E964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 16, 2020 bachelor’s degree and master’s degree. His Connecticut. She received a degree in Inter- was a staff sergeant and general clerk. He love for the Bulldog family persisted even after national Studies from the University of Con- served in five European battles and cam- graduation, as he went on to endow a scholar- necticut and studied international relations and paigns. Fung is a recipient of the World War ship for a Monroe county student each year. three languages at American University in II Victory Medal and European-African-Middle Soap’s patriotism became evident when he Washington, D.C. and the University of Flor- Eastern Campaign Medal. He was also award- volunteered for World War II as a freshman in ence in Italy. ed the Good Conduct Medal. college. He bravely served as a First Lieuten- Ms. McBride currently serves as executive- For far too long, our veterans of color, in- ant in the United States Army Air Corps as a in-residence at the Center for Congressional cluding Chinese-American veterans, did not Navigator on 35 missions from England over and Presidential Studies in the School of Pub- receive the proper recognition they deserved Germany. His crew’s plane was crippled by lic Affairs at American University, where she for their service. Although we will never be blasts on Christmas Day of 1944 during Battle directs the First Ladies Initiative, a project able to thank him enough for his service to our of the Bulge, but he safely returned home highlighting the legacies of America’s first la- nation, we remain grateful to Cal and the while still maintaining lasting friendships with dies and their historical influence on politics many veterans who have so selflessly an- his crew members. and policy. swered the call to service. After his time in the Army, Soap opened Ms. McBride’s White House service spans Madam Speaker, it is with great admiration Francis Insurance in 1954 and later, Francis two decades and three administrations. From that I honor Cal Fung and all Chinese-Amer- Reality after marrying his wife, Mary Lib. Soap 1987 through 1992, Ms. McBride was Director ican veterans for their distinguished service to served on the boards of the Mississippi Mutual of White House Personnel under Presidents our country during World War II. Insurance Association and the National Bank Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. She f of Commerce, and continued to run his busi- later served as Senior Advisor to the Sec- nesses until the 1990’s. IN RECOGNITION OF THE retary of the U.S. Department of State and HONORABLE JOHN A. KELLEY In his community, Soap was known as an White House Liaison from 2001 through 2003 active member of First Baptist Church, where under President George W. Bush. he was a Deacon, Sunday School teacher, de- From 2005 through 2009, Ms. McBride HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN partment superintendent, and usher with a served as Assistant to President George W. OF VIRGINIA pocketful of peppermints and a smile for ev- Bush and Chief of Staff to First Lady Laura IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eryone. Soap was also a dedicated Rotarian, Bush, directing the staff’s work on the wide Friday, October 16, 2020 touting an impressive 60 years of perfect at- variety of domestic and global initiatives in- Mr. WITTMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise tendance at club meetings across the globe. cluding the First Lady’s efforts to support U.S. today in recognition of the Honorable John A. In his years of membership, he served as foreign policy objectives in human rights, Kelley for his service as a veteran of the U.S. President of the Amory Club, endowed numer- women’s empowerment, global health and Army, distinguished Federal Service Career of ous fellowships dedicated toward eradicating human freedom. about 31 years, and to the Commonwealth of polio, hosted an exchange student from Aus- Ms. McBride has added to her distinguished Virginia. He was a Director of the Northern tralia, and was affectionately named the ‘‘Ulti- career with several accomplishments in serv- Neck Soil and Water Conservation District mate Rotarian.’’ ice of philanthropy and global leadership. Ms. (NNSWCD) representing the County of North- In his free time, Soap loved to play tennis McBride is a member of the U.S.-Afghan umberland Virginia for 2 terms of 4 years each or take a long bike ride down the Natchez Women’s Council, a historic public-private helping provide oversight through leadership, Trace. He loved to travel both internationally partnership to help Afghanistan’s women re- education, and technical assistance for all re- and domestically, meeting new friends along build their country and reclaim their place at source users. Additionally, he served as the his journies. He was an avid musical theatre the center of post-Taliban society. Ms. Chair of the Operations Committee for the fan and original ‘‘foodie.’’ McBride served as a member of the U.S. dele- Soap was preceded in death by his son, NNSWCD during these 8 years that brought gations to the U.N. Commission on the Status many improvements to the operation of the Jack Francis, and is survived by his wife, Mary of Women in 2002, the U.N. Commission on Lib Francis; daughters Beth and Patti Francis; District. Human Rights in 2003, and the U.N. Special He also served on the Potomac Watershed and his grandchildren Mary Paige Hyland, Session on HIV/ AIDS in 2006. Roundtable, a Regional government-citizen Madison Francis, Ruby Ross, Violet Ross, Additionally, Ms. McBride is the reciprent of forum that promotes collaboration and co- Lulu Ross, Barrett Griffin, and Amory Griffin. several honors and awards including the U.S. Jack Clifford ‘‘Soap’’ Francis’ life was one of operation among local governments and Department of State’s Meritorious Service service, grace, and love for his family, commu- stakeholder interest groups promoting con- Award, the United States National Guard and nity, and country. He will be greatly missed by servation. Reserve’s Patriot Award, the University of He was Chair of the Potomac Council for all whom he encountered. Connecticut’s President’s Award of Distinction, several years. It serves as a collaborative f American University’s Alice Paul Award, and body promoting and facilitating water quality RECOGNIZING ANITA BEVACQUA The Ellis Island Foundation Medal of Honor. management practices necessary to achieve MCBRIDE ON BEING KNIGHTED Ms. McBride is a role model for Italian nonpoint source pollutions reductions in the WITH HONOR OF ‘‘CAVALIERE’’ Americans, for women, and for anyone aspir- Potomac River Watershed. OF THE ORDER OF MERIT OF ing to make a positive difference in the world. He served almost 7.5 years on the Com- THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC I am proud to rise today in recognition of her monwealth Board for Waste Management Fa- receiving the more than well-deserved honor cility Operators, the last 3 as Chair. His out- HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. of ‘‘Cavaliere’’ of the Order of Merit of the standing leadership brought significant im- OF NEW JERSEY Italian Republic. provements and efficiencies to the functioning IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f of the Board and operations. Mr. Kelley served on the Board of Trustees Friday, October 16, 2020 THANKING CAL FUNG FOR HIS of the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra for Mr. PASCRELL. Madam Speaker, I rise to SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY DUR- many years. He was the Operations Com- recognize and honor Anita Bevacqua McBride, ING WORLD WAR II mittee head during this time, and helped im- the Vice Chair of Cultural Affairs of the Na- prove operations of the organization. tional Italian American Foundation (NIAF), on HON. ADAM SMITH At the Federal level, he served as the Direc- receiving the Italian honor of ‘‘Cavaliere’’ of OF WASHINGTON tor of Administration for the United States the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Commission of the Bicentennial of the U.S. highest-ranking honor of the Italian Republic. Constitution. His efforts helped make the Friday, October 16, 2020 On October 7, Ambassador Armando 200th anniversary of our constitution a mag- Varricchio of Italy presented this high honor to Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, nificent success. Ms. McBride, a testament to her lifetime of ex- I rise to honor and recognize Cal Fung for his He was also the Executive Director of the traordinary accomplishment in service of the courageous service to our country during U.S. Office of Special Council, improving the humanities, culture, philanthropy, and diplo- World War II. management processes and case tracking macy. Cal Fung is a Chinese-American veteran systems. The daughter of Italian immigrants, Ms. who bravely accepted the call to protect and While working for the U.S. Army Assistant McBride was born and raised in Bridgeport, serve his nation. During World War II, Fung Secretary for Installations and Environment, VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 Oct 17, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16OC8.013 E16OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS.
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