WEAVE the ROSE Pocket Information Haak Hotel Maps ...... .. ...... · . ....... ... 2 Detailed Conuention Schedule ..... ......... 6 /l Guide to the Island and Beyond . llJ. Hamblin ' Woman . .... ..... .. ... .. 2lJ. Club Guide . .. ... .. ... .. .. .. 30 Doubletree Ho 1a River Upper Level Nehalem Room C-1 & Moonshine Tip Ooubletrce Ballroom Wilson (Rogue, McKenzlo, Klamath Room Rooms) Santlam Room Ground Level Meal Deal C-2 Umpqua Room Key l!!I Elevator ® Rost Room - f Lower Level ~ Stairs ~ Piano Bar I I I MopbyDovrdD Levino ~~----:~-;-_.-=.__~~ Meetings ~ ISi C-3 I C-4 Willamette & Umatilla & Yakima Desehutes Rooms Rooms ooubletree Hotel Jantzen Beach Third Floor Fourth Floor Tult-~ng_1~ ~t.____:.,.~ng_"~~jJ ~ Ml. St. Helen• Wing Ml. Bachelor Wing ML SI. Helens Wing Ml. ,,D1thelor,.,.,,.. .,,,,,, W ing - u1.tn ._.. ,.,.,,, ._» •·>n second Floor Advanced & Meal Deal Level) Plus & Maxi's (LO bby c/W o ance HTQC G~'' '''~\;..-?"' '"""'• "" Ml. Hood Swimming ,,..,..Wing Pool - First Floor 0 (Lower Lobby Massage Mainstream .a While Slag Ml. SI. Helens Ballroom n 0 Level) " & Pendlelon (Multnomah, Clark. L~ Rooms Clackamas. Photos Helipad L{f~F:~~ (In case of rain: Jantzen Washlnglon Room) Room Ml. St. He~nt Wing ~1s11n Vendors Consolidaled Room /_I(\ (Crown·Zellerbach, Weyerhaeuser Health Flanders Women's Rooms) Overton Lovejoy Room Peltygrove Club Room Room Room Hospitality Glisan Room Hntr.I M.1ps Thursday July 2 UB) Thursday July 2 CCR) Event Workshop Schedule by Michael McMullen. Design and layout by David Levine. All information current as of 6/14/98. Trail-In Dance 7-10p Friday July 3 CJ 8) Friday July 3 CCR) -2 en ors Crawford Lescrinier IA GS DC to Delegates Brendzy C-38 Meeting Bryant UC renc 9a-12p eat er oergensen Bryant Brendzy Parnell Uebelacker Vendors & Massage Open Open Open Open Women's Tip Open 9a-5P y Portland, Oregon Detail•d Conurntion Sch.dule B D.tail•d Conu•ntion Sch.dul• W.au• the Ros• Saturday July Iii UH) Saturday July LJ. CCR) en ors -1 Wilson Preston osca yer Lescrinier Wilson mer oergensen Uebelacker DeSisto Vendors & Brendzy Massage Pickle-Up Tip Women's Tip Open Open 9a-5p 10 Ddailed Conu•ntion Sch.dul• W••u• th• Ro s• Portland, Oregon D.tail<d Conu•ntion Sch.dulo II Sunday July S CJ D) Sunday July S CCR) en ors Vendors & Massage Open 9a-5P =~iO(i~-t-Mlc];if/iT/~-t--_;;:~::::__j G CA Meeting 1 :30-3p 12 Portland Q • regon Hayden Island Map 11 Guide to 1·he Island and Beyond - by Kate Yule , opinionated local Hiya! Figured out the hotels yet? Trr this: the Jantzen Bead1 hotel GB) is to the east and the Columbia River hotel (CR) has the ~hal ­ lenge level halls. Does thathelp? Pedestrian and car access betWeen them is via the parking lo t that goes under the freeway bridge. Every­ where on Hayden Island is within a plausible walking distance, though some might prefer driving to the further reaches. Either way, be car¢d- sidewalks are fickle and visibility is really abysmal. Disclaimers: Opening hours at a lo t of places may be affected by the holiday weekend, so please call ahead if it matters. Remember Sa t­ urday is d1e 4th, and Friday is a Federal Holiday (banks closed, etc.). We do not have self-serve gasoline in Oregon. Food COn-lsland) Map by David D. Levine SAFEWAYt .s across from the ) B. I t,s bi'g . a11 the groceries and. CR Columbia River hotel . ffice ' flori st, Chinesefi 5 Damon's Clubhouse Party supplies yo u could want, pharmacy, post 0 JB Jantzen Beach hotel 14 Liquor Store k 6 Oregon Visitors Info ta eout, sandwiches, salad bar, you nam e it.. I lik-e t0 walk' over here.d or OS Oxford Suites hotel 15 Newport Bay $ ATM Center 16 Waddle's a .Pack· o f sushi· to go-m.ce qLUc· k 1unc l1 1. R e·,tlJ }1 ·1 Open 6am to mi - 7 Food Court/Carousel 17 Safeway 1 REI 8 Stanford's Restaurant 111ght, some departments less. h I sa}' 9 Denny's/Un ion 76 gas 18 Tomahawk Drive to C . ll . · true w at t 1ey 2 Toys 'R' Us Lotus Isle Park AFFEINE: available everywhere (It rea } IS . , & 10 BJ 's Pizza & Brewpub 19 b 3 Plaid Pantry/Subway Chevron gas , esso cart tsn t up 11 McDonald's 20 a our the Nord1west). If the Doubletree s espr CR 4 Barnes & Noble/ Burger King . & 1 Starbucks 12 Bradley's Bar & Grill 21 runnmg, there's always STARBUCKS at Barnes Noble' near tie Taco Bell 13 Chang's Mongolian Grill 22 Rite-Aid Drugs hotel. Open 6 am to 11 pm, or from 7am on Sundays. Ill Weaue the Ros< Portland. Oregon Jl Guide 111 the Island and Beyond 15 Fast food options abound. Y'got 'c11er T ACO BELL, yer family-owned equivalent, WADDLE'S, which sometimes has qui te a McD ONALD'S, yer BURGER KING .... SUBWAY is in the PLAID PAN­ wait. BJ's PIZZA & BREWPUB and BRADLEY'S BAR & GRILL, flank­ TRY, behind US Bank off the west end o f the CR. Over in the Mall , ing McDonald's, are unknown quanti ties. LITTLE CAESAR'S has an outpost in K -Mart. T he mall's Food Court . Back in the Doubletree hotels, each has a coffee shop-at press ~elud es GYROS GYROS (a personal favorite), CHINESE CAFE, tim e, we don't know if tl1ey're doing menus or buffet there- and a AJUN GRILL, BRUCHI'S for cheesesteaks and subs TRAPANI fanc y dinner-only restaurant. BRICKSTONES (CR), pretty limited PA~TA , O RANGE JULIUS, and BASKIN-ROBBINS. cf he beauti ful n:enu, "small plates" $6- 10, entrees $13-20. Some orthwest empha­ anuque carousel there is the las t remnant of the amusement park that sis. MAXI'S SEAFO OD QB) has entrees $16- $22. used to be here. $1 per ride; token machine takes $1 bills only. ) T he ~~ '. s open Saturday, July 4th from 10- 6, Sunday 11-6, otherwise Shopping and Si ghts (On-Island) 9 T here's a no-surcharge ATM in tl1 e JB hotel, behind tl1 e front l There are restaurants o n ti1e i· sI a n d that trust the clientele wit· l1 ~esk , by the espresso counter. Otl1er machines, charging $1-1.50, P ates & tnclude US BANK off the west end of the CR; BANK OF AME RI CA, ·m ebt al fc utlery. .S TANFORD'S i.s nearl))' an d quir. e goo d . E mpl1as 1s: ee and grilled I · if . tungs. It has some large tables for crowds; inside near the Mill fo od court; WELLS FARGO, across from the JB. you 1lave 1ust 2-3 people tr , h 3-6 . ' ) t e great deals on bar meals from SAFEWAY and RITE-AID have pharmacies, and RITE-AID also pm and 10pm-clos1I1g Fo d d . B · . o serve until midnight. NEWPORT has all tl1at non-drug drugstore stuff K-MART, in ilie mall, has a little AY is a comparable restaurant focu · of everything. (Tami, if the airline lost your backup singers, see LINENS edge of ilie island. Good stuff. SIIlg on seafood, on ilie south & THINGS for re placements.) . CHANG'S MONGOLIAN G · B . b ti 0 and Was lungton Pick out yo ur own ingredients a:~L~ ~sy afn alltl-you-can-eat ~ p eration . eer and w111e are at Sa feway. In o 1 regon ' . d ry iem up on a gian t t11e hard stu ff is in state-owned LIQUOR STORES, which will all be cl d F · O · 9·30- 7·30 on-island.) . IIlverte wok. $10 for adults, $6.25 at lunch D , ose nday, Santrday and Sunday. ( t1 1e rwise · · ' ... near ilie CR, is a family s orts bar & . AMON S CLUBHO USE, " ' ti1 JUI stuff 1s tn tl1 e TVs, one wiili an ongolil· p tn' . a b JOIIlt T here are 4 huge-screen nfall hours-see above. Most of tl1 e wor w e g via game My p 'b . "big boxes" in the parking lot anyway. but the BB Q pork ribs w d li . · nme a sandwich was eh, . hi RE i ii Here's outdoor gear, ere e c1ous and tJ1e 1 Fo r qlllntessential N \V shoppmg- t .. have local brews and a h dful f ' . P ace smells great. T hey indi . t. hill / ods/ waterways after an o vegetan an opti B spensable for anyone heading for Lile s wo . am, weekends only. ( _ .) ons. reakfas t 9- 1 1 283 3800 convention and pretty darru1 useful fo r the rest of us, too: water bot­ In the Old Re Ii a ble War-Ho rse cate tl ' . b rs blister-proof socks, the west side of the f gory, we have D ENNY'S, on es, sun hats, ram gear, belt pouches, energy a ' reeway, open 24 hours, and a hometown cool clothing! Maps and many travel books, though see also BARNES 16 17 /l Gu iJe lo the Island and Beyond Wea ue tl1r. Rose Portl and , Oregon /l Guide to tlir. Island anJ Beyond & NOBLE bookstore for a good regional travel section. C:VX'e like Port­ land Best Places, NW Best Places, Seattle A ccess, the Oregon and Washing­ OFF-Island ton Gazetteers, and the 100 Hikes series.) REI is open 10-9 Mon- Sat, and 11-6 Sundays. Barnes & Noble is open 9-11 daily. ~·. To stretch your legs without a 4/4 beat, you can stroll a paved .
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