2013/2014 Annual PERFORMANCE REPORT SUMMARY 2009 Broad Prize for Urban Education • 2008 HEB Excellence in Education Award • Texas Quality Award 2006 The 2013-14 school year was a time of increased academic standards and expec- The Best of 2013-14 tations for our stu- dents and staff. In AISD’s Board Named Finalist for H-E-B’s secondary math and science teachers earned U.S. News published detailed information on 2013-2014, we com- Excellence in Education Award a $3,000 stipend. more than 19,400 public high schools. The pletely implemented the H-E-B honored Aldine Trustees with the School Aldine ISD also developed a new teacher ap- magazine used data and a comprehensive end-of-course (EOC) praisal system INVEST. AISD worked with re- method to give schools a College Readiness In- exams. Last year, Board/Leadership Award. H-E-B recognized juniors took the school boards that demonstrated real leader- searchers and teachers on the initiative. The dex (CRI) score. The top-scoring 4,707 schools U. S. history ship in the community they serve. As a finalist, main focus is to drive student achievement. received a gold, silver or bronze medal. assessment. AISD received a $5,000 grant to fund programs The system will eventually include a perfor- In 2014-2015, these students will be the first graduating class under the new requirements in the district. Steve Mead, Dr. Viola M. García, mance pay component. The system will reward AISD Students Performed at TASA/ of the STAAR® EOC exams. After the December Dr. Alton Smith, Rose Ávalos, Rick Ogden, Patri- teachers whose students show the strongest TASB Convention 2014 test opportunity, we still have seniors cia Ann Bourgeois and Merlin Griggs comprised academic gains from year-to-year. Each year, the Texas Association of School Ad- who will not be eligible to graduate because they failed one or more EOC exams. the AISD board in 2013-2014. ministrators and the Texas Association of School We began the 2013-14 school year with 3 Campuses Made Best High Schools Boards holds a convention. It is customary for 20 campuses under the state rating of Aldine First Large Texas District to in U.S. 2014 Rankings the district of the presiding TASB president to Improvement Required (IR). At the beginning Pay Starting Teachers $50,000 U.S. News & World Report awarded Victory Early present a program featuring his or her school of this year, all but seven of those campuses moved from IR to the Met Standard rat- The new starting pay rate represented an 8.2 College High School with a Gold medal. Carver district. Board member Dr. Viola M. García served ing. This improvement required great effort percent increase. The district also had some of High School received a Silver medal, while Eisen- as TASB president in 2013. The district had 150 from everyone. Campus principals as well the region’s highest salary stipends for teach- hower High School earned a Bronze medal. The K-12 performing and visual arts students per- as the entire instructional team led and ers in high-demand fields. For example, bilin- magazine produced the rankings in conjunction form. They received rave reviews and a standing drove improvement and strategic planning. They also received support from a dis- gual teachers received a $4,500 stipend, and with the American Institutes for Research. ovation following their inspiring performance. trict improvement officer and a professional service provider (PSP). I am encouraged and grateful for the dedication of everyone Did you know... ? involved. Our principals and teachers went above and beyond to give our students the Technology Services Department Implemented the At-Risk Evening Meal Pro- support they need to succeed. Replaced desktop computers with 2,500 gram at all middle and high school cam- I celebrate the successes of these cam- Chromebooks and 1,125 iPads in libraries puses. Program served a total of 313,192 puses, but we also face a new challenge in 2014-2015. The state has placed three of at 74 campuses. evening meals. 75 campuses under reconstitution based on Provided training and access to Google Received an 86% satisfaction rate on its student results for the past two years. These Apps for Education. customer survey. campuses have been under review. Review teams consist of the District Improvement Provided Gmail accounts for students and Central Receiving Department Officer, the campus PSP and district mem- staff. Processed 6,459 orders. bers. The review teams have been evaluat- Approved $1,102,248 in E-Rate funds for Made 28,669 deliveries. ing each staff member and campus pro- 2013-2014 for telecommunication and In- Sold $86,001 in auction items. grams to determine effectiveness and the ternet access services. best approach for improvement. The cam- Human Resources Department Special Education Department puses are receiving extra support. Implemented a Web-based work order sys- Hired 934 teachers. Expanded the iPad implementation started Our growth and the implementation of House tem for the operations departments. Hosted a total of 233 student teachers. in the 2012-13 school year. All special Bill 5 are important components in future Replaced desktop computers with 578 all- They came from more than 25 partner uni- plans. Also important are our program and education teachers, speech pathologists, facility needs. Strategic planning will begin in-one devices and 380 Chromebooks in 23 versities and alternative certification pro- and special education counselors received in February. As we prepare for the future, credit recovery labs at 12 campuses. grams. Of these, 129 completed their stu- iPads. we will use new demographic, maintenance, Broadcast student graduations for Aldine dent teaching in the fall, while 104 students and technology studies. We will also use Purchased iPad minis, MacBooks, sync/ ISD and other area school district gradua- taught during the spring semester. community and staff input to determine how charge trays and portable hard drives for all we can meet our future needs. tions. Had 702 university students from partner campuses. In 2013-2014, the board and staff addressed The Aldine Staff Development Center host- universities visit AISD schools. They ob- Trained teachers to use the online learning many issues and important objectives. It is ed more than 2,600 sessions with more served instructional strategies and class- blog site and how to share docs, files and worth noting that last year the board again than 42,700 attendees. room management techniques. reduced property taxes. The district contin- video on Google Drive. ued to be efficient in spending tax dollars. The district website was visited 22,201,147 Implemented INVEST, the district’s new Collected data from teachers who are suc- Aldine ISD received a 4-Star rating under the times in 2013-2014 and consisted of 9,585 teacher evaluation system. cessfully using the iPads in their classrooms. state comptroller’s Financial Allocation Study Web pages. Held annual Administrative INVEST Confer- Shared those ideas and best practices with of Texas or FAST. The district earned the ence (282 administrators attended). high rating for cost-effective spending and Transportation Department other teachers throughout the district. student progress. Our main focus is to see Had the third-largest school bus fleet in the Held Health and Wellness Fair. Had 2,009 Scholarships and Financial Aid Office students graduate from high school, but we Houston area. employees visit with 25 vendors to discuss Students earned scholarships to many col- also want them to succeed after they leave Had a daily ridership of 35,316 students services that they offered. us. That means pursuing a post-secondary leges, including Dartmouth, Duke, Emory, education. Last year, we saw more students while following 652 daily routes. Student Services Department Notre Dame and Rice University. attending college after high school. It is good Covered more than 7 million miles. Adapted student software. Can now handle Other Scholarship Highlights to see our students understanding the finan- Risk Management Department requirements of the STAAR® end-of-course • 1 Gates Millennium Scholarship cial value of higher education. Received a 2014 TASB Loss Prevention Grant. (EOC) exams and new House Bill 5 require- • 1 Horatio Alger Scholarship This report includes highlights in most dis- trict functions and operations. Please read Saw a 29% reduction in unemployment ments. • 1 West Point Military Academy Scholarship the entire report to learn about the great claims from the previous year. Teamed up with the Special Education • 16 Jesse Jones Scholarships things that are happening for our students. Saw a 4.8% reduction in the number of Department to automate data transfer be- • 21 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo I am proud to work with such a dedicated workers’ compensation claims from the tween eSped (special education software Scholarships team of board and staff members who give it previous year. program) and SMS. Effort saved many Office conducted 112 college and financial their all for our students. Thank you for being an Aldine partner in our journey to Produce Child Nutrition Services Department hours of data entry while improving accu- aid presentations to senior students. the Nation’s Best. Served 6,138,996 breakfast meals and racy of data reported to the state. Office conducted 16 college and financial Sincerely, 9,857417 lunch meals. Rolled out new scanning equipment to all aid parent workshops. Served daily breakfast for 50% or more campus registrars to remain state compli- Office organized 118 Junior Achievement students at 45 schools. ant. presentations. Junior Achievement pre- Wanda Bamberg, Ed.D. Provided breakfast and lunch service at 45 Trained staff to use modified student soft- sented “Your Career, Your Future” to middle Superintendent of Schools schools during the summer.
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