ON THE AIR THE EVENING STAR B-25 TODAY'S RADIO Washington. DC ** TELEVISION-RADIO THt'BSDAV. MARCH SI, 1A47 HIGHLIGHTS Television Today—Thursday, Mar. 21, 1957 Well, Ralph Asked TV-RADIO SERVICE 6:00, WDON, WASH-FM ln Springfield Area (Ch. (Ch. 7) (Ch. Fairfax—Falla >.M. WRC 4J~WTTGTCh. 5> WMAL WTOP 91 the Concert Hall: Mendels- 1 Church—Alexandria ;M Bmn In • Day Ufa Witt' Irlgtter Bay fiet Ytart'e's Ranch Special on Outside Antenna " ’ sohn. Symphony No. 4 In A: Eliiabata Edge at "Simitars How She Was... Installation :3C Malara Rammces The Uneipecte* ;Stoat Storm at Califaraia" Tchaikovsky, Francesca da 4:15 " " ” ” :4S I Ni|ht Kit Carsaa By BERME HARRISON Rimini: Schubert, Symphony! FRANCONIA ELECTRONICS - :M Ceme*y Tima The Milt Mickny Name Club Kiras 'a - *n*y TV No. 5 in B; Rimsky-Korsakov,: " " “ “ Reflections: " " Grant Stow the Russian Easter Overture. ” " Chances are one many :30 “Sasia" Mickay Mousi Clat My Little Maryie that of Dr. George Hays Gale's patients tult ¦ ‘'b " ” 5:15:4S * « ” " Gala Storm back home in Newport. Ohio, didn’t, altogether appreciate the 7:05, WTOP Amos ’n’ Andy Television's Number One Dramatic Hour ¦ ,T Music Hall: Andy and the :00 YhTßilly Baffin Bill. Jr Cite* Mi national publicity she received on This Is Your Life (WRC—4) "fh*~L*u*~Wilf ” “ " " " . Kingflsh find themselves, Johnson Shoe last night. 6:15:3C Bast: 4-Cast Tta Fan Heuta Town ana Country 4:38 Spotliitt Ralph Edwards identified this patient byway of introducing homeless when they’re sud- :4S Gibbons; Sam Billy loknsoa Time; Allen Oou|. Elwarls Newt the devoted nurse of this denly thrown out of their ' ¦ dedi-| :Q0 SfiTlTlUlleliS Dihgtrans T O’Claek fiaal Co4o J , cated country doctor and made fit is asking viewers for letters respective homes. '' " Ksslinmeat John Only the mistake of asking this hon-; be WTOP 7:30, WMAL—Felix Grant: Ed- :3Q Diaab Store Tbe whistler Loae Ranjer S|t Preston at i <to addressed to here 7:15 " ¦' ; or CBS-TV, ave- gar Sampson, Ella Fitzgerald ••45 NBC News The Token ' est GP how he had left his to 485 Madison you York) brings a dramatic behind-the-scenes story :08 Yea Bet Mevietime USB Circus Bob Commlnn ! nue, New .... Theif pre- and the Modern Jazz Quartet " " " CIIWK!of business, today's recording starring-. Your Lift •'Music in proximately 20 million people Or dicament merely illustrates the records will be featured. :38 Dragnet Manhattan" “ ” Climax.' ; so. “she is a neurotic. She's prob- importance of those all-impor- 8:30, WRC * " 8:15 “ “ I Conversation:! :4S Dennis Day "let It Be Done” ably as you tant first programs which, in the ' feeling as good or:I Charles Van Doren will dis-! Eddie :00 People's'Choice ” ” Danny Thomas EMie Albert ALBERT . .” of “The Brothers,” were " I today. case cuss “What Is Educated " " " " an Ste*e Forrest inexcusable. Steve :30 Tennessee Erala The Falcon 801 l tourney Playhouse N "I didn’t ask for a diagnosis.”; Man?" with Dartmouth Col-, FORREST " 9:15 " The Radio and Television Cor- lege President John Dickey. "Tbe Nastass . :45 Fare Show Edwards gulped. The good I respondents will have ' Maureen ~:B8 lux Theater Wrestliw-Frem Air Tima.'ST With tbe Mastes" i doctor, who later was thanked Association Clifton Fadiman is program' O'SULLIVAN a AMS "The Great Capital Arena « Menraa Shirley Booth | by Danny Thomas as headliner host. " three generations of one fam- Iy 3C life"' Star Hoitea Hopper Saturday at its annual banquet Charlie RUGGLES '• " " 10:00, WMAL-FM “ Playhouse Evelyn RuOie ily. in turn thanked Edwards at Manon :45 ... "" the Statler. He brought program at j (Jules Massenet): Vocal solo- j and Jill News; it Report the conclusion of the COREY NOWS; Harkness; News;" Featnretto Weather P.M 1 down the house several yews ago: tier '* MrodHCtni the title seng on new hit Columbia Reccrg Weather; Sports; Sam Sports: The Tbo late Show ists with the National Comic —and he’ll do it again. This :30 Tonight Washington Night Shaw: "The Jig Chase" Opera Theater Orchestra, and special guests " reporter’s only objection to his n:is:45 | Movietime “Marilyn' Glen Langan Pierre Monteux conducting. Channel Chuckles filmed ABC series is that it keeps Johnny DESMOND tliiD Tonight , Irene Dunne Sandra Dome Adels lergens —i, —— Danny too busy to do an oc- casional “live”show. —Fridoy, m o s. 22,1957 ** * * Television Tomorrow (For people 40 (Ch 4)—4:45, Today Farm; I. Today; t:25, 4:25, News; Quick Quiz: WRC an 4:55. Csoklnt. over.) WTOP (Ch. St—4:ss, Meditation; 1. Morning Show; 4, Panorama Patemac; 4:55, CapL Kangarea. and WHICH HOSTESS HAS THE MOSTES'? [AD. 4-6700 1 1. Which anniversary did' It’s a draw as far as Perle Mesta and Shirley Booth are MEMBER OF THE A.M. WRC 4) WttG TChT WMAL (Ch.~7> WTOp (Ch. 91 celebrate Tuesday? TELEVISION' iCh7 ~ 5> Amos 'n Andy concerned. Miss Booth (right) will portray the real Miss :04 Ray Nanay Shaw Kartsan Club Captaia Kangarae 2. What are their names? " “ real •• Mesta during the Playhouse 90 production tonight of “The get their ” ’* " 3. How did they 015 Romper Room Hostess With the Mostes’ (9:30 o’clock, WTOP—9). 7:JB “ ” " i45”"! " start? 4. What was the record return: :48 Homo Morning Movie Garry Msoro Jewish soldier* a bar-;' " ” Amos’, to special 4ft:ls "Tbe Outer Shew on a contest to name " " compound? Il) 3C Sate” Garry Maora jbaby? raeks in the Bill " ” " WMAL PROGRAM STORM :4S Ralph Morgan 5. When did they leave NBC Smithers headed the excellent ’ iBB Tba Price " for CBS—and for how much? ' cast. TONIGHT FEATURES IS Right Answers: Charles Correll. Backstage (WMAL—7. week-1 WINDOWS n:ls30 Truth or life With Strike It Rick (Andy) is 67: Freeman Gosden 1 days) with Jerry Strong has JULES MASSENET :45 Coaseguences Elizabeth Warren Hull developed punchy is 58. and they celebrated their 1 into a show- The Evening Star Music DOORS p7m7 (Ch.TT (Ch. 5) WMAL (Ch. (Ch. 9l stanza that considerably WRC WTTG 71 WTOP thirtieth year of continuous l biz 1 Festival, an our of fine re- iBB Tlc tic Dough liheraco Valiant lady brightens the station’s By the Most Trusted broadcasting. They got their \ “seven’ corded music each weekday LIVE FROM HOLLYWOOD 4*>;ls liberaee Lave at Lite . 1:30 CHANNEL I tn Chicago but o’clock final" sequence.. Stag-: Name in the Industry |/ 3‘ it Could Be tan Afternoon Movie Clown Corner Search tor (amarraw start in 1920 1 night, will be broadcast at " " ing for the brief program is with your host :45 "Iran Guiding light were known then as “Sam ’n • 1 tonight BOLL LCNDIGJLN lor . Crown' _ 10 o’clock on Station ’’ ” imaginative and Strong's delivery; :44 Close-Up Prime Caraera Naws;"D Douglas""" Henry.’’ The baby contest i WMAL-FM, 107.3 mega- Weatherguard-ALSCO CHRYSLER CORPORATION " " ” ” knowing. THE ladies Noma Donna Oouglas brought 2,500,000 suggestions) cycles on your FM dial. 1133 9th St. N.W. AD/MK4LOOK 34 Club 44 Thaatar As World Turns plus boxtops, advertising ** * * 1:15 " ” which " The program :*5 l_” “Claydan Ruth Warrick the record. | will be: - men claim is still On The Run: Jules Massenet High- HU. 3-6330 :44 Club 44 ladies Be Seated Treasure Oar Miss Breaks j CBS bought their show in 1948 “ “I’ll be glad "Danny Boy" Mystery" Arson when the Stanley (another actress lights of "Manon,” with Vic- Eve $2,000,000 in the first the Kim :30 Tennessee Erila jj Helen Brawa Favorite Story Art liakletter for of in the awards depart- toria de los Angeles, artists, 2:15 Havilands get their set fixed.” tax-deal raids on NBC.) overlooked ment) recreates her stage role in chorus and orchestra of 44 Matinee Theittr " " Public The Big Payoff ** * * the Theatre • Horton Foote’s “The Traveling National de '¦ " ” "Tbe last Defender Scoreboard: Henry Jones, one Lady" for Studio One April L'Opera - Comique, under 30 leaf"* Pete s Place Meet Corliss Bob Crosby Show* and then added, wistfully, on " il truth- of TV’s finest actors, turned in • 3:15 " " " DON'T Pierre :45 looney Tunes Archer ful to the last, 22. ) Montoux. "I'm a little em- another superb job Monday Tomorrow night: 40 Queen for a Day life With Day Pict Temple s Ranch In the mail: A note from Billh j Beetho- Buy an ” WRC—4, ” iirifhter barrassed.” ¦ t Robert Montgomery) Elnahetk Secret Storm ** McClure, whose excellent pic-' J ven's "Leonore Overture "Ontlaw's * * as a killer in an otherwise un- :3P Modern Ramaaces The Unaxpactad Edge at Justice” tures distinguish the >; No. 3." 4:15 - overseas Now that we’ve seen one ; distinguished melodrama. Air Conditioner summary reports <sf Murrow and Friendly ( :44 Comedy Tima The Milt' Mickey Mansi CM *¦«»'«• Andy episode of “Weils Fargo,” when ) lln our of the Emmies, ” " . Bill, in Unfil You See •• - CBS . now London, - Grant Shaw does "Stanley” return? ... Orr we noted that performers of for “ " - * graduated Western High “Insia” "My little Margie" anything? Jones’ unquestioned ability from League in Arlington the All New JO' I “ t 5:15 * " the 1 Gaia Storm j Playhouse 90 won six Emmv deliver after time—and here in same class with play- time wright Stevens, \ Re-elect Mrs. Henle ‘Denotes programs telecast in color. awards last Saturday—and will 1 never even get nominated. Why?> Leslie who had 1957 Fedders deserve a seventh if tonight’s Ernest Kinoy, best remembered two shows on TV recently within i Mrs.
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