VISIT WEBSITE & READ DAILY NEWS MARCH 14, 2016 N16 yovelkvireuli orenovani gazeTi saqarTveloSi WEEKLY BILINGUAL NEWSPAPER IN GEORGIA ANAKLIA PORT NAMED AMONG SAVCHENKO TO BECOME A SYMBOL OF HOPE AND WORLD’S 100 MAJOR RESISTANCE AGAINST RUSSIAN AGGRESSION INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS P. 8 P. 3 LARI CONTINUES TO STRENGTHEN – ESTIMATES AND FORECASTS P. 7 “MIKVARKHAR” WITH FRENCH ACCENT MEANS BEIGBEDER VISITS GEORGIA P. 10 THE NEW LAW MIGHT END CHILD MARRIAGE IN GEORGIA P. 11 GEORGIAN SPORT’S HISTORIAN AND THE MUSEUM GUARD exclusive P. 14 The theme of this year’s Forum was “Strategic Projects - Creating the Foundation for Global Prosperity” and ALL STUDENTS ARE EQUAL, featured projects from countries that are establishing themselves as competitive nations with a developed or de- veloping infrastructure vision. Projects selected for presentation are those that contribute to the competitiveness of BUT SOME ARE MORE their country and the region, offer strong business opportunities, and contribute to job and opportunity creation for EQUAL P. 15 their city, state, province, or country. SOME THOUGHTS ON DEEPENING GEORGIAN ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY P. 5 The Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a special guide book for the diplomats working on eco- nomic diplomacy. The guide book summarizes the pur- pose of Georgian economic diplomacy that is tailored to promote Georgian investment capabilities and the envi- ronment on an international level, attract foreign capital and technical support, involve Georgia in international projects, implement regional and international transport and energy projects, and establish preferential export conditions for Georgian goods on diversified markets. STOLTENBERG SAYS RUSSIA TRYING TO DIVIDE NATO P. 2 Furthermore, he made clear that the Kremlin’s aim to divide NATO and its alliance and intimidate neighbors is not successful and effective since NATO is respond- ing in a very unified way. Earlier in February, NATO approved expanding its military presence near Russia’s borders. The military-political group of the twenty-eight states of the Euro-Atlantic Alliance has decided to pro- vide a serious response to the provocative challenges of a modern world that is changing, the challenges coming from outside the Bloc’s eastern and southern borders. 2 MARCH 14, 2016 WWW.OBSERVER.COM.GE POLITICS STOLTENBERG SAYS RUSSIA TRYING TO DIVIDE NATO GURAM PTSKIALADZE NATO Secretary General Jens Euro-Atlantic Alliance has de- Stoltenberg stated that Russia cided to provide a serious re- has made numerous attempts to sponse to the provocative chal- intimidate its neighbors and split lenges of a modern world that is NATO. changing, the challenges coming In a live interview with CNN, from outside the Bloc’s eastern Stoltenberg made an announce- and southern borders. The new ment that despite “numerous threats relate primarily to the attempts by Moscow to intimi- overly self-confident Russia’s date its neighbors and break up actions that contradict interna- NATO, the alliance will respond tional law, the spread of terror- with strengthened unity and by ism, and the migrant and refugee adapting our military concepts.” crisis caused by displacement of Stoltenberg stressed that the huge masses of people. strengthening the alliance’s east- At the ministerial meeting ern borders with NATO troops of NATO defense ministers in “makes it possible to keep an as- Brussels in early February, it was sertive Russia under control.” decided to strengthen defenses He also said that NATO is con- and deterrence predominantly cerned about the presence of in Eastern Europe. The decision Russian military in Syria and is based upon the article of the the Mediterranean, asserting that Washington Treaty for the Pro- NATO, seeing Russia’s acts and tection of an Ally in case a non- ensure strong defense of each curred in the case of Ukraine the Middle East, in Syria, there steps, was forced to upsurge the member state attacks its member. member state. He also said that and Georgia. The last instance is we have a tough and tangled number of militaries in Turkey Solidification of NATO’s mili- NATO would respond to any ag- Montenegro, that is on the verge situation. Bashar al-Assad wants and the eastern Mediterranean as tary presence on eastern borders gression against any ally. of joining NATO, that indisput- Russia’s help to stay the head of NATO is worried about the sig- was backed up by many Allies. Recently, Allies have openly ably concerns Russia. the country; at the same time, nificant Russian military buildup Ahead of the Brussels meeting, been expressing their dissatisfac- The Kremlin tries to bring into the airstrikes target mostly not with air forces, ground troops, officials in Washington stated tion with the actions of the Rus- force their “weapons” by using the Islamic State terrorists but and also the naval presence in that it would quadruple the fund- sian Federation. This is not only local Montenegrin pro-Russian rather the opposition forces, and the eastern Mediterranean. The ing for the European Reassur- due to the fact that Russia tries to powers to make the government it affects civilians making them Alliance is therefore respond- ance Initiative up to 3.4 billion change the borders of some inde- change their mind. Moreover, head for the EU. So, in addition ing with assurance measures, in- U.S. dollars. It goes without pendent states, namely Georgia Russia warns Montenegro that if to troubles initiated by Russia, creased military presence in the saying that the White House’s and Ukraine, with the help of the country joins NATO, many the Alliance faces some other area. decision was mostly caused by military forces, but as it does not mutual projects and plans will difficulties, such as a vast num- Furthermore, he made clear Russia’s aggressive politics. The take into account on purpose the be canceled. But unlike Ukraine ber of migrants. That is a head- that the Kremlin’s aim to divide funds will be spent on infrastruc- position of international society and Georgia, Russia has fewer ache not only for the EU but also NATO and its alliance and intim- ture improvements to airfields, for a political settlement in Syria. levers vis-à-vis Montenegro and for NATO, as it creates security idate neighbors is not successful training centers, and ranges Speaking of the influence of while soft power might have no problems within the organiza- and effective since NATO is re- throughout Europe. Russia over its neighbors yearn- power, hard power is very hard tion. Prior to the next NATO sponding in a very unified way. At that time, Stoltenberg ing to enter NATO, the Kremlin and unimaginable to be used by summit, taking place on July 8-9 Earlier in February, NATO ap- claimed that there was not any attempts to use its levers to make Russia for certain reasons (Mon- in Warsaw, the Allies are prepar- proved expanding its military imminent threat to any mem- them rethink their decision join- tenegro is far away from Russia, ing for the adoption of an am- presence near Russia’s borders. ber states of the Alliance, but ing the organization, but it does it is less important than Ukraine, bitious strategic plan aimed at The military-political group of the system of collective secu- not make sense; soft power is Georgia, and other neighbors, enhancing and strengthening the the twenty-eight states of the rity must deter any danger and replaced by hard power as it oc- etc.). As for NATO’s concerns in system of collective security. THE WINTER MILITARY AND MOUNTAIN TRAINING COURSE IS OVER In the framework of NATO pro- national students, which were pioneer in the Georgia-NATO re- gram - “Partnership for Peace” presented from the Baltic states, lations. The school has 10 years (PfP), the Basic Mountain Train- as well as Azerbaijan, Armenia anniversary this year. Through- ing Winter Course officially and Turkey. We are pleased that out the year we want to hold ended on March 11. The closing all military personnel peacefully many events in this school, so ceremony was held at Colonel and successfully completed the that more people can learn about Besik Kutateladze Sachkhere course. Most importantly, they it and the success that these guys Mountain Training School. Chief have acquired the knowledge have,” said Khidasheli. of General Staff of the Georgian and skills that will be useful for Winter Basic Course began on Armed Forces, Major-General military activities,” said Major- February 21 and lasted for three Vakhtang Kapanadze and mili- General Vakhtang Kapanadze. weeks. tary attaches accredited to Geor- After skiing tracks Ministry Military from NATO and part- gia attended the event. of Defence, Tinatin Khidasheli ner countries, mastered basic At the ceremony, the soldiers talked to the soldiers and con- skills for winter conditions, in- were awarded with certificates gratulated the successful com- cluding skiing, overcoming ob- and badges. pletion of the course. Sachkhere stacles and to make security dots “The course prepared inter- Mountain Training School is a in the snow. 3 MARCH 14, 2016 WWW.OBSERVER.COM.GE POLITICS SAVCHENKO TO BECOME A SYMBOL OF HOPE AND RESISTANCE AGAINST RUSSIAN AGGRESSION SALOME KHVEDELIDZE Savchenko to become a symbol accused of murdering two, ap- ficial webpage of the United of hope and resistance against peared in Russian prison, where States Secretary of State: “I Russian aggression she has been staying for twenty am deeply concerned about the Salome Khvedelidze months. health and welfare of Ukrainian Russian court has set a date of The Ukrainian pilot has been pilot and Rada Deputy Nadezhda March 21 for issuing the ver- in pre-trial detention for a long Savchenko, who since Friday has dict in the case against Ukrain- time. Although she holds im- refused food and water to protest ian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko.
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