I W. NICIUS (>iHIEDRICH EHRENHOLD). --- resp. See SALTZMANN (JOHANNES ) M.A., pra.es. NICIUS (JANUS) Erythraeus. See ERYTHRAEUS (JANUS NICIUS). NICKAU (KLAUS). - -- Untersuchungen zur textkritischen Methode des Zenodotos von Ephesos. [Untersuch. z. Antiken Lit. u. Gesch.., Bd. 16.] Berlin, 1977. .8831 Zen. Nic. NICKEL (GERHARD). - -- ed. Applied contrastive linguistics. See COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE LINGUISTIQUE APPLIQUÉE, 3rd Copenhagen, 1972. Proceedings. Vol. 1. - -- ed. Papers in contrastive linguistics. See COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL DE LINGUISTIQUE APPLIQUÉE, 2nd, Cambridge, 1969. - -- ed. Special issue of IRAL on the occasion of Bertil Malmbergts 60th birthday. Heidelberg [1973.] .4104 Mal. Nic. NICKEL (RICHARD). - -- SCHUNI'IER (A. ) and SEIFERLE (EUGEN). - -- Lehrbuch der Anatomie der Haustiere. Bde. 1 -2. Berlin. Vet. Lib. 1. Bewegungsapparat. Von R.N., A.S. [and] E.S. 1954. 2. Eingeweide. Von A.S., R.N. 1967. NICKEL -SULFIDE and platinum- group -element deposits. Proceedings of an international symposium sponsored by the Mineralogical Association of Canada, October 21 -22, 1978. Editor: A.J. Naldrett. [Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 17(2), 1979.] Ontario, 1979. Geol. Lib. ADDITIONS NICKEL (GERHARD). -- and NEHLS (DIETRICH). -- eds. Error analysis, contrastive linguistics and second language learning. Papers from the 6th International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Lund, 1981. (Special issue of IRAL.) Heidelberg, 1982. .407 Nic. eds. Models of grammar, descriptive linguistics and pedagogical grammar. Papers from the 5th International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Montreal 1978. (Special issue of IRAL.) Heidelberg, 1980. .4104 Nic. NICKEL (KARL). - -- ed. See INTERVAL mathematics. NICKELL (STEPHEN J.). --- The investment decisions of firms. [Camb. Econ. Hdbks.] Welwyn, 1978. .658152 Nic. NICKELS (SYLVIE). - -- See KALLAS (BILLAR) and N. (S.) - -- KALLAS ( HILLAR) and FRIEDMAN (PHILIPPA). - -- ed. Finland; an introduction. See KALLAS (HILLAR) and NICKELS (SYLVIE) eds. Finland; creation and construction. and ed. NICKERSON (CLARENCE BENTLEY). --- [Cost accounting.] Managerial cost accounting and analysis; text, problems, and cases. 2nd ed. [McGraw Hill Account. Ser.] New York [1962.] .6574 Nic. NICKERSON (HELEN KELSALL). - -- SPENCER (D.C.) and STEENROD (N.E.) - -- Advanced calculus. Princeton, New Jersey [1959.] JCM Lib. NICKERSON (HOFFMAN). - -- The loss of unity. [Hist. of the Reformation.] Lond., 1961. New Coll. Lib. - -- See SPAULDING (OLIVER LYMAN), N. (H.) and WRIGHT (J.W.) NICKERSON (JOHN THEODORE ROOSEVELT). - -- and SINSKEY (ANTHONY J.). - -- Microbiology of foods and food processing. 2nd pr. New York, 1974. K.B.L. --- Another copy. K.B.L. NICKISCH (REINHARD M e'441;G¢ - -- Die Stilprinzipien in den deutschen Briefstellern des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Mit einer Bibliographie zur Briefschreiblehre, 1474- 1800. [Palaestra, Bd. 254.] Göttingen, 1969. .83609 Nic. NICKLE (KEITH FULLERTON). - -- The collection; a study in Paul's strategy. [Stud. in Bibl. Theol. No. 48.] Lond., 1966. .227 Nic. - -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. NICKLISCH (FRITZ). - -- Das Güteseichen; rechtsdogmatische und rechtspolitische Probleme. [Abhdl. a. d. Gesamten Bürgerlichen Recht, Handelsrecht u. Wirtschaftsrecht. Beihefte d. Zeit. f.d. Gesamte Handelsrecht u. Wirtschaftsrecht. Hft. 38.] Stuttgart, 1969. C.E.G.S. NICKOLLS (Sir JOHN) pseud. See PLUMARD DE DANGEUL ( - ). NICKOLLS (JOHN). - -- ed. See CROMWELL (OLIVER) Lord Protector. Original letters and papers ... addressed to O.C. NICKSON (RICHARD). - -- See ABERCROMBIE (Sir TESLTE PATRICK) and N. (R.) NICLAS, under dem Rottenhutt, pseud. See NICOLAUS, under dem Rottenhut, pseud. NICLAS (HENDRIK). - -- Evangelium regni. A joyfull message of the Kingdom ... set- fourth by H.N. and by him perused a -new ... Tr. out of Base -almayne [by C. Vittell]. [Amsterdam? 1575 ?] Dd.10.63. ADDITIONS NICKISCH (REINHARD MARTIN GEORG). - -- Gutes Deutsch? Kritische Studien zu den massgeblichen praktischen Stillehren der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. [Samm1. Vandenhoeck.] Göttingen [1975.] .8301 Nic. NICKOL (BRETIT B.). - -- ed. Host -parasite interfaces. Proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Nebraska -Lincoln ... Nebraska ... 1977. New York, 1979. Forestry Lib. NICKLES (THOMAS). -- ed. Scientific discovery, logic and rationality. See BOSTON STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. Vol. 56. - -- ed. Scientific discovery; case studies. See BOSTON STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. Vol. 60. NICKSON (JACK W.). - -- Economics and social change. New York [1971.] .3301 Nic. NICLAES (HENDRIK). - -- See MOSS (JEAN DIE'l'Z). "Godded with God "; H.N. and his Family of Love. NICKSON (MARGARET ANNIE EUGENIE). -- The British Library: guide to the catalogues and indexes of the Department of Manuscripts. See BRITISH LIBRARY. DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS. - -- Early autograph albums in the British Museum. Lond., 1970. P .0915 Nic. - -- Another copy. S.R. Ref. .0915 Nic. NICLAS (JOANNES NICOLAUS). - -- ed. See GEOPONICA. Pewmovi,xa. NICLASEN ( BJARNI). - -- ed. The fifch Viking Congress ... 1965. [Proceedings.] See VIKING CONGRESS. NICLASEN (PALL BJARNI KRISTIAN). See NICLASEN ( BJARNI). NICLAUSS (KARLHEINZ). - -- Kontroverse Deutschlandpolitik; die politische Auseinander- setzung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland über den Grundlagenvertrag mit der DDR. See DOKUMENTE ZUR DEUTSCHLANDPOLITIK. Beihefte. Bd. 3. N'IC- NA- CEAIRD (HANNAH). See SINCLAIR (HANNAH). NIC NEIL (ESTER). See MACNEILL (ESTHER). NICO P. COULANDRIS COLLFCTION. See GOULANDRIS (NICO P.) COLLECTION. NICOD (JEAN) Agrege de Philosophie. - -- Foundations of geometry & induction. Containing Geometry in the sensible world and The logical,problem of induction. With prefaces by Bertrand Russell ... & Andre Lalande. Tr. by P.P. Wiener. [Int. Lib. of Psychol., Philos. and Scient. Method.] Lond., 1930 [1929.] JCM Lib. - -- Geometry and induction. Containing Geometry in the sensible world and The logical problem of induction. (Tr. ... by J. Bell ... and ... M. Woods.) With prefaces by R. Harrod, B. Russell and A. Lalande. Lond., 1970. JCM Lib. *** Imprint date is 1969; label bearing date 1970 is tipped in. [Continued overleaf.] NICOD (JEAN) Agrege de Philosophie [continued]. - -- Another copy. Machine Intell. Lib. - -- Le probleme logique de l'induction. Preface de Lord Bertrand Russell. [Bibl. de Philos. Contemp. Logique et Philos. des Sci.] Paris, 1961. .161 Nic. NICOD (JEAN) Geographer. - -- ed. Phenomenes karstiques III. See PHENOMENES ... NICODEMUS, of the Holy Mountain. - -- comp. See PHILOKALIA. NICODEMUS, pseud. See CHANING- PEARCE ( MELVILLE SALTER). NICODEMUS (GOSPEL OF). See EVANGELIUM NICODEMI. NICOL (ABIOSEH). - -- The truly married woman, and other stories. [Three Crowns Bks.] Lond., 1965. .82899(664) Nic. NICOL (ALEXANDER). - -- Nature without art, or, nature's progress in poetry; being a collection of miscellany poems. Edin., 1739. Dd.8.105/2. xxx A proof copy, printed on one side only of each sheet, with MS. corrections. Wanting all before p. 20 and pp. 89, 105- 116. Title taken from the copy in the British Museum. NICOL (ANDREW) . --- National churches allied to despotism, incompatible with the rights of man, religious and political ... Edin., 1834. C.R.15.5. W3. *** Cameron Collection. - -- See LECKIE (CHARLES) and N. (A.) - -- See MACLEAN (LACHLAN) F.O.S. A hint to the Voluntaries in reference to the honesty and candour of their champion ... A.N. NICOL (BERNARD DE BEAR). - -- ed. Varieties of dramatic experience; discussions on dramatic forms and themes between S. Evernden, R. Hubank, T.B. Jones and B. de B. Nicol. Lond. [1969.] .8082 Nic. - -- Another copy. .8082 Nic. - -- See JONES (THORA BURNLEY) and N. (B. DE B.) NICOL (CLAUDE). --- See KING (AMBROSE) and N. (C.) NICOL (DAVIDSON). - -- Africa; a subjective view. [Aggrey- Fraser-Guggisberg Mem. Lects. 1963.] Lond., 1964. .9(6) Nic. - -- ed. Africanus Horton; the dawn of nationalism in modern Africa. See HORTON (JAMES AFRICANUS BEALE). [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS rOcoL (c). -- See RIVERS (J.E.) and N. (C.) NICOL (DAVIDSON) [continued]. - -- The role of the intellectual in modern Africa. See UNIVERSITY OF ZAMBIA. The inaugural lectures of the University of Zambia. NICOL (DONALD MACGILLVRAY). --- The Byzantine family of Kantakouzenos (Cantacuzenus) ca. 1100 -1460; a genealogical and prosopographical study. [Dumbarton Oaks Stud. 11.] Washington, 1968. .9292(495) Can. Nic. - -- Another copy. Hist. Lib. - -- Byzantium; its ecclesiastical history and relations with the western world. Collected studies. [Variorum Reprints, Collected Stud. 12.] Lond., 1972. .9(49504)04 Nic. - -- The Church and society in the last centuries of Byzantium. The Birkbeck Lects. 1977. Lond., 1979. 322(49504) Nic. - -- The despotate of Epiros. Oxford, 1957. .9(49504) Nic . - -- Another copy. Hist. Lib. - -- The last centuries of Byzantium, 1261 -1453. Lond., 1972. .9(49504) Nic. --- Another copy. Hist. Lib. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS NICOL (DONALD MACGILLIVRAY). - The end of the Byzantine Empire. [Found. of Medley. Hist.] Lond., 1979. .9(49504) Nic. - -- The Despotate of Epiros, 1267 -1479; a contribution to the history of Greece in the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1984. .9(49504) Nic. NICOL (DONALD MACGILLIVRAY) [continued]. --- Meteora; the rock monasteries of Thessaly. Lond., 1963. .271819(4954) Nic. - -- Another copy. Hist. Lib. NICOL (GEORGE). - -- and NICOL (WILLIAM) Bookseller. - -- A catalogue of the library of . John, Duke of Roxburghe, arranged by G. and W.N., etc. ([And] A supplement to the catalogue,
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