2432 · CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE IilARCH 9 Delaware, vice Charles Stewart Lynch, term Howard Arnold Craig inheritance and make l{nown Thy provi­ expired. David Goodwin Barr· dence in guiding the desting of our Re­ COLLECTORS OF INTERNAL REVENUE Howard Kendall Loughry public. As we walk humbly among men. Lipe Henslee, of Dickson, Tenn., to be col­ James Millikin Bevans we pray Thee to keep us true and un-· lector of internal revenue for the district of Curtis Emerson LeMay Robert Battey McClure daunted in our labors to maintain those Tennessee, in place of Joe F. Hale. institutions upon which it must forever James P. Finnegan, of St. Louis, Mo., to be Bennett Edward Meyers collector of internal revenue for the first dis­ George Clark Dunham rest for its perpetuity. trict of Missouri, in place of Robert E. Hanne­ Roderick Random Allen Blessed Lord, at times we are silent Cecil Ray Moore ~ gan, resigned. and bewildered; take Thou our chilled George Jacob Richards IN THE MARINE CORPS hearts and our determined wills and Robert Wells Harper mold the:rp in responsive devotion anj Col. Walter G. Farrell to be a brigadier ~en­ Daniel Noce eral in the Marine Corps, for temporary serv­ Hugh John Casey obedience. Whatever may betide us, ice, from the 25th day of November 1943. whatever fails us, grant 'that it shall not To be brigadier generals The below-named citizens to be second dim the insignia of our responsibility. lieutenants in the Marine Corps from the Whitfield Putnam Shepard When sorrow comes, teach us how to 7th day of August 1943: Everett Ernest Brown use it and impress us tha · the human Frank,C. Caldwell, a citizen of South Caro-· Joseph Jones Twitty Una. Russell Alger Wilson heart is built for trouble that always John T. McFadden, Jr., a citizen of Cali­ George Clement McDonald comes with the years; when disappoint­ fornia. Royal Bertrand Lord ment c:ouds the day, forbid th~.t it should William C. Hawkins, a citizen of South Jesse Auton weigh us down Nothing of great worth Carolina. Morris Williams Gilland can be accomplished with half a mind, Platoon Sgt. Ralph M. Budnick, a meri­ Charles Orval Thrasher with a faint heart nor with a lame en­ torious noncommissioned offtcer, to be a sec­ Murray Clarke Woodbury deavor. Almighty God, bless us with that ond lieutenant in the Marine Corps from the Ewart Gladstone Plank Joseph Franklin Battley glorious release-liberty of faith, liberty 11th day of August 1943. of conscience, .and freedom for all-and The below-named · citizens to be second Ch!'trles Yawkey Banfill 1i -utenants in the Marine Corps from the Donald Reuben Goodrich Thou shalt have the praise. We pray 29th day of October 1943: Edward Wharton Anderson in the name of Him who is the "On­ John C. Landrum, a citizen of Georgia. Ray Henry Clark summation of our love and hope. Amen. John L. Bricker, a citizen of Minnesota. Theodore Morrison Osborne Staff Sgt. Billy E. Horner, a meritorious Albert Daniel Smith The Journa~ of the proceedings of yes­ noncommissioned officer. to be a second lieu­ Isaac William Ott terday was read and approved. Frank Otto Bowman tenant in the Marine Corps from the 3d day SWEARI~G IN OF A MEMBER of November 1943. Arthur Thomas David W. Ketler, a citizen of Pennsylvania, Fremont Byron Hodson The SPEAKER laid before the House to be a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps William Horace Hobson the following communication from the from the 15th day of December 1943. Francis Hopkinson Griswold Clerk of the House: Charles Toma, Jr., a citizen of Ohio, to be Charles Pearre Cabell Edward Michael Powers MARCHi!, 1944. a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps from The Honorable The SPEAKER, the 4th day of February·1944. Thomas Edison Roderick Condon Carlton McCornack The House of Representatives. Harry Briggs v:aughan Sm: The certificate of election in due form of law of Hon. JAMES H. ToRRENS as a Repre­ CONFIRMATIONS Norris Brown Harbold Joseph Pescia Sullivan sentative-elect to the Seventy-eighth Con­ Executive nominations ·confirmed by Duncan Grant Richart gress from the Twenty-first Congressional the Senate March 9 <legislative day of Lewls Andrew Pick District of the State of New Yorl{, to fill the February 7), 1944. August Walter Kissner vacancy caused by the resignation of Hon. Joseph A. Gavagan, is on file in this office. FOREIGN SERVICE Emmett O'Donnell, Jr. Terence John Tully Very truly yours, TO BE CONSULS GENERAL OF THE UNITED Aubry Lee Moore SOUTH TRIMBLE, STATES OF AMERICA Arthur John MoChrystal Clerk of th'e House of Representatives. George L. Brandt John Franklin Egan Mr. TORRENS appeared at the Bar of C. Porter Kuykendall Robert Duane Knapp the Hous·e and took the oath of office. TO BE CONSUL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Bartlett Beaman Clarence Lemar Burpee EXTENSION OF REMARKS John F. Stone POSTMASTERS IN THE ARMY Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. Speaker, I ask MARYLAND APPOINTMENT, BY TRANSFERr IN THE REGULAR unanimous consent to · extend my own ARMY James J: Hadaway, Chestertown. remarks in the RECORD and include NORTH DAKOTA therein a telegram from a citizen of New To Infantry York. First Lt. William·Myers Kasper Alfred 0. Fosness, Forest River. Noble 0. Julson, Plaza. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to To Air Cqrps PENNSYLVANIA the request of the gentleman from New First Lt. John Jacob Stark York? Second Lt. Boyd Blaine Chambers, Jr. Hazle Houseberg, East Bangor. Second Lt. Edward Lawrence Corcoran Amelia Teuchert, Milmont Park. There was no objection. Second Lt. Carroll Bernard McElroy A. Blanche McClain, Picture Rocks. Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ Second Lt. James Harper Walker George Ed. Reed, Vanderbilt. mous consent to extend my own remarks Second Lt. Ben Marshall West SOUTH CAR OLIN A in the RECORD and include therein an ar­ 'l'EMPORARY APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY OF THE Sophie F. Poston, Johnsonville. ticle written by Bill Cunningham which UNITED STATES VERMONT appeared in the Boston Sunday Herald To be lieutenant generals Sergio Pasetto, Barre. on February 20, 1944. Courtney Hicks ·Hodges The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Richard Kerens Sutherland the request of the gentleman from Mas­ Raymond Albert Wheeler sachusetts? John Clifford Hodges L_ee HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES There was no objection. To be major generals Mr. McMILLAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Charles Love Mullins, Jr. THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1944 unanimous consent to extend my own Paul Ramsey Hawley remarks in the RECORD and include Edmund Bristol Gregory The House met at 12 o'clock noon. therein a statement made before the Junius Wallace·Jones The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ Committee on Roads by the State High­ Edmond Harrison Leavey gomery, D. D., offered the following way Commissioner of South Carolina. Hugh Johnston Knerr prayer: Charles Carl Chauncey The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Leslie Richard Groves Not unto us, 0 Lord, not -unto us, but the request of the gentleman from South ~aurence Sherma~ Kuter unto Thy name be glory and honor. Carolina? William Moses Goodman Awaken in us a full realization of our There was no objection. 1944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-I-IOUSE 2433 Mr. O'CONNOR. Mr. Speaker, I ask EXTENSION OF REMARKS Mr. HOFFMAN. On the gentleman's unanimous consent to extend my own re­ Mr. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I ask amendment? I would not cut out just marks in the RECORD and inclt~de therein unanimous consent to extend my own half of it; I would take it all away. Vlhy a copy of a letter written by the Secre:­ remarks in the ·RECORD and include is not the gentleman consistent? tary ()f the Interior tp Senator THOMAS · therein an article written by Dr. James H. Mr. O'CONNOR. Why did not the of Oklahoma, dated July 6, in relation to Cotter, a distinguished citizen of my gentleman vote to cut it in two? If that Senate Report· No. 310. home town, and I further ask unanimous amendment had carried, it would have The SPEAKER. Is there objection to consent to extend my own remarks in stopped such foolishness as we are talk­ to the request of the gentleman from the RECORD and include therein a letter ing about; but, frankly, no one dreamed Montana? written to me by Purl Willis on Indian that we would send needed farm ma­ There was no objection. affairs. chinery to foreign countries. FARM IMPLEMENTS The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Mr. HOFFMAN. Cut it in two? I l\.1:r. O'CONNOR. Mr. Speal{er, I ask the request of the gentleman from Ohio? voted to wipe it all out. · unanimous consent to address the House · There was no objection. EXTENSION OF REMARKS for 1 minute. Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. KEOGH. Mr. Speaker, I ask The SPEAKER. Is there objection to unanimous consent to extend my own unanimous consent to extend my own t]J.e request of the gentleman from Mon­ remarks in the RECORD and include remarks in the RECORD and include tana ? therein an editorial. therein an editorial that appeared in There was no objection. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to this morning's New York Times. l\1r. O'CONNOR. Mr. Speaker, Lam the request of the gentleman from In­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ala ~· med at a statement put into the CoN­ diana? . the request of the gentleman from New GRESSIONAL RECORD by Senator REYNOLDS There was no objection. York? concerning the proposal of Governor Mr. THOMAS of New Jersey. Mr. There was no objection. Lehman as Administrator of the United Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex­ Mr.
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