~ ~~. ' Our largo voluma buying power, buying Your Easy Reach both for our National Mail Ordu Buai. I neas and our Tulsa Stora, enable us,to oner you superior quality genurna Diamonds. fine standard witchea and 1 exquisite Jewelry a tsaving prices which are beyondcompariaon. All ofthis with GORGEOUS D IN - no extra charge for the added conven- NER RINGS - lacy ience and advantage of dignified liberal design mountings of credil exquisitely hand pierced I8 kt. solid b white cold. Set with / three "fiery genuine HOW TO ORDER blue whita Diamondr $6.25 a month Just wnd $ l with your order and your mtclion comer to you on 10 days free Ira1 No C. 0 D. to pay on arrival After fullemmination and free trial, pay FA79 Gems 01 Enchantment - balance in twelve equal monthly pay- mentr t horoughly modernistic-ichlv hand enmared mountinn of 18kt.aolid white cold-rei with 11 gene& sized bluc whit; &act cen!er Diamond and four perfectly matched DL- monda on sides. $8.34 a month 11 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BENRUS WATCHES 10 Days Free Trial You hare the privilege of 10 days free trial. if not completely satisfied, return the shipment at ox expense and the antire deposit will be refunded. FA^ $25 Wedding RingaoI uutifully hand engraved 18 guaranteed 16jewel Benrus "SHOCK PROOF" ,I. solid white gold; set with All Dealings movement. erquiritely engraved, guaranteed whtta ,re expertly matched, ganuine ADLEY" -ierced ,lue white Diamonds. $2.08 Strictly Confidential , month FAY 1 Miss Americ-a maater- piece in derigntllkt. solid white gold hand engraved. square prong mounting-set with a mureloudy brilliant perfect blue white Diamond with two perfectly matched DL- A whole yur to pay: no extra charge for monda set on the side. $ 14.59 a month credit-no red tape-no delay. you take no risk-utisfaction absolutelr- -nuan- teed or money back. Wriat Watch. 14-kt. solid white gold engraved caw; two genuine Diamonds and four blue aapphirea. Picrced flexible "HADLEY" bracelet. $4.59 a month New Catalogue : "GEMS OF ENCHANTMENT7-NEW FA1 CATALOG FREE-ompletely illustrated HAMILTONS65 new catalog of enuine Diamonds. Ben- ..RAILROAD WATCH - rua.Elgin, ami if ton and Ulinoia Watches. latest...... model~~- Hamilton fine Jewelry and Silverware at spccd No. 992 cased and timed prices. WRITE NOW TO GET YOUR at the factory. Guar- FA1 9 A handsome up-to-date FREE COPY. anteed green or white massire gentleman's mounting of 18 kt. gold 25 year castnon- solid whita gold. Set with finest quality, pulloff bow-21-jewels- fiery, genuine blue white Dimond $6.25 a maranteed morament. mlly advertised and guaranteed IS-jewel Gent's monm.---.L BENRUS Watch. "SHOCK PROOF" movement. $5.41 a month White gold filled case, "Dust Proof'' protector: radium dial and handr.lateat style woven Wrist I Band to match. $2.48 ;month. 6 ESTABLMSHED 1919 BAlOO COMMUNITY PLATE - America's finest Silver PI years. New and popular 29-piece Set. The Mirro IBAMaMD may he used separately a as a Service Tray, or as a c of hollow handle,stainle JEWtEILRV (C@o LUKE", rixForlts, I2 Teaspoons. three Tabla- spoons. Butter Knife, and Sugar Shell. Furnished in any pattern. Deauville, Groavenor. Paul Revere, 306 S. MAIN ST. Bird of Paradirc and Patrician. $3.04 a month. Bepk539 TULSA- OAKLAHaMA Jztnc, 1931 Page 1 W. HORACE WILLIAMS CO., INC. ENGINEERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD Specializing in Design and/or Construction of Dock Wharves, Piers, Breakwaters, Dams, and Jetties, Bridges, Railways, Highways, Industrial Plants. All classes of Building Construction, Building Foundations. Maintaining an Engineering Department for Consultation, Investigation, Reports, Surveys, Designs. HOME OFFICE BRANCHES Fifth Floor Southern Building Pennacola, Fla. Mobile, Ala. Houston, Tex. 833 Howard Avenue NEW ORLEANS, LA. Rap~rantatlver II Principal Cltier of all Southern States FRISCO TERMINALS at PENSACOLA, FLORIDA, WARRIOR RIVER BRIDGE and Other Important Works for Frko Lmer BUILT BY THIS COMPANY Magnus Company INCORPORATED JOURNAL BEARINGS and .. BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS NEW YORK CHICAGO ~mericanTank Car Corp. General American Car Co. BUILDERS r 7 LESSORS Tank Cars Milk Cars Railroad Cars L- 1 Refrigerator Cars OFFICES : Continental Illinois Bank Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Chanin Bldg., 122 E. 42nd St., N. Y. City Canal Bank Bldg., New Orleans, La. Cosden Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Magnolia Bldg., Dallas, Texas Richfield Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" Exchange Building MEMPHIS, TENN. , Phone 6 -2312 June, 1931 Page 3 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOMS 737-738 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUCCINS. Jr.. Editor MARTHA C MOORE. Assoelah Editor G. E STAPLES. SpccIal Reprerentattw WM. McMILLAN. Advertising Manater ----- ----- Vol. VIII JUNE, 1931 No. 9 -- --- -- Permission is given to reprint with or without credit. in part DT in full. any article appearing in this Magazine Contents of This Issue Pages Tulsa Opens $3,50O,(NX) Union Depot May 12........................................................................................ 4-8 A Technical Dcscril~tion of Tulsa's Nvw Dcpot ....................................................................................9 St. Iauis "Muny" Opera Opcns May 29 ........................................................................................... 10-1 I Pensacola Bridge Opens Junc 12-13.............................................................................................. 12-13 Dedicate Civil War Marker at Springficld, May 6.............................................................................. 14 Meritorious Service........................................................................................................................................ 15 News of the Frisco Clubs ......................................................................................................................16-23 A Page of Frisco Roy and Girl Graduates ................................................................................9 and 21 Ethel Barrymore Poses for Frisco Photographer .............................................................................. i.24 G. A. H. Vets Ride Frisco to Joplin May 5............................................................................................. 25 Veterans Reunion at Springfield June 22-23............................................................................................ 26 Frisco Trains 97.4 Per Cent on Time........................................................................................................ 27 Locomotive Fuel Performance Records.............................................................................................. 28-29 Pension Roll ............................................................... ............................................. 30 In Memoriam ............................................................. ............................................. 31 The Twilight Hour.................. :........................ :............................................................................................ 32 A Page of Frisco Children ..........................................................................................................................33 Flashes of Merriment ....................................................................................................................................34 Frisco Mechanic ........................................................................................................................................35-42 Frisco Family News ................................................................................................................................43-72 MEMBER THE FRlSCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The R16M hptoyea' Magazlne la a monthly puhlldlon devoted prlmrlly to the lnterentn or the more than 25,000 rctlve and retired en~ployes of the Frlsw Llnea. It contains storlea, llama nf current news, pcrsonnl notes about en~ployes and thelr firmllles, artirles dei~llnl: .- wllb Various phases of rallroad work, r~oenls,rartoons and notl~eure~nrdhl: the service. (:nod clear photographs sultnble for reprodurtlon are euperlnllv desired, and wlll he returned only when requested. All cartoons and drawlngx nlllnt be In I)lrvk Ihdla draylna Ink. Emplo)'es arc lnvlted to wrlte articles fnr the n~agazlnu. ('tmtrlhullonn should be type- wrttten, on one side of the sheet only, and should be addressed lo the Editor. Frtsco Building, St. Louls, Mo. Dlstrlbuted bee among Prlaco Emplopar. To others, prire 1.5 c-enta a copy; subscrlptlon rate. $150 a year. Ad~ertlslngrate will be made known upon anpllcatlon. TULSA OPENS $3,500,000 UNION DEPOT LbWEN-YEAR-Ol,D Eclipse SiXt-,, Thousand Persons the first train came to Tulsa, Newlon. pretty daughter of Mrs. M. C. Williams, who was E "Doc." Nrwlon of "Tulsey- ~nspectNew Plant at Gala the first woman passenger to ride town." peered fearfully down a a train into Tulsa, and others of stretch of glistening railroad Dedication Ceremonies the territory's older days, were on track from behind the tails of her hand to celebrate. father's best Prince Albert coat. May 12 What a day it was for Tulsa! Pressing tightly arou~ldthe stal- Before 7:00 o'clock in the morn- wart doctor and his youngest daugh- people, and the Frisco railroad, which ing hundreds of admiring Tulsans ter were hundreds of roistering cow- struggled valiantly to reach Tulsa in were inspecting the new $3,500,000 boys and blanketed Indians. Eclipse 1882 with the southwestern
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