CONTENTS Politics 1·7 Commentary 8·11 FORUM Duly Noted 11·12 MAY 15, 1974 Vol. X, No. 10 50 CENTS POLITICS: REPORTS' New York campaign) will make ex­ tensive use of the well-polished Rocke­ feller campaign machinery. Wilson's latinate phraseology, recondite allu­ press secretary, Harry J. O'Donnell, a NEW YORK sions, wd complicated answers to sim­ former assistant to Go\'. Thomas E. ple questions are nightmares for cam­ Dewey who handled press for Mayor After 15 years in the state's num­ paign managers. Wilson, who is 60, John V. Lindsay and Rockefeller's last ber two job, the current Republican has an encyclopedic knowledge of the re-election campaign, will also play a governor is fresh from obscurity, but state and its government, much of it ac­ key role in the campaign. he might have to relinquish the Exec­ quired while he skillfully presided over utive Mansion in January to a Demo­ the State Senate for the past 15 years. Wilson's Democratic opponent will crat nicknamed "Howie the Horse." As governor. Wilson has worked and not be determined until either June To make matters worse for the GOP, will work well with the legislature, 13 or September 10. The first date is the Republican speaker of the Assem­ unlike his predecessor, who did not when the Democratic State Convention bly, who just a few months ago was work at all with the legislature but will be held to select the Democratic seriously considering a gubernatorial merely informed that body of his bid­ ticket, and the second date is state run, might well become the Assembly's ding. primary. If a candidate gets 25 per­ new minority leader in January 1975. Wilson's people were too busy set­ cent of the votes at the convention, From 1939 to 1959, Malcolm Wil­ ting up shop in January and February, he is automatically on the September son served as a moderately conser­ and they hJve been too preoccupied ballot; if any candidate receives over vati\'e Republican assemblyman from with the legisbtive session for the past 75 percent of the votes, he imme­ Yonkers (a city in Westchester Coun­ three months to worry about the diately becomes the Democratic nomi­ ty just north of New York City). campaign, Insiders in the governor's nee, obviating any primary. Howe\'er, Nominated for the state ticket in 1958, office report tholt Wilson's campaign any Democrat can get on the Sep­ he drove all around the state. intro­ operation will commence in early sum­ tember ballot by collecting a massive ducing to GOP leaders J former HEW mer with the all-but-certain selection number of petition signatures after the under-secretary and presidential assis­ of R. Burdell Bixby and Fioravante convention. That option seems unlike­ tant by the name of Nelson A. Rocke­ G. Perrotta as c.lffipaign directors. The ly this year. feller. singuiolrir successful teolm of Bixby and The Democrats' four announced gu­ From that time until the past De­ Perrotta (having directed Rockefeller's bernatorial candidates are former Off­ cember, Wilson sen'ed as lieutenant 1970 re-election and Nixon's 1972 track Betting Chairman Howard J. governor, dwarfed by Rockefeller. Samuels, 54; Brooklyn U.S. Rep. Hugh (There were giants on the earth in L. Carey, also 54; Westchester Coun­ those days.) Rockefeller's resignation ty U.S. Rep. Ogden R. Reid, 49; and was in part a recognition of his grati­ Queens Borough president Donald R. tude for Wilson's years of faithful Manes. Although he has been cam­ Jnd effective service; Rocky's depar­ paigning for 12 years and is a three­ ture enabl<:s the latter to run for gov­ time loser - most recently to Arthur ernor (1.1' the governor. Wilson ascend­ Goldberg in the 1970 Democratic pri­ ed to the position of chief executive mary - Samuels is clearly the front­ in late December with a 12 percent runner this time. An upstate million­ name recognition, according to one aire-industrialist who now lives in New GOP poll. Since then, he has com­ York City, Samuels has the support mitted no major blunders - although of 18 of the 51 upstate county lead­ he was a little slow in initiating gas ers, plus the backing of the powerful rationing - and in fact seems to be Rockland and Nassau County Demo­ growing in f J\'orable public estima­ cratic chairmen. Samuels does not tion. While in private he is a warm have the support of labor and the in­ individual, with a dry sense of humor. fluential teachers union, nor that of in public Wilson seems colorless and the five big-city Democratic leaders: conservative, His white shirts, thin Malcolm Wilson State Chairman Joseph F. Crangle of Buffalo (Erie County), Meade Esposi­ caster and state senator, and is using for two reasons, First, in the public's to of Brooklyn, Patrick Cunningham Dave Garth, who was John Lindsay's mind, Wilson is not identified with of the Bronx, Dan O'Connell of Al­ old television advisor. The big-city Rockefeller; he is simply a new bany, and Matthew J. Troy of Queens. Democratic leaders are predisposed to face. Second, there really were not that Samuels is Jewish, and although th,at Carey, and as a fellow Irish-Catholic, many sins of the Rockefeller Ad­ is not widely known, it will help him he would be Wilson's most formidable ministration. His administration was in the September primary where 40 opponent. At the moment the gov­ honest, efficient, and had many signif­ percent of the voters will also be ernor can relax, for it seems that icant achievements, including, for ex­ Jewish. The Offtrack Betting opera­ Carey will repeat his 1969 perform­ ample, the development of the largest tion sequestered much of Samuels' ance when he lost the Democratic pri­ state university system in the country. profession campaign staff, which is mary for New York City Council Pres­ In any case, Wilson will steer clear of now headed by Kenneth Auletta. By ident. Rockefeller during the campaign. In mid-spring Samuels had raised over Manes, the fourth candidate, is sup­ addition to the Democrats, the Con­ $250,000 in contributions and had ported by - in addition to his im­ servatives have continued to attack the himself "loaned" his campaign .nearly mediate family - his county leader, former governor: the February issue $100,000. Matt Troy. He may end up as the of the American Conservative Union's The other millionaire in the race is candidate for lieutenant governor, or Ballleline contained a particularly vap­ the former liberal Republican and for­ he may have to wait until 1978, id, anti-Rockefeller article by New mer president and editor of the old "Howie the Horse" Samuels may York Conservative Party Chairman J. New York Herald Tribune, "Brownie" well' become the Democratic nominee Daniel Mahoney. Rockefeller's pres­ Reid. Reid's campaign is strikingly in June at the Niagara Falls conven­ ence has not completely vanished how­ similar to the congressman's speaking tion, or he may have to wait until ever: a few weeks ago one of Wil­ style, which is wooden. He has put a September. Reid and Manes are al­ son's press releases, issued by a for­ lot of his own money into the cam­ most sure to withdraw before June. mer Rockefeller staff member, acci­ paign, which has in turn desperately Though Samuels is the Democratic dently began, "Gov. Rockefeller an­ dispensed over $120,000 to numerous frontrunner, most GOP strategists par­ nounced today the appointment of... " political consultants, including Matt adoxically believe that he would be While Wilson has a slightly better Reese, Paul Corbin, and Joseph Napoli­ the easiest candidate for Wilson to than 50-50 chance of holding onto tan. In spite of, or perhaps because beat. Wilson will also run on the Con­ the Executive Mansion, Sen. Jacob K. of the money and the consultants, servative Party line. The Liberal Par­ Ja\'its (R) is sure to remain the state's Reid's campaign has gone nowhere ty, whose convention also COnvenes in senior senator, despite Watergate. The very quickly. Reid did serve as am­ June, would like to nominate the Dem­ 69-year-old liberal Republican, who bassador to Israel (1959-61), and this ocratic standard-bearer, but that per­ was re-elected in 1968 with a million­ will be remembered by Jewish voters son might not be selected until the vote plurality, will not have any Re­ if there is a primary. September primary. In that case, the publican opposition. Several months Carey's campaign is well financed Liberals would nominate a stand-in ago, U,S. Rep. Jack Kemp and State too, with $150,000 in bank loans candidate who would be replaced by Sen. James H. Donovan, both up­ guaranteed by his brother Edward M. the Democrat selected on September state conservatives, were considering Carey, president of the giant New Eng­ 10. opposing Javits but have since thought land Petroleum Corp. While Samuels Samuels will try to campaign against better about it. The Javits campaign and Reid are liberals, Carey is a mod­ Rockefeller and Nixon, but that might will spend about $1,000,000 (Wil­ erate. He has been in Congress for 4 not work. True, neither Wilson nor son will spend $2-3,000,000) and be years, and as a powerful member of Rockefeller has strongly castigated managed by '1l triumvirate of John the Ways and Means Committee has Nixon; whether that failure trans­ Trubin, the senator's confidant and worked closely with the Rockefeller­ lates into Samuels votes is another former law partner; Jud Sommer, his Wilson Administration.
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