Index A Alexander IV, 198 The Abbey of St.Thomas at Stare´ Brno, Allgemeine Schulordnung, 104, 164 200–212 All Saints Day, 137 Academy’s curriculum, 246 All Souls Day, 138 Ackerbaugesellschaft, see Agricultural Alois Sturm Society, 220 marries Veronika Mendel and takes over Acolytes, 131 farmstead 58 in Hyncˇice, 183 Act of laying hands, 254 Alt, Anton Franz, 223, 247 Advocatus,85 Altar boy, 147 Age of Enlightenment, 109 Alte Universita¨t, 328, 342 Friedrich II of Prussia, 109 Alumnate, 249 Joseph II of Austria, 109 Alzˇbeˇta, the second daughter of Va´clav II, 205 Yekaterina II of Russia, 109 Amber routes, 157 Agraphia, 258 Amici, Giovanni Battista, 365 Agricultural activities Andre´, Christian Karl, 244 grain reaping, 133 Anima,16 harrowing, 133 Apostles, 132 mandels, 136 Apostolic visitation, 286, 291–297 plowing, 133 Abbey’s exemptive status, 292 reaper, 136 anti-secularization movement, 291 rolling, 133 archbishop in Prague, 291 scythe, 135 bishopric conferences (synods), 291 sowing, 133 decline of the monastic spirit, 291 Agricultural congress (Landwirtschaftlicher monasteries in Rajhrad and Nova´ Rˇ ´ısˇe, 292 Kongress) in Vienna, 220 observance of the canonical hours, 294 Agricultural sciences, 252 postrevolutionary church revival, 291 Agricultural Society, 220, 244, 322 visitation meaning, 293 Association of Sheep Breeders, 245 Archbishop, 254 intellectual atmosphere in Brno and in Aristophanes, 167 Moravia, 245 Aristotle, 9, 12, 16, 19, 22, 32, 33, 316 Mendel admitted as an extraordinary actualization, 18, 34 member, 322 classification of animals, 21 Pomological and Oenological Association, concept of animal reproduction, 20–31 244–245 corruption, 21 professors of agricultural sciences, 245 criticism of Plato, 9 Royal Horticultural Society in London, 245 dominance, 35 Akademisches Senat, 328, 329 dynamis,34 Alb, 255 embryonic development, 27–28 Alba Ecclesia, 157 energeia,25 Alexander the Great, 53 entelechy (entelecheia),25 J. Klein and N. Klein, Solitude of a Humble Genius - Gregor Johann Mendel: Volume 1, 383 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-35254-6, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 384 Index Aristotle (cont.) congenital, 31 epigenesis, 28 heredity, 31 essentialism, 37 inheritance, 31 femaleness as a deviation, 33 Peri zoon geneseos,31 four levels of resemblance, 32 Artificial fertilizers, 353 four qualities, 27 Artificial pollination, 245 generation, 21 Artificial selection, 243 generative process Ascension Day embryology, 21 Pentecost, 146 reproduction biology, 21 Whitmonday, 146 genesis (generation),21 Whitsunday, 146 genotype, 35 Whitsuntide, 146 interpretation, 35 Association of sheep breeders, 245 inventory of reality (see Aristotle Astronomical clock, 180 inventory of reality) Athena, 31 kinesis,34 Atkins, Q.D., 53 knowledge-gathering process, 9 Attributes, 19 like begets like, 37 accidental, 13 and Mendel, 41 actual, 17 metabolism,25 essential, 13 and modern genetics, 39–41 first principle of change, 18 monster, 33 individual-specific, 15 organic,23 oak tree, 20 Parmenides, 18 opposites, 18 phenotype, 35 potential, 18 physiological interpretation of inheritance, 33 variable, 15 plant sexuality, 29 Auber, Daniel Francois Esprit, 198 pneuma,34 Augarten Park, 326 preformation, 26 Augustinian (black) canons, 199 psyche,23 Augustinian Hermits soul, 15 activities of, 200 spontaneous generation, 29 discalced, 200 teleology, 37 Augustinian monastery in Stare´ Brno Theophrastus of Eresos, 29 description, 206 theory of change, 16–20 history of construction and Aristotle’s cosmology, 24 reconstruction, 206 Aristotle’s doctrine, 36 Augustinians traditional interpretation, 36 classification, 199 Aristotle’s hylomorphism, 14 eremitism, 199 esentialism,37 foundation and history, 198 essentialist species concept, 38 relocation to Stare´ Brno, 206 species, 37 teachers at the Philosophical Institute, 206 Aristotle’s inventory of reality, 10, 39 Aula, 328–330 hypokeimenon, 10, 19 Aula Regina, 205 kategoria,10 Aula sanctaeMariae, 205 ousia, 10, 16 Ausgedinge, 361 Aristotle’s species concept Ausgeding/Vy´meˇnek, 183 eidos,36 Auskultant, 219 morphe,36 Auspiz, Josef A., 363, 367 particular,36 Austerlitz, 70 real, 36 Austin friars, 199 species (a universal), 36 Austria–Hungary Monarchy, 287 Aristotle’s Theory of Inheritance Austrian Academy of Sciences, 331 Index 385 Austrian Alps, 240 Beskydy mountains, 45, 46 Austrian Empire, 71, 81, 269 Biblical hermeneutics, 252 army, 105 Biedermeier furniture, 210 ethnic composition, 128 Biological diversity, 238 feudal lords, 81 Bird’s eye view of the St. Thomas Abbey March laws, 269 in Stare´ Brno, 208 National Guards, 269 Birth of a Naturalist, 147 nobles, 81 Bishop, 254 parliament, 269 Bishop Schaffgotsch, 289, 302, 322 1848 revolution in Budapest and Vienna, 269 Bishop’s hostility toward the St. Thomas Austrian Gymnasien, 167 Abbey, 290 Austrian Habsburgs, 61 Bishop’s Throne in Brno, 287–291 Austrian Manchester, 196 archbishop, 287 Austrian or Czech Silesia, 179 archdiocese, 288 Austro-Hungarian Empire, 72 attack on the Abbey, 290 Autodidact Mendel, 318 benefices, 288 Automata, 40 bishop, 287 Avars, 72, 324 bishopric, 288 A Year in a Village, 137–146 canons, 288 cardinals, 287 cathedra, 288 B college, 288 Babenbergs, 324 collegiate chapters, 288 Bach Decade of Darkness, 286 1855 Concordat, 290 Bach’s hussars, 286 decree issued by Franz I in 1802, 290 Concordate of 1855, 286 diocese, 178, 287 Ferdinand abdicated, 286 parish, 287 Germanization, 286 pope, 287 return to pre-1848 state, 286 reform of the monasteries, 290 secret police and army, 286 secularization, 291 The Battle of the Nations, 106 synod, 288 Beck, Martin, 173 Black Death, 78 Basedow, Johann Heinrich, 112 Black Madonna, 201, 204, 209 Basilica minor, 207 Blaumeisen, 233 Battle at Marchfeld, 67 Bı´lovec, 76, 77 Battle of the White Mountain, 160 Blue tits, 233, 238 Battle of Wagram, 106 Bohemia, 59 Baumgartner, Andreas, 246, 247, 306, 308, 310, Avars, 64 317, 318, 320, 322, 323, 332, 333 Franks, 64 director of the Imperial-Royal China Western Roman Empire, 64 Factories, 308 Bohemian telegraph, 308 bureaucracy, 128 Bavaria, 99 Bohemian Kingdom, 65 Becˇva River, 157 crown lands, 81 Beitra¨ge zu einer Aesthetik der Pflanzewelt, 240 Bohemian King Prˇemysl Otakar I., 77 Bekynˇska´ ulice, 251 Bohemian King Vladislav, 201 Bellini, Vincenzo, 198 Bohemian Massif, 47, 49 Be´lokostelı´, 158 Bohemian state, 63 Beˇlotı´n, 87 Boii, 59 Belvedere Park, 326, 342 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 269, 324 Benesˇovid dynasty Bonitz controversy, 348 Kravarˇe, 76 Bonitz, Herrmann, 318, 331 Kravarˇsko, 76 Boreal zone, 239 Berzelius, Jons€ Jakob, 352 Boreus, 239 Beseda brneˇnska´, 236 Botanical Garden, 240, 343 386 Index Botany, 238 Bru¨nn, 69, 71 Botys (Scopula) margaritalisHu¨bner, 357, 358 Brunner, Sebastian, 347, 348 Brahms, Johannes, 358 attacks on Unger, 348 Bratra´nek, Toma´sˇ, 213, 224–226, 238, 247, Brunner-Unger controversy, 348 258, 278, 363 Bucephalus, 11 Beitra¨ge zu einer Aesthetik der Buchberger, Anton, 319 Pflanzenwelt, 240 Bu¨rgerwehr, the Citizens’ Guard, 271 floristics, 240 Burgtheater, 327 the green esthetics, 240 Burian, Zdeneˇk,73 life story, 231 Buttermilk (Johann Mendel’s favorite Jagiellon University at Krakow president, 231 drink), 177 professorship at Lvov, 231 Buzek, Bonifa´c, 227, 228 retirement, 231 Bystrˇice River, 177 secularization, 231 Byzantine (Orthodox) forms of Christianity, 63 Breeders’ categories, 243, 244 Brno, 49, 71, 198 bishopric, 249 C the capital of Moravia, 178 Caesar, Julius, 306 churches, 192 Caesario Regio ac Episcopali Instituto city on two rivers, 191 Theologico Brunensis, 249 culture, 197 Calced, 200 ethnic composition, 192 Canonical hours, 213 etymology of name, 192 Canon (ecclesiastical) law, 252 fortifications and castles, 192 Canons, Augustinian, 199 hills, 191, 192 Canons regular of St. Augustine, 199 history, 192, 193 Cantaloupe melons, 244 human occupation, 191 Cardinal, 254 industrialization, 196 Carmelites, 199 learned societies, 197 Carnuntum, 323 maps, 195 Carolingian dynasty, 64 museum, 198 Carpathian block, 49 musical culture, 198 Carpathian Mountain system, 47 musical life, 236 Cassock, 255 Philosophical Institute, 240 Castiglione, Count Baldassare, 245 provincial town, 191 Catechetics, 252 railroad to Vienna, 197 Cathedra, 178 rivers and races, 192 Cathedral, 178 Sisters of Mercy Institution, 289 Cathedral church, 288 size and its growth, 197 Cathedral of Saint Va´clav, 178–179 streets, squares, gares and quarters, 192 Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, 249 theater (Reduta), 198 Catholic Church Theological Institute, 231 attacks on Unger, 348 urban development, 196 Bonitz controversy, 348 Brno, Inner city, 193 Brunner-Unger controversy, 348 Brno’s Technical Institute Catholic influence at the university, 347 Ecloges, 320 Catholic influence at the university, 347 teachers Catholicization, 68 Diebl, Franz, 321 Cattle breeding, 88 Helcelet, Jan, 321 Catullus, 166 Hruby´,Va´clav, 321 Cause Kolenaty´, Bedrˇich, 321 efficient, 20 Bronze Age, 51 formal, 20 Brothers of Mercy in Stare´ Brno, 258 material, 20 Bruchus pisi, 357, 358 Cˇ echy (Bohemia), 46 Bruckner, 358 Cecilian movement, 237 Index 387 Cˇ ejcˇ, 239 Cistercian convent cˇeledˇ,85 foundation and closure, 205 Celts, 53 renovations by Augustinians, 205 Censorship, 129 Cistercian nuns, 251 Census, 80 Cistercians, 209 Ceremonial vestments, 255 Clergy shirt, 255 Cˇ esky´ masiv, 47 Clerical clothing, 255 Chain reaction, 40 Clerical collar, 255 Change Coalition Wars, 105 accidental, 17 Coenobium, 199 change (metabole) and motion (kinesis),17 College of Doctors,
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