A Goocl Excuse Is Wortli $6 ,- DES MOINES (JP)-A 76-ycar old woman, Mrs- Alice The Weather Today S.·ope was In Des ~olnes municipal court today on a. dlarre of apeedln~. Partly cloudy today except showers Qr Sbe told the judee she only followed the advice of • frlf'nd to "speed UP when crossln~ railroad -or "tfl' .. t thundershowers during forenoon. Warmer rar tracks and the jol~ would be JellS severe." today. Generally fair with moderate tem­ "That Is the most n"Dvel excuse I've ever heard tor 1PHd1nJ," said the Jud~e, and fined the woman only $5 perature tomorrow. The high yesterday iDlCead of the usual $11. Established IS6S-Vol. 80. No. 19S-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday, May 15. 1948-Five Cents was 63; low was 36. = ! • • • irst To Rec'og nlze eWls tate Israel Recognition Comes as UN Rejects Falher ·Flanagan Dies In Berli~ H~spi lal Approval of U. S. Proposal of Palestine Trusteeship BERLIN (JPl-Msgr. Edward J . WASHINGTON (A')-President Flanagan, the Nebraska priest Report Russian Change ~~~,~* * * --~- who founded the internationally Truman, in a move that surprised Kennedy's Daugh1er Of Officers in Germany Jewish State the world, last night recognized known Boys Town near Omaha, the new Jewish state of Israel in died at an army hospital yester­ Listed Among Dead BERLIN (JPj-Reports reached Palestine a few minutes after it day after sutlering an acute heart Western AJlied officials here yes­ was proclaimed. terday that dozens of high offi­ Surprises UN The news caused Intense elation attack. He was 61. Col. F. T. Chamberlaln, com­ In Airplane Crashes cers are being sent back to Rus­ By FRANCIS W. CARPENTER among the ZIonists, stunned ilie sia in a purge 01 the Soviet ad­ Arabs and th.rew the United Na­ mander of the 279th station mili­ NEW YORK ~JP) - President LONDON (.4')-At least 13 per- ministration in Germany. Truman's surprise recognition of tions into turmoil. tary hospital, said Father Flana­ sons, including lhe daughter of The broom is being used by a the ne\v Jewish state stunned The action placed the great gan died at 2:05 a.m. (6:05 p.m., the former ambassador to Britain, new pOlitical general named United Nations assembly delegates welght of American prestige be­ C.S.T.) yesterday. Joseph P. Kennedy, were disclosed Schranov whose authority stems last nIght. Scenes of confusion hind the claim of the Jews to gov­ He was taken suddenly ill here yesterday to have died in major directly [rom the Kremlin and In and expr s ions of astonishment ern the homeland they have carv­ last night at Harnack house, an airplane crashes on three ronti­ some respects supersedes that of followed. ed out for themselves in the Holy American militllry government nents. the Soviel commander-In-chief, Th proclamation by Mr. Tru­ Land. residence for visiting officials. He The fate of 35 mol' was not Marshal Vasslly Sokolovsky, these man was attacked immediately by In 42 fat ful words, Mr. Truman was given emergency treatment, definite, but a spokesman for the reports said. the Arab bloc in the assembly proclaimed: but tailed to respond to oxygen Belgian airlines said last night Reports ol the extent of the re­ with cries of "mockery" and "TJIh ,0vernmenL baa beea and special injections for the "the,re was little chance" of sur- shuffle in the Sovi t administra­ "f'ake." The Arabs said they had lnIormed I.bal a Jewtah .tate has heart, Chamberlain said. He lost vival tor 31 of them aboard 0 lion varied, but Ih Amerlcan-li­ been duped. been proclaimed I.n PalesUae consciollsness shorlly after enter­ DC-~ which crashed Thursday in censed news agency Dana estl­ The J w were jubi14nt. ILRd recOI'nilloJ1. has been re- ing the hospital. the Belgian Congo. mated 85 high o!!icers were be- The United States delegat s 1l1lelt.ed by ~e provlllonal IOV· Falher Flanagan was on an in­ Searchers yesterday discovered Ing replaced. were caught lint-footed. They sat TATE OF J RAEL'S new for­ ernment thereof. spection tour of German youth fa­ the wreckage of ali three planes OWcial American observers red-faced through some of the el,.n mJnlster Is MOlhe Sberwk "The United StatN retlOI'. cilities at the invitation of the -a small charter plane on which speculated that the Russians were harshest words ever directed to­ (above). herwk formerly was nller the proVI*IODl.l (Ovem­ U.S. army. He came here Irom Kalhleen Lady Hartington, Ken- changing the guard because they ward them by fellow delegates. ....ewbh Alenoy spoke!lD1An to ment as the de f.eto authority Austria where he made a similial' nedy's daughter, and Lord Filz- did not want to risk any soften­ Gua\.emaJa became the sewnd th Unit d Nation of the new state 01 llrael." survey. In 1947 he went to Japan william of Britain died in south- ing under Western influence and naUon to reeornl%e the Jewish (AP WIREPHOTO) (The use of the legalistic tenn on an identical mission. ern France; n Belgla,n Sabena alr- wished to keep their German ad­ tate. Dr. Jorl Garcia Gl'IIlla­ "de tacto authority" is common In The famed priest had left liner in the Congo on which there .ministration on its 10 ideologl­ d~, Guatemalan delea-ate who such instances where a new gov­ New York for Vienna. last were 31 passengers and crewmen, ca\1y. has championed panltion lor *BULLETIN * * ernment is in process of creation March 5. During his wur he and an American B-29 s'uperCor- Scharnov rcplaced a man named monlh '. read a communication NEW YORK-A Jewish broad­ but is still provLsionaL It means was received by Pope Pius xn tress which crashed In the Saudi Mnlinin 35 pOlitical advisor to KING ADDVLLArl (leU) or Tran -Jordan talks with Brl~ . Gen. from hJs fovernment reco~nJz- cast from Tel Aviv, carried in the slmply that the United States In Rome. Arabian desert with 14 soldier Sokolovsky recntiy. Lt. Gen. G. S. John GJubb Pasha (rlal1L). commander of his Ara.b LI!~lon. The 10,. Israel. United States by ABC, said last recognizes that the government of Catholic army Chaplain Emmitt crewmen and passengers. Lukiantschenko, S 0 k 0 J 0 v sky's British-trained II,nd partly Brltlsh- laffed Legion Is forming part The assembly meanwhlle ap­ night "Tel Aviv Is being bombed Israel is in tact the ruling authori­ proved PPointment speCial 1. Walsh was at his bedside to Crash In Thunderstorm Ichief of stnff ,also has b~en re- of the Arab Invasion whIch th.reaten the new slate of I rael. ot a by hoslil planes as I am speak­ ty ot the territory in question. placed by a Maj. Gen. Barmov. (AP WIREPIIOTO) UN peace commissioner lor Pal­ ing." administer last sacraments when T wo crewmen also were killed _____________ ..:..-___________________________ ("De jure" recognItion means be died. estine. This completed the main 'recognition of a government as on the plane charlered by Lord business of the extraordinary ses­ Boys Town, on the outskirts of * * the legally constituted authority,) Fitzwilliam for a vacation trip to In Congress - Debate Communist Exclusion; Truman Offers Far m Plan sion on Palestine. The vote WIIS * The news of recopJtJon ere­ Omaha, is an inlernationally the French Riviera. He was one 31 to 7, with 16 notions abstnin­ lI~d a lensatlon in the Unltecl known home for underprivileged of Britain's richest peers and ing and four absent. !Ioys. 1t is founded by Father Israel Faces Nations Ulembly hall In New sportsmen. The body or' 28-year­ Many as embly delenles Flanagan in 1917. Since then he York. n came while ibe UN old Lady Hartington was found on a~reed I\Ir. Truman had beat.en became known through the world House Argues Communist Control wu rejeeU~ a U. S. propoul a mountainside near Privas in Russia. ~ a diplomatic punch for his credo: "There is no such to up southern France where the plane by his reeocnlUon of Israel 11 set II trUiteeship tyPe ft­ tbing as a bad boy." WASHINGTON (JIll-The house Arab Invasion ~Ime crashed in a thundel'storm Thurs­ mJnute afler the Brit! n man­ tor Jerusalem. His life was made the subject plunged into a hot debate yester­ Dr. A. H. Silver, chairman ot day night. She was the wIdow of day 011 a bJlJ to put tight hobbles date ended, TEL AVIV, ISRAEL (IP)-Brl1- of a Hollywood film production in the marquess of Hal'lington who Truman Suggests Giving Farm Surpluses The Soviet Union had been ex­ ain surrendered her 25-year-old the American s clion of the Jew­ J939. It was called "Boys Town." On Am{'rican Communists. ish agency, threw up his hands In was killed in action in France four Allhough assailed by opponents pected 10 establish relations wilh mandate over Palestine at mid- A 00_ In Omaha which the months alter their wartime, wed­ the new stat quickly. A member elation at the word from Wash­ as an JI\\'a ion of individiJal liber~ night and one minute ' later the pries' rented by borrowlll&' .$90 ding. She also was the sister of To Poor for Prosperity, National Heahh of the SovIet d legation Milt last ington. ill Ihe Christmas season of 1917 ties and an outgrowth of hysteria, new Jewish state of Israel offici- "This is what we have been U. S. representative John Ken­ WASHINGTON (JIll-President there was hardly a dobut the night, however.
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