University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Mike Mansfield Speeches Mike Mansfield Papers 12-23-1969 Congressional Record - Responsibilities During 1st Session of Congress Mike Mansfield 1903-2001 Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/mansfield_speeches Recommended Citation Mansfield, Mike 1903-2001, "Congressional Record - Responsibilities During 1st Session of Congress" (1969). Mike Mansfield Speeches. 816. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/mansfield_speeches/816 This Speech is brought to you for free and open access by the Mike Mansfield Papers at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mike Mansfield Speeches by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. s 17748 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE December 2.1, 1969 which body o! C1 ngress acts first on an 1'AX Rf:FORM•TAX RJ:I,JEJ' aJl\)l'Oill'i&tlons request than wltll which Ml'. President, I summarize uow what body'11 MCht>dule enables it to act 1'1rlit. appears Lome to be major achievements And porhaJ,Js when provisions are placed o! the Senate this year. in authorizing laws which limit appro­ The most responsible action of all priations amounts, the limitations should which the Congress took this session on not be casually cast aside. behalf of the peonle of the United States ACTION ON PRESIDENT NIXON'S PRIORITY l'IE~tS was in giving i~ final approval during this session to the tax reform-tax relief Notwithstanding the difficulties, I re­ bill. This legislation, initiated by Con­ iterate that the record of the Senate in gress, was the product of many months the first session of the 9lst Congress has of dedicated and diligent effort on the been responsible. In a message to Con­ part of the legislative branch. It Is land­ gress on October 13, for example, Presi­ mark legislation which makes compre­ dent Nixon directed attention to legisla­ hensive reforms in the tax laws and tive items he felt merited priority. The grants tax relief to persons in the low­ following summarizes the Senate-con­ and middle-income brackets. For exam­ gressional perfmmance with respect to ple, it increases on a graduated scale. this list. Congress has completed action the personal income tax exemption from on legislation involving draft reform, tax $600 to $750 by 1'972. It grants a 15 per­ reform, repeal of the investment tax cent increase in social securlty benefits credit as of Aprll 18, 1969, extension of effective January 1, 1970. It terminates the surtax at a 5-percent rate through the investment tax credit as of April 18, June 30. 1970, a social security increase of 1969, and makes many other substantial 15 percent rather than the 10-percent fig­ and beneficial changes in the tax laws. ure recommended by the President, a This Congress has also acted in many rapid rail transit system for the Distrlct other areas of Federal concern and THE SENATE'S RESPONSE TO ITS of Columbia and suburbs, a foreign as­ activity. RESPONSffiiLITIES DURING THE sistance authorization, and coal mine HUNGER-FOOD STAMP PROGRAM FIRST SESSION OF THE 91ST CON­ health and safety. Moreover, the Senate It increased the food stamp authoriza­ GRESS has either passed or has pending on its legislative calendar for prompt floor ac­ tion for fiscal year 1970 by almost two­ Mr. MANFIELD. Mr. President, I am tion next session the following: All of the fold, from $340 to $610 million. A sepa­ fully aware that the first session of the proposed Distrlct of Columbia govern­ rate Senate-passed food stamp bill deals 9lst Congress has been an arduous, !ong, ment reform and crime meMW'eS, an Air­ further with the inexcusable persistence and grueling work year for the Senate. port and Airways Development Act, a re­ of hunger in the United States. Among We began early, on January 3; we are vised and expanded food stamp program, the salient features of this bill are pro­ leaving late. Moreover, when we return a Commission on Population Growth and visions enabling very low-income fam­ for the second session in mid-January the American Future, an organized crime Uies to receive food stamps free and re­ of 1970, we shall have some leftover, and control bill, and a controlled dangerous quiring every county in the Nation to assuredly many new responsibilities to substances bill. have a food stamp program for its poor face. The experience this year again un­ Other items to which the President and hungry by 1971. derscores the fact that the Nation's busi­ attached priority which are receiving CRIME ness is year round and so, too, Is work Senate consideration are postal reform, With respect to combating the crime, of the Senate and the Congress becom­ manpower reform, grant-in-aid reform, ing year round. Congress gave the administration sub­ electoral reform, public transportation stantial sums of money which should for APPROPRIATIONS assistance, occupational health and the present permit the administration to The record of the Senate in the first safety, equal employment enforcement move rapidly against the rising statistics. session ol the 91st Congress Is a respon­ power, voting rights, and antiporno­ Early next year I anticipate the Senate sible one. The Senate has .lilad its prob­ graphy measures. Only a few items have will consider S. 30, the organized crime lems, of course, as it always does in any not yet received any Senate scrutiny at control bill which is pending on the Sen­ session of any Congress. So, too, has a all. In those cases, I am satisfied that ate legislative calendar. This very com­ new administration and the two are not there are valid reasons for the deferment prehensive measw·e is the culmination of unrelated. The transition in the Presi­ by the committees. I ask unanimous con­ a year of bipartisan detailed study, hear­ dency involved adjustments in the budg­ sent, Mr. President, to insert in the ings, and consultations. The process be­ et and, hence, delays in appropriations RECORD at the close of my remarks a gan early this year when the original which have not been easy for either the statement outlining in brief an appraisal version of S. 30 was originated in the executive or the legislative branch. The of the Senate's llction on legislative pro­ Senate on January 15. Hearings on this new monetary requests were delayed un­ posals mentioned by the President on and other Senate-sponsored bills began til April when revised budget estimates October 13. In March, and on April 23 the adminis­ were submitted to Congress. This delay, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ tration sent a special message to Con­ in turn, delayed congressional appraisal pore. Without objection, it is so ord,ered. gress on the subject of organized crime of, and action on, appropriations re­ <See exhibit 1.) which covered a good deal of the same quests. I regret the necessity of the Sen­ SENATE ROLE DURING THE NEXT SESSION ground. As I understood it, the organized ate having had to act on many appro­ Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, it crime control bill is a composite of pro­ priations measures so late in the session. must be kept in mind, too, that this is visions in various Senate-sponsored b!lls Perhaps now is the time for Congress to only the first session of the 9lst Congress. and incorporates administration sugges­ consider drawing a line-a set division Another session remains in which to tions as well. of the year separating authorization and analyze, approve, or disapprove legisla­ The Senate has also approved an im­ appropriations matters, as has been sug­ tion proposed by the President both this pressive list of crime proposals for the gested so wisely by the' distinguished year and next. Moreover, in the next ses­ District of Columbia which includes the Senator from Washington (Mr. MAGNU­ sion, I fully expect, as has been the ease Bail Agency Act amendments, a reor­ soN>. during the first session, that the Senate ganization of Distrlct of Columbia courts, Perhaps, too, appropriations should will continue, with Initiative, innovation, a Public Defender Act, revision ln Dis­ be established on a calendar year basis, and insight, to make its own contribu­ trict of Columbia crlminal law and pro­ rather than being standardized by the tions to the legislative proposals pre­ cedure, and a bill to establish a District so-called fiscal year which, and as the sented to it by the administration, to of Columbia Juvenile Code. Senate knows without rhyme or reason, originate legislative proposals of its own, Speaking of crime, I am most grate­ is 1n the middle of the year. Perhaps It and to carry on its vital and important ful, may I say, for the Senate's approval is time to concern ourselves less with function of legislative over~ight. of a bill I introduced which w1ll Mike Mansfield Papers, Series 21, Box 45, Folder 51, Mansfield Library, University of Montana December 23, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECOltD- SENATE 817749 strengthen the • -·•·•• J,)rovisions of cer­ Senate was able ro pJ.ss an innovative Other bills which the Senate approved tain aspects of the Gun Control Act exports and expansicn regulation bW. establish a cabinet Committee on Op­ which are clearly ailded at the criminal Today both the Senate and House ap­ portunities for Spanish-Speaking People usage of guns. The Senate also repealecl proved a very good compromise vel'81on and a Commission on Population Growth some onerous, unnecessary, and unau­ of this important legislation which will and the American Future, and provide thorized ammunition recordkeeping re­ not only meet the President's original funds for the O.ffi.ce of lp.tergovemmental quirements.
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