LLANDUDNO Cylchgrawn Plwyf Parish Magazine 50p September 2011 1 Services Holy Trinity Church, St. Tudno’s Church, Mostyn Street Great Orme Sundays 9.00 am Morning Prayer (Sat) 8.00 am Holy Eucharist 11.00 am Open Air Service (Sun from end of May to end of 10.30 am Sung Eucharist (1st, 3rd, 4th September) & 5th Sundays) On the first Sunday of Matins followed by each month, the service is nd shortened Eucharist (2 followed by a shortened Sunday) Eucharist in the church. 5.00 pm Evening Prayer 6.00 pm Exploring Worship - in The pattern of Sunday and Weekday Church Hall (2nd Sunday services sometimes changes. Please unless notified otherwise) check the calendar in each month’s Weekdays magazine and the weekly bulletin. 8.30 am Morning Prayer (Tue, Wed Thurs & Fri) 9.00 am Holy Eucharist (Wed) 11.00 am Holy Eucharist (Thurs & major saints’ days) Holy Eucharist in Welsh © 2011 Rectorial Benefice of (Sat) Llandudno Registered Charity 1131171 5.00 pm Evening Prayer (Tue, Wed, Thurs & Fri) www.llandudno-parish.org.uk The deadline for copy for any edition is oOo the 7th of the previous month. Please The Rector is in Holy Trinity church leave copy in box near pulpit in Holy on most Saturday mornings from Trinity Church or e-mail: 11.30 - 12.00 to see parishioners on [email protected] any matter – for confessions, spiritual Copy may be on disk, printed or guidance, the booking of baptisms or handwritten. weddings etc. 3 From the Rectory Certain images of the recent considering the riots and how riots in our cities will stick we should react to them: in my mind for a long time: 1. In the heat of the mo- the burning furniture store ment we often forget that in Croydon, the Malaysian reaching simplistic conclu- boy being robbed by youths sions and making knee-jerk pretending to help him, the reactions seldom helps in the woman in Tottenham who had long run. Recently Tony Blair been burned out of her home and had has commented on how he now lost all her possessions, and the many regrets his reaction to the James scenes of rampaging mobs smashing Bulger murder. It might have been the windows of shops and running off good for him politically but, as he with looted goods. When I first saw now acknowledges, it did not lead these images it was difficult to accept to good policy. Present day politi- that they were happening in Britain, cians take note! We need to take sometimes in places I knew; they were a good, hard and very considered truly shocking and evil. look at the situation before making In the weeks since the riots there important policy decisions. True has been much anguished and heated wisdom is more likely to make itself debate on the reasons for these dis- known to cool reflection rather turbances, what should be done about than emotional reactions. them and how the perpetrators should 2. A Christian response to talk of be treated. Politicians have rivalled each a ‘broken society’, the growth in other in trying to sound tough. There selfishness etc., as reasons for the has been talk of a ‘sick society’, the riots should be to point out that breakdown of family life, and too much the whole of human society at all stress on people’s rights rather than times and in all places is affected by their responsibilities. Stiff penalties have the sinfulness of human beings. The been demanded for the rioters, not just recent riots are just one symptom long prison sentences but the possible of something that affects all of life withdrawal of benefits and even the and manifests itself in many dif- ending of tenancies. What should our ferent ways. We are all capable of reaction as Christians be to all this? doing terrible things in the right It seems to me that there are a number circumstances of things we need to bear in mind when 3. When it comes to how we deal 7 with the rioters as individuals more likely to a deeper alienation perhaps we need to ask ourselves from society. how Our Lord would deal with I can’t hope in a magazine letter to deal them. We see from the Gospels properly with this complex subject and that whilst he never condoned sin in any case I don’t have all the answers. he never rejected the sinner. The All I can do is to help the debate by sug- way in which he dealt with the gesting certain basic principles which woman caught committing adultery might aid our thinking. At all events is an example of this. He did not we need to pray that God will enable condemn her but his very pres- the healing and rebuilding of the com- ence brought her to repentance munities so badly affected and to bring and to a new life. It would be naive those responsible to an awareness of to think we can apply this directly the evil they have committed and to to those responsible for the riots the possibility of a new life. but it may lead us to wonder if very harsh punishments are more likely Fr John to lead to reformation or perhaps News and Notices Sunday School ought to be a central commitment of any Christian community and so I hope At the time of writing it seems unlikely that in the weeks ahead we can think that there will be Sunday School at of a way to revive our Sunday School. Holy Trinity this month. This is because Of course not everyone is capable or two of our three leaders are unable suitable for this ministry and we have to continue. We are most grateful to to be very careful to whom we entrust Sandie Cox and Julie Harvey for their this ministry but surely there must be commitment to the Sunday School over folk in our parish family with the right a number of years and are sorry that gifts and sense of vocation from God. they are unable to continue. Let me know if you have any ideas. It’s very sad that probably for the first time in its history Holy Trinity Church will have no formal ministry to children. Eleanor Hodkinson It’s also frustrating because there are This month Eleanor starts her college children willing to come – but at present course in Birmingham and we wish her not enough leaders to teach them. To every blessing as she begins this new nurture children in the Christian faith stage in her life. Eleanor has been such 9 an important part of our choir for so held on 23rd July, £433.82 was raised many years that it is difficult to imagine on the day and a further donation of the choir stalls without her on a Sunday £20.00 was received. A very big ‘Thank morning. We’ll miss her voice but also You’ to the people who made lovely her friendly and lively personality. Of homemade cake, it was a busy week course we will hope to see her during when these generous people made holiday periods, but for now her last cakes for two, three and even four Sunday will be September 11th. I hope separate events. Special thanks to two everyone will be in church to wish her young people from our Parish, to TJ Godspeed on that day. (Tryphena Cox) who made a beautiful sponge cake and to Ben, who sold toys, Fr John books and clothes. The Barnabas Fund, is directing emer- Hall Restoration Fund gency food relief to the drought rid- den areas of North East Kenya and As you may be aware the Hall is in need Ethiopia, to help Christians affected by of repair and a faculty has been applied the crisis. for to cover the repairs to the roof. When this is completed the interior The International Community is pro- of the Hall, Kitchen and Toilet areas viding relief, but there are fears that will require refurbishment. It is for this Christians, as a minority group in parts reason that Miss Judith Williams has of the region, will miss out in the dis- organised a series of Coffee Mornings tribution. on Tuesdays to raise funds. In addition The Barnabas Fund has people in the the Mustard Seed Shop has donated region who can direct our money to £4,000 to the fund. buy food for those who need it. If you wish to make a donation please With your support, our Parish can con- contact Miss Judith Williams or the tinue sending money to The Barnabas treasurer Eurig Jones. Cheques should Fund for food relief with a similar event be made payable to Llandudno PCC in September. Hall Restoration Fund. Angela Eurig Jones Friends of St. Tudno’s Church Barnabus Fund Appeal for the Horn of Africa Crisis Friends’ Outing Thank you to all who supported the The Friends’ annual outing was on Saturday Refreshment Day, which was Saturday 16 July and travelling by 10 minibus and car we visited the beauti- Conwy Falls Cafe, where we enjoyed an ful Wybrant and Penmachno valleys. excellent lunch in a building designed by Our first stop was Ty Mawr Wybrant, Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, the creator of birthplace of Bishop William Morgan Portmerion. After this most of walked who first translated the Bible into down through the woods to view the Welsh. The Warden of Ty Mawr, Mr. Will Conwy Falls, while the others relaxed Edwards, gave us a fascinating account in comfy chairs in the cafe.
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