Charles University in Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Femtoscopy with multi-strange baryons at RHIC Doctoral Thesis Mgr. Petr Chaloupka Supervisor: prom. fyz. Michal Sumberaˇ CSc. Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR June, 2010 Declaration of Originality This doctoral thesis contains results of my research carried out at the Nuclear Physics Insti- tute between years 2002 to 2010. Some of this work was carried out within STAR Collabo- ration. Excluding introductory parts the research described in this thesis is original unless where an explicit reference is made to work of others. I further state that no part of this thesis or any substantially the same has been submitted for any qualification other than the degree of Doctor of Philosophy as the Charles University in Prague. Abstrakt Dosavadn´ıv´ysledkymˇeˇren´ıj´adro-jadern´ych sr´aˇzekna RHIC naznaˇcuj´ı,ˇzehmota vytvoˇren´a ve sr´aˇzk´ach proch´az´ıbˇehemsv´ehov´yvoje f´az´ı,v kter´edominuj´ıpartonov´estupnˇevolnosti. Tato hork´aa hust´ahmota vykazuje siln´ystupeˇnkolektivn´ıhochov´an´ı,kter´ese projevuje silnou transvers´aln´ıexpanz´ı.Zvl´aˇstˇezaj´ımav´ejsou v´ysledkymˇeˇren´ıeliptick´ehotoku baryon˚u s v´ıcen´asobnoupodivnost´ı (Ξ a Ω), kter´eukazuj´ı, ˇzei tyto ˇc´asticese podstatnou m´ırou ´uˇcastn´ıkolektivn´ıexpanze. V´ysledkytakov´ychto mˇeˇren´ıjsou silnˇez´avisl´eod toho, zda k rozvoji kolektivn´ıhochov´an´ıdoˇslobˇehempozdn´ı(hadronov´e)f´azea nebo jiˇzdˇr´ıve bˇehem ran´e(partonov´e)f´aze. Vzhledem k tomu, ˇzese pˇredpokl´ad´a,ˇzebaryony s v´ıcen´asobnou podivnost´ımaj´ımal´ehadronov´e´uˇcinn´epr˚uˇrezya tud´ıˇzse ze syst´emu oddˇel´ıdˇr´ıve neˇzostatn´ı ˇc´astice,lze usuzovat, ˇzemˇeˇren´ıs nimi budou citliv´apˇredevˇs´ımna moˇznoupartonovou f´azi v´yvoje syst´emu. Hlavn´ımc´ılemt´etopr´aceje studovat femtoskopick´ekorelace mezi piony a Ξ ve sr´aˇzk´ach p p zlato-zlato pˇrienergi´ıch sr´aˇzkyna nukleonov´yp´ar sNN =200 GeV a sNN =62 GeV, kter´e byly zaznamen´any experimentem STAR na urychlovaˇciRHIC. Mˇeˇren´ıdvouˇc´asticov´ych ko- relac´ıv hybnostn´ımprostoru pˇrimal´ych relativn´ıch rychlostech slouˇz´ıke studiu prostoro- ˇcasov´ych rozmˇer˚uemisn´ıch zdroj˚u.Tato mˇeˇren´ıs vyuˇzit´ımp´ar˚uneidentick´ych ˇc´asticjsou citliv´anejen k rozmˇer˚umzdroje, ale tak´ek relativn´ımprostoro-ˇcasov´ymasymetri´ımmezi zdroji tˇechto dvou druh˚uˇc´astic.Vzhledem k tomu, ˇzetato asymetrie m˚uˇzevzniknout jako d˚usledekkolektivn´ıexpanze, nebo popˇr´ıpadˇebrzk´ehovyz´aˇren´ıΞ, mohou b´ytv´ysledkymˇeˇren´ı π−Ξ korelac´ıpouˇzity ke studiu dynamiky syst´emu vznikl´ehopˇrisr´aˇzcetˇeˇzk´ych jader. V t´etopr´acijsou prezentov´any v˚ubec prvn´ıv´ysledkyfemtoskopick´ych mˇeˇren´ıs pouˇzit´ım baryon˚us v´ıcen´asobnoupodivnost´ı. V mˇeˇren´ekorelaˇcn´ıfunkci je pozorov´anjak efekt elek- tromagnetick´etak i siln´einterakce, kter´ase projevuje v podobˇerezonance Ξ∗(1530). Toto je tak´ez´aroveˇnprvn´ıpozorov´an´ıt´etorezonance ve sr´aˇzk´ach tˇeˇzk´ych jader. V´ysledkytˇechto mˇeˇren´ıukazuj´ı,ˇzeve sr´aˇzk´ach zlato-zlato pˇrienergi´ıch sr´aˇzkyna nuk- p p leonov´yp´ar sNN =200 GeV a sNN =62 GeV se liˇs´ızdroj pion˚ua Ξ nejen svou velikost´ı, ale oba zdoje jsou v˚uˇcisobˇei posunuty v prostoro-ˇcase. V t´etopr´acije tak´euk´az´ano, ˇzetato pozorovan´aasymetrie je v souladu s pˇredpovˇedmimodel˚u,kter´epˇredpokl´adaj´ı ´uˇcastv´ıcen´asobnˇepodivn´ych baryon˚una kolektivn´ıexpanzi. Toto mˇeˇren´ıje tak nez´avisl´ym potvrzen´ıtransverz´aln´ıhotoku baryon˚us v´ıcen´asobnoupodivnost´ı. i Abstract Au-Au collisions at RHIC energies exhibit features suggesting that the system has undergone evolution through a stage of partonic matter. The hot and dense system created in the collision builds up substantial collectivity leading to rapid transverse expansion. In particular recent measurements show that Ξ and Ω baryons develop substantial elliptic flow. Properties of the induced flow strongly depend on whether the collectivity is achieved on partonic or hadronic level. Multi-strange baryons may be, due to their presumably small hadronic cross- sections, mainly sensitive to the early (possibly partonic) stage. The main objective of this thesis is to study femtoscopic π−Ξ correlations in Au+Au p p collisions at sNN =200 GeV and sNN =62 GeV recorded by the STAR experiment at RHIC. Measurements of momentum correlations of particles at small relative velocities are used to extract information about space-time extension of the particle-emitting source at the time of kinetic freeze-out. Non-identical particle measurements are sensitive not only to the size of the system, but also to an emission asymmetry between different particle species. Since this asymmetry may arise from the collective expansion and/or early decoupling of Ξ these measurements of π−Ξ correlations provide important test of the dynamics of heavy-ion collisions. In this work are presented first femtoscopic measurements with multi-strange baryons. In the measured π−Ξ correlation function effects of Coulomb and strong interactions were ob- served with the latter going via Ξ∗(1530) resonance. It is a first observation of this resonance in collisions of heavy nuclei. p The measurements show that in Au+Au collisions at energies s =200 GeV and p NN sNN =62 GeV the average emission space-time points of pions and Ξ are are not identical. It is presented that the observed emission asymmetries and source-sizes are in agreement with emission of particles coming from a source in which both the pions and Ξ take part in the collective transverse expansion. This measurement is hence an independent confirmation of a flow of multi-strange baryons in high energy heavy-ion collisions. iii Vˇenov´anobabiˇccea dˇedovi. Acknowledgments I would like to express my gratitude towards the STAR Collaboration in which I had the privilege to work with many outstanding scientists and met many good friends. I want to thank the members of the STAR HBT group for the discussions and comments on my analysis - mainly Mike Lisa, and Zbigniew Chajecki. Above all I offer my sincere gratitude to Dr. Fabrice Retiere who was my mentor for most of the work. Not only his expertise and insight was indispensable for my thesis, but I indeed enjoyed working with Him. I would also like to thank Dr. Lednicky for help and consultations on the theory of femtoscopy. There are many more friends from the STAR Collaboration whose help on various topics I would like to acknowledge. I especially have to mention two: J´er^omeLauret for his support of Prague's group computing efforts, and Davin Lynn from the SVT group who gave me the chance to learn about and work with silicon drift detectors. I was lucky to work in great team of coworkers in the Prague's heavy-ions group. I'd like to thank my fellow students Jan Kapit´an,Michal Zerola, Michal Bystersk´y,and Pavel Jakl for their support in either physics or computing related matters, and also for just being good friends. The greatest acknowledgment is extended towards my supervisor Dr. Sumbera.ˇ Without his help and support I would never be where I am today. He introduced me to the beautiful field of heavy-ion physics for which I am very grateful. He oversaw my whole research and always pointed me to the right directions when I needed help while giving me plenty of freedom for my own independent decisions and work. He has created conditions for my work, and work of other students, that are comparable with any world-class research facility. And finally, I want to thank my family - my parents, grandparents and my little sister. Without your unconditional support this all would not be possible. vii Contents 1 Strong interaction, quarks, partons and QCD 1 1.1 Road to quarks and color . 1 1.2 QCD Lagrangian . 3 1.3 Asymptotic freedom . 6 1.4 QCD vacuum at zero and finite temperature . 8 1.4.1 Confinement . 8 1.4.2 High density and finite temperature . 9 1.5 Phase transition in QCD . 10 1.5.1 The bag model of hadrons . 11 1.5.2 Phase Transition in Lattice QCD . 12 2 Heavy Ion collisions 17 2.1 Collision evolution . 17 2.1.1 Initial geometry and preequilibrium . 18 2.1.2 Fireball expansion . 20 2.2 Probes (Observables) . 21 2.2.1 Energy density . 21 2.2.2 Particle ratios and yields . 23 2.2.3 Transverse spectra and Kinetic freeze-out . 24 2.2.4 Azimuthal anisotropy . 26 2.3 Summary . 28 3 Two-particle correlation femtoscopy 31 3.1 Formalism . 32 3.1.1 Identical non-interacting particles . 34 3.1.2 Bertsch-Pratt coordinate system . 36 3.1.3 Gaussian parametrization . 37 3.1.4 Non-identical interacting particles . 39 3.2 Experimental correlation function . 41 ix x CONTENTS 3.2.1 The λ parameter . 42 3.2.2 Spherical harmonics decomposition . 42 3.3 Heavy ions collision models and femtoscopy . 44 3.3.1 Blast wave parametrization . 45 3.3.2 HYDJET++ . 48 3.4 Femtoscopic results in heavy-ion collisions . 48 3.4.1 RHIC HBT \puzzle" . 50 3.4.2 Non-identical particle correlations . 51 4 The STAR experiment at Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider 55 4.1 The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider . 56 4.2 STAR experiment . 60 4.2.1 TPC . 62 5 STAR Silicon Vertex Tracker 67 5.1 SVT setup . 67 5.2 General principles of silicon drift detectors . 68 5.3 STAR-SVT SDD design . 70 5.4 SVT Slow Simulator . 71 5.4.1 Electron cloud simulation . 73 5.4.2 Simulation to real data comparison . 76 6 Femtoscopy of π−Ξ system 81 6.1 Physics motivation .
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