MüPûÉåmÉÌlÉwÉiÉç KATHA UPANISHAD Parts 1 & 2 A Leap into the Beyond “THE SANDEEPANY EXPERIENCE” TEXT Reflections by SWAMI GURUBHAKTANANDA 20 Sandeepany’s Vedanta Course List of All the Course Texts in Chronological Sequence: Text TITLE OF TEXT Text TITLE OF TEXT No. No. 1 Sadhana Panchakam 24 Hanuman Chalisa 2 Tattwa Bodha 25 Vakya Vritti 3 Atma Bodha 26 Advaita Makaranda 4 Bhaja Govindam 27 Kaivalya Upanishad 5 Manisha Panchakam 28 Bhagavad Geeta (Discourse -- ) 6 Forgive Me 29 Mundaka Upanishad 7 Upadesha Sara 30 Amritabindu Upanishad 8 Prashna Upanishad 31 Mukunda Mala (Bhakti Text) 9 Dhanyashtakam 32 Tapovan Shatkam 10 Bodha Sara 33 The Mahavakyas, Panchadasi 5 11 Viveka Choodamani 34 Aitareya Upanishad 12 Jnana Sara 35 Narada Bhakti Sutras 13 Drig-Drishya Viveka 36 Taittiriya Upanishad 14 “Tat Twam Asi” – Chand Up 6 37 Jivan Sutrani (Tips for Happy Living) 15 Dhyana Swaroopam 38 Kena Upanishad 16 “Bhoomaiva Sukham” Chand Up 7 39 Aparoksha Anubhuti (Meditation) 17 Manah Shodhanam 40 108 Names of Pujya Gurudev 18 “Nataka Deepa” – Panchadasi 10 41 Mandukya Upanishad 19 Isavasya Upanishad 42 Dakshinamurty Ashtakam 20 Katha Upanishad – Parts 1 & 2 43 Shad Darshanaah 21 “Sara Sangrah” – Yoga Vasishtha 44 Brahma Sootras 22 Vedanta Sara 45 Jivanmuktananda Lahari 23 Mahabharata + Geeta Dhyanam 46 Chinmaya Pledge A NOTE ABOUT SANDEEPANY Sandeepany Sadhanalaya is an institution run by the Chinmaya Mission in Powai, Mumbai, teaching a 2-year Vedanta Course. It has a very balanced daily programme of basic Samskrit, Vedic chanting, Vedanta study, Bhagavatam, Ramacharitmanas, Bhajans, meditation, sports and fitness exercises, team-building outings, games and drama, celebration of all Hindu festivals, weekly Gayatri Havan and Guru Paduka Pooja, and Karma Yoga activities. This series is an effort to promote the learning of Vedanta; it does not replace the Course, but hopes to inspire young people to spend two years of their life for an experience that is sure to make a far-reaching spiritual impact on their personal lives. Sandeepany is an all-round spiritual course that gives proper direction to the youth and to those approaching retirement. Hinduism is in dire need of a band of systematically trained teachers or Acharyas who can serve this Eternal Religion. – The Author, 2nd September, 2018, Sri Krishna Jayanti Day Om Namah Shivaaya! Text 20 MüPûÉåmÉÌlÉwÉiÉç KATHA UPANISHAD “A Leap Into the Beyond” Parts 1 & 2 with Bhashya by Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji Reflections by Swami Gurubhaktananda on the 90 Lectures delivered by Swami Advayanandaji Acharyaji, 15th Batch Vedanta Course at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Powai, Mumbai July 17th – September 29th, 2012 Adi Shankaracharya Swami Sivananda Swami Tapovanji Swami Chinmayananda SERVE LOVE GIVE PURIFY MEDITATE REALISE Copyright & Author’s Details Author: Swami Gurubhaktananda (ex Krishna Chaitanya, born Bipin R. Kapitan in Durban, South Africa) Email: [email protected] Residence: Sivanandashram, Rishikesh, India © 2016 All Rights Reserved. Copyright held by Swami Gurubhaktananda. About This Edition: Web Edition: 2nd September, 2018, the Sacred Krishna Jayanti Day Websie: Chinmaya International Foundation: www.chinfo.org Series Title : The Sandeepany Experience Series Subject: Vedanta & Supportive Subsidiary Textss Declaration by the Author: The material in this series is under inspiration of the Sandeepany Vedanta Course, but largely consists of the Author’s reflections on the Course. He is deeply indebted to the Chinmaya Mission for its excellent presentation of the Course by their renowned and dedicated Acharyas. Personal Dedication 1. To my Parents, Smt Sharadaben & Sri Ratilalbhai Kapitan who inspired me to study in life, to stick to the path of Dharma and pursue the highest ideals; and swamped me with their abundant Love; 2. To Pujya Sri Swami Vimalanandaji Maharaj the President of the Divine Life Society of Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India, who constantly encouraged and supported this effort; 3. To Pujya Sri Swami Tejomayanandaji (Guruji) for his boundless vision and inspiration to create a vibrant organisation; 4. To Sri Swami Advayanandaji and Sri Swami Sharadanandaji my Acharyaji and Upa-Acharyaji at Sandeepany, who imparted their bountiful knowledge and wisdom with rare selfless Divine Love, just as the Rishis of yore would wish to see them do. ***** MüPûÉåmÉÌlÉwÉiÉç KATHA UPANISHAD “A Leap into the Beyond” SRI SWAMI SIVANANDA (1887 – 1963) KATHA UPANISHAD “A Leap Into the Beyond” CONTENTS: General Invocation 7 Introduction: From Shankara Bhashya 8 About the Bhashya 9 PART 1 of 2 (Chapters 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3, Total 71 verses) Chapter 1.1: THE STORY OF NACHIKETAS (29 verses) 10 1.1.1: The Sacrifice of Nachiketas’ Father 10 1.1.2: Time for Gifts For the Priests 10 1.1.3: Gifts Not Worth the Name 11 1.1.4: Father’s Curse on Nachiketas 11 1.1.5: Nachiketas: “Do I Deserve This?” 12 1.1.6: The Glory of Upholding Tradition 13 1.1.7: Lord Yama Instructs on Hospitality 13 1.1.8: Consequences of Inadvertence 14 1.1.9: Lord Yama Offers Justice 15 THE FIRST BOON 1.1.10: Boon 1: “Forgiveness for My Father” 16 1.1.11: Yama Grants the First Boon 17 THE SECOND BOON 1.1.12: The Joys of Heavenly Worlds 17 1.1.13: Boon 2: “Heavenly Worlds for My People” 18 1.1.14: Yama Grants the Second Boon 19 1.1.15: Detailed Knowledge is Taught 20 1.1.16: An Additional Bonus is Thrown In! 21 1.1.17: The Fruits of Sacrificial Fire Worship 22 1.1.18: Glorification of Sacrificial Fire Worship 23 THE THIRD BOON 1.1.19: Yama Invites the Third Boon 24 1.1.20: Boon 3: “Self-Knowledge for Me” 25 1.1.21: Test 1: “It’s Too Difficult For You!” 27 1.1.22: Response 1: All the More Determined 28 1.1.23: Test 2: Limitless Wealth Lordliness 29 1.1.24: Test 3: Power & Enjoyership Added 30 1.1.25: Test 4: Heavenly & Sexual Pleasures 31 1.1.26: Response 2: Hero Over the Senses 32 1 1.1.27: Response 3: Wealth & Long Life Need No Boon 33 1.1.28: Response 4: Chooses Wisdom Over Folly 33 1.1.29: Response 5: “I Stick to My Original Boon”! 34 Chapter 1.2: THE CHOICE (25 verses) 36 PREYAS & SREYAS 1.2.1: The Choice Available to All Men 36 1.2.2: Discrimination Between the Two 33 1.2.3: Yama Praises Nachiketas’s Discrimination 38 1.2.4: Vidya and Avidya = Sreyas and Preyas 39 1.2.5: Preyas: Blind Leading the Blind 41 1.2.6: Preyas: A False Vision 42 THE GURU & DISCIPLE RELATIONSHIP 1.2.7: Wonder Teacher & Wonder Disciple 43 1.2.8: Principles in Spiritual Teaching 44 1.2.9: The Exemplary Standard Set by Nachiketas 46 1.2.10: Yama’s Attainment 47 1.2.11: Nachiketas’s Attainment 48 1.2.12: The Means to the Supreme Self 49 1.2.13: Details of the Sadhana Process 50 1.2.14: Boon 3: A Reminder Re-Phrased 51 “OM” UPASANA 1.2.15: The Goal of All Spiritual Efforts – “OM” 52 1.2.16: The Scope Covered by “Om” 53 1.2.17: A Eulogy of “Om” 54 SAANKHYA YOGA (as in Geeta) 1.2.18: The Yoga of the Self 55 1.2.19: What is Action & Inaction 56 1.2.20: Self-Knowledge – 1: Majesty of the Self 57 1.2.21: Self-Knowledge – 2: Contradictions in the Self 58 1.2.22: Self-Knowledge – 3: Meditation on the Self 59 THE ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION 1.2.23: The Sole Condition: Choose the Self 60 1.2.24: The Man of Sinful Conduct 62 1.2.25: Simile: The Lord at His Meal 63 Chapter 1.3: THE JOURNEY AHEAD (17 verses) 65 THE TRAVELLERS 1.3.1: Simile: The Two Drinkers 65 1.3.2: Summary Statement of Chapters 1 & 2 68 THE CHARIOT METAPHOR 1.3.3/4: The Chariot Metaphor Introduced 69 2 1.3.5/6: The Intellect: Avijnanavan and Vijnanavan 70 1.3.7/8/9: The Destination: Successfully Reaching the Goal 71 THE ROUTE OF THE JOURNEY 1.3.10/11: The Journey Mapped Out 72 1.3.12: Self Seen Only by Subtle Intellect 76 1.3.13: Successive Merging from Speech to Self 77 THE GLORY OF THIS JOURNEY 1.3.14: A Wake-Up Call From the Wise 78 1.3.15: Subtlety of the Supreme Self 79 1.3.16: Glory of the “Nachiketas” Knowledge 81 1.3.17: Auspicious Recitation of this Knowledge 82 PART 2/2 (Chapters 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3, Total 49 verses) Chapter 2.1: THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE (15 verses) 85 TWO OBSTACLES TO KNOWLEDGE 2.1.1: First Obstacle: The “Punished” Senses 85 2.1.2: Second Obstacle: The Mind’s Thirst for Pleasure 87 INTELLECT – INDIVIDUAL INTELLIGENCE 2.1.3: The Cogniser of Sense Experiences 88 2.1.4: Witness of the Three States 89 2.1.5: Keeper of Karmic Accounts 89 HIRANYAGARBHA – TOTAL INTELLIGENCE 2.1.6/7: Hiranyagarbha – Brahman in Subtle Creation 91 2.1.8: Hiranyagarbha’s Worship in Virat 93 BRAHMAN – ABSOLUTE INTELLIGENCE 2.1.9: Brahman – the Ultimate Support 95 2.1.10: Brahman is Both “Here” & “There” 96 2.1.11: Mind – Centre-Stage for Sadhana 97 2.1.12/13: Upasana: The “Thumb-Sized” Brahman 99 2.1.14: Dispersion Into Plurality 100 2.1.15: Adherence to Non-Duality 100 Chapter 2.2: THE SEARCH FOR BRAHMAN (15 verses) 103 THE IMMANENT BRAHMAN 2.2.1: Brahman in the “Eleven-Gated City” 103 2.2.2: Brahman – Everywhere, in Everything 105 2.2.3: Brahman – Director of Pranas & Deities 106 2.2.4: When the Body is Negated, What Remains? 108 2.2.5: When Prana is Negated, What Remains? 109 2.2.6: When the Body Departs, What Remains? 110 3 2.2.7: Answer 1: While in Ignorance 111 2.2.8: Answer 2: When Knowledge Dawns 112 THE TRANSCENDENT BRAHMAN 2.2.9/10/11: The Immanence & Transcendence of the Self 115 2.2.12/13: Being One, Controlling All 117 2.2.14/15: “The Self is Self-Luminous, & Shines Variously!” 118 Chapter 2.3: A SPIRITUAL PLAN FOR LIFE (19 verses) 122 THE TREE OF SAMSARA 2.3.1: The “Tree of Samsara” 122 2.3.2: The “Terror of the Thunderbolt”! 125 2.3.3: Order in the Cosmos 125 THE PRECIOUS HUMAN BIRTH 2.3.4: Rebirth
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