Chaos at fifty Adilson E. Motter and David K. Campbell Citation: Phys. Today 66(5), 27 (2013); doi: 10.1063/PT.3.1977 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.1977 View Table of Contents: http://www.physicstoday.org/resource/1/PHTOAD/v66/i5 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional resources for Physics Today Homepage: http://www.physicstoday.org/ Information: http://www.physicstoday.org/about_us Daily Edition: http://www.physicstoday.org/daily_edition Downloaded 02 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://www.physicstoday.org/about_us/terms O S C H A at fifty Adilson E. Motter and David K. Campbell In 1963 an MIT meteorologist revealed deterministic predictability to be an illusion ALI JAFARGHOLI and gave birth to a field that still thrives. n classical physics, one is taught that given the But researchers had experienced close encounters initial state of a system, all of its future states with the phenomenon as early as the late 1880s, be- can be calculated. In the celebrated words of ginning with Henri Poincaré’s studies of the three- I Pierre Simon Laplace, “An intelligence which body problem in celestial mechanics. Poincaré ob- could comprehend all the forces by which na- served that in such systems “it may happen that ture is animated and the respective situation of the small differences in the initial conditions produce beings who compose it—an intelligence sufficiently very great ones in the final phenomena. Predic- vast to submit these data to analysis . for it, noth- tion becomes impossible.”3 ing would be uncertain and the future, as the past, Dynamical systems like the three-body system would be present to its eyes.”1 Or, put another way, studied by Poincaré are best described in phase the clockwork universe holds true. space, in which dimensions correspond to the dy- Herein lies the rub: Exact knowledge of a real- namical variables, such as position and momentum, world initial state is never possible—the adviser can that allow the system to be described by a set of first- always demand a few more digits of experimental order ordinary differential equations. The prevail- precision from the student, but the result will never ing view had long been that, left alone, a conven- be exact. Still, until the 19th century, the tacit as- tional classical system will eventually settle toward sumption had always been that approximate either a steady state, described by a point in phase knowledge of the initial state implies approximate space; a periodic state, described by a closed loop; knowledge of the final state. Given their success de- or a quasi-periodic state, which exhibits n > 1 in- scribing the motion of the planets, comets, and stars commensurable periodic modes and is described by and the dynamics of countless other systems, physi- an n-dimensional torus in phase space. cists had little reason to assume otherwise. The three-body trajectories calculated by Poin- Starting in the 19th century, however, and cul- caré fit into none of those categories. Rather, he ob- minating with a 1963 paper by MIT meteorologist served that “each curve never intersects itself, but Edward Lorenz, pictured in figure 1a, a series of must fold upon itself in very complex fashion so as developments revealed that the notion of determin- to intersect infinitely often each apex of the grid. istic predictability, although appealingly intuitive, is One must be struck by the complexity of this shape, in practice false for most systems. Small uncertainties which I do not even attempt to illustrate,” as para- in an initial state can indeed become large errors in a phrased in English in reference 4, page 414. final one. Even simple systems for which all forces What Poincaré refused to draw is now widely are known can behave unpredictably. Determinism, known as a homoclinic tangle, a canonical manifes- surprisingly enough, does not preclude chaos. tation of chaos having fractal geometry. (An image A gallery of monsters Adilson Motter is a professor of physics and astronomy at Northwestern Chaos theory, as we know it today,2 took shape University in Evanston, Illinois. David Campbell is a professor of physics and mostly during the last quarter of the 20th century. of electrical and computer engineering at Boston University. www.physicstoday.org May 2013 Physics Today 27 Downloaded 02 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://www.physicstoday.org/about_us/terms Chaos at fifty a b TIME Figure 1. Edward Lorenz and the butterfly effect. (a) Lorenz, studying a computer- generated time series. (Photo courtesy of the Inamori Foundation.) (b) A close-up of Lorenz’s original printout from his discovery of the butterfly effect shows two time series generated with the same equations but with slightly different initial conditions. The series diverge exponentially with time due to sensitive dependence on initial conditions. (Adapted from ref. 9.) of the tangle can be yielded a far-from-perfect replication of the result. seen in figure 4 of the Having found the nonperiodic solutions of article by David Nolte, his model interesting in their own right, Lorenz PHYSICS TODAY, April decided to examine them in more detail. He repro- 2010, page 33.) duced the data, this time printing the output vari- Poincaré’s results, independent findings by ables after each day of simulated weather. To save Jacques Hadamard, and experimental hints of space, he rounded them off to the third decimal chaos seen by their contemporaries were dismissed place, even though the computer calculations were by many as pathologies or artifacts of noise or performed with higher precision. What followed is methodological shortcomings and were referred to as best appreciated in Lorenz’s own words: a “gallery of monsters.”4 It would take nearly another century for chaos theory to gain a lasting foothold. At one point I decided to repeat some of the computations in order to examine what was A serendipitous discovery happening in greater detail. I stopped the In all likelihood, Lorenz was unfamiliar with Poin- computer, typed in a line of numbers that it caré’s work when he began his foray into meteorol- had printed out a while earlier, and set it ogy in the mid 1900s (reference 5, page 133). With running again. I went down the hall for a undergraduate and master’s degrees in mathematics, cup of coffee and returned after about an Lorenz had served as a meteorologist in World War II hour, during which time the computer had before completing his doctoral studies in meteor - simulated about two months of weather. ology at MIT and joining the MIT faculty in 1955. The numbers being printed were nothing At the time, most meteorologists predicted like the old ones. I immediately suspected a weather using linear procedures, which were based on weak vacuum tube or some other computer the premise that tomorrow’s weather is a well- defined trouble, which was not uncommon, but be- linear combination of features of today’s weather. By fore calling for service I decided to see just contrast, an emerging school of dynamic meteorolo- where the mistake had occurred, knowing gists believed that weather could be more accurately that this could speed up the servicing predicted by simulating the fluid dynamical equations process. Instead of a sudden break, I found underlying atmospheric flows. Lorenz, who had just that the new values at first repeated the old purchased his first computer, a Royal McBee LGP-30 ones, but soon afterward differed by one with an internal memory of 4096 32-bit words, decided and then several units in the last decimal to compare the two approaches by pitting the linear place, and then began to differ in the next procedures against a simplified 12-variable dynamical to the last place and then in the place before model. (Lorenz’s computer, though a thousand times that. In fact, the differences more or less faster than his desk calculator, was still a million times steadily doubled in size every four days or slower than a current laptop.) so, until all resemblance with the original Lorenz searched for nonperiodic solutions, output disappeared somewhere in the sec- which he figured would pose the biggest challenge ond month. This was enough to tell me for the linear procedures, and eventually found them what had happened: the numbers that I had by imposing an external heating that varied with typed in were not the exact original num- latitude and longitude—as does solar heating of the bers, but were the rounded-off values that real atmosphere. Sure enough, the linear procedures had appeared in the original printout. The 28 May 2013 Physics Today www.physicstoday.org Downloaded 02 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://www.physicstoday.org/about_us/terms Figure 2. The Lorenz attractor, as revealed by the never-repeating trajectory of a single chaotic orbit. The spheres shown here represent iterations of the so-called Lorenz equations, calculated using the origi- nal parameters in Edward Lorenz’s seminal work. (Spheres are colored according to the iteration count.) From certain angles, the two lobes of the attractor resemble a butterfly, a coincidence that helped earn sensi- tive dependence on initial conditions its nickname—the butterfly effect. An animated visualization of the at- tractor is available online.
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