![Congressional Record—House H7227](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
July 29, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7227 stand at the Lincoln Memorial and I Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of America had the potential and duty to become read the words of President Lincoln’s my time. a fairer and more equal nation. second inaugural address that say, Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield The legal abolishment of slavery did not ‘‘Yet, if God wills that it continue back the balance of my time. translate into the end of racial inequality. until all the wealth piled up by the Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I Equally, the legal abolishment of Jim Crow bondsmen’s 250 years of unrequited toil rise today in support of House Resolution 194, has not translated into the elimination of dis- shall be sunk, and until every drop of a resolution that apologizes for the enslave- parities. The reality is that although the men, blood drawn with the lash shall be paid ment and segregation of African-Americans. women and children who were enslaved in by another drawn with the sword, as This is a significant moment in our nation’s this country are long gone, the wealth, culture, was said 3,000 years ago, so still it must history when the nearly 20-year fight to con- and even the congressional buildings that they be said ‘the judgments of the Lord are sider federal legislation that apologizes for helped construct remain. true and righteous altogether.’’’ slavery has at last become a reality. Indeed, Indeed, in the years following Jim Crow, Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural it is fitting that we consider legislation of this blacks have undoubtedly taken advantage of address, the central part being: If the content and caliber at this time. A global trend increased opportunities and have achieved in price to be paid was until every drop of has emerged within the 21st Century in which every imaginable sector. 246 years after blood drawn by the bondsmen’s lash be governments have apologized for slavery and emancipation and 43 years after the abolish- paid by another drawn with the sword, discriminatory laws and promised to work to- ment of legal segregation, the United States Mr. Speaker, that is the powerful vi- ward a better future. has made serious improvements in drafting sion that there was a sin on this Na- Within the past year, states that were once and implementing policies that encourage tion, and Abraham Lincoln understood members of the former Confederacy and were equality. However, it would be wrong to con- that. And 600,000 Americans died in the a cesspool for racist and bigoted laws and clude that these successes negate the fact conflict to free the slaves. practices did something that no state had I brought with me, this is my great, that 346 years of oppression have contributed done before: they apologized for the enslave- great, five times great uncle’s Bible. to the economic and health disparities that ment of black people in this country. More This is the Bible that he carried in his continue to affect much of the black commu- than 240 years after the abolition of slavery shirt pocket for 3 years during the nity. and more than four decades after the abolition Civil War. If I open it up, I can show On this historic day, we must recommit our- of Jim Crow, it is time for the federal govern- you fly specs and verses that are writ- selves to bringing about an end to these dis- ten in this Bible. His sister presented ment to do the same. parities and injustices. And in passing this res- In 1988, Congress apologized to Japanese- to it to him on the eve of his departure olution, the House will send a message to the Americans for holding them in concentration for the war, and he returned with it in American people and others that the most camps during World War II. Congress ex- his shirt pocket 3 years to the day. I powerful nation in the world is willing to look found his grave when I was trimming pressed regret for its policies on Hawaii a cen- honestly at some of the most shameful parts grass around the gravestones for Me- tury after the native Hawaiian kingdom was of its history, accept responsibility, and apolo- morial Day. No one knew where he had overthrown. And just five years ago, the Sen- gize for its actions. Together, we will continue been buried. This is John Richardson’s ate apologized for not enacting anti-lynching to lay the necessary foundation to build a Bible. My great grandfather five times legislation that would have saved the lives of stronger future. great was killed in the Civil War. All of thousands of black people across the South. Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I his artifacts are lost. This remains. America’s greatness is exemplified in part yield back the balance of my time. I This remains as a connection to me, to by our ability to evolve. Under federal and thank the gentlemen for their coopera- my family members who were strong state laws and customs, African Americans tion along with this resolution. and powerful and committed abolition- were denied their fundamental rights from The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ists, and some of them gave their lives 1619 until 1965. Today, we show our growth question is on the motion offered by to free the slaves. by officially acknowledging the wrongful ac- the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. So as I read this resolution today, tions and policies that were targeted toward CONYERS) that the House suspend the Mr. Speaker, I don’t see a reference of African-Americans during slavery and Jim rules and agree to the resolution, H. gratitude for all the blood that was Crow. Res. 194, as amended. given by people to end slavery. I think Sadly, there are some who continue to op- The question was taken. that needs to be part of this record as pose Congress apologizing for slavery and The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the well. The horrible price that was paid segregation. They see apologizing as a futile opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being to pay back in blood drawn by the action that is too little too late. Others contend in the affirmative, the ayes have it. sword for every drop of blood drawn by that an official apology would do more harm Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I ob- the bondsmen’s lash. That is a point, that good and would conjure painful images ject to the vote on the ground that a too, that the next generations need to from the past that would fuel resentment. quorum is not present and make the learn and need to hear. These assertions miss the point. point of order that a quorum is not And then with the balance of this dis- Failure to pass this resolution that acknowl- present. cussion, Mr. Speaker, I just would em- edges the wrongness of slavery and segrega- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- phasize that this Nation threw off the tion would send the dangerous message that ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the yoke of slavery. We rose above it be- America is unwilling to come to terms with one Chair’s prior announcement, further cause we had a strong conviction as a of the first and last great atrocities that it proceedings on this motion will be people, we had a strong religious faith placed on its citizens through the rule of law. postponed. that rejected slavery as a sin against Slavery and racial segregation were permitted The point of no quorum is considered this Nation. We can be proud of the through federal law and our government must withdrawn. price that was paid to free the slaves. express the appropriate and long-overdue re- f And it was a struggle of 100 years to morse for its tolerance of this injustice. pass the Civil Rights Act that lifted As we all know, Mr. Speaker, words matter. RECOGNIZING THE 20TH ANNIVER- another level. And here we are today at ‘‘All men are created equal,’’ is perhaps one of SARY OF THE CIVIL LIBERTIES a point where I look forward to the the most famous phrases in American history. ACT time when we can say we are fully inte- In our nation’s infancy, this statement encom- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I move grated and there is no vestige of slav- passed the principles of a country that prom- to suspend the rules and agree to the ery and no vestige of racism, and an ised to protect the freedom and well-being of resolution (H. Res. 1357) recognizing understanding that we are all God’s its new citizens. Yet it was written when hun- the significance of the 20th anniversary children created in his image. And be- dreds of thousands of black men, women and of the signing of the Civil Liberties Act cause he has blessed us with enough children were enslaved and counted as only of 1988 by President Ronald Reagan and distinctions that we can tell each other 3⁄5 of a person under the Constitution. Never- the greatness of America in her ability apart, it is no reason for us to discrimi- theless, President Abraham Lincoln later used to admit and remedy past mistakes, as nate for or against anyone, as Ward this phrase to argue that the institution of slav- amended. Connerly says and as the Civil Rights ery contradicted our nation’s most funda- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Initiative in Michigan says so.
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