Appendix I. Observing Programs 2008B and 2009A GN Scientific Ranking 2008B Band 1 Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours* NIRI+Altair GN-2008B-Q-1 Bally US AO Imaging of the Explosive Orion OMC1 Outflow 20 LGS A Variability Study of the 10 um Silicate Feature in GN-2008B-Q-2 Bary US Michelle 7.5 Actively Accreting T Tauri Systems Nebular-phase Spectroscopy of the Extraordinary GN-2008B-Q-3 Berger US SN2008D: The First Supernova Observed from Start to GMOS 3 Finish The Supernovae of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Exploring the GN-2008B-Q-4 Bersier UK GMOS 6 diversity of stellar explosions BCG Dynamics and Cluster Centres: Understanding a GN-2008B-Q-5 Bildfell CA GMOS 7.3 Symbiotic Relationship AU/CA/ Concerted Follow-up of Swift and GLAST GRBs (Gemini GN-2008B-Q-6 Bloom GMOS/NIRI 29.9 UK/US North) GN-2008B-Q-7 Chambers UH Quasar Candidates from PS1 at redshifts z ~ 7 GMOS 10 NIFS+Altair GN-2008B-Q-8 Chun UH Integral Field Spectroscopy of DLA absorbers 5 LGS GN-2008B-Q-9 Cote CA Canadian Gemini GMOS Imaging Contest for IYA 2009 GMOS 1 NIRI+Altair/ GN-2008B-Q-10 Crockett UK/US Identifying progenitors of core-collapse supernovae NIRI+Altair 5.5 LGS GMOS spectroscopy of Wolf-Rayet candidates in M74: GN-2008B-Q-11 Crowther UK GMOS 8.5 Progenitors of Type Ib/c SN? GN-2008B-Q-12 Cybulski US Spectroscopy of a Candidate T Dwarf from Spitzer NIRI 2.5 GN-2008B-Q-13 Duchene US The spectral properties of metal-rich T dwarfs NIRI 6.5 The halo-globular cluster connection in the elliptical GN-2008B-Q-14 Faifer AR GMOS 10.4 galaxies NGC 7626 and NGC 7619 Evidence for luminous CDM substructure in a moderate- GN-2008B-Q-15 Fassnacht US GMOS 3 redshift lensing galaxy GN-2008B-Q-16 Gladman CA Orbit determination for Kuiper Belt Binary b7Qa4 GMOS 1.3 GN-2008B-Q-17 Kong US X-ray Localization of the Globular Cluster G1 in M31 GMOS 0.5 Near-infrared observations of a highly unusual NIRI+Altair GN-2008B-Q-18 Kotak UK 9 supernova LGS The Environments of Long-Duration GRBs: GN-2008B-Q-19 Levesque UH NIRI 3 Determination of Stellar Masses Precise ages and masses of free floating planetary mass NIFS/NIFS+ GN-2008B-Q-20 Lucas UK 20 brown dwarfs AltairLGS GN-2008B-Q-21 Luhman US Spectroscopy of Candidate Brown Dwarfs with Disks GMOS/NIRI 7.1 AU/CA/ GN-2008B-Q-22 Mackey Probing the Nature of Extended Star Clusters GMOS 23.7 UK * Hours allocated. Constraining the Hubble Constant with a Type II GN-2008B-Q-23 Matheson US GMOS 12 Supernova McConnach The dynamics of the Andromeda sub-group: GN-2008B-Q-24 AU/CA GMOS 24 ie spectroscopy of six new dwarf galaxies around M31 GN-2008B-Q-25 Meech UH The Main Belt Comet Mission GMOS 3 NIFS+Altair GN-2008B-Q-26 Merritt US Kinematical Signatures of Recoiled Black Holes 2.5 LGS GN-2008B-Q-27 Olsen US What is the Origin of M31's 10 kpc Ring? NIRI+Altair 13.4 The High Mass End of the Black Hole Mass - Stellar NIFS+Altair GN-2008B-Q-28 Peterson CA/US Velocity Dispersion Relation in AGNs: Calibrating the 6 LGS Quasar Mass Scale AU/GS/ GN-2008B-Q-29 Pinfield Confirming the first Y dwarfs from UKIDSS NIRI 39.9 UK NIFS+Altair GN-2008B-Q-30 Riffel BR Feeding vs. feedback in nearby active galaxies 5.5 LGS Titan's methane weather: Seasonal change and surface NIFS+Altair/ GN-2008B-Q-31 Roe US 10 geology NIRI+Altair Altair Study of Supernovae in Luminous Infrared NIRI/NIRI+ GN-2008B-Q-32 Ryder AU 5.5 Galaxies AltairLGS Optical Spectroscopy of Hostless Supernovae GN-2008B-Q-33 Sand US GMOS 5 Candidates GN-2008B-Q-34 Sheppard US The First Known Binary Neptune Trojan GMOS 3 Revealing the Progenitors of Type Ibc Supernovae GN-2008B-Q-35 Soderberg US NIRI 6.7 through Near-IR Spectroscopy GN-2008B-Q-36 Soderberg US The Many Facets of Type Ibc Supernovae GMOS 4 GN-2008B-Q-37 Stockton UH Spectral-Energy Distributions of High-Redshift Galaxies NIRI 6 GN-2008B-Q-38 Tonry UH Characterization of Pan-STARRS Transients GMOS 20 The primary role of the SW Sextantis stars in the GN-2008B-Q-39 Torres UK/US GMOS 6.4 evolution of cataclysmic variables GN-2008B-Q-40 Trujillo GS/US Primordial Solar System Ices NIRI 16.5 The highest redshift quasars 5.8<z<7.2 in the UKIDSS GN-2008B-Q-41 Warren UK GMOS/NIRI 5.2 LAS GN-2008B-Q-42 Willott CA z=6 quasars to probe the reionization of the universe GMOS 10.7 GN-2008B-Q-43 Willott CA Near-infrared spectroscopy of CFHQS z>6 quasars NIRI 15 GN Scientific Ranking 2008B Band 2 Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours Optical and mid-IR observations of two dust-emitting GMOS / GN-2008B-Q-44 Barlow UK 11.9 SNe in the supernova factory NGC 6946 Michelle Spatially Resolved Optical Spectroscopy of a Nearby GN-2008B-Q-45 Brotherton BR GMOS 4.8 Post-Starburst Quasar Direct imaging of candidate planetary-mass companions GN-2008B-Q-46 Burleigh UK NIRI 7.9 to white dwarfs Chrysostom Testing the theory of magneto-centrifugal ejection from T GN-2008B-Q-47 UK NIFS+Altair 5.8 ou Tauri disks GN-2008B-Q-48 Cushing UH Precision Tests of Ultracool Dwarf Atmospheric Models NIRI 11 GN-2008B-Q-49 Fadely US A Gemini Search for Dark Matter Substructure NIRI 10.7 Physical Mechanisms of AGN Feedback in X-ray GN-2008B-Q-50 Farage AU GMOS 4.5 Clusters Fitzsimmon GN-2008B-Q-51 UK Adaptive optics studies of binary Near-Earth Asteroids NIRI+Altair 4 s Optical Identification of Radio Transients Discovered by GN-2008B-Q-52 Foley US GMOS/NIRI 11.8 the Allen Telescope Array The Spatial Behavior of the Unidentified Infrared Bands Michelle/ GN-2008B-Q-53 Geballe GS 15 in Planetary Nebulae NIRI GN-2008B-Q-54 Gil-Hutton AR The size distribution of small Trans-Neptunian objects GMOS 6.7 GN-2008B-Q-55 Gomez AR Astrochemistry of young protoplanetary disks NIRI 3.9 GN-2008B-Q-56 GOTO UH A search for high redshift QSOs at 7.8<z GMOS/NIRI 20 Completing the nIR Empirical Mass-Luminosity GN-2008B-Q-57 Henry US NIRI+Altair 3 Relationships for the Lowest-Mass Stars Late-time follow-up observations of a rare nearby GN-2008B-Q-58 Hunter UK GMOS/NIRI 7.3 supernova: 07gr. Direct imaging survey for planet and brown dwarf GN-2008B-Q-59 Janson CA NIRI+Altair 30 companions to the most nearby massive stars. GN-2008B-Q-60 Jedicke UH PS1 solar system follow-up science GMOS/NIRI 10 NIFS+Altair/ Measuring Star Formation Rates in Damped Lyman- GN-2008B-Q-61 Kanekar US NIFS+Altair 11.4 alpha Systems LGS Determining the unbiased low-mass end of the local NIFS+Altair GN-2008B-Q-62 Krajnovic GS/UK 14 Mbh-sigma relation LGS GN-2008B-Q-63 Luhman US Searching for the Bottom of the Initial Mass Function NIRI 16 Direct Exoplanet Search Around Young & Nearby Early- CA/UK/ GN-2008B-Q-64 Marois Type Stars; Completing the First Epoch Observations of NIRI+Altair 30.5 US the International Deep Planet Survey (IDPS) A NIRI search for the molecular gas in the dusty GN-2008B-Q-65 Mason GS NIRI 8 "molecular" torus Extending the ESSENCE Survey: Host Galaxies of High- GN-2008B-Q-66 Matheson US GMOS 17.5 Redshift Supernovae Stellar Forensics: A post-explosion view of the GN-2008B-Q-67 Maund US GMOS 4.2 progenitor of a Type IIP supernova McConnach GN-2008B-Q-68 AU/US The destructive path of NGC205 GMOS 8 ie NIFS+Altair/ GN-2008B-Q-69 Reipurth UH Visual Binaries in the Orion Nebula Cluster 11 NIRI+Altair Echoes of Historic Supernovae: Spectroscopy of the GN-2008B-Q-70 Rest CA/US GMOS 20 Tycho, Cas A, 3C 58, and Crab SNe at maximum light Improved Ages and Detailed Abundance Patterns of GN-2008B-Q-71 Schiavon GS GMOS 21 Cluster Galaxies at z~0.3 Schiminovi Probing Small-scale Kinematic Structure of Local Lyman NIFS+Altair GN-2008B-Q-72 AU/US 17.6 ch Break Galaxy Analogs LGS Michelle/ GN-2008B-Q-73 Scholz UK A close-up view on the youngest brown dwarf 4.6 NIRI NIFS+Altair GN-2008B-Q-74 Seth GS/US Surveying Nearby Nuclear Star Clusters 14.6 LGS GN-2008B-Q-75 Shemmer US Black-hole Mass and Growth Rate at High Redshift NIRI 25 White dwarfs with unresolved substellar companions or GN-2008B-Q-76 Steele UK NIRI 18.1 debris disks in UKIDSS Low accretion mode or dusty star formation? AGN with NIFS+Altair GN-2008B-Q-77 Wright UK 14 starburst/Seyfert composite spectra LGS Constraining the Redshifts and Stellar Masses for Two GN-2008B-Q-78 Yee CA NIRI 9.3 Luminous z'-dropout Candidates GN Scientific Ranking 2008B Band 3 Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours GN-2008B-Q-79 Allam US SDSS Giant Arcs GMOS 24.9 Spectroscopic follow-up of high proper motion brown GN-2008B-Q-80 Artigau CA/GS NIRI 21 dwarf candidates GMOS/ GN-2008B-Q-81 Aspin UH V1647~Ori, three years into quiescence Michelle/ 7.2 NIRI Integral field spectroscopy of gravitationally lensed GN-2008B-Q-82 Bandara CA NIFS+Altair 10.6 galaxies with laser guided adaptive optics Spatially Resolving Molecular Hydrogen Emission in GN-2008B-Q-83 Beck US NIFS+Altair 17 Planet-forming Disks GN-2008B-Q-84 Chambers UH Quasar Candidates from PS1 at redshifts z ~ 7 GMOS 10 Planetary Nebulae and Chemical Evolution: Exploring GN-2008B-Q-85 Ciardullo US GMOS 33 Systematic Errors for Early Stellar Populations Imaging Long-Period RV Companions to Exoplanet Host GN-2008B-Q-86 Croll CA NIRI+Altair 8.2 Stars Searching for Atmospheric Absorption in the GN-2008B-Q-87 Croll CA GMOS 8.5 Transmission Spectra of hot Jupiters VSOP: Fixing the variable sky with one-shot typing of GN-2008B-Q-88 Dall GS/US GMOS 56.9 neglected variables GN-2008B-Q-89 Davidge CA The Archeology of the Outer Disk of M82 NIRI 11 Methane and optical imaging of a Y dwarf candidate in GN-2008B-Q-90 Dobbie AU GMOS/NIRI 1.6 the UKIDSS Deep Extragalactic Survey High Dispersion Late-time Spectra of Core-Collapse GN-2008B-Q-91 Fesen US GMOS 3 SNe NIFS/ GN-2008B-Q-92 Figueredo UK NIFS K-band spectroscopic parallax of the HII region
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