THE SENTINEL American Jews Give One Million Dollars For Money to Your Palestine In 3 Months. Relative: in Europe. Dr. Weizmann Leaves for Europe. We have our own direct connections New York (J. C. B.)-After a stay to America makes possible the found- for sending money by mail or cable to of approximately three months, during ing of Jewish Agrarian Bank in Pal- POLAND LITHUANIA which time he visited the larger Jew- estine which will be opened as soon as LATVIA ROUMANIA ish centers in the United States and the necessary preliminaries have been BESSARABIA Canada in the interest of the Keren gone through. Hayesod, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Pres- At a farewell meeting in Carnegie and other parts of the world. ident of the World Zionist Organiza- iall, Dr. Weizmann touched on the We also send t'on, left for Europe on board the present diplomatic status of Zionist af- "Celtic" on Saturday, June 26. fairs and said: DOLLARS TO0 POLAND On the afternoon before, Dr. Weiz- "No one is to doubt and no one is through our own office. mann entertained the Jewish journal- to fear that the Balfour Declaration ists of New York City at a luncheon thSaReodcsnwilihr STEAMSHIP TICKET- in the Hotel Commodore. The Zionist drtet nRmodcsinwllete sent by mail or cable. leader expressed his sincere thanks to dircty or indirectly be modified. The the Yiddish and English-Jewish press rromiseg ivzeuswyrat Britan rand of the country for making possible tewhco ciiiedesworldi a rpok SCH1lI 0COMPANYSTATE BANK what success he has met with in thiswhccantbderodndun Cigarette R~oosevelt Poad near Haisted country. Dr. Weizmann felt that the it rests our political future. Momen- CHICAGO. ILL. Jewish press in the United States has tarily, a crisis confronts us, but the not itself realized the tremendous firm faith in our ideal and our readi- force it possesses and the unlimited ness to help, will remove every stone influence it can exercise over Amer- from our path. ican Jewry. "We ourselves can interpret the Bal- It's Toasted Miss Sophie Irene Loeb, contribut- four Declaration. It depends on how ing editor of the "New York World", much work we will do." stressed the importance of Zionist pub- When Dr. Weizmann rose to make licity in the English newspapers. his farewell address the immense au-- Dr. Weizinann left America with dience cheered wildly for fifteen miii- approximately $1,000,000 in cash for utes, refusing to be stilled by speak- the upbuilding of Palestine. From 3 crs on the platform until Dr. Weiz- to 4 additional millions were pledged. mlann himself cheerfully urged the as- Dr. Weizmann has stated that his trip sembly to be quiet. ARAB NEWSPAPER CRITICISES IeGOMBSKY REASSURES HERMAN CRAWFORD DELEGATION BERNSTEIN STATE Jerusalem (J. T. A.).-The "Car- Warsaw (J. T. A., June 29).-M. SAVINGS BANK mel," an Arab daily, published in Dombsky, Polish Under-secretary of ROOSEVELT ROAD and Haifa, continues to oppose the per- I'oreign Affairs, yesterday received AVE. sonnel of the Arab Delegation in Eu- Herman Bernstein and expressed the CRAWFORD rope and America, despite the fact hope that Polish-Jewish relations CAPITAL AND SURPLUS L. E.Yager &Co. that the delegation has already pro- would soon become more amicable and $225,000.00 1966 Insurance Exchange Chicago ceeded to England. It maintains that that the causes for the dissatisfaction RESOURCES OVER over-hast- General Agent;: the delegation was formed on the part of the Jews would soon $1,500,000.00 of N. Y. ily, and then changed without due disappear. Why not open your Savings Norwich Union Indemnity Co. consideration. In the same number, Workmens Compensation - Liability - the "Carmel" proposes the formation Account with Us Burglary - Physicians Dentists and of a new Arab party whose program JEWS MAY EMIGRATE FROM MAKE OUR BANK YOUR Surgeons Liability. shall be the furtherance of the eco- SOVIET RUSSIA Before insuring your automobile, call or nomic development of the country, BANK Phone Wabash 1717. We can save you and the protection of peasants, labor- Riga (J. T. A.).-It s reported from H. H. Hanks A. F). M. Hanske money. ers, and followers of the free profes- Moscow that at a conference there of President Vice-Pres. sions. f' ur commissariats, it was decided to AlberSedacek Sol K. Graff permit the 'emigration from Russia Albrt edlcek Mgr. ]Real Estate Cashier Department A HUNDRED THOUSAND JEWS IN of all persons, be they liable to con- POLAND AWAIT AMERICAN scription for the army or labor bat- l- VISAS talions, or no, provided they obtain ELIEL & LOEB visas from the government of the Warsaw (J. T. A., June 25).-The country which is their destination and Capital and Surplus $400,000,00 COMPANY Polish Government has granted pass- oil condition that that government, or ports to 100,000 Jews in Poland who some public organization, take care are still awaiting visas from the Amer- of them after they cross the Russian Fire Underwriter! ican Consuls. But due to the unlike- border. The United States having SOUTH SIDE lihood of the granting of many Visas, ino consular officials in Russia, it will, the Polish Government has tempor- for the time being, be impossible for TRUST & SAVINGS arily interrupted the issuance of pass- Jews to obtain permission for a direct 1737 Insurance Exchange ports. trip to this country. Tlephoe. Wabash 3%61 ::: BANK::: (Former name: South Side Stats Bank) Cottage Grove Ave. & 43rd Street Your Stocks in Chicago's RESOURCES OVER E-4 SAVE Store SIX MILLION DOLLARS Big Downtown Warehouse COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS UJNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION - $15 to$5O "At the Edge of the Loop" OFFICERS ON Isaac N. Powell ........... President A. R. Fay ............ Vice-President D. W. Cahill ...... Vice-Pres. & Cashier' Western Warehousing Co. F. S. Williams ......... Ass 't. Cashier LAMPS NV. L. Martin .......... Ass't. Cashier 3% INTEREST ON SAVINGS * We arc making a big cut General Merchandise Warehouses in Prices on all Table Polk Street Terminal, Pennsylvania System FOREIGN EXCHANGE and Floor Lamps and IHarrison 6350 WILSON V. LITTLE, Supt. Shades. Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 9 * Our stock is one of the biggest in Chicago. To " save money, call now. E~~l..*.A ,a.. r 3253 Roosevelt Road 2nd Floor.
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