<HDU 7D[<HDU7D[&RPPLWPHQW )LVFDO<HDU )LVFDO<HDU7D[5DWH SHU9DOXDWLRQ 6FKRRO &RXQW\ 7RZQ 7D[<HDU7RZQ9DOXDWLRQ )LVFDO<HDU 7D[<HDU7D[&RPPLWPHQW )LVFDO<HDU )LVFDO<HDU7D[5DWH SHU9DOXDWLRQ 6FKRRO &RXQW\ 7RZQ )URQWFRYHUSKRWRJUDSK´*5%$.5RDG5DFHDQG:DONïµE\6WHY H 3 D L Q W H U ANNUAL REPORT of the TOWN OF Kennebunkport For 2017 The Town with Three Names CAPE PORPUS 1614-1719 ARUNDEL 1719-1821 KENNEBUNKPORT 1821- THE 364TH ANNIVERSARY OF ITS EXISTENCE AS A CORPORATE BODY UNDER LEGISLATIVE CONTROL i TABLE OF CONTENTS *HQHUDO,QIRUPDWiRQ,QViGH)URQW&RYHU 'HGiFDWiRQ Financial Information 7RZQ :DUUDQW %XGJHW 2YHUYiHZ $QDO\ViV RI )< %XGJHW $XGiWRU 5HSRUW ANNUAL REPORTS: (OHFWHG2IÀFLDOV %RDUG RI 6HOHFWPHQ &KDiU 3DWUiFN $ %UiJJV 6WDWH 6HQDWRU 6XVDQ 'HVFKDPEDXOW 6WDWH 5HSUHVHQWDWiYH + 6WHGPDQ 6HDYH\ 8QiWHG 6WDWHV 6HQDWRU 6XVDQ 0 &ROOiQV 8QiWHG 6WDWHV 6HQDWRU $QJXV 6 .iQJ -U 8QiWHG 6WDWHV 5HSUHVHQWDWiYH &KHOOiH 3iQJUHH *RYHUQRU 3DXO 5 /H3DJH Town Departments 7RZQ 0DQDJHU $VVHVViQJ &RGH (QIRUFHPHQW (PHUJHQF\ 0DQDJHPHQW $JHQF\ )iUH 'HSDUWPHQW +DUERUPDVWHU &DSH 3RUSRiVH 3iHU +DUERUPDVWHU .HQQHEXQN 5iYHU 3DUNV DQG 5HFUHDWiRQ 3ODQQiQJ DQG 'HYHORSPHQW 3ROiFH 3XEOiF +HDOWK DQG 1XUViQJ 6HUYiFHV *HQHUDO $VViVWDQFH 3XEOiF :RUNV 5HJiVWUDU RI 9RWHUV 7RZQ &OHUN 5HFRUGHG 'HDWKV :DVWHZDWHU ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Boards/Committees %HDFK $GYiVRU\ &RPPiWWHH %XGJHW %RDUG &HPHWHU\ &RPPiWWHH &RQVHUYDWiRQ &RPPiVViRQ *RYHUQPHQW :KDUI &RPPiWWHH *URZWK 3ODQQiQJ &RPPiWWHH .HQQHEXQN 5iYHU &RPPiWWHH /iJKWiQJ &RPPiWWHH 3DUVRQV :D\ &RPPiWWHH 3ODQQiQJ %RDUG 6KDGH 7UHH &RPPiWWHH 6KHOOÀVK &RQVHUYDWiRQ &RPPiWWHH =RQiQJ %RDUG RI $SSHDOV Other Organizations $UXQGHO &HPHWHU\ .. : :DWHU 'iVWUiFW .HQQHEXQNSRUW &RQVHUYDWiRQ 7UXVW .HQQHEXQNSRUW (PHUJHQF\ 0HGiFDO 6HUYiFHV ,QF /iEUDU\²&DSH 3RUSRiVH &RPPXQiW\ /iEUDU\ /iEUDU\²/RXiV 7 *UDYHV 0HPRUiDO /iEUDU\ 6FKRODUVKiSV $YDiODEOH 6XSHUiQWHQGHQW RI 6FKRROV Tax Lists Trash and Recycling Information 5HF\FOiQJ &DOHQGDU JUHHQ SDJH 6iQJOH 6WUHDP 5HF\FOiQJ ,QIRUPDWiRQ JUHHQ SDJH 7UDVK DQG 5HF\FOiQJ &ROOHFWiRQ 6FKHGXOH JUHHQ SDJH ,GHQWiI\iQJ 3ODVWiFV IRU 5HF\FOiQJ 5HF\FOiQJ 5HIHUHQFH &KDUW Town–General Information 7RZQ 2IÀFHUV 7RZQ 2QOiQH 6HUYiFHV 7RZQ )DFHERRN 85/ :HEViWH 6XEVFUiSWiRQ 7RZQ +ROiGD\V 7RZQ +RXUV DQG 0HHWiQJV 6FKHGXOH ,QViGH %DFN &RYHU 7RZQ 7HOHSKRQH 'iUHFWRUiHV 0DiOiQJ $GGUHVV %DFN &RYHU iii iY TOWN REPORT DEDICATION In Appreciation of %DUEDUD %DUZiVH Photo by Donna Buttarazzi/York County Coast Star %DUEDUD %DUZiVH iV the ODG\ WR DVN iI \RX ZDQW WR NQRZ WKH KiVWRU\ RI .HQQHEXQNSRUW ,Q IDFW VKH KDV GRQH VR PXFK UHVHDUFK RQ WKH 7RZQ WKDW VKH iV RIWHQ UHIHUUHG WR DV WKH 7RZQ KiVWRUiDQ (YHQ WKRXJK %DUEDUD iV D &KHOPVIRUG 0DVVDFKXVHWWV QDWiYH VKH iV VXFK D IDPiOiDU IDFH iQ WRZQ RQH ZRXOG WKiQN VKH ZDV ERUQ DQG UDiVHG KHUH +HU IDPiO\ YiViWHG *RRVH 5RFNV %HDFK HYHU\ VXPPHU ViQFH WKH ODWH V DQG ÀQDOO\ UHORFDWHG WR WRZQ SHUPDQHQWO\ iQ WKH HDUO\ V 7UXWKIXOO\ \RX FRXOG VD\ .HQQHEXQNSRUW iV iQ KHU EORRG EHFDXVH VKH KDV DQFHVWRUV IURP .HQQHEXQNSRUW GDWiQJ EDFN WR WKH V %DUEDUD iV D WRZQ FKDUDFWHU ZiWK KHU TXiFN ZiW DQG GU\ VHQVH RI KXPRU DQG iV DOVR D JUHDW VWRU\WHOOHU 6KH·V WDNHQ WKH VWDJH VKDUiQJ KHU IDYRUiWH JKRVW DQG VKiSZUHFN VWRUiHV DW YDUiRXV ORFDO YHQXHV VXFK DV WKH &OHPHQW &ODUN %RDWKRXVH DQG WKH 1RQDQWXP 5HVRUW iQ .HQQHEXQNSRUW DQG WKH +iVWRUiFDO 6RFiHW\ iQ :HOOV DQG 2JXQTXiW WR QDPH D IHZ %DUEDUD SDVViRQDWHO\ EHOiHYHV iQ FRPPXQiW\ VHUYiFH DQG DOZD\V KDV D IXOO SODWH &XUUHQWO\ VKH VHUYHV RQ WKH %XGJHW %RDUG *URZWK 3ODQQiQJ &RPPiWWHH 3DUVRQV :D\ &RPPiWWHH DQG WKH *UDYHV /iEUDU\ /RQJ-5DQJH 3ODQQiQJ &RPPiWWHH DQG KDV VHUYHG DV 'HSXW\ 5HJiVWUDU RI 9RWHUV ViQFH ,Q WKH SDVW %DUEDUD ZRUNHG DW WRZQ KDOO DV 'HSXW\ 7RZQ &OHUN IRU HiJKW \HDUV UHWiUiQJ iQ 6KH DOVR VHUYHG RQ WKH 3ODQQiQJ %RDUG IRU VHYHQ \HDUV ,Q KHU VSDUH WiPH %DUEDUD FDQ EH IRXQG FKHHUiQJ IRU KHU 5HG 6R[ WHDP GXUiQJ EDVHEDOO VHDVRQ WHQGiQJ WR KHU JDUGHQ ZKHQ WKH ZHDWKHU SHUPiWV RU UHDGiQJ KiVWRU\ ERRNV %DUEDUD VHHPV WR NQRZ WKH VHFUHW WR D ORQJ KDSS\ PHDQiQJIXO OiIH 7KH -DSDQHVH FDOO it ikigai SURQRXQFHG HH-NHH-JX\ ,t iV tKH FRQFHSt RI OiYiQJ \RXU OiIH ZitK D VHQVH RI SXUSRVH E\ GRiQJ tKiQJV tKDt \RX ORYH DQG FDUH DERXt ,t iV tKH UHDVRQ IRU ZKiFK tR JHt XS HYHU\ PRUQiQJ 6KH iV FHUtDiQO\ IROORZiQJ KHU SDVViRQ DQG tKH 7RZQ iV EOHVVHG tR KDYH KHU 6KH iV D tRZQ JHP TOWN OF KENNEBUNKPORT TOWN WARRANT ANNUAL TOWN MEETING June 12 and 16, 2018 State of Maine County of York, SS To: Tracey O’Roak, Constable of the Town of Kennebunkport, in the County of York, State of Maine. GREETINGS: You are hereby required in the name of the State of Maine to notify and warn the voters of the Town of Kennebunkport in said County of the Town Meeting described in this warrant. To the voters of Kennebunkport: You are hereby notified that the Annual Town Meeting of this municipality will be held at the Village Fire Station, 32 North Street in said Town on Tuesday, the Twelfth (12th) day of June A.D. 2018, at 8:00 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of acting on Articles numbered one (1) and one a (1a) as set out below. The polls for voting on Article 1 shall be opened immediately after the election of the Moderator at 8:00 a.m. on June 12, 2018, and shall close at 8:00 p.m. While the polls are open, the Registrar of Voters will hold office hours to accept the registration of any person eligible to vote, to accept new enrollments, and to make any necessary corrections or changes to any names or addresses on the voting list. The continuation of said meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Consolidated School building in said Town on Saturday, the sixteenth (16th) day of June A.D. 2018, at 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of acting on Articles numbered 2 through 44 as set out below. ARTICLE 1a. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. ARTICLE 1. To elect under the provisions of Title 30-A, M.R.S.A. Section 2528, the following Town Officers: two Selectmen, Assessors, and Overseers of the Poor, each for a term of three years; one Director of R.S.U. #21, for a term of three years; one Trustee of Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Wells Water District for a term of three years; and one Beach Advisory Committee At-Large Member for a term of three years and to vote on the following referendum Questions 1 through 7: For each Question 1 through 7, a certified copy of the proposed ordinance is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office and is incorporated by reference into each Question. QUESTION 1 AMENDMENT TO KENNEBUNKPORT ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Shall an ordinance entitled “June 2018 Amendment to the Administrative Code” be enacted? [Note of explanation: This amendment will eliminate the Wastewater Department and make it a division of the Public Works Department and will place the Cape Porpoise Harbormaster under the supervision of the Police Chief, or his or her designees.] ********************************************************************** QUESTION 2 AMENDMENT TO THE CAPE PORPOISE PIER ORDINANCE Shall an ordinance entitled “June 2018 Amendment to the Cape Porpoise Pier Ordinance” be enacted? [Note of explanation: This amendment places the supervision of the Cape Porpoise Pier Manager under the Police Chief or his or her designees.] ********************************************************************** QUESTION 3 AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ORDINANCE REGARDING GROWTH AREA MAP Shall an ordinance entitled “June 2018 Amendment to the Kennebunkport Land Use Ordinance regarding Growth Area Map” be enacted? [Note of explanation: This amendment allows the Rate of Growth Area Map to be reviewed and updated periodically by the Growth Planning Committee in order to reflect current infrastructure development.] ********************************************************************** QUESTION 4 AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ORDINANCE TO CLARIFY SETBACKS RELATED TO LOT LINES AND RIGHTS OF WAY Shall an ordinance entitled “June 2018 Amendment to the Kennebunkport Land Use Ordinance to Clarify Setbacks Related to Lot Lines and Rights of Way” be
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