NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION Vol. 62/No. 4 March/April 2019 TEACHERSCHANGELIVES.CA IN THIS ISSUE... pg. 10... Group Insurance Part Two: Do You Have Enough Coverage? pg. 12...Education Week pg. 15...CONTACT 2019 Up Front from the President can’t say unique potential, is critically important. point, and I am thankful for the work that I enough how We need to see additional supports for our they accomplished. It was the best deal thankful and most vulnerable students, starting with a that could be attained at this time. In the appreciative I am move to enhance the allocation of school coming months we will begin prepara- of the outstanding counsellors and psychologists. The avail- tions for the next round of negotiations. work put in by the ability of school administrators continues As I indicated in an email to all teachers, I teachers and stu- to be inadequate. The ability for schools am hopeful that the same level of passion dents at Memorial to proactively address concerns such as and engagement will be there for the next Academy in those identified by the Child and Youth round of negotiations. The message will Botwood for Advocate in the report of school absentee- continue to be sent to government and our hosting our Education Week Opening ism and to provide true instructional lead- educational stakeholders that teachers will Ceremonies. They highlighted their school ership is certainly compromised as a result be expecting an agreement that addresses and why all schools continue to provide of the reductions that occurred in previous our concerns, that provides fair compen- the best they can each and every day. budgets. sation and that recognises our worth and Education Week has been an initiative We know that our citizens want to see responsibility of educating our province’s of the NLTA for more than 80 years and improvements to the province’s education future. throughout these years the purpose has system. If this is to happen, government Your Joint Council met on March 8 and been to highlight the importance of educa- and school districts need to be willing to brought forward a number of concerns and tion. Education Week is a recognition and work with teachers and parents on solu- issues that they have heard from mem- celebration of the work that happens in tions to the major challenges facing our bers. Your Provincial Executive and your schools throughout the entire year. public education system. Policies and branch presidents, who make up Joint In order for our students to receive the procedures need to be streamlined so that Council, respond and act on the concerns education that they deserve, investments those that matter most – students – are and information brought forward. It is in education need to occur. As govern- not shortchanged. Teachers need time to important that your concerns are brought ment prepares for its provincial budget, focus on what truly matters. Teachers need to the attention of these same individuals this investment is something that has to supports to allow them to deliver program- who have the authority to make motions be taken into account. We all acknowledge ming to our most precious resource – our and advise Provincial Executive on teacher the fiscal situation in the province, yet children! Anything that distracts from this and education issues. The NLTA is not just we also know that there are decisions effort is a disservice to those students who your Provincial Executive. The NLTA is that government makes all the time. It aren’t being adequately supported at the not just your branch president. The NLTA can’t always be about the money. Often it present time. is the membership – you, the teachers of has to be about how you decide to invest Over the past month we have been this province. As preparations for BGM the monies that are available. Moving engaged in the process of moving forward 2019 continue, ensure that your thoughts forward, if education is truly as valued with the tentative collective agreement. I and concerns are brought to the atten- by our government as they say that it is, am very appreciative of the level of engage- tion of those who will be representing we will see investments in our province’s ment shown during this process. I respect you. Become informed. Become engaged education system. The reduction of class the varying opinions that were offered and ensure that your voice is one that is sizes, coupled with the provision of sup- on this and do acknowledge that it was a brought forward. ports to ensure that every student has the difficult decision for many. The negotiat- Until next time… opportunity to succeed, to reach their ing team worked diligently to get to this the bulletin 2 march/april 2019 CONTENTS Features 18 Autism in the Classroom Students Supporting Students: Programs & Services 8 How to Make Your Classroom The Redundancy/Reassignment Lesley-Ann Browne More Accepting of Autism and Layoff Process Editor by Kendra Lane Michelle Lamarche Group Insurance 10 STEM Editorial Assistant Group Insurance, Part Two: 20 Computational Thinking and the Do You Have Enough Coverage? Digital Literacy Movement John Bishop, Elliott Green by Darrin Pike Design • Printing • Distribution by Kim Taylor 12 Education Week 2019 Linda Farrell 22 Of Special Interest Online Services Special Interest Council News 14 Are You Thinking About Retiring? The Bulletin is published five times Information You Need to Know a year during the school year by the Departments Newfoundland & Labrador Teachers’ 15 CONTACT 2019 Application Form Association, 3 Kenmount Road, St. John’s, Up Front from the President 2 Newfoundland, Canada, A1B 1W1. Living Well 16 On Location News 4 Tel: 709-726-3223; 1-800-563-3599 From Grief to Gratitude In Memoriam 7 [email protected] by Judy Beranger www.nlta.nl.ca News and Events 23 Follow us on FaceBook and Twitter @NLTeachersAssoc Unless otherwise indicated, materials used in The Bulletin may be reproduced or broadcast without permission. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Opinions, advertisements and/or notices carried in this publication FROM do not imply endorsement or recommendation by the Association. GROUP INSURANCE MANAGERS Advertising inquiries should be directed to: Michelle Lamarche, Ext. 227 The Group Insurance Managers have reviewed surpluses in the Group [email protected] Insurance Fund over the last number of years. Surpluses occur from time Deadlines for material are: to time when the annual premiums collected are greater than the claims May/June Issue: May 1 September/October: September 3 and expenses in the same year. Due to recent surpluses, Managers have decided to implement a premium holiday for the month of April for both Health ISSN-1189-9662 and Dental. Thus, there will be NO deductions from your cheque for Health or Dental premiums in the month of April 2019. Further information and updates on Group Insurance will be available in the coming months. If you have any questions please contact an NLTA Administrative Officer in Programs and Services at 726-3223 or 1-800- Printed on Recycled Paper 563-3599 or [email protected]. the bulletin 3 march/april 2019 ON LOCATION P ROV I N C I A L /N AT I O NA L /I NTERNATIONAL NEWS GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR Complex at the University of Waterloo will be creat- ed to display the Hydrogen tile along with tiles from EVI Students participate in schools all over the world. Mrs. Krista Simms says that although she was University of Waterloo Project the teacher supervisor on the project at EVI, it was the students’ independent work that formed the tile The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed submitted. Mya Fifield, Emily Hayden, Claire Loder, 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table Cora Hogg and Devyn Hogg, through independent of Elements. The Chemistry Department at the research and creative talent, produced a fantastic tile University of Waterloo developed a student project to which was revealed on the University of Waterloo’s celebrate. The project has brought together students website on March 6, 2019. It can also be found on from 118 schools in 29 countries and each school Twitter #timelineofelements. submitted an original tile telling the discovery story “Great job girls. Way to show talent, creativity for their element. and an appreciation for science,” says Mrs. Simms. Exploits Valley Intermediate (EVI) in Grand Falls-Windsor was one of the schools that had the opportunity to participate in this worldwide proj- Pi Day at EVI ect. Five Grade 9 students were selected to display their knowledge and talent by developing a tile rep- Pi Day was celebrated once again at Exploits Valley resenting Hydrogen (the very first element on the Intermediate in Grand Falls-Windsor. Students in periodic table). A classroom poster, a public website Grade 7 were challenged to memorize the first 100 and a special wall mural in the new Science Teaching digits of Pi. Many students attempted to recite the digits in front of their classmates and three were suc- cessful in reciting all 100 digits. Their prize? Pie a teacher. Although the challenge was set forth by both Mrs. Krista Simms and Mr. Thomas Caines, the stu- dents took it easy on Mrs. Simms and all three pied Mr. Caines. “A great show of school spirit and ability by the students and good job Mr. Caines for being such a great sport.” L-R: Mya Fifield, Emily Hayden, Claire Loder, Cora Hogg, Devyn Hogg L-R: Luke Healey, Mr. Caines, Isaiah Mercer, Logan Dove the bulletin 4 march/april 2019 PAID ADVERTISEMENT ON LOCATION Exploits Valley Branch scholarship winner announced LOOKING FOR Chloe Power, a graduate of Exploits Valley High THE ULTIMATE School, accepted the Exploits Valley Branch Scholarship for the 2017-18 school year on December 19, 2018.
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