
Vol. VI T uesday, Number 6 OfficiCll Publication of me United Stutes Cbessfederatlon Novemb er 20, 1951 RATED EVENTS INCREASE POJ; /;on No. 69 INTEREST GROWS Mary Bain Fulfills Early Promise H. Wolf vs. F. IN RATING LIST The importane-=: of the National In Winning U.S. Women's Title Rating System, now adopted by the U. S. Chess Federation, is attested Mrs. Mary Bain in winning the U. S. Women's Championship in recently by the n umber of tourna­ 1951 at New York fulfilled an earlier promise given by her perlorman<.'eS ments in which 100% "aUng is be· in previous events. In 1936 in New York she tied for second with Miss ing rcquired, either through USCF Edith L. Weart in a tournament conducted at the Marshall Chess Club, membership or payment of rating won by Mrs. Adele Rivero. In 1937 she represented Ule United States fees. in the International Women's Tournament at Stockholm. In 1938 she Among the recent 100% rated placed s<..'Cond behind Miss N. May Karlf in the Women's Championship tournaments were the Colorado at Boston. In 1939 she tied with Miss Karlf llnd Dr. Hele n Weissenstein Open Championship, the South· for first in the Women's Championship in .New York, lo~ i ng the playoff wcstern Open Championship, the to Miss KarlL In 1945 she tied for first with Miss KarCf in the Pan­ Michigan State Championship, the AmeriClln Women 's Tournamcnt at Hollywood. In 1946 she placed sec­ P ennsylvania State Championship, ond to Miss KarH in the Women's Championship in New York. And the Bay City Open Championship. in 1948 at South Fallsburg, she was third behind the co-champions, Miss And a recent submission of rating Kar£! and Mrs. -Gresser. fees for non-mC'mbers has added In winning with an ?1h -lh score, " Jilla Owens over Mrs. Gresser-a the New England Championship Mrs. Bain played brilliantly, de­ game that provided the margin of to the list of 100% rated tourna. k ating Miss Karlf and drawing in victory for Mrs. Bain. Olher scores ments. a long and diflicult Rook and Pawn werc: Karff 1, Raettig 0; Slater 0, eeding with Mrs. Gresser. There Kellner 1; Bain 1, Roos O. Leading Other tournaments, yet to be were several u psets in the exciting scorcrs were Mrs. Bain and Miss Finish It playcd, which will be included in event, with Mrs. Willa Owens deal­ Karff with 4-0 each. the 100% rated group are the Conducted by Edmund Nash Okl ahoma State Championship and ill '~ an unexpecled deleat to Mrs. Round Five Gresser in the 4th round, while S~nd . _n wnlrr·b uti.,.., lor this o:olu;" n to Edm und Naoh, 15)0 2I!th PIKe, S.E •. the Northern Indiana Open Champ. Excitement in th is round cen­ ionship. course, such Federation Mrs. Kathe"yn Slater downed :Miss W•• ht noton 20. D_ C. or tered around the })<IUle between events as the U. S. Open Champ· K;..rfl in the semi-limll 8th mund. Jli rs. Gresser .flIlQ Mi ss K:lI'f£, il} INPosit io n No, 69, two f9n:ciJJJ movt's by White, imu Bl.1Ck resjgJl-I'Ji. i tm.~h;{l, U. S. Ch,rmpiorlship, l}. S. :M rs. Gresser gained revenue fu l' which Ihe former IIvt' ul,Ccd her dc· Problem·li ,. Pos ition No. 70 WilS I'cached aHcr about seven hom s ./ uni ol· Championship have always ller Suuth Fall slmrg defeat by feal :11. Soulh F :lll~bur g hy bes ting of play. I \Va ~ pleased to find Ole w in ni ng continuatiDn (lVCI' lhe bO ;I1'(I , been 100% rated events. 1\1 iss Kar rr. by bes1ill g: her uppon­ l\l!ss KarCL Olher SCOI'CS: Owens ~ nl in the 5th ruund. (1, Slater 1; Uoos 1, Piatigorsky 0; purlicula rly as kibitzers had already chalked up the position as a Round One \ {; -:' ur,lette 1, Raet:ig 0; Keliner 0; draw. Sugg~s1i or: j to solvers: White ~.m force a zu;:zwang position in EVANS, PRINS TOP The Women's Chllmpionship be­ E "ill 1. At tl,i ~ puinl Mrs. Bain five moves. r am grateful to H. Underwood, Federal Chess Club Champ­ IN CONSULTATION grm auspiciuusly without noticea­ t ook the lcad with 5-0 and never iun, lor solving and checking the position for me. r elinquishcd it. Miss Karff and u.s. Champion Larry Evans in ble upsets. Mrs. Willa White For solutions, pl ease turn to page four. consultation with Dutch master Owens, 1I co m parative newcomer, Mrs. Gresser were tied f or second with 4-1. Lodewijk Prins at t he Manhattan stowed her metal by defeating Chess Club won an exhibition game Mrs. Lena Grumette. Other scores Round Six PUBLICITY GOOD I NO. CITY DOWNS in 35 moves from the redoubtable were: Karff 1, Roos 0, Gresser 1, This round was played at the ccmbination of former U.S. Cham­ Kellner 0; Raettig 0, Slater 1; and FOR U.S. WOMEN'S LOG CABIN CLUB Log Cabin Chess Club at West pion Samuel Reshevsky and chess Piutigorsky 0, Bain 1. Orange, N . J. instead of the usual Unusually fine publicity attended The North City Chess Cl u':l tl-.e playing of thc U.S. Women's (Philadelphia) and the Log Cabin editor Israel A. Horowitz. As Black, Round Two quarters at the Marsh all Chess Rcshevsk y and Horowitz played a Again peaceful and witho-ut up­ Club in New York. It was distin­ Championship at New York. Not Chess Club (West Orange) resumed their intersectional r ivalry with a Sicilian dclense and the White set, Mrs. Rain rlefeated Mrs. Owens, ;f!uished by a very hard fought onJy did the Times, World·Tele­ tc[<m of Evans and Prins werc Miss Karff bested Mrs. Grumctte, b <-~ttlc of 82 moves between Miss gram and Sun in New York featurc 1:1 board match at the Log Cabin the cvent in urf cJes by Herman 'headquarters in which the home successful with a novel line of <,nd Mrs. Gresser outpointed Mrs. Karff, the victor, and Mrs. Piali­ play involving the playing of 5. Roos. Other scorcs: Kellner 1, gorsky. Other scores: Owens 1, Helms, but also the N.Y. Post anel team was bested lO"'A%. U.S. Junior Champion Saul Wachs and P-KB3 and castling Q-side. (Sec R~:ettig 0; Slater 1f~, Piatigorsky %. Kellner 0; Roos %, Slater 1h; N.Y. Herald-Tribune covered the T'mrnament Life for game with GrumeUe 0, Bain 1; Gresser 1, event. Other papers, inclUding the Penn .Tunior Champion Robert Round Three Sobel held their opponents to notes by Champion Larry Evans.) Mrs. Grcsser defeated Mrs. R&p.ttig 0_ Mrs. rrain If'nrl ing with Christi2.n Scienl'€ Monitor's excel­ d ~ aws , while the lower boards of Grumette in a hard-fought game 6·0, followed by Mrs. Gresser and lent chess section. covered the :M iss KarI( with 5-1 each . event also; and due to the presence North City mopped up the op­ FORMULATE PLANS th2.t was adjourned once. Other position. A. Koppany also drew scores: Karff 1, Owens 0; Bain 1, Round Seven of two California players the tournament received spechll at­ for North City while victors wer e FOR CALIF. ASS'N SLater 0; Raettig 0, Roos 1; Piati­ Thc London 'Terrace Chess Club H. Morris, H. Hickman, J. Gibbons, A steering committee of LeRoy gorsky Ih, Kellner Ih. Leading of New York was host [or this tention ill thc Los Angeles Times, and Los Angeles Mir r or. "This J. Seiber t, E. Ruth, C. Badgett, Johnson and George Croy of Los ~l:ure n; arc Mrs. Dain, Miss Karff round in whil:h the exciting battle \Veek," a newspaper supplement A. Gonzales, J. Caputo and A. Angeles and W. G. McClain and H. and Mrs. Gresser with 3-0 each. wus Mrs. Bain's victory over Miss Nickel. Log Cabin plilyers who .T. Ralston of San Francisco- met at KarfI, which eliminated the latter of nationul circulation, also feat· Round Four snlvaged points were R. Hae[ner, Atascadero to draw up plans for as a contendcr for the title. Ot her urcd a story un the event with M r ~. Piatigorsky, a pupil of Her­ picturcs. It. Hurttlen, while draws went to the creation of a CalifOl;nia State man Steiner in her first national scores: Raettig 1, Owens 0; PiaU· l<'. Howard, E. McCormick and A. Chess Federation, based upon the tournament, scored something of gorsky 0, Gresser 1; Slater lh, Among the visiting press were Boczar. many existing chess leagues in Grumcll.c 112; Kellner 1, Roos O. an upset by defeating Mrs. Grum­ a repor ter and photographer from ---- the State. There have becn several ette; but the real upset of the Mrs. Bain leading with 7-0 and Life Magazine and it is possible abortive attempts to organize a rcund was the victory in a game Mrs. Grcsser second with 6-1. that a story on the Wumen's PRIZE AWARDS State Associalion in chess-active that went to ~djournament of Mrs. Round Eight Tournament with pictures may ap­ California, but none have had the pear in an issue of Life. ARE MODEST The semi·final round at the Since women chess players seem­ d-:.ances of success that rest in EVANS ACCEPTS Marshall Chess Club proved the Radio and Tc\evision also con· ed more conccrned with glory than thc present endeavor and the ,grow­ decisive round when Mrs.
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