Valencian Region in figures June 2013 Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping of Valencia Valencian Region in figures 2013 Area and climatology ......................................................... 3 Population .......................................................................... 4 Production .......................................................................... 8 Agriculture ......................................................................... 11 Industry and energy ............................................................ 14 Construction ....................................................................... 17 Services .............................................................................. 19 Commerce .......................................................................... 20 Tourism .............................................................................. 21 Finances ............................................................................. 25 Transport ............................................................................ 26 Consumer demand.............................................................. 28 Companies .......................................................................... 29 R+D+I ................................................................................ 33 Infrastructures .................................................................... 35 Labour market .................................................................... 36 Prices and costs .................................................................. 40 Education ........................................................................... 42 Foreign trade ...................................................................... 43 Direct foreign investment flow .......................................... 47 Public sector ......................................................................................48 2 Valencian Region in figures 2013 Area km of peninsular coast AREA (Km2) 10,806 700 632 12 600 10 6,632 500 8 5,817 400 301 6 300 156 175 4 200 2 100 0 0 Alicante Castellón Valencia Alicante Castellón Valencia V.R. Climatology (Annual average) 2011 Alicante Castellón Valencia Average temperature (ºC) 18.9 18.4 18.7 Relative humidity (%) 69,0 62,0 70,0 Precipitation (mm) 300.2 513.1 444.5 Number of days with precipitation 80,0 91,0 85,0 > 1mm Source: I,V,E, Environment WATER CAPTATION (Thousands of m3) 2010 Valencian Region Spain Total water captation 432,398 3,635,655 Superficial waters 88,598 2,453,019 Underground waters 343,725 1,065,852 Desalination 75 105,968 Availability of drinkable water 511,572 4,950,457 Treated sewage (m3/day) 1,375,663 13,326,802 Reused sewage (m3/day) 427,975 1,346,008 Source: I,N,E, 3 Valencian Region in figures 2013 Population/… POPULATION Thousands 2012 % Prov/VR, %/ Spain Inhab,/Km2 Inhabitants Alicante 1,940,886 38.0 4.1 333.7 Castellón 600,592 11.8 1.3 90.6 Valencia 2,562,887 50.2 5.4 238.6 Valencian Region 5,104,365 100.0 10.8 220.1 Spain 47,059,533 100.0 80.7 Source: INE, Municipal Register to 1st January 2011 Evolution of the population 1960 = 100 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 1960 1970 1975 1981 1986 1991 1996 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Valencian Region Spain Demography: natality and mortality (Rate by 1000 inhab.) 12 11,5 11 10,5 10 9,5 9 8,5 8 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Natality rate Mortality rate 4 Valencian Region in figures 2013 ,,,/population/… LOCAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION Density Area Regions 2012 1999 % 12/99 (Hab/Km2) Km2 Valencian Region 5,129,266 4,066,474 26.1 220.5 23,255.7 Alicante Province 1,943,910 1,410,946 37.7 334.1 5,817.8 El Baix Segura 403,359 215,259 87.3 421.4 957.1 El Baix Vinalopó 292,991 235,835 24.2 598.8 489.3 El Comtat 28,549 25,815 10.5 75.8 376.4 El Vinalopó Mitjà 173,100 148,367 16.6 216.7 798.6 La Marina Alta 201,840 133,457 51.2 265.7 759.4 La Marina Baixa 196,614 126,398 55.5 339.6 578.9 L'Alacantí 481,589 372,884 29.1 715.2 673.3 L'Alcoià 112,134 104,601 7.2 207.7 539.7 L'Alt Vinalopó 53,734 48,330 11.1 83.3 645.1 Castellón Province 604,564 467,895 29.2 90.7 6,662.4 El Alto Mijares 4,514 4,198 7.5 6.7 667.2 El Alto Palancia 25,602 22,444 14.0 25.7 995.5 El Baix Maestrat 85,778 63,616 34.8 70.2 1,221.5 Els Ports 5,092 5,233 - 2.6 5.6 904.0 La Plana Alta 263,357 191,789 37.3 275.1 957.3 La Plana Baixa 195,970 157,452 24.4 323.8 605.1 L'Alcalatén 16,536 14,855 11.3 25.4 648.7 L'Alt Maestrat 7,715 8,308 - 7.1 11.6 663.1 Valencia Province 2,580,792 2,187,633 17.9 239.5 10,775.5 El Camp de Morvedre 90,178 73,366 22.9 332.5 271.2 El Camp de Túria 154,428 94,898 62.7 196.0 787.8 El Rincón de Ademuz 2,638 2,903 - 9.1 7.1 370.3 El Valle de Cofrentes-Ayora 10,468 10,433 0.3 9.1 1,141.2 La Canal de Navarrés 18,001 16,067 12.0 25.3 709.2 La Costera 74,084 65,251 13.5 140.2 528.1 La Hoya de Buñol 43,782 33,339 31.3 53.5 817.3 La Plana de Utiel-Requena 40,701 37,799 7.6 23.5 1,725.9 La Ribera Alta 224,171 198,479 12.9 231.0 970.3 La Ribera Baixa 82,423 72,349 13.9 297.6 276.9 La Safor 182,520 139,222 31.1 424.8 429.6 La Vall d'Albaida 92,106 81,338 13.24 127.5 722.2 L'Horta Nord 225,090 177,648 26.71 1,603.2 140.4 L'Horta Oest 351,524 288,879 21.69 1,879.8 187.0 L'Horta Sud 173,782 139,261 24.79 1,046.2 166.1 Los Serranos 17,868 16,989 5.17 12.7 1,397.4 València 797,028 739,412 7.79 5,921.4 134.6 Source: I,V,E, and I,N,E, Note: Municipal Register of Inhabitants to 1st May of 1999 and 1st January of 2013 5 Valencian Region in figures 2013 ,,,/population/… POPULATION STRUCTURE 2013 Years Valencian Region % / Total Spain % / Total 0-14 764,114 14.9 7,050,276 14.9 15-24 501,424 9.8 4,641,308 9.8 25-34 715,960 14.0 6,687,421 14.2 35-44 869,927 17.0 8,009,419 17.0 45-54 752,799 14.7 7,002,046 14.8 55-64 585,750 11.4 5,335,780 11.3 65-74 472,145 9.2 4,018,934 8.5 75 and over 442,246 8.6 4,314,349 9.1 TOTAL 5,104,365 100.0 47,059,533 100.0 Source: I,N,E, To date 1 of January of 2013,, Provisional data DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS OF THE POPULATION 2013 Index Valencian Region Spain Dependence (Pop,<15+Pop,>64)/Pop, From 15 to 64)x100 49.0 48.5 Longevity (Pop,>74/Pop,>64)x100 48.3 51.7 Maternity (Pop, from 0 to 4/Women from 15 to 49)x100 20.8 21.0 Tendency (Pop, from 0 to 4/Pop, from 5 to 9)x100 93.8 97.3 Replacement (Pop, from 20 to 29/ Pop, from 55 to 64)x100 98.3 101.4 Source: I,N,E, Evolution of the population. Valencian Region 5.500 5.000 4.500 4.000 Foreigners 3.500 Spanish 3.000 thousands of thousands persons 2.500 2.000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 6 Valencian Region in figures 2013 FOREIGN RESIDENTS IN VALENCIAN REGION, 2013 Main countries Foreigners % V.R. / Spain United Kingdom 142,056 37.1 Romania 143,106 16.5 Morocco 77,690 9.9 Ecuador 32,201 12.3 Germany 41,595 22.9 Bulgaria 37,310 22.1 Colombia 30,853 13.9 Italy 25,076 13.1 Bolivia 19,170 11.1 France 20,819 17.7 Argelia 21,610 33.9 Netherlands 18,722 34.8 China 19,899 11.0 Argentina 13,470 13.8 Ukrenia 15,862 17.9 Belgium 12,632 35.2 Russia 15,774 25.9 Norway 10,626 52.7 Poland 9,299 11.8 Pakistan 11,791 14.6 Brazil 7,373 8.1 Lituania 8,126 38.1 Uruguay 5,680 16.1 Portugal 6,692 5.2 Sweden 7,323 28.8 Rest of countries 104,448 9.5 TOTAL 859,203 15.6 RESIDENT FOREIGNERS IN VALENCIAN REGION, Big geographical areas The rest; Euro Area; 12% 16% Latin America; 17% United Kingdom; 17% Maghreb; 12% Bulgaria- Romania; 21% 7 Valencian Region in figures 2013 Production/… GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT at market prices (Millions of current euros) % Annual variation % Annual variation in Valencian Region Spain in real terms real terms 2001 66,477 4.6 680,678 3.6 2002 71,280 2.8 729,206 2.7 2003 76,243 2.6 782,929 3.1 2004 81,873 3.2 841,042 3.3 2005 88,452 3.5 908,792 3.6 2006 96,040 4.0 984,284 4.0 2007 102,478 3.2 1,053,537 3.6 2008 107,434 0.8 1,087,788 0.9 2009 101,172 -6.0 1,048,060 -3.7 2010 100,563 -1.0 1,048,883 -0.3 2011 101,462 -0.2 1,063,355 0.4 2012 100,048 -1.5 1,051,204 -1.4 Source: I,N,E, Regional accounts, CRE-2000 Evolution of the GDP (% rate of interannual variation) 6 4 2 0 % -2 -4 -6 -8 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Valencian R. Spain European Union GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT at basic prices (Millions of current euros) 2012 Valencian Region %/ Total Spain %/Total % VR/Spain Agriculture 1,887 2.1 26,019 2.7 7.3 Industry and energy 15,769 17.2 163,331 16.9 9.7 Construction 9,772 10.6 87,719 9.1 11.1 Services 64,356 70.1 687,336 71.3 9.4 VAB total 91,786 100.0 964,405 100.0 9.5 Source: Regional accounts, INE, First estimation 8 Valencian Region in figures 2013 …/production/… GROSS FAMILY RENT AVAILABLE (Millions of current euros) Valencian Region % var, Spain % var, % VR/Spain, 2002 52,585.8 5.3 540,621.7 5.7 9.7 2003 55,609.2 5.7 571,128.6 5.6 9.7 2004 59,344.6 6.7 609,370.3 6.7 9.7 2005 63,354.5 6.8 650,898.2 6.8 9.7 2006 68,106.1 7.5 698,427.6 7.3 9.8 2007 72,996.1 7.2 745,296.9 6.7 9.8 2008 79,108.6 8.4 801,351.7 7.5 9.9 2009 20,370.9 1.6 813,372.0 1.5 9.9 2010 80,242.3 -0.2 816,948.1 0.4 9.8 2011 n.a.
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