HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE – AGENDA ITEM 6: LIST OF PLANS. DATE: 24 September 2013 HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE – AGENDA ITEM 6: LIST OF PLANS. DATE: 24 September 2013 PLAN: 03 CASE NUMBER: 13/02358/OUTMAJ GRID REF: EAST 430810 NORTH 451405 APPLICATION NO. 6.79.1136.AJ.OUTMAJ DATE MADE VALID: 24.06.2013 TARGET DATE: 23.09.2013 CASE OFFICER: Mrs Kate Williams WARD: Pannal VIEW PLANS AT: http://uniformonline.harrogate.gov.uk/online- applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=MOLJY0HY64000 APPLICANT: Forward Investments LLP AGENT: Addison Planning Consultancy LLP PROPOSAL: Outline application for demolition of existing buildings to be replaced with a mixed use development to include dwellings, serviced employment plots (use class B1), retail units (use class A1), park and ride, sports pitches and amenity space with access considered (site area 10ha). LOCATION: Pannal Business Park Station Road Pannal North Yorkshire REPORT SITE AND PROPOSAL This outline application seeks approval for access with all other matters, including layout, design and landscape, reserved for subsequent approval. As an outline application detailed consideration will always be required on the use and amount of development and in cases where layout and scale are reserved an application will still require a level of information on these issues within the submitted scheme. In this respect the applicants have provided details of the proposed use of the site with the demolition of existing buildings to be replaced with a mixed use development. This will include the retention of the ‘art deco building’, 120 dwellings, 2.7ha of serviced employment plots (within Use Classes B1 and B1c), 557 square metres of retail space (A1 Use Class), a park and ride with 75 car parking spaces linked close to a new Station access, provision of sports pitches on site amenity space, modified access to Station Road and creation of new roundabout and access from the A61 Leeds Road. The application site comprises the former Dunlop Latex Foam manufacturing storage and distribution premises located in Pannal. The previously developed part of the site extends approximately 6.8 hectares and forms roughly wedge shaped area between the A61 to the southeast and the Leeds-Harrogate railway to the northwest. The site extends from the centre of the village to the northeast open countryside to the southwest. This application also includes areas of agricultural land within the application boundary to the south and southwest resulting in an overall site area of 10. 26Ha (25.35 acres). The railway line which includes Pannal station creates a distinct boundary to the site to the northwest; as does the open countryside to the southwest, which also forms the Green Belt boundary. The boundary to the A61 road is less distinct due to other commercial and residential premises having road frontages. Station Road forms the northeast boundary. The area around Station Road is of mixed land use character. The Dunlop Company left the site circa 2008, the site is now used for a variety of small and medium business with a range of B1 to B8 uses as the former company went into administration and the site was vacant. Within the site the main office building dominates, there is an office block of attractive ‘art deco’ style at the site entrance and several other minor structures around the main buildings. The larger building compromise a four storey concrete framed brick/clad office block, while the other functional buildings are generally brick with corrugated roofs. Various items of plant have been located on the site including various flues. There are areas of hard standing and car parking throughout the site. Within the site is an unused ‘sports ground’ area containing a derelict pavilion and groups of trees covered by Tree Preservation Orders (TPO’s). Land levels vary significant within the site. This is most apparent when viewed from the A61 as the businesses fronting the road are at a significantly higher level. The site slopes from this elevated position down towards the railway line. The steepness of the site is generally obscured due to the numerous buildings that are on the site. The scheme is supported with a Design and Access Statement together with an illustrative layout that gives an indication of the scale parameters of the proposed development. Of further relevance to this report are the following documents which were submitted with this application and comprise the following information: * DP1d Proposed Outline Masterplan * DP2 Section 106 Agreement Heads of Terms * DP4b Affordable Housing Statement * DP6a Transport Assessment (inc Travel Plan Framework) * DP7 FRA and Drainage Strategy * DP8 Environmental Risk Phase 2 * DP9 Economic Benefits Report * DP10 Landscape and Visual Appraisal * DP11 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey (Update) * DP12 Tree Survey * DP13 Heritage Assessment * DP14 Sustainability Pre-assessment Report and Sustainable Construction Proforma * DP14 Statement of Community Involvement The land outside of the curtilage of the former Dunlopillo site to the southwest is located within the open countryside and Green Belt. It is shown as providing the location for the sports pitches, a small children’s play area, car park for sports pitches and planted area on the edge of the site. The other area of land outside of the curtilage of the industrial/employment area incorporates the A61 to the south of the site and will be used to create the access into the site from a new three arm roundabout from the A61 Leeds Road. It will also incorporate pedestrian and cycle access and to the south of this access road could accommodate tree planting. This part of the applications site is overlooked by 3 residential properties, which are set back approximately 55m at the nearest point from the access road. Woodland planting provision to the roundabout is shown in this area. The previously developed part of the site, is set out into two sections comprising land for residential and land for business. Of the whole site 4.08 Ha is set aside for residential development including 40% of this being affordable. This would run from the southwest of the site bordering the general area of the playing fields running parallel with the railway line towards the north of the site. The remaining area is approximately 2.7 ha and fronts the Station Road car park, incorporating the existing access into the site. This area is shown to include for the provision of serviced employment plots, small scale retail element fronting onto Station Road element, pedestrian link to the railway station the park and ride and its parking area. High density housing is proposed closer to the employment buildings. The employment units are also shown to back onto the car showrooms outside of the site, and which front the A61. This part of the site also shows possible pedestrian links from outside of and throughout the site. MAIN ISSUES 1. POLICY CONTEXT 2. PRINCIPLE OF DEVELOPMENT 3. ECONOMIC AND EMPLOYMENT IMPLICATIONS 4. HIGHWAYS, TRANSPORTATION AND ACCESS 5. AFFORDABLE HOUSING 6. PUBLIC OPEN SPACE & COMMUNITY FACILITIES PROVISION INCLUDING EDUCATION 7. PROVISION OF SMALL SCALE RETAIL FACILITY 8. LAYOUT AND DESIGN 9. LANDSCAPE AND ARBORICULUTAL IMPACT 10. ECOLOGICAL IMPACT 11. LAND CONTAMINATION REMEDIATION 12. DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS 13. SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 14. RESIDENTIAL AMENITY RELEVANT SITE HISTORY The site has a varied planning history, which more recently relates to small scale development following the closure of the manufacturing process at the Dunlopillo factory. These are not of relevance to this application. 07/02567/SCREEN: Screening Opinion, Environmental Impact Assessment for demolition and redevelopment of site for residential, retail and business uses and health centre. Decision: Environmental Impact assessment not required. 29.05.2007. 07/05153/OUTMAJ - Outline application for the demolition of existing buildings to be replaced with a mixed use development to include 200 dwellings, B1 office space, retail, health centre, community facility, parking and amenity space with access considered (site area 6.8ha). REFUSED 04.01.2008 There were 6 refusal reasons: 1. The application site is currently in employment use and has been identified as having specific potential to be re-developed for a high quality business park by reason of its public transport links. In the absence of the scope for major office and business park expansion in the centre of either Harrogate or Knaresborough, or at Hornbeam Business Park, this site offers the only railway station based opportunity in the District for such a sustainable business park to serve Harrogate and Knaresborough and would make a major contribution to the specific needs for employment land in the region. If approved, this proposal would be likely to result in about 5.5 hectares of the 6.8 hectare site being developed for housing and associated open space, and it is considered that the availability of a five-year housing land supply in the District does not warrant the loss of this employment land to housing. The loss of employment land on this site and lost opportunity to maximise the transport benefits of the site would therefore be in conflict with saved Policy E2 of the Harrogate District Local Plan (as altered, 2004) and the Council's Submission draft Core Strategy Policy JB3 and TRA2. 2. The application proposals fail to make adequate provision for affordable local needs housing in that the proposed level and
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