froQ CB ОБОДА ifc,SVOBODOBODAA ! УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ щоденник А І N І A N D А І І \ І ГОІПІОП ENGUSH-LANGUAGt Wl І kl V EDITIOWeN e V Vol. LXXXVH No. 28 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1980 25 cents Grigorenko is prime mover behind The Ukrainian Helsinki Group: new Helsinki support group a high profile in Madrid cular. The former dissident was the focus of attention lor the international by Roman Kupchinsky press and was given extensive coverage by various television networks MADRID - During the week of Committee in Defense of Workers - throughout the world. November 11-14, a number of events Committee for Social Self-Defense took place here which highlighted the (KOR-KSS) there was Barabara To- Gen. Grigorenko was the priroe violations of human rights in Ukraine. runczyk. Among the others present and mover behind the formation of the These activities coincided with the introduced were Leonid Plyushch, Nina International Association for the Sup­ opening of the conference to review the Strokata. Alexander Ginzburg. Edward port of Helsinki Groups, which he implementation of the Helsinki Ac­ Kuznetsov, VladysShakalysand Valen- considers to be- his greatest achieve­ cords and were organized by the Ad tyn Moroz. ment, reports the press service of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council Hoc Citizens' Committee for the Mad­ Gen. Grigorenko spoke on behalf of (abroad).. rid-Helsinki Meeting. The Ad Hoc the Ukrainian group: Citizens' Committee was organized in "For over two months, we have been The honorary president of the newly- the summer of 1980 by individuals witness to how the Soviet delegation has formed association is exiled Soviet representing a number of U.S. organ­ fought a protracted battle over the physicist Dr. Andrei Sakharov. Mykola izations, among them the AFL-CIO, agenda in Madrid. Today the fate of the Rudenko. one of the founders of the Freedom House, the League for Indus­ Madrid conference is in the balance. Ukrainian Helsinki Group who is trial Democracy, the Committee in- -'^Thc^SSR has'irientTorred only, -currently sen ing his prison term is one Defense of Soviet Political Prisoners those facts which are in its self-interest. of the vice-presidents. On the initiative of Gen. Grigorenko. and others. One of the constituent TASS insists that the participants in the Gen. Petro Grigorenko members of the Ad Hoc Committee was Helsinki Accords affirmed the conse­ the association issued a manifesto as the foreign Representation of the quences of World War II by codi­ NEW YORK - Gen. Petro Grigo­ well as an appeal to Madrid participants Ukrainian Helsinki Group represented fying the inviolability of the bordcis of renko. head of the Foreign Representa­ calling for the full exposure of the by Gen. Petro Grigorenko. Nadia Europe. tion of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, violations arid the naming of the viola­ tors of the Helsinki Accords, as well as Svitlychna and Leonid Plyushch. "The Soviets, however, refuse to returned from the Madrid Conference for guaranteeing the right of the public Among the members of the Ad Hoc speak of human rights, and the Helsinki on November 25 where he played a groups to monitor compliance by the Committee were such prominent figures principle that "national rights and the prominent role as spokesman for the signatories with the Final Act. as authors Edward Albee and Saul right of each nation to determine its human-rights movement in general and (Continued on page IS) Bellow, French philosopher Raymond social, economic, political and cultural the Ukrainian Helsinki Group in parti­ Aron. composer Leonard Bernstein, development is regarded by the Soviets Leo Cherne, Paddy Chayefsky, Robert as a crime. Conquest. Midge Decter, Arthur Gold­ "Therefore the opposition move­ berg, Senator John Heinz, AFL-CIO ments in the non-Russian national Ukrainian journalists initiate broad President Lane Kirkland. Polish philo­ republics — Ukraine. Lithuania. Latvia sopher Leszek Kolakowski, Leopold and Armenia, among others - is campaign to assist Chornovil Labedz. Senator Daniel Moynihan, brutally repressed. The Soviet govern­ Martin Peretz, Prof. Richard Pipes, ment, by utilizing terror, wishes to JERSEY CITY. N.J. - The execu­ campaign to send letters directly lo Mr. Norman Podhoretz, Elliot Richardson. eradicate the historical memory of the tive board of the Ukrainian Journalists' Chornovil: conduct a blood-donor Eugene V. Rostow, Donald Rumsfeld. non-Russian nations. Association of America held a meeting drive on January 12 Day of Solid­ Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Frank Shakes­ at the Svoboda press on November 13 at arity with Ukrainian political prisoners: peare, William Simon. Telford Taylor. "Opposition in Ukraine - the oppo­ which plans were discussed to initiate a and call a meeting of the representatives Elmo Zumwalt Jr. and others. sition of a large nation - is being campaign in defense of Vyacheslav of the various committees in defense of repressed with particular severity. The In the coordinating committee of the Chornovil. Ukrainian journalist and Ukrainian political prisoners in an Ukrainian Helsinki Group has lost Ad Hoc committee were two members political prisoner who has recently been effort to ensure the coordination pf almost all its members. Twenty eight of the Committee in Defense of Soviet arrested and sentenced for the fourth activities. members of the group find themselves Political Prisoners - Adrian Karat- time. Realizing that the members of the in labor camps, prisons, psychiatric nycky and Roman Kupchinsky. The Mr. Chornovil was last arrested on UJAA will be unabletoundertakethe.se hospitals and in exile. A number of coordinator of the group was Prof. trumped up charges of attempted rape, activities single-handedly, the initiators members of the group have been ex­ Allen Weinstein. only several months after he joined the of the campaign expressed the hope pelled from the Soviet Union. The Ukrainian Helsinki Group by letter that they will find support for actions in Press Conference Soviet government seeks to physically from his place of exile in the Yakut defense of Mr. Chornovil from the annihilate the most nationally aware ASSR. Ukrainian community at large. The activities of the Ad Hoc Commit­ segment of Ukrainian society. tee began in Madrid on November 11 At the meeting it was decided that the (Continued on page 14) with a press conference for representa­ "Oppositionists are attacked and following course of action wbuld be tives of Helsinki monitoring groups beaten on the streets: they arc seized instrumental in drawing attention to the from the USSR and Eastern Europe. without legal basis. I he consequence ol plight of Mr. Chornovil: initiate a letter- NSIDE: The conference took place in the Euro- all this has in some instances resulted in writing campaign to American news­ building Hotel and was attended by death. In the 1970`s, three dissident papers as well as seek contact W Dr. Bohdan Bociurkiw on the over 100 corespondents from the artists were killed by unk`nown assail­ with publishers and members of the Kremlin's secret war on religion - Western press,fadioand television. The ants, who were never captured. The press in the effort to marshall support page 3. composer Volodymyr4vasiuk, a Ukrai­ for the defense of Mr. Chornovil; speakers were `Gen. Petro Grigorenko Ш Conclusion of Supreme Presi­ nian Catholic priest .and his wife were contact American officials and interna­ from the Ukrainian Helsinki Group. dent John Flis` report on the UCCA tional organizations, particularly Am­ Ludmilla Atexyeva from the Moscow murdered. The Ukrainian writer Heli congress — page 7. group. Tomas Venclova from the Lithu­ Snehirov was killed with the help of nesty International which would inter­ cede for Mr. Chornovil with the Soviet anian group. Amburtsian Khalgatian Soviet medical - thorities. Ukrainian Ш Profile on Dr. Renau Holod, from the Armenian group and Vladimir dissident Mykhaylo Melnyk was driven authorities: compile extensive docu­ consultant to the Aga Khan Award. Bukovsky. who read a joint statement to suicide. Musa Mamut, a Crimean mentation on Mr. Chornovil and the - page 9. from Soviet dissidents. From the Polish (Continued on pace га)'– proceedings against him: organize a 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBEB 7,1880 - No. 28 Moscow group releases details Soviets squelch writers' Ш ofOgorodnikov's trial for independent writers'union WHEATON. III. - The Moscow was refused, and Mr. Ogorodnikov`s MOSCOW - A bid by seven young sky. a 34-year-old theater director, Helsinki monitoring group has issued a mother was forced to leave the court­ Soviet writers, chafing under official claimed he and six other writers deliver­ statement regarding the trial of Alex­ room: and 2) that the court officials be literary constraints, to form an indepen­ ed a letter to the Moscow City Council a ander Ogorodnikov, the 29-year-old replaced by others as he formally dent writers' union has been squelched- week before asking permission to seuup Russian Orthodox religious activist objected to the officials presiding. This by Moscow authorities, according to a a workshop independent of the official who was sentenced on September 5 to petition was also rejected. Mr. Ogorod­ report in The New York Times^ The union.' six years at hard labor followed by five nikov then thanked his defense lawyer, seven had petitioned the Moscow City but declined any further assistance from The same day, he and two others were years' internal exile for alleged anti- Council last month to grant them detained by police who claimed they Soviet agitation. Keston College re­ him. The lawyer then left the court­ permission to organize an experimental room. were investigating an apartment rob­ ports." workshop independent of the official bery. The document was signed by Yalena Up to the time of the trial the defen­ Sovier Writers' Union, and that the new According to the Times' report, Bonner, wife of exiled Soviet physicist dant had conducted a lengthy hunger club be allowed to publish a periodical would-be sponsors of the club were also Andrei Sakharov.
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