WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County NINETY Second Clwi Poitage P«id Published «l Wtiifictd. N.J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1984 Every Thursday 28 Pages—30 Cents Advent Candle Eyes Budget, Renovations, Referendum A school budget up to the full percent loan through New Jersey Elaborating on safety projects, negotiations on a new contract Blamed for Blaze amount permitted by State caps Green Acres funding for the pro- Senus said that some of these in- with teachers for the year or ject are being explored. This clude improvements to an out- years beginning July 1, 1985. menmandatt e and a capital improve- An Advent candle is blamed for his crew to the call, a twisted item of about $400^000 are route, he said, would require the dated lighting panel at the high An increase of 40 percent in a Sunday evening fire which back and bruised hip; Fireman being considered by the Board of school board relinquishing the school, ceiling tile and lighting in health benefit costs is expected property to the town for a the high school gym and replace- next year, and one member of the caused injuries to six firemen John Hagy, bruised hand; votEducation for presentation to and caused extensive damage to Firemen Thomas Dries, a broken ers in April, Leo J. Senus, number of years and then leasing ment of stage curtains at the audience suggested that some of all three floors of the Hugo tooth and gum injury "and president of the board, announc- the field from the municipality junior high schools. this burden be borne by Villalobos home at 527 Carleton Firemen Bruce Miller, a bruis-ed »<• a special board meeting for school use. Renovations to the Westfield employees as is being done by in- Rd. ed right shoulder and side. No whlch attracted six of the nine The board expects to spend High School library to be includ- dustry. A fire previously caused by the civilian injuries were reported. members and about a dozen in about $400,000 for projects in the ed in the April ballot question, • Accepted by the board was an candle in the fireplace was the audience Tuesday night. near future, Senus said, adding the board president noted, could audit report submitted by Arthur thought to be extinguished by a Also being studied by the that the district has need for cost between $500,000 to $600,000. Young Inc. indicating a unap- chemical extinguisher by the Youth Disaster Team school board is a possible about $845,000 worth of renova- While the State has granted a propriated surplus balance of owner, but apparently was referendum seeking approval of tions, mostly safety items. The cap of 6.47 percent in spending in- $214,900 and, according to board rekindled about an hour later Responds to Fire from $3 to $5 million next fa 11. Ad- board currently has $315,000 in creases for the 1985-86 school members, a "too close for com- after the family had gone out to ding that improvements to hand from the sale of Columbus year, which could bring the cur- fort" current operating expense dinner. Notified by a phone call The Youth Disaster Action Recreation Field on Rahway School and $100,000 in capital rent year's budget of $21,863,716 balance of $11,600. from a neighbor, firemen arrived Team of the Westfield-Mountain- Ave. has received "a modicum of funds which were not needed for to more than $23 million next The board was receptive to an at about 6:30 p.m. to find the en- side American Red Cross support," Senus said that updating science labs in the high year, budget contraints mandate appeal by two Westfield High tire right side of the house, from responded Sunday night to a fire ramifications of obtaining a 2 school, Senus said. that "we look elsewhere for School girls, Irene Adapon and first floor to eaves of the roof, in at 527 Carleton Rd. The team, maintainence projects," Senus Janet Regenberg, represen- flames. Because of heavy fire made up of youth from the said. tatives of the Film Club, to con- conditions on the second and Westfield-Mountainside area Zimmer Resigns as Grid Eighty percent of the budget is duct a fund-raiser for funds for third floors, firemen's interior at- provided canteen to emergency required for salaries, it was food for Ethiopia. The girls were tacks were switched to an ex- personnel and disaster victims at Coach, To Continue Teaching noted, prompting board member advised to seek a staff member to terior campaign and when con- the " scene. The Seven Eleven James England to plead for assist them and establish a time ditions improved, interior fire- store on South Ave. in Westfield "directions" from the public on frame for the project and will Richard A. Zimmer, head foot- the football squad since 1963, salary negotiations. A contract make a decision at Tuesday's' fighting manuevers were resum- supplied coffee at no charge. ball coach for Westfield High serving first as assistant football ed. with custodians is still unsettled regular business meeting on the All team members are trained School, has announced that he coach until 1969 and as associate and the board will shortly begin appeal. In addition to interior and roof by the Red Cross in shelter will complete his responsibilities coach from 1970-1979. He also has damage, most contents of the management, damage assess- for this school year and will not coached baseball as assistant home were destroyed or damag- ment, first aid, and canteen. be coaching football next from 19C4 to 1967 and as head Historic Zone Ordinance ed either by fire, smoke or water. Membership is open to young September. baseball coach from 1968 to 1970; Chief Walter Ridge suffered a people, 16 years of age. Informa- Zimmer, health and physical assistant Softball in 1979-80 and neck injury while fighting the tion on the Disaster Action Team education department chair- football commentator for Cable To Highlight Council Session blaze. Other firemen injured can be obtained by calling the person at WHS, has coached the TV from 1979 to 1982. The voluntary establishment of expected to highlight the 8:30 were Deputy Chief Paul Battiloro Wcstfield-Mountainsid" '"' • -*e - high school's "Blue Devils" foot- historic zones and a seven-person p.m. public session of the Town < Continued lasl page. Ihissediont Historic Review Commission is Council Tuesday night in the who suffered burns to his neck, American Red Cross, a member ball team for two seasons, 1983 Municipal Building. Capt. Richard Moncur, platoon agency of the United Fund of and 1984. The ordinance, which has been commander who responded with Westfield. A staff member of the West- Fire Dept. Operating most of a year in drafting, has the field public schools since 1963 support of the Preservation when he began as a driver educa- From Southside Facility Westfield arm of the Westfield Snow? Conditions Dictate tion teacher, Zimmer will con- Historical Society and both north tinue^ teaching health and physi- All Westfield Fire Department personnel and equipment are now and southside neighborhood cal education and serving as housed at the southside firehouse at"iO29 Central Ave., according to Closing of Local Schools Fire Chief Walter Ridge. associations who have been department chairperson. pressing for such action. In- To school or not to school? Just are uppermost in the minds of Zimmer has been active -with "The temporary quarters will not delay response time of ap- paratus," Chief Rdige added. dividuals or representatives of how much snow has fallen and students, staff members and groups will have an opportunity how bad are the roads and trav- parents oh snowy winter morn- School The relocation of the fire-fighting forces and vehicles is to speak on the issue prior to a eling conditions? These questions ings. necessitated by plans for a close to $1 million renovation of the hysteric North Ave,, firehouse. The Mayor and Town Council are vote by Town Council. The answer to the questions Reorganization r expected to approve the appropriation of remodeling funds at Public hearings and final ac- Custodians, Board "will school be closed?" or "will Tuesday night's session. tion are also expected on or- there be a delayed opening? can Plans on Agenda' The North Ave. firehouse was constructed in 1910. The Fire dinances which will detail steps Resume be found by listening to any of The Westfield Board of Educa- Department expects to reoccupy the structure in November of which lead to demolition of four radio stations: WABC (77 tion will hold its December public next year. buildings in Westfield. raise the Negotiations AM), WOR C710 AM), WERA meeting at 8 p.m. on Tuesday in (1590 AM), and WJDM (1530 AM) the Board Meeting Room at 302 (Continued lasl page, this section) Negotiating team members or for a telephone call from a Elm St. from the Westfield Board of calling system set up by parents The agenda includes a report Education and the Westfield Sup- under the Parent-Teacher Coun- by School Superintendent Elm Street to be Hub of Westfield portive Staff Association, cil. Laurence F. Grene on the representing 53 custodians and Regularly scheduled school response he has received from maintenance employees in the days may be cancelled due to State Education Commissioner Winter Festival schools, are scheduled to go back snow or other serious conditions Saul Cooperman about Elm Street between North Three hours of community should not. Children's matinees to the negotating table tonight for involving danger to staff and Westfield'splan to reorganize in Ave., and Quimby St.
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