dispensingoptics Dispensing Optics PO Box 233, Crowborough TN6 9BD Telephone: 01892 667626 Fax: 01892 667626 Email: [email protected] January 2014 Website: www.abdo.org.uk 3 dispensingoptics CONTENTS Janaury 2014 Cover point 3 Cover point 4 ABDO Graduation and Prize Giving Ceremony 2013 Time to stand proud 8 Continuing Education and Training Key considerations when dispensing children’s spectacles high, wiTh more evenTs, bigger venues by Eirian Hughes in some cases and an increased 15 Professional development number of available poinTs and Professional progress through modes of delivery. We know ThaT education many members were able To access by Tony Garrett Flying start to 2014 sufficienT CET in 2013 buT if you are having real difficulTy, iT is imporTanT 16 ABDO Conference and The year ahead already looks like ThaT you leT us know as soon as Exhibition 2014 being our busiesT ever. An even larger possible. We will make every efforT To ABDO Conference 2014: spotlight conference Than usual Takes place on supporT all members buT if you have a on education 30 and 31 March aT Chesford Grange problem don’T siT on iT – share iT wiTh 18 Patient and practice in Warwickshire. An exciTing formaT us. management wiTh up To 18 poinTs available To Café-ticians: could you be a barista? ABDO members – as well as The We will conTinue To press The cause of by Antonia Chitty unparalleled neTworking and social The profession To The wider public aT evenTs. So we hope To see as many as every opporTuniTy and will move 22 BCLA news possible aTTending for aT leasT a day. forward wiTh plans To develop higher Contact lens education ‘to go’ level qualificaTions for Those members 26 Newsbrief We have elecTions To The ABDO Board who wish Take ThaT paTh. We also face wiTh a ToTal of eighT candidaTes possible challenges, and perhaps 27 Black arts conTesTing The Three available places. opporTuniTies, when The Law by Peter Black I hope ThaT everyone will sTudy The Commission publishes iTs long awaiTed sTaTemenTs of The candidaTes and reporT, which could have a very 38 Area news Take The opporTuniTy To casT your voTe significanT impacT on our regulaTory before The deadline of 28 February body and The secTor. 40 NOC 2013 2014. NOC 2013: the DO perspective We enTer 2014 wiTh a real focus on The 42 Disjointed jottings from Our CET provision will reach a new challenges ahead and wiTh an a DO’s desk . execuTive Team ThaT is deTermined To Standing by her principles deliver The besT possible supporT and by Kim Devlin service To members. I hope ThaT The year ahead is a successful one for all 43 Frequently asked questions of our members. 43 Optician Index Tony Garrett n 44 CET answers Charles Bonnet Syndrome 46 ABDO Area plan 2014 ABDO works in Partnership with: 47 Diary of Events ABDO is a member of: Front cover: Shamir ABDO also actively works in conjunction with: Autograph III: A New Visual Experience from Shamir The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers 4 dispensingoptics January 2014 The graduaTes and digniTaries group TogeTher in The ChapTer House aT CanTerbury CaThedral Time to stand proud A fresh influx of qualified dispensing and contact lens opticians were congratulated and celebrated last month at the magnificent Canterbury Cathedral ust under 700 people, including graduands and their guests, key figures in J the optical profession, members of the ABDO Board and Association staff attended the 2013 Graduation and Prize Giving Ceremony at Canterbury Cathedral on 27 November 2013. Preceded by Procession Marshal, Ros Kirk, the graduands entered the Cathedral to take their seats and hear from ABDO president, Peter Black, and the Master of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers, Chris Hunt. In welcoming graduands, the that the learning is really only just president said that the day was a beginning as you put into practice time to reflect and be thankful for all three years of education,” he told the help they had received along the graduands. “Henry Ford once said way. “I hope you are already realising that: ‘Anyone who stops learning is ABDO College principal Jo Underwood wiTh Michael PoTTer ceremony projecT manager ABDO Graduation and Prize Giving Ceremony 2013 ABDO presidenT PeTer Black gives his welcome Master of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle PeTer Black in CanTerbury CaThedral before The address Makers, Chris Hunt ceremony old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who deregulation, however, fitness to keeps learning stays young. The practise proceedings in recent years greatest thing in life is to keep your have shown that our regulator takes mind young’. restricted functions, ophthalmic dispensing to children and visually “As you put your education into impaired adults very seriously indeed. practice, gain experience and And I suggest you do too in practice, develop your career, in time you will and in your dealings with non- consider how you can give back to qualified colleagues for whom you the system that has supported you so may be responsible. far,” Peter continued. “Giving back means supporting your colleagues “This Association hopes that in time around you, staying engaged in the regulated function will be extended profession so that one day you too to other groups of vulnerable can have a trainee or pre-registration patients, including people with dispensing optician of your own and learning difficulties,” he continued. pay back the debt of gratitude you “The fact is that despite prophesies of owe to the profession that has doom, our profession is bigger and nurtured your qualification.” stronger than ever. We should never forget that regardless of how good Referring to the ongoing question of their sight test is, many patients would the title of ‘dispensing optician’, the be functionally blind, unable to work, president said: “Some of our ranks study or play, without our services. have questioned the need to be a Stand proud as dispensing opticians. dispensing optician, to remain a Get involved, attend your local Area professional on the register of meetings and CET events, go to your professionals. We operate in an national conference, and don’t environment of substantial Continued overleaf PeTer Black chaTs wiTh The graduands in The ChapTer House 6 dispensingoptics January 2014 Linda Samuel presenTs The Richard Crook presenTs The Lyndon Taylor presenTs The Kevin GuTsell presenTs The PeTer Black presenTs The Essilor Prize To Adam Small STepper Prize To AssociaTion of OpTomeTrisTs Tony GriffiThs Prize To JW Grieve Prize To GareTh Parker Prize To Luke Dunn AnasTasia Driscoll Therese McKeogh forget that the support you have FBDO (Hons) LVA – Diploma in the Presented by President, Peter Black. received, one day you must give Assessment and Management of Low back,” Peter concluded. Vision (3) Carl Zeiss Vision Prize Awarded to Therese McKeogh for the As the conferral of awards and prizes Essilor Prize top distance learning course student. commenced, the graduands lined up Awarded to Adam Small for the Presented by Michelle Derbyshire, to accept their FBDO Diploma in highest mark in the combined head of operational services, ABDO Ophthalmic Dispensing from the Preliminary Qualifying Examination. College. president, and receive the Presented by Linda Samuel, sales ceremonial handshake to leave as manager, Essilor. Rodenstock Prize graduates. Mark Chandler, ABDO’s Awarded to James Derrington for the head of examinations and Stepper Prize highest mark in section D of the Final registration, called the names of Awarded to Gareth Parker for the Qualifying Practical Examination. graduands present who stepped highest mark in the Preliminary Presented by Dietmar Rathbauer, forward to the president in turn. The Qualifying Practical Examination. general manager, Rodenstock. awards were conferred by Presented by Richard Crook, director, ceremonial handshake. The awarding Stepper. Sue Southgate Prize of prizes then followed. Awarded to John Waterman for the Association of Optometrists Prize highest mark in section E of the Final Conferral of Awards 1 November Awarded to Luke Dunn for the highest Qualifying Practical Examination. 2012 to 31 October 2013 mark in section A of the Final Presented by Andrew Cripps. FBDO – Diploma in Ophthalmic Qualifying Practical Examination. Dispensing (286) Presented by AOP Chairman, Lyndon National Eyecare Group Taylor. Optinet Prize FBDO OS – Diploma in Ophthalmic Awarded to Sarah Ray for the best Dispensing Overseas – India (7) Tony Griffiths Prize for Excellence presented Pre-Qualification Portfolio Awarded to Anastasia Driscoll for the in the Final Qualifying Examination. FBDO OS – Diploma in Ophthalmic highest mark in section B of the Final Presented by Phil Mullins, director of Dispensing Overseas – Ireland (8) Practical Examination. Presented by business development, National ABDO Vice President, Kevin Gutsell. Eyecare Group. FBDO OS – Diploma in Ophthalmic Dispensing Overseas – Malaysia (38) JW Grieve Prize Federation of (Ophthalmic and Awarded to Therese McKeogh for the Dispensing) Opticians Prize FBDO CL – Certificate in Contact Lens highest mark in section C of the Final Awarded to Claire Annison for the top Practice (22) Qualifying Practical Examination. day release course student. MasTer Chris HunT presenTs ChrisTine McLaren presenTs The Tai Lee Pin presenTs The Simon Rodwell presenTs The Andy Yorke presenTs The The WCSM Prize To FMO Derek McLaren Memorial MAPO Malaysian Prize To ACLM Prize To Jennifer Kelly BCLA Prize To Jennifer Kelly Claire Annison Prize To Julie Drummond Ng Yin Yoon ABDO Graduation and Prize Giving Ceremony 2013 Michelle Derbyshire presenTs DieTmar RaThbauer presenTs Andrew Cripps presenTs The Phil Mullins presenTs The Don GrocoTT presenTs The The Carl Zeiss Vision Prize To The RodensTock Prize To Sue SouhgaTe Prize To NEG OpTineT Prize To FODO Prize To Claire Annison Therese McKeogh James DerringTon John WaTerman Sarah Ray Presented by Optical Confederation Association of Contact Lens chairman, Don Grocott.
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