
May 30, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E879 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING SAMUEL lege, Ms. El-Assar traveled to Mexico in Sep- The vast majority of veterans will tell you HICKENLOOPER, TYLER JOHN- tember 2013 where she will be teaching until that they have received the quality of care that SON, AND ALEXANDER MAURITS May 2015. they have earned and deserve at VA health The Fulbright Program, sponsored by the centers. But anything less than 100 percent HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER U.S. Department of State, is supported by the satisfaction for our veterans is not good OF OHIO United States, participating foreign govern- enough. That’s why we must swiftly and deci- ments and the private sector. Established by sively investigate these alarming reports of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congress in 1946, the Program’s purpose is to mismanagement at the Department of Vet- Friday, May 30, 2014 ‘‘build mutual understanding between the peo- erans Affairs. I will do anything and everything Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ple of the United States and the rest of the I can to live up to that standard. But I will not recognize Samuel Hickenlooper, Tyler John- world.’’ Fulbright awardees are selected for lump truly dedicated, hard-working public serv- son, and Alexander Maurits for designing the academic excellence, professional achieve- ants together with those who have failed in 8th District of Ohio’s winning application for ments or demonstrated leadership in their their fundamental obligation to serve and care the 2014 Congressional Science, Technology, fields. for our veterans. I will not throw the baby out Engineering, and Math (STEM) Competition, I commend Ms. El-Assar for her commit- with the bathwater—and I do not believe ‘‘The House App Contest.’’ The three Ross ment to education, and I thank her for rep- America’s veterans want us to do that either. High School students developed a mobile app resenting the United States through the Ful- f called, ‘‘The Cryptographer,’’ which allows bright Program in Mexico. COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, users to teach themselves various types of f AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO- digital encryption and decryption. Their entry PRIATIONS ACT, 2015 was selected from many submitted throughout H.R. 4031 the 8th District of Ohio. Entries were reviewed SPEECH OF by an independent panel of judges and evalu- HON. XAVIER BECERRA ated based on innovation, appeal, production OF CALIFORNIA HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY quality, and presentation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This year marked the first year of the Con- Friday, May 30, 2014 gressional STEM Competition. Established by Thursday, May 29, 2014 this House in 2013, the competition is a na- Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I voted against The House in Committee of the Whole tionwide event that engages students’ cre- H.R. 4031, a bill named the ‘‘Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability House on the state of the Union had under ativity and encourages their participation in consideration the bill (H.R. 4660) making ap- STEM education fields. Our first competition in Act of 2014’’, because I don’t throw babies out propriations for the Departments of Com- the 8th District could not have been a success with the bathwater. merce and Justice, Science, and Related without this year’s judges: Dr. James Kiper; Let me explain. When our fellow Americans Agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- Dr. Cathy Bishop-Clark; Mike Stahr; and Kurt put on our country’s uniform in service to our tember 30, 2015, and for other purposes: Johnson. I would like to thank them for their nation, we owe it to them to repay that serv- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. service throughout this year’s competition, and ice. When these Americans retire the uniform, Mr. Chair, I rise in opposition to the amend- for their continued dedication to STEM edu- as veterans they deserve everything a grateful ment offered by the gentleman from Texas. cation. nation can offer—our love, respect, gratitude As a longtime supporter of the Census Bu- Education in the STEM fields is critical to and, just as importantly, the care and attention reau’s work and the American Community preparing America’s students to enter a com- they may now need upon coming home. Survey, I urge the Committee to keep this sur- petitive global economy. STEM fields are the Reports that the Department of Veterans Af- vey as current law provides. future of job creation in this country, and I ap- fairs failed to provide many of our veterans the The ACS is a vital resource for all of us in preciate how competitions and opportunities, care and service they have earned are more Congress, the federal agencies, and private such as the Congressional STEM Competition, than disturbing, and if true, warrant decisive businesses. encourage our young people to take on tech- action. With facts in hand, our government The accurate, timely data collected through nical challenges that will help them develop must be prepared to move swiftly to right the this survey is the basis for over $415 billion al- proficiency in these areas. As I’ve said before, wrong and hold people accountable. located by the federal government to states we can’t have a strong economy without pre- H.R. 4031 is a bill which is being portrayed and localities—over two-thirds of all federal paring the next generation to fill the jobs and as a fix to the troubling reports of mismanage- grant funding. drive the innovations that will keep America ment and mistreatment at VA facilities. It is Accurate data ensures that these federal competitive. hardly that. H.R. 4031 would go well beyond dollars go where they are needed—and where Again, congratulations to this year’s winners giving the Secretary of Veterans Affairs the Congress intended. This amendment would and thank you to all who participated in this authority to fire personnel in this particular undermine the accuracy of the ACS and de- year’s competition. I look forward to seeing case of potential mismanagement. This bill prive our agencies of this vital information. what innovations next year’s Congressional makes permanent and reactionary changes to But it’s not just government. The U.S. STEM Competition will bring. longstanding rules governing the hiring and fir- Chamber of Commerce and its members know f ing of people holding positions of public re- the value of census data. The Chamber stated sponsibility. It would paint responsible, hard- that ‘‘ACS data points are critical for business RECOGNIZING MS. ALIA EL-ASSAR working public servants with the same brush decision-making and long range planning.’’ as those who may have recklessly mis- Businesses from restaurants, to retailers, to HON. DANIEL WEBSTER managed VA services. developers know that accurate information OF FLORIDA If H.R. 4031 became law, the Secretary of about our population is critical for their mar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Veterans Affairs could hire or fire someone keting and expansion activity. This amend- based on a whim. It would forever and irrep- ment would remove a crucial recourse that Friday, May 30, 2014 arably damage our ability to hire and retain helps businesses expand and create jobs. Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is the best and brightest based on merit and ex- What’s more, we know what would happen my privilege to recognize one of my constitu- perience. This bill would bring back the dark if this amendment passes. ents, Ms. Alia El-Assar, for her reception of an days when hiring and firing decisions within In 2003, the Census Bureau tested a vol- English Teaching Assistantship through the our federal workforce were driven by political untary ACS to disastrous results. Response Fulbright Program. A student at Rollins Col- influence and patronage. rates plummeted by at least 20 percent, and ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 Jun 05, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\E30MY4.REC E30MY4 bjneal on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 30, 2014 in 2012, the Bureau estimated that a voluntary ers, Lt Col Warren. This incidence is generally local attractions, and 86 attended seven-week survey maintaining the current reliability would regarded by Civil Rights historians as a sem- sessions of Adventures in Learning on sub- cost taxpayers an additional $120 million each inal moment in the drive toward full integration jects such as A History of the Early Christian year. of the Armed Forces and later as a model for Church, The Civil War, Going Green, The War A voluntary response survey would espe- civil disobedience of the Civil Rights Move- of 1812 and other Lesser Known Wars, Up In cially undermine our information about rural ment. Space and Under the Sea, and other topics. areas and low-income households. The Cen- For seven decades, Lt Col Warren was a Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join sus Project estimates that with the change living legend as a proud American, a deco- me in recognizing the Shepherd Center of An- proposed by this amendment, the Bureau rated veteran, and as both a member and rep- nandale-Springfield for the services which en- could not publish data for up to 40 percent of resentative of the valiant Tuskegee Airmen.
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