SALISBURY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT Minutes of Board of School Directors Meeting June 17, 2015 A regular meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Salisbury Township School District was called to order by Mr. Giordano at 7:44 p.m. on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in the Administration Building, 1140 Salisbury Road, Allentown, PA. Board Members Present: Mr. DeFrank, Mr. Frankenfield, Mrs. Frick, Mr. Gatanis, Mr. Giordano, Mrs. Klinger, Mr. Mantz (via Skype), Dr. Spedaliere and Mrs. Ziegler Board Members Absent: None. Also Present: Mr. Brackett, Mr. Bruchak, Mrs. Fuini-Hetten, Mr. Muschlitz, Mr. Parliman, Attorney Roddick, Mrs. Samide, Mrs. Steidinger & Mrs. Steiger Also Absent: Mr. Cassidy, Mrs. Hartman, Ms. Morningstar, Mrs. Nickischer, Mrs. Perron-Jones & Dr. Ziegenfuss Student Representative None. Report_____________ Special Recognitions/ Mrs. Samide thanked Rosemarie Brauchle for her 25 years of dedicated service. For Presentations_______ the last 5 year has been an instructional assistant in the office. Mrs. Samide presented Mrs. Brauchle a Resolution and token of appreciation from the Board and District. Mrs. Lynn Fuini-Hetten thanked Mrs. Samide for her over 10 years of dedicated service. She is a true leader. Mrs. Fuini-Hetten presented Mrs. Samide a Resolution and token of appreciation from the Board and District. Mrs. Samide said this school became her third child. She loved that school. Mrs. Steiger thanked Mrs. Yost for her 12 years of dedicated service. Mrs. Yost has been the head cook at Western Salisbury Elementary. Mrs. Yost thanked the district. Mrs. Steiger presented Mrs. Yost with a Resolution and token of appreciation from the Board and District. Changes or Additions to The following is to be added to B-23, contingent upon the inclusion of clarifying the Agenda language which is to be reviewed and approved by the solicitor and business administrator. Also the following was added to B-24, services to be paid via agreement of B-23 and contingent upon the completion of approval of the KidsPeace Administrative Services Compensation Agreement. Approval of Agenda Motion by Ziegler, seconded by DeFrank, to approve the regular agenda as revised and the supplemental agenda: VOTE: YES -- 9 NO -- 0 ABSTENTIONS -- 0 ABSENT -- 0 Motion carried. STSD Board of School Directors Meeting (2) June 17, 2015 Citizens’ Inquiries & None. Comments Pertaining to Agenda Items Approval of Minutes Motion by DeFrank, seconded by Frick, to approve the following minutes: A. Operations Committee Meeting, May 4, 2015 B. Regular Board Meeting, May 13, 2015 C. Operations Committee Meeting, June 1, 2015 VOTE: YES -- 9 NO -- 0 ABSTENTIONS -- 0 ABSENT -- 0 Motion carried. Presentation of Bills Motion by Frankenfield, seconded by DeFrank, to approve the following expenditures: A. Total General Fund Expenditures— May 19, 2015 through June 19, 2015--$895,447.42 B. Total Athletic Expenditures— May 16, 2015 through June 19, 2015-- $14,494.16 C. Total Capital Improvement Fund Expenditures— May 14, 2015 through June 17, 2015--$71,685.80 D. Total GOB 2010 Project Expenditures— May 14, 2015 through June 17, 2015--$32,697.16 E. STSD Laptop Account— May 14, 2015 through June 19, 2015-- $5,154.14 VOTE: YES -- 8 NO -- 0 ABSTENTIONS -- 1 (Gatanis X-D based on conflict of interest) ABSENT -- 0 Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report_ Motion by Ziegler, seconded by Klinger, to approve the May treasurer’s report. VOTE: YES -- 9 NO -- 0 ABSTENTIONS -- 0 ABSENT -- 0 Motion carried. Secretary of Board Mr. Bruchak stated Item B-1 on the agenda this evening is the final budget. On STSD Board of School Directors Meeting (3) June 17, 2015 Report__________ February 11, 2015, a preliminary budget was approved that allowed the district to apply for referendum exceptions under Act 1 which included an increase in PSERS contributions. The state approved a referendum exception for PSERS expenses. The total increase with Act 1 plus exceptions is $683,234. The total increase available to the board is an increase of 3.16%. The millage rate reflected in this evening’s version of the budget is 17.7055 mills, a 0.2099 mill increase or 1.2%. Homestead/farmstead qualified properties will continue to receive a reduction from the gaming funds. Mr. Bruchak thanked the school board and administrators for their support, contributions and guidance through the budget process. Also on the agenda is the approval of the homestead/farmstead assessment, item B- 6. This exclusion will translate into a tax reduction of $149.36 for an approved homestead/farmstead. A. Curriculum & Technology Committee Motion by Ziegler, seconded by Frankenfield, to approve Item A-1 and A-3 through A-5 on the regular agenda: A-1. CLIU #21 accept the attached 3-year agreement between Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit Edmentum Agreement and Salisbury Township School District for Edmentum Products & Services beginning July 1, 2015. (Board Information Item 1) Motion by Ziegler, seconded by Frick, to approve Item A-2 on the regular agenda: A-2. Arts Academy approve the attached Renewal Charter and Resolution for the Arts Charter School Renewal Academy Charter School. (Board Information Item 2) Charter & Resolution Roll Call: Samuel P. DeFrank YES Frank R. Frankenfield YES Audrey H. Frick YES George J. Gatanis YES Russell R. Giordano NO Carol A. Klinger YES Thomas F. Mantz YES Christopher J. Spedaliere YES Mary L. Ziegler YES Mr. Giordano explained his objections to tax payers paying more taxes than necessary to fund charter schools which require students to audition for admission and have an unelected Board. He does not believe in it. VOTE: YES -- 8 NO -- 1 ABSTENTIONS -- 0 ABSENT -- 0 Motion carried. A-3. 2015 High School approve the students on the attached list for graduation from the Salisbury High STSD Board of School Directors Meeting (4) June 17, 2015 Graduation List School on June 3, 2015, provided they have met all District and State requirements for graduation and are properly certified by Principal Morningstar. (Board Information Item 3) A-4. Moravian College approve the following student teacher from Moravian College at Western Salisbury Student Teacher, Elementary School beginning October 26, 2015 through December 11, 2015 during 2015-2016 the 2015-2016 school term: Bonnee Zansitis with Patricia Anderson, Elementary Teacher A-5. Muhlenberg approve the following student teacher from Muhlenberg College at Salisbury High College Student School beginning November 2, 2015 through December 16, 2015 during the 2015- Teacher, 2015-2016 2016 school term: Vincent Vitiello with Susan Wilson, Science Teacher VOTE: YES -- 9 NO -- 0 ABSTENTIONS -- 0 ABSENT -- 0 Motion carried. B. Operations Mr. Frankenfield stated a meeting was held on June 1. Update on budget. Upgrades Committee in furniture look on policies 2nd reading. Motion by Frankenfield, seconded by DeFrank, to approve Item B-1 on the regular agenda: B-1. 2015-2016 General formally approve the district final 2015-2016 general fund operating budget Fund Operating Budget reflecting total expenditures in the amount of $33,989,399 requiring a total real estate tax levy of 17.7055 mills. Roll Call: Samuel P. DeFrank YES Frank R. Frankenfield YES Audrey H. Frick YES George J. Gatanis YES Russell R. Giordano YES Carol A. Klinger YES Thomas F. Mantz YES Christopher J. Spedaliere NO Mary L. Ziegler YES VOTE: YES -- 8 NO -- 1 ABSTENTIONS -- 0 ABSENT -- 0 Motion carried. STSD Board of School Directors Meeting (5) June 17, 2015 Mr. Frankenfield thanked the staff for keeping cost low. The tax increase we need to levy is the lowest in years. Mr. DeFrank echoed Mr. Frankenfield’s statement. Mr. Giordano stated that Items B-4, 5, & 6 are resolutions that call for reform on various topics on school funding and pension reform. Motion by Frankenfield, seconded by Frick, to approve Item B-2 through B-29f as amended on the regular agenda: B-2. Weiss Schantz approve the district’s sports and student accident insurance with Weiss Schantz Accident Insurance Agency, Inc. for an annual premium of $31,800. B-3. ULSD Bio-Diesel accept the firm pricing of $2.2515/gallon for B2 2% ULSD Bio-diesel fuel and firm Fuel Firm Pricing pricing of $2.4644 for 87 octane unleaded gasoline. These prices are as solicited and awarded through the Keystone Purchasing Network and were awarded on May 7, 2015 to Talley Petroleum Enterprises, Inc. B-4. Resolution for approve the attached resolution calling for reform of funding for cyber charter Reform of Funding schools by the Board of Directors of the Salisbury Township School District. Cyber Charter Schools (Board Information Item 4) B-5. Resolution for approve the attached resolution urging legislative action on school employee Pension Reform pension reform by the Board of Directors of the Salisbury Township School District. (Board Information Item 5) B-6. Resolution for approve the resolution urging the General Assembly to establish a new funding Establishing a New formula for basic education by the Board of Directors of the Salisbury Township Funding Formula for School District. (Board Information Item 6) Basic Education VOTE: YES -- 7 NO -- 2 ABSTENTIONS -- 0 ABSENT -- 0 Mr. DeFrank and Dr. Spedaliere voted No to Item B-6 B-7. IMPACT Student approve the establishment of the student activity fund – IMPACT. Activity Fund B-8. Replacement of approve the replacement of the high school postage meter through Document SHS Postage Meter Systems at a cost of $75.00 per month for forty-eight (48) months. B-9. Replacement of approve the replacement of the administration building postage meter through Admin. Bldg. Document Systems at a cost of $140.00 per month for forty-eight (48) months. Postage Meter B-10. PlanCon Part K accept the PlanCon Part K, Project Refinancing of the G.O. Bonds Series of 2015 Project Refinancing and Series A of 2015.
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