Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 10-9-1980 The Guardian, October 9, 1980 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1980). The Guardian, October 9, 1980. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. October 9, 1980, Issue 17 VolumeXVII Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio Inside Rolling Stock cancelled at fairgrounds Page 2 Anderson speaks in Columbus Page 2 candidate John Anderson spoke to a crowd In Cohimbns yesterday. Anderson vowed to Kurt Thomas remain In the presidential race "until the polls close In November see story page 2 „• coming ^ to WSU over Pa e4 new By JAMES BELL into an agreement for the NEAX system, assigned Cleveland State's Lease to and , but it denies the other claims- by the Allstate Insurance Company on December KEVIN THORNTON University. 1, 1976. Cleveland State was eliminated as Off thfe wire Goardaln Writer* (WSU also claims Capital Funding on a defendant, because of this action, which Barring a pre-trial settlement, Wright February 28, 1980 and on subsequent was not connected with the suit. * State University will appear in U.S. District • dates, denied their willingness to enter into In the Admendment Petition for removal . Cci'urt for the Southern District of Ohio in a'financing agreement. from Greene County Common Pleas Court, "Tin attempt to secure a $1.29 million loan Capital Funding claims Wright State UAW Strikes 'from Capital Funding Corporation of Fort CAPITAL, however denies this claim. University was using Cleveland State as "a Lee, New Jersey. yj—'"Ints is the-fjrst timeVe have ever been sham defendant for the-sole purpose of PARMA, Ohio UP! — N«My, .The scheduled court date-is May 25, sued,""Robert E. McNamara; executive avoiding and defeating the removal of this 5,000 members oI United Auto ,1981; before federal Judge Walter Rice'. vice-president of Capital Funding, said. He action to the United States District Court." Worfcerw . Loi-al 10O5V dlrgruntlod The suit involves $1,291,'680 Wright continued, "but they (the University)'have The telephone system is being temporar- over grievance... which several State attempted to borrow from Capital the right to do whatever they want to." month, of negotiation* had failed to ily financed through Third National Bank resolve, Wednesday Walked »ff 0»lr Funding for the purchase of the NEAX 22-£V The attorney representing-Capital Fund- by Telecommunications, Dr. George E. job* al Geoemr MMOT'I Chevrolet Electronic Telenhon» ">y«?»»> installed- st ing- is David S. Cupps, whose office is Kirk, vice*»president for Administration. • WSU last spring. located in Columbus. The plant alretidy hal 1,700 "WE ARE leasing the system from woriertfWd off. A boat M0 Were doe Filed April 1, 1980 in the Greene County When asked to comment on the case, to be rec*Jied on Mbodavbot, with . Common Pleas . Court, the suit was Cupps said, "I do.not try my cases in the Telecommunications until we can find a the striked theyrjirfflrfoee their removed to a federal court on May 1 at .the press. financer." Kirk continued, "and the lease •request"of Capital Finance. The attorney representing Wright State payments are $13,000 to $15,000 a 'month is Wendell D. Sellers. Sellers' office is depending on the fluctuation of interests WRIGHT STATE University, in their located in the Winters Bank Tower in rates." • suit, claims Capital Funding entered into a Dayton., \ Kirk is heading negotiations by Wright written agreement with the University Wright States' original law suit raen-( State attempting to settle die matter out of A dog fight about June 19.1979 agreeing to finance the tuned Cleveland State University as a court. purchase of a new phone system, the defendant. This is because of an attempt The phone system, purchased through " NEAX 22. The interest rate of the over $1.2 by Wright State to attach funds owed by Telecommunications Corporation was in- million losn was 6.97 percent. Cleveland Stfte to Capital Funding, and to Stalled last academic year. The system4*' Capital Funding's answer to Wright hold these funds in escrow until the ease -gwes Wright State University-wide, phone State's complaint states that they admit was ruled on, .accordinmg to Clevelan... d State system separate from Ohio Bell. that U&y'submitted a proposal to the WSU attorney Daniel J. O'Loughlin. Upon its.installation. University official} that suggested Capital Funding and expected the new system to save 'approxi- Wright State University would latier. enter CAPITAL FUNDING, however. mate!/ $800,000 oyer tea years. 2 THE DAHT GVAMMAN Oct. 9,19M Anderson vows to remain in race By BOB MYERS Amdenon said. Recent polls show Anderson's support dwindling as the election DPI nears. With leas'than a left COLUMBUS- Independent in the campaign, polls indicate' presidential candidate John An- Anderson far behind Carter sad derson vowed yesterday to stay in Reagan. the contest regardless of bow low Anderson cited a recent pofl he falls in the polls. which showed him up thres points "I did not fight that long fight in Ohio aa proof his campaign la and spend all that, time, energy not losing momentum. and money to get my name on the ANDERSON ALSO released his ballot in all SO states.to then poll platform on health at a news the rag from under thousands and conference. "I do not believe" he thousands of people who circu- said "we need a National Health lated petitions...", Anderson service, but I do believe we need said. to provide!) health care to those "I will be in this fight, God who need it.'" Anderson listed willing.Mf there's one breath left four reasons why be believed the in my body, until the polls dose United States needs, a health care on the fourth of November." program. ANDERSON THEN became He cited increasing health care upset when a reporter asked costs; gap* in - health care, te net kk name aa the baBst In al SO state* fea Ma addnwa In about conditions under which particularly limited access to ser- The Da3y GuanUan photo by Scott KlsaeD Anderson would resign from the vices by the poor, the lack of a treating diseases, and a neglect of derson's proposal include con- Medicare and Medicaid programs race. "No. 1 did not!1 did not I I comprehensive policy-dealing preventive medidne and keeping verting financially-troubled urban to include mental health services never said it! I never said that I with the • elderly; snd what he people well. hospitals into federally-assisted and expanding Medicaid to cover would pick a certain percentage deemed the disproportionate em- SOME HIGHLIGHTS of An- primary-care centers, expanding more people. Induding singles. figure and get out of the race," phasis of federal programs on Rolling Stock Co. cancelled at fairgrounds By NANCY VADNAlS perform. done with able-bodied persons." Stock Theater hopes to perform ing for the disabled adult artists. 'Guardian Special Writer Rickert said. "In these perfor- "The Greatest Show Oh Wheels" HE HOPES in the future that The Rolling Stock Company's FESTIVAL management sug- mances the student's disabilities on the Wright State campus more people will become interest- performance of- "The Greatest gested the company play in a become their assets." sometime this November. ed and aware of the need for Show on Wheels" was cancelled vacant sheep barn. Despite Roll- . OF THE twelve people per- '.'There are other performing handicapped performing artists". without notice Friday; September ing Stock's efforts, to dean up the forming in this show only three groups for the deaf and children's FQT more information call Dr. 26, at the Montgomery County barn, a strong odor forced them to are not handicapped. The Rolling groups."'Rickert said, "but noth- William Rickert at 873-2354. Festival because of overbooking. abandon the plan. The Southwest Ohkv-Begional' According to Dr. William Rlc- Festival had the-gr6up scheduled kert. director of Rolling Stock, the to play at the Fairground's "group is "receiving legal advioe Coliseum Friday_at_9;00'a.m. and and hopes to regain the money litter-Club Council presents again"at 2:00p.m. but a car show spent by their sponsor," the had been scheduled'to. set up for" National Committee Arts for their own show^m Saturday. Handicapped, for the group to THE ROLLWV-Stock Com- perform at the Fairgrounda. pany, a group of- able-bodied and THE COMPANY was "very handicapped performers at WSU.,- disappointed" because a minl- ' were informed of the. cancellation mum of500 people were expected for the performance. - ^ to attend. The show Itself,. is Th«r car show (had signed multiple performances of circus contract with tfie Fairground acts ranging from daredevil ma'ngement- before the WSU "highwire" aid shiupsbooting Friday October 10 company, »o the car SJKW was stubts dowhs and "the world's allowed to styt, !caving the first wheelchair jumptoping." compan^ without t place to \ "tfiese things just couldn't be 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. " WANTED: U\ • § Rahukfe October 17 Share Female to share Three-Bedroom home. Band Schedule: Call 748-1512 10 «.m.-12:l5 p.m. The Stance After 6pm. 12:45-2 p.m. MMfht Star 2:45-5 p.m.
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